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IFRNet Model Inference Sample

IFRNet is an encoder-decoder based network to accomplish video frame interpolation. This directory contains a sample implementation of image interpolation based on IFRNet inference. It is targeted to run on Intel Discrete Graphics platforms (XPUs) by leveraging Intel® Extension for Pytorch.

The sample supports two modes of execution:

  • A performance benchmarking mode where the sample executes IFRNet inference based on dummy tensor initialization for a specified duration or number of inputs or frames. The input is a tensor capturing a pair of input images that is fed to IFRNet inference. The output is tensor representing the interpolated frame.
  • A quality-check mode which takes in frames from the Vimeo-90K Triplet Test dataset, measures the quality (in PSNR) of the interpolated frames against references contained in the dataset. A percentage score of passing frames is reported, and if specified to do so, the output frames are dumped as well.

The rest of this document covers more details about the model, dataset, and the control knobs for each mode of execution. Further, instructions are provided on how to use the scripts in this directory for execution in bare-metal and docker container environments.

Model and Sources

This sample uses source code and weights from the reference Pytorch implementation by its authors (IFRNet Model, cited below) to drive the inference.

  author = {Kong, Lingtong and Jiang, Boyuan and Luo, Donghao and Chu, Wenqing and Huang, Xiaoming and Tai, Ying and Wang, Chengjie and Yang, Jie}, 
  title = {IFRNet: Intermediate Feature Refine Network for Efficient Frame Interpolation}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, 
  year = {2022}

The weights and model need to be downloaded from the original implementation and installed under checkpoints and models directories respectively for the sample to be usable. (Options for customizing these are discussed later in this document). Further, it is recommended that the model is patched with a custom performance fix, provided in the patches directory.

The path for the patched model must be specified on the PYTHONPATH env variable to be usable by the application.

The script may be used to accomplish all of this. The model run script ( is configured to invoke this script and automatically install the ./models directory if not found. The default (and simplest) invocation is as below.


For optional arguments to use a non-default model path, please refer to the script.


To run a test in quality-check mode, the dataset must be fetched and moved to the required path (that will be specified to the application command line).


Throughtput and latency benchmarking can be done with dummy data by specifying performance mode of execution (./ --dummy). For such a run, quality assessment is skipped.

The Vimeo-90K dataset is leveraged for the quality-check mode execution. Specifically, the Triplet Test subset of this large dataset is used for this. The archive on the Vimeo-90K website covers this.

More info and the relevant citation are shared below:

  author = {Xue, Tianfan and Chen, Baian and Wu, Jiajun and Wei, Donglai and Freeman, William T},
  title = {Video Enhancement with Task-Oriented Flow},
  journal = {arXiv},
  year = {2017}


A minimum ~6 GB of free disk space is required to download and extract Vimeo-90K Triplet Test dataset. Note that the setup script installs the dataset regardless of which mode is executed following it. script can be used to download these files into the current working directory as below. Note that the script will skip download and extraction, if it finds a file/directory of the same name as the target tarball or the directory capturing the extracted dataset.


Dataset Resolution and Performance Impacts

The interpolated frames will have resolutions matching the provided dataset. In the case of dummy data which is randomly generated this can be controlled through the command line arguments --data-channels, --data-height, --data-width or the equivalent environment variables DATA_CHANNELS, DATA_HEIGHT, DATA_WIDTH.


The selected dataset resolution has a direct impact on the resulting throughput. Default resolution in dummy mode is 1280x720p with 3-channels. Mind that Vimeo-90K dataset uses 448x256 resolution which will have higher throughput than the default dummy mode.




Running the model in a docker container


Sample requires network connection to download model from the network via HTTPS. Make sure to set https_proxy under running container if you work behind the proxy.

Pull pre-built image with the sample:

docker pull intel/image-interpolation:pytorch-flex-gpu-ifrnet

or build it locally:

docker build \
  $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^/--build-arg /') \
  -f docker/flex-gpu/pytorch-ifrnet-inference/pytorch-flex-series-ifrnet-inference.Dockerfile \
  -t intel/image-interpolation:pytorch-flex-gpu-ifrnet .

Performance Benchmarking mode

To run the sample in performance mode, start with --dummy command line option. A sample command line that mounts an output directory from host machine into the docker container is provided below.

