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Why? Why not?

IndyScala, November 3, 2014

Probably 1 of 3? Yeah, probably.

  1. scalaz.concurrent.Task (November, 2014)
  2. scalaz-stream (???)
  3. http4s (???)

Ye Olden Tymes

Way back in Scala 2.9.2

  • java.util.concurrent.Future ☠☠☠
  • scala.actors.Future
  • akka.dispatch.Future
  • com.twitter.util.Future
  • scalaz.concurrent.Promise

That begat sff4s

val factory = sff4s.impl.ActorsFuture
val f = factory future {
val g = f map { _ + 1 }

... which was nice for unopinionated frameworks, but never really caught on.

Enter SIP-14

  • Futures and Promises
  • Introduced in Scala 2.10
  • Backported to Scala 2.9.3
  • You know it as scala.concurrent.Future
    • You know, the thing ? returns from an actor.


  • java.util.concurrent.Future ☠☠☠
    • java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
  • scala.actors.Future
  • scalaz.concurrent.Promise
  • akka.dispatch.Future
  • com.twitter.util.Future
  • scala.concurrent.Future
  • scalaz.concurrent.Promise
  • scalaz.concurrent.Task

This is why we can't have nice things

Wrong presentation

  • Tomorrow night is why we can't have nice things.
  • For concurrent programming in Scala, we do have two rather nice things.

A review of scala.concurrent.Future

def isOk(url: String): Future[Boolean] = get(url)
  .map { _.status == 200 } // If we got a response, was it a 200?
  .recover { case e => e.printStackTrace(); false}
val sites = Seq("", "")
val panic = Future.fold( {
  (acc, isSiteOk) => acc || !isSiteOk
println("Panic: "+Await.result(panic, 10.seconds))
  • A Future is an asynchronous computation.
  • A Future tries (that is, scala.util.Trys) to complete that computation.
  • Yup. Future is a monad.

Enter scalaz.concurrent.Future

  • Like Scala Future, a Scalaz Future is an asynchronous computation.
  • Yup. This Future is a monad, too.
  • But there's no error handling in this monad.

Enter scalaz.concurrent.FutureTask

def isDown(url: String): Future[Boolean] = get(url)
  .map { _.status != 200 } // If we got a response, was it a 200?
  .recover { case e => e.printStackTrace(); false}
val sites = Seq("", "")
val panic = Future.fold( || _)
println("Panic: "+Await.result(panic, 10.seconds))
  • A Task[A] is a thin wrapper around Future[Throwable \/ A].
    • scalaz.\/ is commonly pronounced as either.
      • Because either it worked or it didn't.
      • Yup. \/ is a monad. (scala.Either, incidentally, is not.)
    • Yup. Task is a monad.

So the difference is just in method names?

  • This is just more of that NIH Syndrome that Scala is famous for, isn't it?


Future.apply immediately submits to executor

Future { TheNukes.launch() }

Mushroom cloud

By Federal Government of the United States [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Tasks don't run ...

Task { TheNukes.launch() }

Bucolic scene

Alison Rawson CC-BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

... until you ask them to.

val task = Task { TheNukes.launch() }

Mushroom cloud

A Future's side effects run once.

val f = Future { TheNukes.launch() }
Await.result(f, 1.second)
Await.result(f, 1.second)

Mushroom cloud

A Task's side effects run each time.

val t = Task { TheNukes.launch() }

Mushroom cloud Mushroom cloud

I like how Future does it.


val t = Task.unsafeStart { TheNukes.launch() }

Mushroom cloud

Site monitor reprise

val f = Future.fold( || _)
val t = Task.reduceUnordered[Boolean, Boolean](
  • f will always contain the same value when completed.
  • t will rerun the monitoring and produce a current value on each run.

Future methods that submit to executor:

  • andThen
  • collect
  • filter
  • flatMap
  • foreach
  • onFailure
  • onSuccess
  • recover
  • transform
  • withFilter

Task methods that submit to executor:

[This slide intentionally left blank]

Execution model

  • Future makes you opt out of thread hopping by explicitly setting an executor that stays on the same thread.

    • It's easy to saturate your thread pool.
    • It's also easy to waste time submitting trivial work to it.
    • For optimal performance, swap custom execution contexts into the hotspots.
  • Task makes you opt into thread hopping.

    • It's easy to accidentally only use one core in your complicated
    • But it'll work really efficiently on that one core.
    • For optimal performance, salt to taste with Task.apply and Task.fork
  • Bottom line: both ultimately offer the same control, promote a different kind of naive mistake.

Hey, what about that Twitter thing?

  • Twitter's Future is cancellable.
  • Scala's Future is not cancellable.
  • Scalaz's Task is cancellable.

Tasks are cancellable

val neverMind = new AtomicBoolean(false)
Task {
}.runAsync {
  case -\/(t) => t.printStackTrace()
  case \/-(()) => println("Cancelled")
val t = Task.delay {
  case -\/(t) => t.printStackTrace()
  case \/-(()) => println("Completed")
}, neverMind)

bucolic cow

... but not to the point of nuclear safety

val neverMind = new AtomicBoolean(false)
Task {
}.runAsync {
  case -\/(t) => t.printStackTrace()
  case \/-(()) => println("Cancelled")

val t = Task.delay {
  case -\/(t) => t.printStackTrace()
  case \/-(()) => println("Completed")
}, neverMind)

Mushroom cloud

Futures are for Typesafe people and Tasks are for Typelevel people?

Usually, but it doesn't have to be that way.


Convert a Task to a Future

val p = Promise[A]()
task.runAsync {
  case \/-(a) => p.success(a)
  case -\/(t) => p.failure(t)

Convert a Future to a Task

Task.async { f =>
  future.onComplete {
    case Success(a) => f(right(a))
    case Failure(t) => f(left(t))

Futher reading

Ross A. Baker