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1138 lines (722 loc) · 43.4 KB


File metadata and controls

1138 lines (722 loc) · 43.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[3.3.0-rc1] - 2024-07-09


  • Fixed how external_ip is fetched from containers to provide a more accurate representation
  • help and clear appear in generic help output
  • ability to hide callbacks that use the PushOneToMany
  • updated Mythic's cookie to use strict same site and http only flags
  • tasking input - fixed issue where double options could be presented when using tab
  • tasking input - adjusted so complex types (link info, files, payloads, etc) aren't tab-completable
    • This reduces some confusion when tab completing command parameters
  • expand/hide subtasks in UI that have subtasks
  • moved plaintext output expand icon to the left of 1 in text editor instead of in the middle
  • fixed an issue where sometimes if a tab was open, clicking the keyboard for a callback wouldn't bring that tab back to focus
  • fetch server version dynamically in the UI so it updates more often
  • update mythic-cli allowed_ips to apply to all web/scripting routes, not just auth
    • this now applies to all routes and sub-routes behind Mythic's local reverse proxy
  • cache hasura information and invalidate / re-fetch after any modification to operator operation status
    • each request went from 3-10ms to 700-1000micro seconds in processing time
  • updated list/edit/delete/upload file features for containers to all containers instead of just C2 containers
  • fixed bug where non-utf8 characters in keylog data would error on the page
  • function to get graphql schema (or option from Mythic)
    • schema = await mythic.mythic_utilities.fetch_graphql_schema(mythic=mythic_instance)
    • This is helpful when trying to do GraphQL via Golang
  • only admins can create new operators
  • only admins can create new operations
  • fix the UI when the width is too small causing the top appbar to take up 2 lines and cover buttons
    • now width <1100px will hide some buttons along the top
  • after getting logged out, should redirect to where you were via redirect= URL parameter
  • updated payloadtype definition to allow specification of UUID length pre-pended to agent messages
    • This can be either 16 or 36 and defaults to 36 (the length of the normal UUIDv4 string)
    • This makes it possible to have 16 Byte UUIDs used for P2P comms
  • updated wrapper builds to not send the wrapped payload bytes via rabbitmq
    • HTTP request to mythic made to fetch bytes from container before passing execution off to build function
    • no change needed by agent developers
  • jupyter access token changed from default 'mythic' to randomized 30 char password
    • only affects new installs, but you'll need to fetch this value similar to fetching the hasura secret for GraphQL access
  • fixed bug where zipped and downloaded files wouldn't record the final zip size or md5/sha1 hashes
  • added button on keylogs page to view all keylogs within a user/host/window combination in your current search window at once
  • When sending data back for the file browser, success is now an optional boolean field
  • C2 Profile debug output is now also sent to the container's debug output so you don't have to view it through the UI


  • Two new fields in agent message for artifacts for needs_cleanup and resolved
  • added process_short_name field to Callbacks
    • this is automatically parsed based on the process_name returned from agents when they checkin or update their callback information
    • the process_short_name is displayed in the Mythic UI callbacks table, but the full process_name is shown in the callback detailed metadata view
    • this allows agents to return the full path to the binary when checking in without worrying about it bloating up the UI
  • light and dark mode agent icon support
    • If no dark mode icon is provided, the light mode version is used for both by default on new sync
    • There's a new field on payloadtype definitions for a dark mode icon
  • MythicRPC call to expose Mythic's way of parsing paths so that agents don't have to do it themselves and it can be standardized
    • MythicRPCFileBrowserParsePath
  • added task display_id to tasks shown when doing browser script edits so that it's easier to tell the difference
  • added an "email" field on operators
  • add new ChooseOneCustom parameter type (build, command, and c2) to allow users to choose from list or add new value
  • add new FileMultiple parameter type (build, command, and c2) to allow users to select and upload multiple files at once
  • new "Last Updated" time in proxy table so you know when data is flowing
    • the amount of data transfer updates every 20s
  • auto-tag files as you download/preview them so that it's easier to see what has been triaged or not by the team
  • all consuming containers now are tracked in the UI specifically and have their own name and description fields that must be set
    • This applies to webhooks, loggers, eventing, auth
  • A new type of user, a bot account, is now available for creation
    • only admins can create new operator accounts and new bot accounts
    • bot accounts are not available to login
    • a bot account is automatically created for every operation
    • bot accounts can be used to take actions in eventing (as long as the operation lead approves it)
    • admins are able to generate/view/delete apitokens for bot accounts as well
  • Added new logging.UpdateLogToFile and logging.UpdateLogToStdout functions to containers
    • These allow you to dynamically update logging to write to file+stdout or just stdout as needed
    • mythic_container.logging.update_log_to_file and mythic_container.logging.update_log_to_stdout in Python
  • Admins can generate one-time-use invite codes to invite somebody to their Mythic server without pre-creating an account
    • This is disabled by default but can be enabled in .env or in global settings by admins (MYTHIC_SERVER_ALLOW_INVITE_LINKS)
    • Each invite link can be used only once and un-used invite links can be deleted
    • Invite links become invalid when the server restarts
  • SSO Support via "auth" containers
    • can redirect to SSO providers (ExampleContainers has example for ADFS) that provide IDP services
    • can process non SSO custom auth as well
    • each case must return an email associated with a user that's logged in
      • Operators now have email addresses optionally associated with them
    • these can be seen via ConsumingServices page
  • All containers have an on_start function that gets called when the container starts up
    • This function is executed once for every operation that's currently running (not deleted and not complete)
    • This function gets access to a special JWT APIToken that's scoped to the bot account assigned to the operation
      • This JWT is for spectator access (no changes can be made) and only lasts for 5 minutes
      • The goal here is to allow some basic configuration to be performed by the container
  • New PayloadType attribute agent_type value of command_augment
    • CommandAugment containers expose custom tasks to other PayloadTypes and are automatically injected into callbacks
  • Payload type definitions have a new CheckIfCallbacksAliveFunction
    • This gets a list of active callbacks based on this payload type along with their id, last checkin, first checkin, and sleep_info information
    • This returns back a list of all the callbacks and an indication if they should be marked as "dead" or not
    • "dead" status is reflected by a red skull in the last_checkin column in the callbacks table
    • the sleep_info data can be updated at any time as a free-form string via MythicRPC or the UI
    • the sleep_info data is also a column you can toggle to view or not in the UI in the callbacks table
    • Added SendMythicRPCCallbackNextCheckinRange RPC call to get basic range for next checkin options based on:
      • last_checkin, jitter percentage, and sleep interval
      • This is provided as a helpful way to reduce duplicated efforts in all payload types checking if time.Now().UTC() within the possible range
  • New Container Type and feature: Eventing
    • Eventing button at the top now added to manage eventing workflows
    • New docs around eventing added

