diff --git a/js/ext/angular/src/directive/ionicTabBar.js b/js/ext/angular/src/directive/ionicTabBar.js
index 4e1c61c8ce3..6c79ad4e298 100644
--- a/js/ext/angular/src/directive/ionicTabBar.js
+++ b/js/ext/angular/src/directive/ionicTabBar.js
@@ -214,7 +214,8 @@ angular.module('ionic.ui.tabs', ['ionic.service.view'])
controller: 'ionicTabs',
compile: function(element, attr) {
- //We cannot transclude here because it breaks element.data() inheritance on compile
+ //We cannot use regular transclude here because it breaks element.data()
+ //inheritance on compile
var innerElement = angular.element('
@@ -246,9 +247,26 @@ angular.module('ionic.ui.tabs', ['ionic.service.view'])
-.controller('ionicTab', ['$scope', '$ionicViewService', '$rootScope', '$element',
-function($scope, $ionicViewService, $rootScope, $element) {
+.controller('ionicTab', ['$scope', '$ionicViewService', '$attrs', '$location', '$state',
+function($scope, $ionicViewService, $attrs, $location, $state) {
this.$scope = $scope;
+ //All of these exposed for testing
+ this.hrefMatchesState = function() {
+ return $attrs.href && $location.path().indexOf(
+ $attrs.href.replace(/^#/, '').replace(/\/$/, '')
+ ) === 0;
+ };
+ this.srefMatchesState = function() {
+ return $attrs.uiSref && $state.includes( $attrs.uiSref.split('(')[0] );
+ };
+ this.navNameMatchesState = function() {
+ return this.navViewName && $ionicViewService.isCurrentStateNavView(this.navViewName);
+ };
+ this.tabMatchesState = function() {
+ return this.hrefMatchesState() || this.srefMatchesState() || this.navNameMatchesState();
+ };
@@ -300,27 +318,20 @@ function($rootScope, $animate, $ionicBind, $compile, $ionicViewService, $state,
controller: 'ionicTab',
scope: true,
compile: function(element, attr) {
- //Do we have a navView?
- var navView = element[0].querySelector('ion-nav-view') ||
+ var navView = element[0].querySelector('ion-nav-view') ||
var navViewName = navView && navView.getAttribute('name');
- var tabNavItem = angular.element(
- element[0].querySelector('ion-tab-nav') ||
- element[0].querySelector('data-ion-tab-nav')
- ).remove();
//Remove the contents of the element so we can compile them later, if tab is selected
+ //We don't use regular transclusion because it breaks element inheritance
var tabContent = angular.element('')
.append( element.contents().remove() );
return function link($scope, $element, $attr, ctrls) {
var childScope, childElement, tabNavElement;
tabsCtrl = ctrls[0],
tabCtrl = ctrls[1];
- //Remove title attribute so browser-tooltip does not apear
- $element[0].removeAttribute('title');
$ionicBind($scope, $attr, {
animate: '=',
onSelect: '&',
@@ -337,10 +348,18 @@ function($rootScope, $animate, $ionicBind, $compile, $ionicViewService, $state,
+ //Remove title attribute so browser-tooltip does not apear
+ $element[0].removeAttribute('title');
if (navViewName) {
- $scope.navViewName = navViewName;
- $scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', selectTabIfMatchesState);
- selectTabIfMatchesState();
+ tabCtrl.navViewName = navViewName;
+ }
+ $scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', selectIfMatchesState);
+ selectIfMatchesState();
+ function selectIfMatchesState() {
+ if (tabCtrl.tabMatchesState()) {
+ tabsCtrl.select($scope);
+ }
tabNavElement = angular.element(
@@ -371,17 +390,6 @@ function($rootScope, $animate, $ionicBind, $compile, $ionicViewService, $state,
- function selectTabIfMatchesState() {
- var href = $attr.href.replace(/^#/, '');
- var stateName = $attr.uiSref.split('(')[0];
- if ($location.path().indexOf(href) === 0 || $state.includes(stateName)) {
- // this tab's ui-view is the current one, go to it!
