diff --git a/src/member/2023/Uriah.tsx b/src/member/2023/Uriah.tsx
index c5e44d9..73e0b37 100644
--- a/src/member/2023/Uriah.tsx
+++ b/src/member/2023/Uriah.tsx
@@ -1,79 +1,127 @@
-import { Sample } from "../Sample"
-import Uriah from "../../assets/member/uriah.jpg"
-import { MemberArticleType, MemberCertificateType, MemberInternType, MemberParticipateType, MemberCompetitionExperienceType } from "../../type/MemberCertificateType"
+import { Sample } from "../Sample";
+import Uriah from "../../assets/member/uriah.jpg";
+import {
+ MemberArticleType,
+ MemberCertificateType,
+ MemberInternType,
+ MemberParticipateType,
+ MemberCompetitionExperienceType,
+} from "../../type/MemberCertificateType";
export const UriahMemberPage = () => {
- const bio =
+ const bio = (
+ Hi, I'm Huang, Han-Xuan. From Tainan, Taiwan. You can call me Clyde.
+ I'm interested in Networking, Cybersecurity (Sandbox and Malware), and
+ Network Security. I am proactively developing a wide range of interests.
+ Currently, I am a full-time Master's student in the Network and System
+ Lab at National Yang-Ming Chiao-Tong University, supervised by Dr.
+ Shie-Yuan Wang, focusing on 5G Network Security. Additionally, I work as
+ a consultant in the Information Security Lab at National Taipei
+ University of Technology, supervised by Dr. Chin-Yu Sun.
+ I'm glad to be here and collaborate with others. The vibe feels like a
+ family—everyone is relaxed yet driven to achieve their own goals.
+ I'm a top traffic designer in Mini Motorways. Currently have a long
+ battle with aba0122 and accidentally press ahead the game ranking in the
+ top 3% worldwide. I really enjoy this game even want to design it with
+ C++. Feel free to reach out to discuss any techniques or strategies for
+ the game.
+ Please visit my website for more information about me:
+ https://ntut-xuan.github.io
- const certificates: MemberCertificateType[] = []
- const competitionExperiences: MemberCompetitionExperienceType[] = [
- {
- title: "picoCTF 2024",
- result: "299/69579 (<5%) SOLO",
- datetime: "2024.03-2024.03"
- },
- {
- title: "動態資料服務節點與 AI 智慧導流技術 - AI/ML 運用於 B5G 智慧導流技術",
- result: "資策會軟體院前瞻技術獎 STI A* Awards",
- datetime: "2024.06-2024.11"
- }
- ]
- const participates: MemberParticipateType[] = [
- {
- title: "參與「基於 API 呼叫序列的深度學習模型用於勒索病毒偵測(大專生計畫編號:113-2813-C-027-054-E)」大學部專題擔任顧問一職",
- datetime: "2023.09-2024.06"
- },
- {
- title: "參與「Practice Tools for Simple Design」大學部專題擔任顧問一職",
- datetime: "2023.09-2024.06"
- },
- {
- title: "參與維護實驗室新網頁",
- datetime: "2024.06-2024.06"
- },
- {
- title: "參與維護實驗室新系統",
- datetime: "2024.02-2024.06"
- },
- ]
- const internExperiences: MemberInternType[] = [{
- company: "財團法人電腦技能基金會",
- info: "擔任實習工程師,維護 CodeJudger 專案與 TQC+ 轉骨計畫新網站全端,引入 PR 機制與 CI/CD 開發流程,協助修復 CVSS 高嚴重漏洞。",
- datetime: "2023.07-2024.02"
- }]
- const journals: MemberArticleType[] = [
- {
- authors: "Jong-Yih Kuo, Zhi-Jia Wen, Han-Xuan Huang, and I-Ting Guo",
- title: "The Study on Security Online Judge System Applied Sandbox Technology",
- target: "2022 IEEE/ACIS 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD)",
- details: "Taichung, Taiwan, 2022, pp. 168-172",
- doi: "https://doi.org/10.1109/SNPD54884.2022.10051768"
- },
- {
- authors: "Han-Xuan Huang, Tzu-Yi Li, Sheng-Shan Chen, Kuang-Ming Chang, and Chin-Yu Sun*",
- title: "Security Challenges in Online Judges: Understanding and Mitigating CCA Attacks",
- target: "prepared for submission to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management",
- details: "2023",
- }
- ]
- const conferences: MemberArticleType[] = []
- const techConfs: MemberArticleType[] = []
- return (
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+ );
+ const certificates: MemberCertificateType[] = [];
+ const competitionExperiences: MemberCompetitionExperienceType[] = [
+ {
+ title: "picoCTF 2024",
+ result: "299/69579 (<5%) SOLO",
+ datetime: "2024.03-2024.03",
+ },
+ {
+ title:
+ "動態資料服務節點與 AI 智慧導流技術 - AI/ML 運用於 B5G 智慧導流技術",
+ result: "資策會軟體院前瞻技術獎 STI A* Awards",
+ datetime: "2024.06-2024.11",
+ },
+ ];
+ const participates: MemberParticipateType[] = [
+ {
+ title:
+ "參與「基於 API 呼叫序列的深度學習模型用於勒索病毒偵測(大專生計畫編號:113-2813-C-027-054-E)」大學部專題擔任顧問一職",
+ datetime: "2023.09-2024.06",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "參與「Practice Tools for Simple Design」大學部專題擔任顧問一職",
+ datetime: "2023.09-2024.06",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "參與維護實驗室新網頁",
+ datetime: "2024.06-2024.06",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "參與維護實驗室新系統",
+ datetime: "2024.02-2024.06",
+ },
+ ];
+ const internExperiences: MemberInternType[] = [
+ {
+ company: "財團法人電腦技能基金會",
+ info: "擔任實習工程師,維護 CodeJudger 專案與 TQC+ 轉骨計畫新網站全端,引入 PR 機制與 CI/CD 開發流程,協助修復 CVSS 高嚴重漏洞。",
+ datetime: "2023.07-2024.02",
+ },
+ ];
+ const journals: MemberArticleType[] = [
+ {
+ authors: "Jong-Yih Kuo, Zhi-Jia Wen, Han-Xuan Huang, and I-Ting Guo",
+ title:
+ "The Study on Security Online Judge System Applied Sandbox Technology",
+ target:
+ "2022 IEEE/ACIS 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD)",
+ details: "Taichung, Taiwan, 2022, pp. 168-172",
+ doi: "https://doi.org/10.1109/SNPD54884.2022.10051768",
+ },
+ {
+ authors:
+ "Han-Xuan Huang, Tzu-Yi Li, Sheng-Shan Chen, Kuang-Ming Chang, and Chin-Yu Sun*",
+ title:
+ "Security Challenges in Online Judges: Understanding and Mitigating CCA Attacks",
+ target:
+ "prepared for submission to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management",
+ details: "2023",
+ },
+ ];
+ const conferences: MemberArticleType[] = [];
+ const techConfs: MemberArticleType[] = [];
+ return (
+ );