[3.2.20-rc11] - 2024-04-23


  • Fixed a bug where DynamicQueryParameters weren't getting set on first sync

[3.2.20-rc10] - 2024-04-10


  • Fixed a few of the SendMythicRPC* calls to fetch all the same data as normal agent processing

[3.2.20-rc9] - 2024-04-08


  • Added CallbackDisplayID, PayloadType, IsInteractiveTask, and InteractiveTaskType to RPC Search results and new_task logging data
  • Fixed an issue with SendMythicRPCTaskSearch

[3.2.20-rc8] - 2024-04-05


  • Fixed an RPC call for generating a new payload that wasn't calling the right function

[3.2.20-rc7] - 2024-03-29


  • When payloads are built, files hosted, files written, or agent configurations checked, Mythic now restarts a C2 profile's server in case there were updates
  • Added a fix for C2Profile Parameter Type of File

[3.2.20-rc6] - 2024-03-25


  • Added support for PushC2OneToMany via gRPC

[3.2.20-rc5] - 2024-03-19


  • Added in a check to support an agent's message_format field for xml or json

[3.2.20-rc4] - 2024-03-19


  • Updated SOCKS to also send any read data even during a read error

[3.2.20-rc3] - 2024-03-19


  • Updated the logging library to just be zerolog and not zerolog/logr which was messing with logging levels
  • Removed a section of socks/rpfwd code that resulted in double closure messages getting sent to the agent
  • Updated a section of socks to do multiple reads with smaller buffers

[3.2.20-rc2] - 2024-03-14


  • Fixed an issue where rpfwd connections with the same local port wouldn't get tracked on the proxies page as new connections
  • Added xml tags to agent messages for planned native support of xml in addition to json message formats

[3.2.20-rc1] - 2024-03-08


  • Fixed an issue where port usage wasn't getting tracked for new ports

[3.2.19] - 2024-03-05


  • Added OperatorUsername and OperationName to Callback data sent to tasks

[3.2.18-rc10] - 2024-03-04


  • Updated SOCKS/rpfwd traffic to not double send close connection messages to the agent
  • Added "AgentType" field to "PayloadType" database table
  • Updated SOCKS initial connection to accept more bytes in case client supports many auth mechanisms

[3.2.18-rc9] - 2024-02-28


  • Updated the processing of agent responses fields to return a 200 response with empty data if there's an error processing data

[3.2.18-rc8] - 2024-02-22


  • Fixed a bug where files registered would get a comment with a taskID instead of a task's display id, leading to confusing task numbers

[3.2.18-rc7] - 2024-02-21


  • Added support for exporting and importing c2 profile instances (green save icon next to a c2 profile then export/import)

[3.2.18-rc6] - 2024-02-19


  • Added another check for parsing paths for when a parent_path for the file browser is reported as "path\path"

[3.2.18-rc5] - 2024-02-16


  • Updated the response to a download message from an agent to include the chunk_num the agent sent in the response

