You should always make sure you have the latest version. If you are getting garbled or missing text try disabling MCCP, MXP, or UTF-8 in the Telnet settings then disconnect and reconnect, if still happens try reinstalling or opening an issue.
This means there is an error, most of the time the error is from a broken profile item with bad or invalid javascript.
This means there is a chance the window is being opened off screen due to change in desktop resolution, using backups from a different computer with different screen sizes, or similar issues, if this happens you can clear all window states in the preferences byu clicking the 'Reset Windows' to clear all window states when the settings are saved. If you have used backup system from the mud there is also an advanced setting to ignore saving window states. Lastly you can manually edit the settings file window state data to adjust the window data, this has to be down when jiMUD is not loaded or it will just override the data with new state data, settings.json file is found in app data folder/jiMUD or appdata/jiMUD/characters/NAME.settings file if using character manager
Open an issue about it or log on to ShadowMUD using the jiMUD or the ShadowMUD web client
User's home directory.{path}
The current application directory.{appData}
Per-user application data directory, which by default points to:%APPDATA%
on Linux~/Library/Application Support
on macOS
The directory for storing jiMUD's configuration files is{appData}\jiMUD
Temporary directory.{desktop}
The current user's Desktop directory.{documents}
Directory for a user's "My Documents".{downloads}
Directory for a user's downloads.{music}
Directory for a user's music.{pictures}
Directory for a user's pictures.{videos}
Directory for a user's videos.{assets}
Directory for accessing client assets, Read only
Setting | Type | Default |
bufferSize | integer | 5000 |
commandDelay | integer | 500 |
commandDelayCount | integer | 5 |
commandHistorySize | integer | 20 |
fontSize | string | 1em |
cmdfontSize | string | 1em |
commandEcho | boolean | true |
flashing | boolean | false |
autoConnect | boolean | true |
enableAliases | boolean | true |
enableTriggers | boolean | true |
enableMacros | boolean | true |
showScriptErrors | boolean | false |
commandStacking | boolean | true |
commandStackingChar | string | ; |
htmlLog | boolean | true |
keepLastCommand | boolean | true |
enableMCCP | boolean | true |
enableUTF8 | boolean | true |
font | string | 'Courier New', Courier, monospace |
cmdfont | string | 'Courier New', Courier, monospace |
mapFollow | boolean | true |
mapEnabled | boolean | true |
MapperSplitArea | boolean | false |
MapperFillWalls | boolean | false |
MapperOpen | boolean | false |
fullScreen | string | false |
enableMXP | boolean | true |
enableMSP | boolean | true |
parseCommands | string | true |
lagMeter | boolean | false |
enablePing | boolean | false |
enableEcho | boolean | true |
enableSpeedpaths | boolean | true |
speedpathsChar | string | ! |
parseSpeedpaths | boolean | true |
parseSingleQuotes | boolean | false |
parseDoubleQuotes | boolean | true |
logEnabled | boolean | false |
logPrepend | boolean | false |
logOffline | boolean | false |
logUniqueOnConnect | boolean | true |
enableURLDetection | boolean | true |
notifyMSPPlay | boolean | false |
CommandonClick | boolean | true |
allowEval | boolean | true |
allowEscape | boolean | true |
AutoCopySelectedToClipboard | boolean | false |
enableDebug | boolean | false |
editorPersistent | boolean | false |
askonclose | boolean | true |
dev | boolean | false |
chat.captureLines | boolean | false |
chat.captureAllLines | boolean | false |
chat.captureReviews | boolean | false |
chat.captureTells | boolean | false |
chat.captureTalk | boolean | false |
chat.gag | boolean | false |
chat.CaptureOnlyOpen | boolean | false |
checkForUpdates | boolean | false |
autoCreateCharacter | boolean | false |
askonchildren | boolean | true |
mapper.legend | boolean | false | | boolean | false |
mapper.importType | integer | 1 |
mapper.vscroll | integer | 0 |
mapper.hscroll | integer | 0 |
mapper.scale | float | 1.0 |
mapper.alwaysOnTop | boolean | false |
mapper.alwaysOnTopClient | boolean | true |
mapper.memory | boolean | false |
mapper.memorySavePeriod | integer | 900000 | | string | null | | integer | 0 | | integer | 0 | | integer | 0 | | string | null | | integer | 0 |
mapper.persistent | boolean | true |
profiles.split | integer | -1 |
