Functions and variables allow a user to manipulate text and data with out having to use full scripting abilities and is only available from the command line or when an alias, macro, context, button, or trigger are set to the parse style.
All functions and variables use the ${function/variable} or %{function/variable} syntax for easy embedding into other text for example, Rolled: ${dice(2d5)}
would roll 2 five sided dice and return Rolled: #. You may also nest functions and variables inside of each other: ${dice(${i}d6)}
would roll the # of i dice
There is a special format for argument variables for aliases and triggers.
%#, %{#}, or ${#}
allows you to access arguments for alias and triggers, where # is the argument you want, while 0 is the full text
%x#, %{x#}, or ${x#}
Allows you to access arguments' start and end indexes for triggers, where # is the argument indexes you want, while 0 is the full text indexes in format of START END
%, %{}, or ${*}
returns the full text minus alias name or matched text for triggers
for aliased parameters and predefined variables, this allow you to name arguments for easier understanding, where name is from the alias parameter list or predefined variable
allows you to escape a %, can be disabled setting Disable double parameter escaping
using the set escape character, default
when enabled or using eval(), they are basic math or supported math functions supported by Mathjs which include all the standard javascript Math functions, the all predefined variables, and custom any jimud functions. You may also embed ${} variables and functions as well for example: ${5+5} will return 10 or ${5 + i} will return 5 + what ever the current value of i is, ${5 + ${dice(2d10)}} will return 5 + a 2, 10 sided dice rolls noticed how it requires the ${} as dice is a jiMUD functions not a math function.
Many predefined functions can be called directly in an expression with out the ${} but will not be parsed by the command parser but the expression engine instead, example from above can be simplified as ${5 + dice(2d10)} and return the same value as the expanded version
Note expressions only work with numbers, math symbols, predefined constants, most predefined functions, or ${} functions, any strings must be quoted to be used in the expression engine
Note when using functions in the expression engine arguments are not parsed by the command parser, example: ${eval(len(${selected}))} would return the leng of ${selected} not the value of ${selected} and does not work the same as ${eval(${len(${selected})})} you can access selected directly using selected or $selected
Escaping allows you to prevent special characters from being parsed and allow them to be used as normal, characters that are escaped are
selected text
word under mouse when right clicked
line under mouse when right clicked
url under mouse when right clicked
same as $selectedword
same as $selline
same as $selectedurl
return clipboard text
return current character name from GMCP, falls back to character manager login name, or empty string
returns the current index during #nnn or string from #FORALL, supports #{repeatnum}/${repeatnum} only
i .. z
return the index based on the nested order from outer to inner loops, supports %i,#{i},${i}, each nested loop gets its own %{letter}
Example: #5 #10 %i %j would display 0 0..0 9, 1 0..1 9, ... 4 0..4 9
replace with carriage return
escape character, useful for creating ansi color codes
replace with line feed
replace with carriage return and linefeed
evaluate the math expression and return the results when allow evaluate is enabled
a random number between 0 and 99
selected, selectedword, selectedline, selectedurl, selword, selline, selurl, character, or copied allow the following post fixes:
force to all lower case by appending .lower
force to all upper case by appending .lower
force to proper casing by appending .proper
You can create custom variables using the expression system and the assignment operator (=) to assign or update the value. These variables can be accessed in scripting using client.variables.NAME, client.variables['NAME'], this.variables.NAME, this.variables['NAME'] as needed, any changes there will be reflected in the expression system. The variables i and repeatnum should never be used as they are dynamic and replaced as needed by the scope level for looping and repeating systems in the command parser. variables lost when client is closed
Warning Named arguments will replace variables of the same name in current scope level, meaning any values set to them will be lost once finished as named variables are alias scope and will override global variables of the same name.
returns the bitwise AND of the two numbers.
returns the bitwise inverse of the given number.
returns the bitwise OR of the two numbers.
Set or reset a bit within a numeric value and return the new numeric value. If value is omitted, 1 (true) is used to set the bit. To reset a bit, the value must be zero.
shifts the value the num bits to the left. If num is negative, then the value is shifted to the right.
Test a bit within a numeric value and return true if it is set, false if it is not set. bitnum starts at 1.
returns the bitwise XOR of the two numbers.
evaluate the expression and return the results, a long version of eval by expression, even if allow evaluate is disabled
roll a dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
the avg roll of dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
the minimum roll of dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
the maximum roll of dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
return standard deviation of dice
sqrt((y^2 - 1) / 12 * x)
, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +, -, *, / modifier
return zMUD/cMUD standard deviation of dice
sqrt(((y - 1)^2 - 1) / 12 * x)
, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +, -, *, / modifier
return a random number between i and j, if j omitted, i is then considered the maximum and will return a number between 0 and i
convert a numeric string to a number.
Returns true if value is a valid floating point number
true if s represents a valid number.
converts value to a string. Quotes are added around the value.
Returns value as a floating point number.
return the nth value of arguments, from 1 to last argument
return value of the first expression that evaluates to true
evaluate expression and return true or false value
force TEXT into lower case, for example ${lower(${selword})} is the same as ${selword.lower}
force TEXT into upper case
force TEXT into proper casing
return ASCII character for i
return the ascii value for first letter in string
return true if string 1 starts with string 2
ends(string1, string2)
returns true if string 1 ends with string 2
returns the length of string
returns the position of pattern in string on 1 index scale, 0 if not found
returns the position of pattern in string on 1 index scale, 0 if not found ignoring case
test if string matches the regex pattern, if found returns the position of the match, starting at 1 else returns 0, var1 ... varN are optional variable names to store any sub pattern matches, varN+1 is the length of matched string.
Note the regex argument is not parsed and passed as is due to the complexity of regex formats
Returns the string without any spaces at the beginning or end
Returns the string without any spaces at the beginning
Returns the string without any spaces at the end
Returns a string with all special characters escaped based on what is enabled in scripting settings
Returns a string with all escapes based on what is enabled in scripting settings removed
Strip all ansi codes from strip
Return or set text to the clipboard
Display current time in format, if format omitted displays YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]
Returns color code in string format of fore,back or just fore
converts a zmud/cmud color code into a code supported by jiMUD
Example: ${zcolor(84)} would return 31,45 for red foreground and magenta background
insert ansi control characters into string same as ${esc}[CODESm
the styles to apply, optional- reset - reset all styles and colors
- bold,faint,italic,underline,blink,reverse,hidden,strikethrough,doubleunderline,boldoff,italicoff,blinkoff,blinkrapidoff,visible,strikethroughoff
the ground color, if bold and a valid colored bold is considered the foreground color, may also be defaultback
the background color, may be default optional- jiMUD custom colors: localecho, infotext, infobackground, errortext
- Colors: red, blue, orange, yellow, green, black, white, cyan, magenta, gray
- prepend with x for aixterm bright colors
- append background to get background code directly
- eg redbackground to get red background, xred to get aixterm red or xredbackground to get aixterm red background
Returns 1 if a variable is defined, 0 if undefined
Returns 1 if item is defined, 0 if undefined, if type is omitted will search all supported items
Types: alias, event, trigger, macro, button, variable
alarm("name|pattern", "profile")
alarm("name|pattern", setTime)
alarm("name|pattern", setTime, "profile")
Return or set the time for alarm with name or matching pattern
state("name|pattern", "profile")
Returns the current trigger state of the trigger given by the name or pattern, if no profile it will search all enabled profiles until match found
Returns 1 if value null, 0 if not null, if value omitted returns null