Create or alter an alarm trigger
- name - optional name of alarm to alter
- {time pattern} - The time pattern to trigger on
- {command} - The commands to execute when alarm triggers
- profile - The optional profile to create or update in, if not supplied defaults to current active profile
When using alarm type pattern is in the format of hours:minutes:seconds, where hours and minutes are optional. A asterisk (*) is a wildcard to match any value for that place, if minutes or hours are missing a * is assumed. If pattern is preceded with a minus (-) the connection time is used instead of current time.
You can also define a temporary, one time alarm if pattern is preceded with a plus (+), the trigger alarm is executed then deleted.
Hours are defined in 24 hour format of 0 to 23, minutes and seconds are 0 to 59.
If seconds are > 59 and the only pattern it will be considered the same as adding a wildcard (*) in front of the number.
Hours, minutes, and seconds can use a special wildcard format of *value which will match when the time MOD is zero, eg: *10 matches 10, 20, ...
#ALARM {-30:00} {save}
Executes the save command every 30 minutes
#ALARM {*5} {save}
Executes the save command every 5 seconds
#ALARM {+5} {save}
Executes the save command once in 5 seconds