diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 889c1e68d..f20787b88 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ You can then add the specific configuration options you want that aren't in that
 ### Configuration files
-Any configuration options that can be set via the command line can also be specified in the `nyc` stanza of your package.json, or within a seperate configuration file - a variety of flavors are available:
+Any configuration options that can be set via the command line can also be specified in the `nyc` stanza of your package.json, or within a separate configuration file - a variety of flavors are available:
 | File name       | File Association |
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ This table is a quick TLDR for the rest of this readme and there are more advanc
 Configuration can also be provided by `nyc.config.js` if programmed logic is required:
-'use strict'; 
+'use strict';
 const {defaultExclude} = require('test-exclude');
 const isWindows = require('is-windows');
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ module.exports = {
 By default, nyc only collects coverage for source files that are visited during a test.
 It does this by watching for files that are `require()`'d during the test.
-When a file is `require()`'d, nyc creates and returns an instrumented version of the source, rather than the original. 
+When a file is `require()`'d, nyc creates and returns an instrumented version of the source, rather than the original.
 Only source files that are visited during a test will appear in the coverage report and contribute to coverage statistics.
 nyc will instrument all files if the `--all` flag is set or if running `nyc instrument`.
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ You can also specify negated paths in the `exclude` array, by prefixing them wit
 Negated paths can restore paths that have been already been excluded in the `exclude` array.
 Multiple `exclude` globs can be specified on the command line, each must follow a `--exclude`, `-x` switch.
-The default `exclude` list is defined in the [test-exclude module](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs/blob/master/packages/test-exclude/default-exclude.js).
+The default `exclude` list is defined in the [@istanbuljs/schema module](https://github.com/istanbuljs/schema/blob/master/default-exclude.js).
 Specifying your own exclude property completely replaces these defaults.
 For example, the following config will collect coverage for every file in the `src` directory regardless of whether it is `require()`'d in a test.
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ To prevent this, wrap each glob in single quotes.
 We always add `**/node_modules/**` to the exclude list, even if not specified in the config.
 You can override this by setting `--exclude-node-modules=false`.
-For example, in the following config, `"excludeNodeModules: false"` will prevent `node_modules` from being added to the exclude rules. 
+For example, in the following config, `"excludeNodeModules: false"` will prevent `node_modules` from being added to the exclude rules.
 The set of include rules then restrict nyc to only consider instrumenting files found under the `lib/` and `node_modules/@my-org/` directories.
 The exclude rules then prevent nyc instrumenting anything in a `test` folder and the file `node_modules/@my-org/something/unwanted.js`.