  • The sample provides the same dummy input tensors to all inference submissions for the duration of the run. The output is not evaluated (NOTE: quality report will be zero when using performance mode).
  • It is recommended to control the test duration by using the controls MIN_TEST_DURATION and MAX_TEST_DURATION in this mode.
  • Note that there is no BATCH_SIZE parameter supported in current implementation, and this is equivalent to running with BATCH_SIZE=1
  • Output files capturing the performance metrics are dumped into the specified output directory.
mkdir -p /tmp/output && rm -f /tmp/output/* && chmod -R 777 /tmp/output
docker run -it --rm --ipc=host \
  $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^/-e /') \
  --cap-add SYS_NICE \
  --device /dev/dri/ \
  -e PLATFORM=Flex \
  -e OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/output \
  -v /tmp/output:/tmp/output \
  intel/image-interpolation:pytorch-flex-gpu-ifrnet \
    /bin/bash -c "./ --dummy"

Quality Check mode

In this mode the sample runs with Vimeo-90K Triplet Test dataset (assumes that dataset was downloaded to the $DATASET_DIR folder):

  • Running with the dataset images is recommended to get a quality report
  • In this mode, the test duration can be controlled by using the NUM_INPUTS parameter. The app tests a number of inputs equal to min(NUM_INPUTS, length of dataset)
  • Use higher NUM_INPUTS (e.g. 20000 for full dataset) to cover a larger range of inputs for more reliable quality reports
  • NOTE: Performance results (throughput and latency measurements) will likely be sub-par compared to the benchmarking mode due to data handling overhead
mkdir -p /tmp/output && rm -f /tmp/output/* && chmod -R 777 /tmp/output
docker run -it --rm --ipc=host \
  $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^/-e /') \
  --cap-add SYS_NICE \
  --device /dev/dri/ \
  -e PLATFORM=Flex \
  -e NUM_INPUTS=3000 \
  -e OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/output \
  -v /tmp/output:/tmp/output \
  -e DATASET_DIR=/dataset \
  -v $DATASET_DIR:/dataset \
  intel/image-interpolation:pytorch-flex-gpu-ifrnet \
    /bin/bash -c "./"

Mind the following docker run arguments:

  • HTTPS proxy is required to download model over network (-e https_proxy=<...>)
  • --cap-add SYS_NICE is required for numactl
  • --device /dev/dri is required to expose GPU device to running container
  • --ipc=host is required for multi-process execution and synchronization
  • -v $DATASET_DIR:/dataset in case where dataset is used. $DATASET_DIR should be replaced with the actual path to the Vimeo-90K dataset. This can be installed through Dataset Instructions.
  • -e OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/output specifies the output directory for the run, which in turn is mounted from the host by -v /tmp/output:/tmp/output

Run the model on baremetal


Sample requires network connection to download model from the network via HTTPS. Make sure to set https_proxy before running if you work behind proxy.

  1. Download the sample:
    git clone
    cd models/models_v2/pytorch/ifrnet/inference/gpu
  2. Create virtual environment venv and activate it:
    python3 -m venv venv
    . ./venv/bin/activate
  3. Install required dependencies and dataset:
  4. Install Intel® Extension for PyTorch
  5. Add path to common python modules in the repo:
    export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/../../../../common
  6. Setup required environment variables and run the sample with ./

Performance Benchmarking mode

To run the sample in performance mode, set env variable DUMMY env variable set to "yes". A sample command line is provided below

  • The sample provides the same dummy input tensors to all inference submissions for the duration of the run. The output is not evaluated.

  • It is recommended to control the test duration by using the controls MIN_TEST_DURATION and MAX_TEST_DURATION in this mode.

  • Note that there is no BATCH_SIZE parameter supported in current implementation, and this is equivalent to running with BATCH_SIZE=1

  • Output files capturing the performance metrics are dumped into the specified output directory.

  • NOTE: Quality report will be zero when using performance mode

    export PLATFORM=Flex
    export OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/output
    export MIN_TEST_DURATION=60
    export MAX_TEST_DURATION=60
    ./ --dummy

Quality Check mode

In this mode the sample is run with Vimeo-90K Triplet Test dataset. Following instructions assume the dataset is available at the $DATASET_DIR folder. This can be fetched through Dataset Instructions.

  • Running with the dataset images is recommended to get a quality report

  • In this mode, the test duration can be controlled by using the NUM_INPUTS parameter. The app tests a number of inputs equal to min(NUM_INPUTS, length of dataset)

  • Use higher NUM_INPUTS (e.g. 20000 for full dataset) to cover a larger range of inputs for more reliable quality reports

  • NOTE: Performance results (throughput and latency measurements) will likely be sub-par compared to the benchmarking mode due to data handling overhead

    export PLATFORM=Flex
    export NUM_INPUTS=3000
    export OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/output

Runtime arguments and environment variables accepts a number of arguments to tune behavior. supports the use of environment variables as well as command line arguments for specifying these arguments (see the table below for details).

Before running script, user is required to:

  • Set OUTPUT_DIR environment variable (or use --output-dir) where script should write logs.
  • Use --dummy or set DATASET_DIR environment variable (or use --data) pointing to the dataset.