[3.2.18-rc4] - 2024-02-12


  • Added secrets and preferences as fields for the operator table

    • Added migration to add these two fields
    • User secrets are now available in:
      • payload builds
      • new callback functions
      • opsec pre
      • create tasking
      • opsec post
      • completion handlers
      • dynamic query functions
    • The secrets field allows your agent functions to interact with services on behalf of the tasking operator without storing auth tokens on disk
    • Updated the callback import feature to also support commands and allow duplicate payloads UUIDs (not duplicate callback UUIDs though)
    • Updated SOCKS handling to hopefully prevent a few more cases of deadlocking
    • Updated SOCKS/RPFWD/Interactive Tasking to track bytes sent/received through the agent
      • Data is streamed to the SOCKS search page
      • Data is aggregated on the main dashboard
  • UI Fixes

  • mythic-cli updates

[3.2.18-rc3] - 2024-02-09


[] - 2024-02-08


  • Adjusted the SOCKS handling functions to use non-blocking sends when dealing with channels to help prevent deadlock
  • Adjusted the SOCKS channels to have increased capacity

[3.2.17] - 2024-02-06


  • Added ability to export a callback (via callback dropdown) and import callback (via speeddial on top right of callbacks page)
  • Added a new environment variable, global_server_name, that gets passed down to webhook and logging containers
  • Added new mythic-cli config help subcommand to get helpful descriptions of all environment variables in .env file
  • Updated logging to track user_id, username, and source of requests
  • Updated internal MITRE ATT&CK to the latest as of 2024-02-06

[3.2.16] - 2024-01-28


  • Added new file view endpoint to not return files as attachments but just as content to render in the browser easier
  • Added more checks for processing completion functions

[3.2.15] - 2024-01-15


  • Added ability to query and set global settings such as the agent debug message setting from the UI

[3.2.14] - 2024-01-11


  • Fixed typo
  • Updated go modules

[3.2.13] - 2024-01-11


  • Removed the FileRegister MythicRPC Command
  • Updated the FileCreate MythicRPC Command to take in TaskID, PayloadUUID, or AgentCallbackID depending on what the context has available
  • Added a size field for FileMeta to track the final size of files uploaded, download, or screenshots
  • Added a bytes_received and a bytes_sent field for CallbackPorts to eventually track how much data goes through Mythic
  • Updated the data passed in for DynamicFunctionQueries to have PayloadOS, PayloadUUID, CallbackDisplayID, and AgentCallbackID too
    • should help making more informed decisions for which files or dynamic data to present to the user

[3.2.12] - 2024-01-10


  • Updated the C2 File host webhook to automatically stop and restart a C2 Profile after hosting a file
  • Added a new MythicRPC* for getting graph edges associated with a callback
  • Added a new MythicRPC* for creating a new task based on AgentCallbackUUID
    • associated Operator for this will be the operator associated with the Callback (i.e. the one that made the payload)
  • Added new function for a Payload Type for on_new_callback/onNewCallbackFunction so that you can take actions based on new callbacks
  • Fixed bug with attempts to send alerts in checkin message not properly tracking them for the new callback
  • Support for container version 1.2.0

[3.2.11] - 2023-01-04


  • Added a check for file transfers when getting null data
  • Added a fix for spawning a new callback off a payload through the UI

[3.2.10] - 2023-12-26


  • Fixed an issue with interactive tasking not working if there wasn't also a port open

[3.2.9] - 2023-12-26


  • Updated the Dockerfile for Mythic_CLI and mythic-docker for go v1.21 GOPROXY usage changes that broke builds

[3.2.8] - 2023-12-21


  • Adding missing hasura files that didn't get exported and added for updating operator status on the settings page

[3.2.7] - 2023-12-21


  • Updated to allow SOCKS/rpfwd message format to specify a port (uint32) as part of their messages with Mythic
    • This allows multiple instances of rpfwd per callback with proper tracking for which port to go to
    • The port sent in the messages is the local port the agent binds to for rpwfd
  • Updated the rpfwd remote connectivity test to happen in a goroutine and not block registration

[3.2.6] - 2023-12-20


  • Fixed a bug in the staging_rsa refactor for provided RSA public keys

[3.2.5] - 2023-12-19


  • Updated some golang packages in mythic_server
  • Pulled some PRs for refactoring and beginning of adding unit tests

[3.2.4] - 2023-12-14


  • Added a new controlled endpoint for managing operator admin, active, and deleted status

[3.2.3] - 2023-12-12


  • Added new database migration for postgres function to convert callback groups into strings for easier searching
  • Fixed bugs in mythic rpc functions for CallbackCreate, CallbackDecryptBytes, CallbackUpdate, and FileCreate

[3.2.2] - 2023-11-17


  • Adjusted channel size to help with TOCTTOU issue

[3.2.1] - 2023-11-17


  • Fixed a TOCTTOU bug with the total number of file chunks received when there are parallelized requests to Mythic

