- Use once in the Operating System to install global libs
- npm i yo -g
- npm i generator-speedseed -g
- npm i [TEMPLATE] -g (ej: npm i generator-speedseed-multi-tic-tac-toe -g, install the generator-speedseed templates you need)
- Official Templates
- Use once in the project folder to launch the generator and install dependencies
- sd start [template name] -> The third parameter is optional in order to install local or private templates. Ex: sd start multi-tic-tac-toe-beta
- npm i
- In the project folder
- common
- npm start o npm run build.dev -> Compile the project in -build and create the local server
- npm run build -> Compile the project in -build
- npm run build.dev.debug -> Compila el proyecto en -build, crea el servidor local y activa el debugger de nodejs
- npm run build.dev.open -> Compila el proyecto en -build, crea el servidor local y abre el navegador
- npm run dist -> Compile the project in -dist
- npm run dist.dev -> Compile the project in -dist and create the local server run dist
- npm run dist.dev.debug -> Compile the project in -build, create the local server and activate the nodejs debugger
- npm run dist.dev.open -> Compile the project in -build, create the local server and open the browser
- test
- npm run test -> Compile the project in -build and launch the unitary tests with PhantomJS
- npm run test.dev -> Compile the project in -build, create the local server and launch the unitary tests with Chrome
- electron
- npm run electron.dev "Compile the files, read ./-electron/index.js and launch electron",
- npm run electron.dist "Compiles files for distribution, read ./-electron/index.js and launch electron",
- npm run electron.run "Read ./-electron/index.js and launch electron",
- npm run electron.packager "Create the executable with ./electron files"
- npm run electron.packager.dev "Compile the project in -build and copy it to ./electron, create the executable with ./electron files"
- npm run electron.packager.dist "Compiles the project into -dist and copies it to ./electron, creates the executable with ./electron files"
- speedseed
- sd construct -> Create files from. /core and. /config runs automatically on preinstall
- sd update -> Use after updating the generator with npm, deletes the core folder and creates the updated one
- common
- Unitary tests should be called *. spec. js
- JavaScript files that are compiled to -build should be called index.js, main.css or *. spec.js, the other files should be included in these since they will not be compiled individually to -build
- Allows you to update the project kernel using sd update without affecting the development of the project
- In the command line you can use sd, sdsd or speedseed
- -build -> Generated with npm run build, it contains src/ code compiled to html, css, js (es5).
- -dist -> Generated with npm run dist, contains src/ compiled to html, css, js (es5) mined code.
- config -> Here you can add tasks to gulp, packages to npm, change routes or overwrite others .json of ./core construct -> Add packages to npm or overwrite others .json of ./core tasks -> Add tasks to gulp paths -> Change core routes webpack.options -> Change or add options to Webpack
- core -> Do not change the contents of this folder, it is updated in future versions of generator-speedseed and its templates
- electron-src -> Main electron files, contains what is to be packaged
- -electron -> Generated with npm run electron.*
- src -> Here it develops
- assets -> These files are copied to -dist, under development are read directly from src without being copied to -build
- index.html -> Start of page
- main.js -> main script
- typings -> TypeScript Definition Files
- package.json -> No modification, packages must be added in config/construct/package.ts and then make sd construct to generate this file