St. Mocli allows you to keep SQL queries in github repositories and easily deploy to re:dash.
Re:dash is great for quickly creating and sharing simple analyses. However, sometimes we want to treat our queries like code. In re:dash, it's difficult to get review, track revisions, or collaborate on queries.
St. Mocli is currently vaporware, so this workflow is going to change.
You should have a Redash API key to perform most operations. You can get one from your Redash user settings page.
Then, add something like:
export REDASH_API_KEY="Tua1aith1ay9roh5thuGhoh6sa3raene"
to your ~/.bash_profile, or pass the key to stmocli on the command line like:
stmocli --redash-api-key Tua1aith1ay9roh5thuGhoh6sa3raene view query.sql
Note that --redash-api-key
has to come before the verb on the command line.
stmocli init
Creates an empty .stmocli.conf
file in the current directory.
stmocli track <redash_id> <filename>
This command downloads the SQL statements associated with the given redash_id and saves it in a file with the given name. The necessary metadata is then added to the config file.
For example, calling
stmocli track 49741 poc.sql
would create a file in the current directory called poc.sql
with the following content:
FROM longitudinal
Assuming this is the first query being tracked, .stmocli.conf
would look like this:
"poc.sql": {
"query_id": 49741,
"data_source_id": <data source>,
"name": <query name>,
"description": <query description>,
"schedule": <schedule interval in seconds>,
"options": <query options>
Not Yet Implemented
stmocli pull [<id>]
Pulls the current SQL statements and metadata from re:dash for the given query. If no query id is specified, pull data for all queries. This will overwrite local data. Be sure to use version control.
must be a key in the dictionary stored in .stmocli.conf
stmocli push <filename>
Pushes the current SQL statements and metadata to re:dash for the given query file.
must be a key in the dictionary stored in .stmocli.conf
This tool assumes no edits happen in re:dash, which is a bad assumption.
Edits made in re:dash get overwritten if you push
without pull
ing first.
Ideally, there would be a Mocli-user in re:dash that owns all Mocli queries.
This would ensure all queries controlled by Mocli cannot be edited in re:dash.
We could then remove the pull
command, and this tool becomes push
From there we can have a scheduled job (hourly?) that pushes master to STMO. Maybe we add a git-hook that pushes master on commit. Seamless.
Users will need to upload queries to a temporary re:dash query to preview the results.
This should be easy to do with a preview
It may also be useful to execute queries against presto directly.
Currently, St. Mocli can only track existing queries.
We should add a start
command that will make it easy to start queries from the cli.