[3.2.0] - 2023-11-17


  • Updated file/process browsers to store/merge information based on host + callback id
  • Updated callbacks to have mythictree_groups attribute to specify which groups data should be displayed with in the UI
  • Added new migrations for the above updates
  • Adjusted the file writes during download commands to flush to disk after each chunk

[3.1.7] - 2023-11-13


  • Fixed a non-idempotent sql migration
  • Updated file transfers to Mythic to allow parallel messages from the agent
    • Uses golang channels to ensure ordered file writes and f.Seek to get to the right spot in the file



  • Updated agent messages to allow %encoding and safe base64 encoding for query parameters



  • Updated rpfwd and SOCKS messages to aggregate through a single channel to ensure message order



  • Fixed an issue with locks when checking for containers online or not



  • Fixed a bug in interactive tasking ports that wouldn't pick up messages for multiple interactive tasks port in a single callback



  • Fixed a bad channel close and double close scenario with interactive ports



  • Updated the C2 Profile redirector RPC call to add # in front of all non-redirector messages to help with apache mod_rewrite configs



  • Added new build step option for skipped steps (useful if you have conditional builds)
  • Added new "Split Tasking view" as a callback dropdown option for viewing tasking
  • Updated Graphing library (react-flow)
  • Updated UI to React18
  • Can now sort by last checkin time on active callbacks page
  • New "PushC2" style available for egress C2 Profiles
    • Updated with Websocket C2 profile
    • Uses gRPC connections between C2 Docker container and Mythic
  • New TypedArray parameter type available for commands, build parameters, and c2 profile parameters
    • Useful for generic BoF/COFF style tasking where you need data and a type associated with it
    • Data passed down as an array of tuples: [ [type, value], [type, value] ]
    • PayloadType Commands need to supply a TypedArray Parsing Function to handle freeform input for typed array values
      • ex: my_bof -bof_args int:5 char*:testing wstring:"this is my string" into proper array of arrays
  • New "Host File Through C2" option available for all payloads and files via globe icon
    • Up to the C2 profile to support the RPC call from Mythic and make the file available though
    • Updated with http and websocket C2 profiles
  • Shift+Tab will cycle backwards through options on the tasking CLI
  • Event feed format changed and is now also searchable
  • "alerts" keyword in responses from agents now allow setting a source, level (info, warning, debug)
    • New send_webhook boolean field to indicate sending a custom webhook notification (even if the level isn't warning)
    • New webhook_alert dictionary field for custom data to your webhook that's not displayed to the user in the event log
    • alert string field is what's displayed to the user in the event log
  • Mythic-cli updated to allow options for setting the main UI to listen on IPv4, IPv6, or both
  • Agents can now more easily support multiple C2 profiles and have it reflected in the UI
    • Still only one instance of each c2 profile, but that will change in future releases
  • Updated callback's "update_info" and "checkin" actions so that callbacks can update their own metadata
  • New "Interactive" tasking type available to allow follow-on input in a PTY format
    • Browser view has limitations compared to a full PTY/TTY since it's still in your browser (supports ASNI colors)
      • Non-ANSI color sequence control sequences are ignored in the browser
    • Use the new supported_ui_feature SupportedUIFeatures: []string{"task_response:interactive"}, to enable this for your task in the UI
    • With MythicRPC you can open an "interactive" port with your task which you can connect to with a terminal for full PTY support
      • NOTE ALL output is still captured and stored in Mythic and viewable in the UI for the task, so be careful about long-running jobs that dump out a lot of data
      • Inputs from the Web UI will appear as "tasks" that you can search. Inputs via the opened port will not appear as tasks.
  • Your issued tasks will auto-expand, so it should reduce a click for tasks that finish immediately (help, clear, script_only)
  • File Search page updated to have Bin and Strings views available without needing to expand the dropdown
  • Updated golang package and mythic_container PyPi packages
  • New database migrations so that you don't have to blow away the database between updates
  • Updated user login notification to be debug level (no UI popup)
  • Allow dynamic port binding with MythicRPCProxyStart
    • specify a LocalPort of 0 for Socks/Interactive ports and the next lowest available port will be used and returned
  • Allow dynamic port closing with MythicRPCProxyStop
    • specify a LocalPort of 0 for Socks/Interactive ports and Mythic will look up the port based on taskID and port type
  • Updated ProxyPorts to track "deleted" status so that they're never actually deleted and can be restarted if needed
    • Allows for a better tracking of which callbacks had/have which ports open

[3.0.1-rc46] - 2023-08-22


  • Fixed an issue with the task searching MythicRPC call
  • Fixed an issue with redirects for the UI with custom ports

[3.0.1-rc45] - 2023-07-20


  • Fixed sql query error for linked messages

[3.0.1-rc44] - 2023-07-18


  • Updated mythic_server and mythic-cli build processes to incorporate GOPROXY and GO111MODULE build/env settings

