Reference: ./detective_handbook/

Now it's time to collect the clues! The officers on the scene are pretty meticulous, so they've written down EVERYTHING in their officer reports. Take a look at the 'mystery/crimescene' file. It's quite large so use the `less` command to view the contents of the file, one screen at a time.

############ Challenge ###############

How can you view a file in different directory without switching to that directory first? What is the difference between absolute paths and relative paths?


You need to search for lines in the file marked with the word 'CLUE'. Use the `grep` command to do this.

Once you've found all the clues it's time to save them to a separate file for future reference.

Use `touch` to create a file named 'clues.txt'. Use `>` to save the output of the `grep` command to the 'clues.txt' file.

That's the first step done! Open 'step1-git' to see how you can track your work using a version control system (git).