(not yet released) v1.0.0-alpha.1
Kedge Service:
- - added optional remote logging to logstash
Initial release to start testing on real clusters.
Kedge Service:
- - gRPC(S) backend definitions and backend pool - SRV discovery and RR LB
- - gRPC(S) proxying based on routes (service, authority) to defined backends
- - HTTP(S) backend definitions and backend pool - SRV disovery and RR LB
- - HTTP(S) proxying based on routes (path, host) to defined backends
- - integration tests for HTTP, gRPC proxying (backend and routing)
- - TLS client-certificate verification based off CA chains
- - support for Forward Proxying and Reverse Proxying in HTTP backends
- - support for OpenID JWT token authentication on routes (claim matches) - useful for proxying to Kubernetes API Server
Winch (kedge client):
- - HTTP forward Proxy to remote Kedges for a CLI applications (setting HTTP_PROXY).
- - HTTP forward Proxy in daemon mode for browsers with an auto-gen PAC file.
- - matching logic for "remap something.my_cluster.cluster.local to my_cluster.internalapi.example.com" for finding Kedges on the internet
- - open ID connect login to get ID token / refresh token
- - support for custom root CA for TLS with kedge