- if ($ionicViewService.isCurrentStateNavView($scope.navViewName)) {
- tabsCtrl.select($scope);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/js/ext/angular/test/directive/ionicTabBar.unit.js b/js/ext/angular/test/directive/ionicTabBar.unit.js
index f30520a9572..84e126036d5 100644
--- a/js/ext/angular/test/directive/ionicTabBar.unit.js
+++ b/js/ext/angular/test/directive/ionicTabBar.unit.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-describe('tabs', function() {
+ddescribe('tabs', function() {
describe('miscellaneous', function() {
beforeEach(module('ionic', function($provide) {
@@ -261,12 +261,103 @@ describe('tabs', function() {
- describe('ionTab directive', function() {
+ describe('ionicTab controller', function() {
- var tabsCtrl, tabsEl, scope;
+ function setup(attrs) {
+ var ctrl;
+ inject(function($controller, $rootScope) {
+ ctrl = $controller('ionicTab', {
+ $scope: $rootScope.$new(),
+ $attrs: attrs || {}
+ });
+ });
+ return ctrl;
+ }
+ it('.hrefMatchesState', inject(function($location) {
+ spyOn($location, 'path').andReturn('/a/b/c');
+ var attr = {};
+ var ctrl = setup(attr);
+ expect(ctrl.hrefMatchesState()).toBeFalsy();
+ attr.href = 'a';
+ expect(ctrl.hrefMatchesState()).toBe(false);
+ attr.href = '/a';
+ expect(ctrl.hrefMatchesState()).toBe(true);
+ attr.href = '#/a';
+ expect(ctrl.hrefMatchesState()).toBe(true);
+ attr.href = '#/a/b/c';
+ expect(ctrl.hrefMatchesState()).toBe(true);
+ attr.href = '#/a/b/c/';
+ expect(ctrl.hrefMatchesState()).toBe(true);
+ attr.href = '/a/b/c/';
+ expect(ctrl.hrefMatchesState()).toBe(true);
+ attr.href = '/a/b/c/d';
+ expect(ctrl.hrefMatchesState()).toBe(false);
+ attr.href = 'something';
+ expect(ctrl.hrefMatchesState()).toBe(false);
+ }));
+ it('.srefMatchesState', inject(function($state) {
+ spyOn($state, 'includes').andReturn(111);
+ var attr = {};
+ var ctrl = setup(attr);
+ expect(ctrl.srefMatchesState()).toBeFalsy();
+ expect($state.includes).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ //We won't unit test $state.includes, only that it was called
+ attr.uiSref = 'abc';
+ expect(ctrl.srefMatchesState()).toBe(111);
+ expect($state.includes).toHaveBeenCalledWith('abc');
+ $state.includes.reset();
+ attr.uiSref = 'def({ param: "value" })';
+ ctrl.srefMatchesState();
+ expect($state.includes).toHaveBeenCalledWith('def');
+ }));
+ it('.navNameMatchesState', inject(function($ionicViewService) {
+ spyOn($ionicViewService, 'isCurrentStateNavView').andReturn(123);
+ var ctrl = setup();
+ expect(ctrl.navNameMatchesState()).toBeFalsy();
+ ctrl.navViewName = 'foo';
+ expect(ctrl.navNameMatchesState()).toBe(123);
+ expect($ionicViewService.isCurrentStateNavView).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo');
+ }));
+ });
+ describe('ionTab directive', function() {
+ var tabDoesMatch;
+ beforeEach(module('ionic', function($controllerProvider) {
+ $controllerProvider.register('ionicTab', function($scope) {
+ this.$scope = $scope;
+ this.tabMatchesState = jasmine.createSpy('tabMatchesState')
+ .andCallFake(function() {
+ return tabDoesMatch;
+ });
+ });
+ }));
+ var tabsCtrl, tabsEl, scope, tabEl;
function setup(attrs, content) {
inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
- tabsEl = angular.element(''+(content||'')+'');
+ tabsEl = angular.element(
+ '' +
+ ''+(content||'')+'' +
+ ''
+ );
+ tabEl = tabsEl.find('ion-tab');
@@ -323,32 +414,48 @@ describe('tabs', function() {
- it('should not set navViewName if no child nav-view', function() {
+ it('should not set navViewName by default', function() {
- expect(tabsCtrl.tabs[0].navViewName).toBeUndefined();
+ expect(tabEl.controller('ionTab').navViewName).toBeUndefined();
angular.forEach(['ion-nav-view', 'data-ion-nav-view'], function(directive) {
- it('should set navViewName and select when necessary if a child '+directive, inject(function($ionicViewService, $rootScope) {
- var isCurrent = false;
- spyOn($ionicViewService, 'isCurrentStateNavView').andCallFake(function(name) {
- return isCurrent;
- });
+ it('should set navViewName if a child '+directive, inject(function($ionicViewService, $rootScope) {
setup('', '<' + directive + ' name="banana">' + directive + '>');
spyOn(tabsCtrl, 'select');
var tab = tabsCtrl.tabs[0];
- expect(tab.navViewName).toBe('banana');
- expect($ionicViewService.isCurrentStateNavView).toHaveBeenCalledWith('banana');
+ expect(tabEl.controller('ionTab').navViewName).toBe('banana');
+ }));
+ });
- $ionicViewService.isCurrentStateNavView.reset();
- isCurrent = true;
- $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeSuccess');
+ it('should call tabMatchesState on compile and if match select', function() {
+ setup();
+ expect(tabEl.controller('ionTab').tabMatchesState).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect($ionicViewService.isCurrentStateNavView).toHaveBeenCalledWith('banana');
- expect(tabsCtrl.select).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tab);
- }));
+ tabDoesMatch = true;
+ setup();
+ expect(tabEl.controller('ionTab').tabMatchesState).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it('should call selectIfMatchesState on $stateChangeSuccess', function() {
+ setup();
+ var tabMatchesState = tabEl.controller('ionTab').tabMatchesState;
+ tabMatchesState.reset();
+ spyOn(tabsCtrl, 'select');
+ tabDoesMatch = false;
+ tabEl.scope().$broadcast('$stateChangeSuccess');
+ expect(tabMatchesState).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(tabsCtrl.select).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ tabMatchesState.reset();
+ tabDoesMatch = true;
+ tabEl.scope().$broadcast('$stateChangeSuccess');
+ expect(tabMatchesState).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(tabsCtrl.select).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tabEl.scope());
it('should transclude on $tabSelected=true', function() {