profiles.askoncancel | boolean | true |
profiles.triggersAdvanced | boolean | false |
profiles.aliasesAdvanced | boolean | false |
profiles.buttonsAdvanced | boolean | false |
profiles.macrosAdvanced | boolean | false |
profiles.contextsAdvanced | boolean | false |
profiles.codeEditor | boolean | true |
profiles.watchFiles | boolean | true |
chat.alwaysOnTop | boolean | false |
chat.alwaysOnTopClient | boolean | true |
chat.log | boolean | false |
chat.persistent | boolean | false |
chat.zoom | integer | 1 |
chat.font | string | 'Courier New', Courier, monospace |
chat.fontSize | string | 1em |
title | string | $t |
logGagged | boolean | false |
logTimeFormat | string | YYYYMMDD-HHmmss |
autoConnectDelay | integer | 600 |
autoLogin | boolean | true |
onDisconnect | integer | 2 |
enableKeepAlive | boolean | false |
keepAliveDelay | integer | 0 |
newlineShortcut | integer | 1 |
logWhat | integer | 1 |
logErrors | boolean | true |
showErrorsExtended | boolean | false |
reportCrashes | boolean | false |
enableCommands | boolean | true |
commandChar | string | # |
escapeChar | string | \ |
enableVerbatim | boolean | true |
verbatimChar | string | ` |
soundPath | string | {data}\sounds |
logPath | string | {data}\logs |
theme | string | {themes}\default |
gamepads | boolean | false |
buttons.connect | boolean | true |
buttons.characters | boolean | true |
buttons.preferences | boolean | true |
buttons.log | boolean | true |
buttons.clear | boolean | true |
buttons.lock | boolean | true | | boolean | true |
buttons.user | boolean | true |
buttons.mail | boolean | true |
buttons.compose | boolean | true |
buttons.immortal | boolean | true |
buttons.codeEditor | boolean | false | | boolean | false |
find.word | boolean | false |
find.reverse | boolean | false |
find.regex | boolean | false |
find.selection | boolean | false | | boolean | false |
display.split | boolean | false |
display.splitHeight | integer | -1 |
display.splitLive | boolean | true |
display.roundedOverlays | boolean | true |
backupLoad | integer | 14 |
backupSave | integer | 14 |
backupAllProfiles | boolean | true |
scrollLocked | boolean | false |
showStatus | boolean | true |
showCharacterManager | boolean | false |
showChat | boolean | false |
showEditor | boolean | false |
showArmor | boolean | false |
showStatusWeather | boolean | true |
showStatusLimbs | boolean | true |
showStatusHealth | boolean | true |
showStatusExperience | boolean | true |
showStatusPartyHealth | boolean | true |
showStatusCombatHealth | boolean | true |
showButtonBar | boolean | true |
allowNegativeNumberNeeded | boolean | false |
spellchecking | boolean | true |
hideOnMinimize | boolean | false |
showTrayIcon | boolean | false |
statusExperienceNeededProgressbar | boolean | false |
trayClick | integer | 1 |
trayDblClick | integer | 0 |
pasteSpecialPrefix | string | |
pasteSpecialPostfix | string | |
pasteSpecialReplace | string | |
pasteSpecialPrefixEnabled | boolean | true |
pasteSpecialPostfixEnabled | boolean | true |
pasteSpecialReplaceEnabled | boolean | true |
display.showSplitButton | boolean | true |
chat.split | boolean | false |
chat.splitHeight | integer | -1 |
chat.splitLive | boolean | true |
chat.roundedOverlays | boolean | true |
chat.showSplitButton | boolean | true |
chat.bufferSize | integer | 5000 |
chat.flashing | boolean | false |
display.hideTrailingEmptyLine | boolean | true |
display.enableColors | boolean | true |
display.enableBackgroundColors | boolean | true |
enableSound | boolean | true |
allowHalfOpen | boolean | true |
Value | Results |
0 | do nothing |
1 | show client |
2 | hide client |
3 | toggle show/hide |
4 | show menu |
Value | Results |
0 | Do nothing |
1 | Attempt to reconnect |
2 | Open reconnect dialog |
4 | Open character manager |
8 | Close client |
Value | Results |
0 | Nothing |
1 | ctrl + enter appends newline |
2 | shift + enter appends newline |
4 | ctrl or shift + enter appends newline |
8 | ctrl and shift + enter appends new line |
Value | Results |
0 | Nothing |
1 | Log HTML |
2 | Log Text |
4 | Log Raw |
To load more then one type simple add the numbers together, for example to load as HTML and text you would use the value of 3, HTML + raw would be 5, all would be 7
Value | Results |
0 | Nothing |
2 | Map data |
4 | Profiles |
8 | Settings |
16 | Windows |
To pick more then 1 type simple add them 2 values together, eg 2 + 4 = 6 to backup map and profiles only, 14 will load or save all