Next Plans:
- Can we actually predict rank? Using a small set of stocks conduct a study to see if its even possible to train on the parms we have
and get matching rank value. Even if we overfit.
- It's looking grim. Our MSE on the eval set is a whole number lol
- Gonna review the columns and see if they can be simplified in some way and that they are all scaled correctly
- Can try to train on a larger set
Other Experiments:
Ablation Study
- Drop columns?
- Using the small model to determine impact if any?
- lstm only?
We never validated that the N day diff from moving avg was helpful - how do we validate that?
Back to reinforcement learning - what can we do here?
Longer Term:
Long term we should think about how to measure optimal with risk
- Ie, ranks right now don't take into account risk, just return
how to find neglected stocks? Low volume, lack of index and etf inclusion
- Get our data feed to include a list of ALL tickers on US indexes
- Devise algo for "overlooked"
alfred could look at full universes soon
Looking at "the spreadsheet from our course" can we use that input as training data and come up with optimal quadrant?
- Finish book
- How ususable are the tools in