[3.0.1-rc43] - 2023-07-18


  • Updated the bulk download zip option to save filenames as HOST_filename_uuid.ext to help with uniqueness in names

[3.0.1-rc42] - 2023-07-17


  • Fixed an issue where with MythicRPCCallbackUpdate failing to find a callback based on task id

[3.0.1-rc41] - 2023-07-16


  • Fixed an issue where linked callbacks were consistently creating new edges

[3.0.1-rc40] - 2023-07-15


  • Fixed an issue where linked nodes 3+ deep weren't getting their tasking
  • Fixed an issue where linked nodes weren't getting their token values

[3.0.1-rc39] - 2023-07-14


  • Adjusted the agent message processing to account for agent messages less than 36 bytes long

[3.0.1-rc38] - 2023-07-12


  • Adjusted the rabbitmq piece to force close channels on error

[3.0.1-rc37] - 2023-07-11


  • Added some missing return statements for file uploads on error cases

[3.0.1-rc36] - 2023-07-11


  • Fixed the following RPC functions: agent storage search, artifact search, process search

[3.0.1-rc35] - 2023-07-10


  • Fixed how Mythic leveraged rabbitMQ channels to reduce the channel churn rate and increase throughput dramatically
  • Updated Mythic's tasking to support mass-tasking natively without requiring all tasks to happen in sequence
  • Fixed an issue with a high volume of new callbacks causing issues with Postgres connections
  • Fixed an issue with a high volume of new callbacks resulting in duplicated callback identifiers
  • Updated the sqlx connection information to limit the number of concurrent postgres connections

[3.0.1-rc34] - 2023-07-05


  • Updated file browser data to track if a folder has_children or not so that it's easier to track in the UI
  • Updated file download to not un-set is_screenshot tag based on default values from agents

[3.0.1-rc32] - 2023-06-30


  • Updated the translation container code to only ask the translation container to generate encryption keys if the translation container is doing the encryption (instead of always asking)

[3.0.1-rc31] - 2023-06-29


  • Added file_name field to Downloads so that you can report back a filename without necessarily returning a full_remote_path. This is particularly useful for screenshots or downloading things in memory.

[3.0.1-rc30] - 2023-06-29


  • Updated the RPC File Create function to set the host field

[3.0.1-rc29] - 2023-06-29


  • Updated check for marking a callback token as deleted to first fetch the proper token_id

[3.0.1-rc28] - 2023-06-29


  • Updated check for container status to use rabbitmq REST api to port 15672 instead of passively declaring queues
  • Updated rabbitmq image to rabbitmq:3-management-alpine to support the above bullet

[3.0.1-rc26] - 2023-06-26


  • Updated the payload builder message to also include a wrapped_payload_uuid field

[3.0.1-rc25] - 2023-06-14


  • Updated the rpfwd logic to not bail out if it can't reach the specified remote ip:port when starting

[3.0.1-rc24] - 2023-06-12


  • Updated the logic for tracking up/down containers to only notify after successful database update

[3.0.1-rc23] - 2023-06-09


  • Updated grpc translation container code to have a larger (maxInt) send/recv limit

[3.0.1-rc22] - 2023-06-09


  • Added a line to reflect back keys from the agent at the "action" level

[3.0.1-rc21] - 2023-06-08


  • MythicRPC calls for creating task and subtask now report back a tasking location of mythic_rpc instead of command_line
  • Update file delete webhook to not error out if the file to be deleted has already been deleted

[3.0.1-rc19] - 2023-06-05


  • Fixed a bug where *nix filepaths might be leading // causing file browser issues
  • Fixed bug where deleted files that come back weren't getting marked as not deleted
  • Fixed an issue in the UI with timestamps not converting properly between UTC and local time

[3.0.1-rc18] - 2023-06-02


  • Fixed a bug where agents reporting back file browser paths with UNC formats wouldn't get properly ingested

[3.0.1-rc17] - 2023-06-01


  • Fixed a bug where the get_delegate_tasks key wasn't getting passed to the delegate message check
  • Fixed a bug where rpfwd messages weren't getting checked for delegate messages

[3.0.1-rc16] - 2023-06-01


  • Removed ability to check number of consumers for logging/webhooks since it caused the messages to roundrobin instead

[3.0.1-rc15] - 2023-05-31


  • Updated the UI to handle boolean parameters with -paramName as true on the CLI
  • Updated the UI to show number of listeners for consuming services as well as green/orange counts
  • Updated Mythic to emit a new new_response log type for user_output
  • Updated the checks for existing containers to re-use rabbitmq channels if possible
  • Updated the health check for rabbitmq to just check for ports listening since no alarms are configured
  • Fixed an issue when reporting back deleted files that Windows paths with \\ need to be escaped again, \\\\
  • Updated task logging to emit when first created and also when task completes