Other arguments and/or environment variables are optional and should be used according to the actual needs (see examples above). For more details, check help with --help

Argument Environment variable Valid Values Purpose
--ipex IPEX yes Use Intel® Extension for Pytorch for XPU support (default: yes)
no Use PyTorch XPU backend instead of Intel® Extension for Pytorch. Requires PyTorch version 2.4.0a or later.
--data DATASET_DIR String Location to load images from
--modelsdir MODELS_DIR String Location to read model from (default: ./models)
--dummy DUMMY Use randomly generated dummy dataset in place of --data argument
--data-channels DATA_CHANNELS Integer Number of color channels of randomly generated dataset (default: 3)
--data-height DATA_HEIGHT Integer Height of images in randomly generated dataset (default: 720)
--data-width DATA_WIDTH Integer Width of images in randomly generated dataset (default: 1280)
--pretrained-weights LOAD_PATH String Local path to load model from (default: [IFRNet_Vimeo90K.pth])
--num-inputs NUM_INPUTS >=1 Max pairs of input images to test (default: 100). See note below
--async ASYNC >=0 Number of batches after which to issue a gpu sync. Default: 0(=all)
--precision PRECISION fp16/bf16/fp32 Datatype for model and input tensors in inference (Default: fp16)
--amp AMP Use Pytorch's Autocast for mixed precision (Default: disabled)
--streams STREAMS >=1 Number of parallel processes/streams to run inference (Default: 1)
--interpolation INTERPOLATION Integer Socket to enable telemetry capture. Default="" (disabled)
--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR String Location to write output
--platform PLATFORM Flex/Max/cuda/cpu Device to run the model on
--warmup WARMUP Integer Number of frames to run as warmup for the inference model
--saveimages SAVEIMAGES Save output images to output-dir
--psnr-threshold MIN_PSNR_DB Integer Min PSNR in dB (default 25) for one frame to pass a quality check
--min-pass-pct MIN_PASS_PCT Integer Min % of frames (default 95) to pass to consider the full run a pass
--min-test-duration MIN_TEST_DURATION Integer Min duration (in seconds) to run the test. See Note below.
--max-test-duration MAX_TEST_DURATION Integer Max duration (in seconds) to run the test. See Note below.
--socket SOCKET String Socket to enable telemetry capture. Default="" (disabled)


  • With --dummy, (i.e in Performance Benchmarking mode), --min/max-test-duration settings override --num-inputs setting.
  • If --dummy is not specified (i.e. Quality Check mode), --min/max-test-duration settings are ignored. Test length is limited by minimum of num-inputs and the size of the dataset.

The weights used in this sample by default correspond to the Vimeo-90K dataset, and are tuned for generating 1 interpolated frame per input frame pair.

Example output

Script output is written to the console as well as to the output directory in the file output.log.

Final results of the inference run can be found in results.yaml file. More verbose results summaries are in results.json file.

The yaml file contents will look like:

 - key: throughput
   value: 33.48
   unit: img/s
 - key: latency
   value: 31.39
   unit: ms
 - key: accuracy
   value: 96.55
   unit: percents

Performance Benchmarking

[] script can be used to benchmark IFRNet performance for the predefined use cases. The [] script is a tiny sample-specific wrapper on top of script. The workflow for running a benchmark is as follows:

  • (optional) Specify path to svr-info:

    export PATH_TO_SVR_INFO=/path/to/svrinfo
  • Specify path to output benchmark results (folder must be creatable/writable under root):

    export OUTPUT_DIR=/opt/output
  • Run the benchmark script (assumes intel/image-interpolation:pytorch-flex-gpu-ifrnet has already been pulled or built locally):

    sudo \
      IMAGE=intel/image-interpolation:pytorch-flex-gpu-ifrnet \
      PROFILE=$(pwd)/models_v2/pytorch/IFRNet/inference/gpu/profiles/IFRNet.fp16.csv \
      PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/models_v2/common \
      $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^//') \
  • Final output will be written to $OUTPUT_DIR.


Additonal arguments that arent specified in the benchmark profile (IFRNet.fp16.csv in the example above) can be specified through environment variables as described in previous sections.

Usage With CUDA GPU

Scripts have a matching degree of functionality for usage on CUDA GPU's. However, this is significantly less validated and so may not work as smoothly. The primary difference for using these scripts with CUDA is building the associated docker image. We will not cover CUDA on baremetal here. In addition Intel does not provide pre-built dockers for CUDA. These must be built locally.

docker build \
  $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^/--build-arg /') \
  -f docker/cuda-gpu/pytorch-ifrnet-inference/pytorch-cuda-series-ifrnet-inference.Dockerfile \
  -t intel/image-interpolation:pytorch-cuda-gpu-ifrnet .

All other usage outlined in this README should be identical, with the exception of referencing this CUDA docker image in place of the for Intel GPU when running docker run as well as needing to add the --gpus all argument.

Example usage with dummy data is shown below:

  mkdir -p /tmp/output && rm -f /tmp/output/* && chmod -R 777 /tmp/output
  docker run -it --rm --gpus all --ipc=host \
    $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^/-e /') \
    --cap-add SYS_NICE \
    --device /dev/dri/ \
    -e OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/output \
    -v /tmp/output:/tmp/output \
    intel/image-interpolation:pytorch-cuda-gpu-ifrnet \
      /bin/bash -c "./ --dummy"