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我增加了滑动出裁剪框边界时的回弹效果,以及缩小图片不允许小于裁剪框的限制,并禁止了滑动旋转的操作 #63

jzNccc opened this issue Feb 20, 2025 · 0 comments


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jzNccc commented Feb 20, 2025

`import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;

import 'package:custom_image_crop/custom_image_crop.dart';
import 'package:custom_image_crop/src/calculators/calculate_crop_fit_params.dart';
import 'package:custom_image_crop/src/calculators/calculate_on_crop_params.dart';
import 'package:custom_image_crop/src/clippers/inverted_clipper.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:gesture_x_detector/gesture_x_detector.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' as vector_math;

/// A method that draws a path with a given paint, outline color and stroke width
typedef DrawPathMethod = CustomPaint Function(
Path path, {
Paint? pathPaint,
Color outlineColor,
double outlineStrokeWidth,

/// 圆形图片裁剪
/// todo 超出边界回弹未实现 缩小超过初始大小0.5倍回放未实现
class MyCustomImageCrop extends StatefulWidget {
/// The image to crop
final ImageProvider image;

/// The controller that handles the cropping and
/// changing of the cropping area
final CustomImageCropController cropController;

/// The color behind the cropping area
final Color backgroundColor;

/// The color in front of the cropped area
final Color overlayColor;

/// A short text of guidance or advice, usually used to provide help or instructions
final Widget? promptText;

/// The shape of the cropping area.
/// Possible values:
/// - [CustomCropShape.Circle] Crop area will be circular.
/// - [CustomCropShape.Square] Crop area will be a square.
/// - [CustomCropShape.Ratio] Crop area will have a specified aspect ratio.
final CustomCropShape shape;

/// The shape of the mask area.
/// Possible values:
/// - [CustomCropShape.Circle] Mask area will be circular.
/// - [CustomCropShape.Square] Mask area will be a square.
/// - [CustomCropShape.Ratio] Mask area will have a specified aspect ratio.
final CustomCropShape? maskShape;

/// Ratio of the cropping area.
/// If [shape] is set to [CustomCropShape.Ratio], this property is required.
/// For example, to create a square crop area, use [Ratio(width: 1, height: 1)].
/// To create a rectangular crop area with a 16:9 aspect ratio, use [Ratio(width: 16, height: 9)].
final Ratio? ratio;

/// How to fit image inside visible space
final CustomImageFit imageFit;

/// The percentage of the available area that is
/// reserved for the cropping area
final double cropPercentage;

/// The path drawer of the border see [DottedCropPathPainter],
/// [SolidPathPainter] for more details or how to implement a
/// custom one
final DrawPathMethod drawPath;

/// Custom paint options for drawing the cropping border.
/// If [paint] is provided, it will be used for customizing the appearance
/// of the cropping border.
/// If [paint] is not provided, default values will be used:
/// - Color: [Colors.white]
/// - Stle [PaintingStyle.stroke]
/// - Stroke Join [StrokeJoin.round]
/// - Stroke Width: 4.0
final Paint? pathPaint;

/// The radius for rounded corners of the cropping area (only applicable to rounded rectangle shapes).
final double borderRadius;

/// Whether to allow the image to be rotated.
final bool canRotate;

/// Determines whether scaling gesture is disabled.
/// By default, scaling is enabled.
/// Set [canScale] to false to disable scaling.
final bool canScale;

/// Determines whether moving gesture overlay is disabled.
/// By default, moving is enabled.
/// Set [canMove] to false to disable move.
final bool canMove;

/// The paint used when drawing an image before cropping
final Paint imagePaintDuringCrop;

/// This widget is used to specify a custom progress indicator
final Widget? customProgressIndicator;

/// Whether to clip the area outside of the path when cropping
/// By default, the value is true
final bool clipShapeOnCrop;

/// Whether image area must cover clip path
/// By default, the value is false
/// If use, the cropped image may have white blank.
final bool forceInsideCropArea;

/// Sets the color of the outline of the crop selection area
/// This is provided to the [drawPath] method
/// Default is [Colors.white]
final Color outlineColor;