  • Added new alerts key for post_response messages to send alerts to the operation event log
  • Added new alerts key for top level messages to send alerts to teh operation event log

[3.0.1-rc14] - 2023-05-26


  • Additional error checking for trying to close SOCKS ports

[3.0.1-rc13] - 2023-05-25


  • Updated some rabbitmq RPC functionality to not return error on timeouts

[3.0.1-rc12] - 2023-05-24


  • Added a check when getting a new callback to see if the payload is deleted, if so then no new callback is created and an alert is thrown to the operator
  • Reduced the popup display for some toast notifications when generating tasks
  • Attempt to locate and mitigate potential RPC timeout errors

[3.0.1-rc11] - 2023-05-23


  • Updated MythicRPCFileUpdateMessage to allow setting DeleteAfterFetch
  • Updated UI to support GenerateIOCs and GenerateSampleMessage for C2 containers
  • Updated UI to have icons next to options on the Payloads page so it's easier to find what you're looking for
  • Updated UI to not base64 encode browser scripts
  • Updated mythic_graphql with new GraphQL endpoint and permissions for c2GetIOC and c2SampleMessage functions
  • Fixed an issue with additional information incorrectly mapped to map[string]string instead of map[string]interface{}
  • Updated message about out-dated upload key for file transfers to be an informational debug message rather than a warning
  • Updated Jupyter with mythic==0.1.2

[3.0.1-rc10] - 2023-05-22


  • Updated the task status values to be more representative of what's going on
  • Updated go.mod values

[3.0.1-rc09] - 2023-05-18


  • Fixed an issue with the default value for a dictionary not getting populated correctly due to missing struct tags

[3.0.1-rc08] - 2023-05-18


  • Fixed a few things in the UI with linking
  • Fixed process browser in the UI not reporting process_id when tasking kill/inject
  • Fixed an issue where linked p2p agents would get egress connections in the UI

[3.0.1-rc07] - 2023-05-17


  • fixed an issue with creating saved c2 instances that wouldn't supply default values for non-supplied parameters
  • updated the scripting version for the Jupyter Container
  • added two new examples in the Jupyter container for c2 profiles
  • fixed an issue with missing operation_id for c2 profile instances for payloads

[3.0.1-rc05] - 2023-05-16


  • Reduced the number of toast notifications when syncing or hitting errors with translation containers

[3.0.1-rc04] - 2023-05-15


  • Changed from ParseBytes to FromBytes when attempting to parse a 16 byte UUID instead of a 36 byte string UUID

[3.0.1-rc03] - 2023-05-12


  • Fixed how timeouts work for translation services so that they don't hang internally on channels

[3.0.1-rc02] - 2023-05-10


  • Updated the webhook for creating custom operation event messages to generate sources if none supplied
  • Updated to allow users without an operation set to create an operation and create new users
  • Fixed an issue when updating operations outside your operation causing an exception
  • Two .svg icons for UI dev were ignored via .gitignore, so added them manually back to the repo

[3.0.0] - 2023-05-10


  • Updated to actual release instead of release candidates for v3.0.0

[3.0.0-rc53] - 2023-05-09


  • Modified MythicRPCProxyStart to support rportfwd
  • Updated Dockerfile build to user smaller base images and use multi-stage builds to reduce final size
  • Docker images updated:
    • itsafeaturemythic/mythic_base_go <-- go1.20 with garble and gRPC
    • itsafeaturemythic/mythic_base_python <-- python 3.11 with the latest mythic_container PyPi package installed
    • itsafeaturemythic/mythic_go_dotnet <-- mythic_go_base + .NET Core 7.0 SDK, nuget, and the Mono compiler
    • itsafeaturemythic/mythic_python_dotnet <-- mythic_python_base + .NET Core 7.0 SDK, nuget, and the Mono compiler
    • itsafeaturemythic/mythic_go_macos <-- mythic_go_base + macOS 12.1 SDK
    • itsafeaturemythic/mythic_python_macos <-- mythic_python_base + macOS 12.1 SDK
    • All docker images now have a rolling :latest tag that can be used
    • All docker images (and mythic-cli builds) now work for ARM as well as x86_64
  • Fixed an issue with additional attributes not getting captured for commands

[3.0.0-rc52] - 2023-05-05


  • Added File as a valid build parameter type - like files for tasking, this is passed to the build function as a file UUID
  • ContainerVersion v1.0.2 has the builder side of this addition
  • Docker images updated:
    • itsafeaturemythic/mythic_base <-- go1.20 and python 3.11 with the latest mythic_container PyPi package installed
    • itsafeaturemythic/mythic_dotnet <-- mythic_base + .NET Core 7.0 SDK, nuget, and the Mono compiler
    • itsafeaturemythic/mythic_macos <-- mythic_base + macOS 12.1 SDK
  • All docker images now have a rolling :latest tag that can be used
  • All docker images (and mythic-cli builds) now work for ARM as well as x86_64

