Data Flow Facilitator for Machine Learning (DFFML) makes it easy to generate datasets, train and use machine learning models, and integrate machine learning into new or existing applications. It provides APIs for dataset generation, storage, and model definition.
- Models handle implementations of machine learning algorithms. Likely wrapping code from a popular machine learning framework.
- Sources handle the storage of datasets, saving and loading them from files, databases, remote APIs, etc.
- DataFlows are directed graphs used to generate a dataset, as well as modify existing datasets. They can also be used to do non-machine learning tasks, you could use them to build a web app for instance.
You'll find the existing implementations of all of these on their respective
:ref:`plugins` pages. DFFML has a plugin based architecture, which allows us to
include some sources, models, and operations as a part of the main package,
, and other functionality in more specific packages.
As we all know the Machine Learning space has a lot of tools and libraries for creating pipelines to train, test & deploy models, and dealing with these many different APIs can be cumbersome.
Our project aims to make this process a breeze by introducing interoperability under a modular and easily extensible API. DFFML’s plugin-based architecture makes it a swiss army knife of ML research & MLOps.
We heavily rely on DataFlows, which are basically directed graphs. We are also working on a WebUI to make dataflows completely a drag’n drop experience. Currently, all of our functionalities are accessible through Python API, CLI, and HTTP APIs.
We broadly have two types of audience here, one is Citizen Data Scientists and ML researchers, who’d probably use the WebUI to experiment and design models. MLOps people will deploy models and set up data processing pipelines via the HTTP/CLI/Python APIs.
- Our objective is to provide an environment where users can describe what they want done, without needing to know how it gets done.
- By separating the what from the how, each implementation of how a piece of work gets done doesn’t need to know anything about the implementations of how other pieces of work get done.
- This approach allows domain experts to implement the work within their domain, without needing to know anything about how the work of other domain experts is done.
- In such an environment, individual pieces of work implemented by respective domain experts can be knit together to accomplish arbitrary tasks.
- By taking this approach of separating the what from the how, we’ve created an environment where anyone can describe what they want to get done. How it gets done is handled by executing implementations provided by domain experts.
- Our existing software development model requires that experts in various domains maintain implementations of software which must be actively kept compatible with each other.
- By adopting this new model, we maximize workplace efficiency by compatibility between domain expert work being done at an orchestration level.
- We address and provide a solution for the challenge of how software written by experts in different domains can be used together without integration overhead.
- We make it easy for domain experts to share their work.
- We make it easy for users to reuse the work of domain experts which reduces duplication of effort across the industry.
- In this ecosystem, where work is easily shared and integrated, software development becomes more efficient and produces software of higher quality.
- Flow-based programming makes it easy to share and integrate existing work.
- The software development lifecycle is streamlined by implementing this model.
- You want a "just bring your data" approach to machine learning.
- No need to write code if you don't want to, use popular machine learning libraries via the command line, high level Python abstraction, or HTTP API.
- You want to do machine learning on a new problem that you don't have a dataset
for, so you need to generate it.
- Directed Graph Execution lets you write code that runs concurrently with managed locking. Making the feature engineering iteration process very fast.
This is a high level overview of how DFFML works.
Python was chosen because of the machine learning community’s preference towards it. In addition to the data flow side of DFFML, there is a machine learning focused side. It provides a standardized way to defining, training, and using models. It also allows for wrapping existing models so as to expose them via the standardized API. Models can then be integrated into data flows as operations. This enables trivial layering of models to create complex features. See :ref:`plugin_models` for existing models and usage.
The idea behind this project is to provide a way to link together various new or existing pieces of code and run them via an orchestration engine that forwards the data between them all. Similar a microservice architecture but with the orchestration being preformed according to a directed graph. This offers greater flexibility in that interaction between services can easily be modified without changing code, only the graph (known as the dataflow).
This is an example of the dataflow for a meta static analysis tool for Python,
. We take the package name (package) and feed it through operations,
which are just functions (but could be anything, some SaaS web API endpoint for
instance). All the data generated by running these operations is query-able,
allowing us to structure the output in whatever way is most fitting for our
DFFML decouples the interface through which the flow is accessed from the flow itself. For instance, data flows can be run via the library, HTTP API, CLI, or any communication channel (next targets are Slack and IRC). Data flows are also asynchronous in nature, allowing them to be used to build any event driven application (Chat, IoT data, etc.). The way in which operations are defined and executed by the orchestrator will let us take existing API endpoints and code in other languages and combine them into one cohesive workflow. The architecture itself is programming language agnostic, the first implementation has been written in Python.
We take a community driven approach to content. Architecture is plugin based, which means anyone can swap out any piece by writing their own plugin and publishing it to the Python Package Index. This means that developers can publish operations and machine learning models that work out of the box with everything else maintained as a part of the core repository and with other developers models and operations. :doc:`tutorials/index` show how to create your own plugins.
The following is a list of organizations and projects using DFFML. Please let us know if you are using DFFML and we'll add you to the list. If you want help using DFFML, see the :doc:`contact` page.
- Intel
- Security analysis of Open Source Software dependencies.
DFFML is an event driven directed graph execution architecture tightly coupled with the typical machine learning workflow. The core concept is that all software can be looked at as a set of operations that occur in response to asynchronous events. Directed graphs are used to specify which operations should be run in response to which events. Every event has data associated with it, therefore we refer to the directed graph as a DataFlow.
The project as it exists now is a Python library which provides data set generation via DataFlows, dataset storage, as well as model training, testing, and inference. Users can leverage DataFlows to do feature engineering, to create new datasets and modify or add to existing datasets. They then train models, assess their accuracy and use them to make predictions via various deployment methods.
DFFML has a plugin based architecture. Every model, data source, operation, etc. is a plugin. We maintain a set of official plugins which wrap various machine learning frameworks such as Daal4Py, TensorFlow, Scikit Learn, etc. By wrapping frameworks in a standard API we simplify usage and make it easy for developers to switch from one underlying framework to another.
Conceptually, DFFML is not just the Python implementation it is today. It’s a programming language agnostic architecture centered around the concept of DataFlows and the decoupling of definition from implementation. One goal of the project closely associated with this is to have an orchestrator (Alice) capable of deploying and knitting together new or existing services without the need for those services to know anything about each other. This could be thought of as a level of abstraction beyond serverless architecture, which is where we're hoping to take the project.
We have an awesome team working on the project. We hold weekly meetings and have a mailing list and chat! If you want to get involved, ask questions, or get help getting started, see :doc:`contact`.
We participated in Google Summer of Code 2019 under the Python Software Foundation. A big thanks to our students, Yash and Sudharsana!
We are currently participating in Google Summer of Code 2020 under the Python Software Foundation. Big thanks to Aghin, Himanshu, and Saksham!
Thank you to everyone who's contributed to DFFML!!!
- Abdallah Bashir
- Aghin Shah Alin
- Arvindh Kumar Chandran
- Aryan Gupta
- Byambaa
- Constanza Heath
- Dentigg
- Dmitry Poliuha
- Govindarajan Panneerselvam
- Hashim
- Himanshu Tripathi
- iamandeepsandhu
- Jan Keromnes
- John Andersen
- Joseph Kato
- Justin Moore
- Naeem Khoshnevis
- NeerajBhadani
- Pankaj Patil
- pradeepbhadani
- purnimapatel
- raghav-ys
- Saksham Arora
- Sanket Saurav
- shivam singh
- Sudhanshu kumar
- Sudharsana K J L
- Taksh Kamlesh
- Theo
- us
- Vaibhav Mehra
- Yash Lamba
- Yash Varshney