[3.0.0-rc51] - 2023-05-04


  • Updated mythic-cli with update, save, and load commands
    • update command simply checks Mythic version, mythic-cli version, and mythic UI version locally against either the main branch or the branch specified with -b
    • save command exports specified docker images to disk for use with load command
    • load command loads exported docker images into local docker engine (helpful for offline environments)
  • Updated UI to allow crtl+F within more output boxes
  • Updated Dockerimages
  • Updated mythic PyPi package in jupyter container to mythic==0.1.0rc9

[3.0.0-rc50] - 2023-05-02


  • Updated agent post_response process dictionary to support update_deleted key to mark processes as deleted
  • Updated agent post_response process dictionary to support os key to mark processes as windows, macOS, or linux
  • Updated UI to add new "View Just This Process Tree" option in Info dropdown for process tree view
  • Fixed bug with callback graph view's link commands
  • Fixed bug with re-added edges in graph view

[3.0.0rc49] - 2023-04-26


  • Fixed an issue with marking payloads as deleted when linking agents
  • Updated the UI for tasking dropdown boxes are full width
  • Updated reporting function to generate JSON output in addition to XML

[3.0.0rc48] - 2023-04-25


  • fixed the UI to version 0.1.0 with an update to include the additional webhook types of alert/custom
  • adjusted the test webhook function to handle testing the new alert/custom webhook types

[3.0.0rc47] - 2023-04-25


  • Fixed an issue where SendMythicRPCFileCreate wasn't setting the is_screenshot or is_download_from_agent fields

[3.0.0rc46] - 2023-04-24


  • Moved docker templates back out of this repository and to the MythicMeta/Mythic_Docker_Templates repository

[3.0.0rc45] - 2023-04-24


  • Fixed a bug in file uploads that was causing the sha1 and md5 of payloads to not be recorded

[3.0.0rc44] - 2023-04-21


  • Updated the payload build and build response to allow for updating the filename as part of the build process

[3.0.0rc43] - 2023-04-20


  • Added another check in RSA EKE for PKIX format

[3.0.0rc42] - 2023-04-20


  • Added two new kinds of webhooks - one for alerts in the operation event log and one for custom webhook data
  • Added examples of new webhooks in Jupyter notebook

[3.0.0rc41] - 2023-04-19


  • Updated MythicCLI to allow setting default operation webhook url and webhook channel in addition to operation name from .env file
  • Updated MythicCLI to support -b and --branch flags when installing from GitHub


  • Updated some json tags on structs to omit unnecessary nested structure parsing with empty values
  • Fixed the error message for bad messages to Mythic and added more error logging to the UI

[3.0.0rc38] - 2023-04-18


  • Added event log notification if a connection is refused due to the IP allow list in the Mythic/.env file

[3.0.0rc37] - 2023-04-14


  • For file browsing, if an OS type cannot be inferred based on host, path, and parent path, OS is assumed as Windows
  • Fixed an issue with the UI sending the wrong host name for file listings
  • Fixed an issue with uploaded files treated like folders in the file browser

[3.0.0rc35] - 2023-04-13


  • Fixed an issue with files marked as "delete after fetch" weren't getting deleted
  • Fixed some issues with the UI referring to old element IDs instead of display IDs
  • Fixed some issues with MythicRPC Credential and File Searches

[3.0.0rc32] - 2023-04-10


  • Fixed an issue with RabbitMQ Channels not getting closed after use, resulting in an ID exhaustion

[3.0.0rc31] - 2023-04-6


  • Added new configuration variable for mythic_react_debug
  • Added MythicReactUI code to this repository for easier control and development for the community.
  • New image and container are only used when mythic_react_debug is set to true, otherwise normal nginx container serving static files is used.
  • Updated scripting package for Jupyter to mythic==0.1.0rc3
  • Updated MythicUI tags to treat http* json fields as clickable links

[3.0.0rc30] - 2023-04-5


  • Updated mythic-cli to include a version command
  • Updated the agent message Get handler to look at first query parameter, first cookie value, and then message body
  • Updated mythic-cli to include a check for the docker version >= 20.10.22

[3.0.0rc28] - 2023-04-04


  • Added more to the report generation for the XML side
  • Fixed an issue with bad hasura role for non-admins
  • Added caching for container information for checking if containers are online
  • Updated file tracking for newly created downloads to populate the file browser as well
  • Dynamically update file's chunk_size if none is set by the agent to the size of the first chunk

[3.0.0rc27] - 2023-04-03


  • Updated the xml reporting a bit further (not done yet)
  • Updated processing of agent messages to have a separate case for base64 url encoded messages
  • Updated a few issues in the UI

[3.0.0rc26] - 2023-04-1


  • Fixed many bugs in mythic_rpc_* functionality that was slightly broken with SQL queries
  • Prevented agents from auto-triggering their completion functions multiple times
  • Added a flag to not show webhook/logger rabbitmq errors on send
  • Updated the payload search rpc functionality to also return the build_phase
  • Fixed some UI bugs for various command parameter types

[3.0.0rc25] - 2023-03-30


  • Fixed a bug where an operation's channel wasn't sent down as part of webhook messages, only the url

[3.0.0rc24] - 2023-03-30


  • updated how socks messaging works internally to mythic (more go channels instead of mutex locks)
  • fixed an issue in the UI where bulk callback hides wasn't working
  • fixed an issue with socks stop getting caught in deadlocks

[3.0.0rc23] - 2023-03-27


  • fixed a few pieces of the UI for credentials and callbacks searching
  • updated the graphql action for creating credentials so they get emitted to logging as well
  • updated nginx reverse proxy to handle ip allow lists as well (so jupyter/docs/graphql all get protection too)
  • added cpu limits for a few other services

[3.0.0rc22] - 2023-03-25


  • Updated the way that callback updates happen so that it's easier with

[3.0.0rc21] - 2023-03-23


  • fixed an issue with token not getting added for get_tasking requests like in Mythic 2.3.*

[3.0.0rc20] - 2023-03-23


  • fixed an issue with tokens selected from the UI not making their way through to the payload containers

[3.0.0rc19] - 2023-03-23


  • fixed an issue with token adding/removing with bad SQL syntax
  • updated components for adding/removing/updating operations and operator memberships with new hasura action
  • updated some tagging on database structure to make mapstructure decoding better

[3.0.0rc18] - 2023-03-23


  • updated the mythic rpc callback search functionality to require a callback uuid instead of the callback id since the int id isn't available to translation containers


  • Added new graphql endpoints for adding mitre attack to tasks and updating operations

[3.0.0rc17] - 2023-03-22


  • fixed an issue where the staging_translation capability for a translation container was missing
  • fixed an issue with tasking creation leveraging files not tied to tasks when searched
  • updated the database schema to support cascading drops (requires dropping database and creating a new one)
  • updated how display_ids are calculated for tasks and callbacks (there was an issue with duplicates once you start deleting tasks/callbacks)
  • updated the ui and server to create new tasks/callbacks based on display_id rather than id


  • a new endpoint for deleting callbacks and tasks via scripting

[3.0.0rc16] - 2023-03-21


  • fixed an issue where hasura updated permissions weren't captured to disk

[3.0.0rc15] - 2023-03-20


  • Updated mythic-cli with mythic_postgres to offer a different postgres.conf file based on if postgres_debug is true

[3.0.0rc14] - 2023-03-19


  • fixed an issue when loading multiple commands via RPC that it would stop after the first successful one

[3.0.0rc13] - 2023-03-17


  • fixed some issues with P2P connections and auto-adding routes

[3.0.0rc12] - 2023-03-15


  • fixed an issue with 16 byte uuid not getting reflected back for agent response (defaulted to always 36 char string)

[3.0.0rc11] - 2023-03-14


  • fixed an issue with RSA-based EKE where golang libraries require a slightly different format than before. Added code to auto-detect and fix
  • fixed an issue where status wouldn't get updated to submitted
  • fixed an issue with SOCKS reusing the same ports causing errors
  • fixed an issue with mythic-cli stopping all containers instead of just the specified ones


  • added a function to mythic-cli to remove intermediate images

[3.0.0rc8] - 2023-03-14


  • fixed an issue with errors getting overwritten from create_tasking and going to the agent
  • fixed an issue with script_only commands always reporting success and going to the agent

[3.0.0rc7] - 2023-03-13


  • fixed an issue with the outer UUIDs for checkins appearing wrong thanks to BloodHound user Josh Feehs
  • fixed a few issues with process_response and complection function messages
  • refactored where the automatically updated build steps happened on errors

[3.0.0rc6] - 2023-03-12


  • fixed an issue where selecting "none" for crypto would result in "" as the type instead of "none"

[3.0.0rc5] - 2023-03-09


  • fixed issue in command addition that wasn't using $1, $2 for parameterization on database Get request
  • fixed issue where mapstructure tag was missing from struct

[3.0.0rc4] - 2023-03-07


  • updated the token/callback section to remove an instance of TokenID (should be token_id)
  • updated the token/callback section to process tokens then callback tokens if both are provided simultaneously

[3.0.0rc3] - 2023-03-06


  • fixed a few bugs in the UI
  • fixed a bug where "none" encryption was reporting back as a string instead of a dictionary

[2.3.13] - 2022-08-31


  • Allowed wrapper payload types to wrap additional wrapper payload types so that you can nest more payload types

[2.3.12] - 2022-08-25


  • Updated P2P communications spec to return mythic_uuid and new_uuid (same value). Eventually mythic_uuid will be removed entirely to help reduce the number of mandatory mythic strings in agents.