/// Sets the stroke width of the outline of the crop selection area
/// This is provided to the [drawPath] method
/// Default is 4.0
final double outlineStrokeWidth;

/// Adds a filter to overlay.
/// For example, consider using [ImageFilter.blur] to create a backdrop blur effect.
final ui.ImageFilter? imageFilter;

/// The blend mode of the image filter
/// Default is [BlendMode.srcOver]
final BlendMode imageFilterBlendMode;

/// A custom image cropper widget
/// Uses a CustomImageCropController to crop the image.
/// With the controller you can rotate, translate and/or
/// scale with buttons and sliders. This can also be
/// achieved with gestures
/// Use a shape with CustomCropShape.Circle or
/// CustomCropShape.Square
/// You can increase the cropping area using cropPercentage
/// Change the cropping border by changing drawPath,
/// we've provided two default painters as inspiration
/// DottedCropPathPainter.drawPath and
/// SolidCropPathPainter.drawPath
required this.image,
required this.cropController,
this.overlayColor = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, 0.5),
this.backgroundColor = Colors.white,
this.shape = CustomCropShape.Circle,
this.imageFit = CustomImageFit.fitCropSpace,
this.cropPercentage = 0.8,
this.drawPath = DottedCropPathPainter.drawPath,
this.canRotate = true,
this.canScale = true,
this.canMove = true,
this.clipShapeOnCrop = true,
this.borderRadius = 0,
Paint? imagePaintDuringCrop,
this.forceInsideCropArea = false,
this.outlineColor = Colors.white,
this.outlineStrokeWidth = 4.0,
this.imageFilterBlendMode = BlendMode.srcOver,
Key? key,
}) : this.imagePaintDuringCrop = imagePaintDuringCrop ??
(Paint()..filterQuality = FilterQuality.high),
!(shape == CustomCropShape.Ratio && ratio == null),
"If shape is set to Ratio, ratio should not be null.",
super(key: key);

_MyCustomImageCropState createState() => _MyCustomImageCropState();

class _MyCustomImageCropState extends State
with CustomImageCropListener {
CropImageData? _dataTransitionStart;
late Path _path;
late Path _maskPath;
late double _width, _height;
ui.Image? _imageAsUIImage;
ImageStream? _imageStream;
ImageStreamListener? _imageListener;
/// 适应裁剪框的缩放比例
var currentScale=1.0;
var cropSizeWidth;
var cropSizeHeight;
var currentAngle;

void initState() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
// 在这里执行你想要的方法

void didChangeDependencies() {

void didUpdateWidget(MyCustomImageCrop oldWidget) {
if (oldWidget.image != widget.image) _getImage();

void _getImage() {
final oldImageStream = _imageStream;
_imageStream = widget.image.resolve(createLocalImageConfiguration(context));
if (_imageStream?.key != oldImageStream?.key) {
if (_imageListener != null) {
_imageListener = ImageStreamListener(_updateImage);

void _updateImage(ImageInfo imageInfo, _) {
setState(() {
_imageAsUIImage = imageInfo.image;

void dispose() {
if (_imageListener != null) {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final image = _imageAsUIImage;
if (image == null) {
return Center(
child: widget.customProgressIndicator ?? CircularProgressIndicator(),

if (currentAngle == null) {
  currentAngle = data.angle;
} else {
  if (currentAngle != data.angle) {
    currentAngle = data.angle;

return LayoutBuilder(
  builder: (context, constraints) {
    _width = constraints.maxWidth;
    _height = constraints.maxHeight;
    final cropFitParams = calculateCropFitParams(
      cropPercentage: widget.cropPercentage,
      imageFit: widget.imageFit,
      imageHeight: image.height,
      imageWidth: image.width,
      screenHeight: _height,
      screenWidth: _width,
      aspectRatio: (widget.ratio?.width ?? 1) / (widget.ratio?.height ?? 1),
      forceInsideCropArea: widget.forceInsideCropArea,
    cropSizeHeight = cropFitParams.cropSizeHeight;
    cropSizeWidth = cropFitParams.cropSizeWidth;
    currentScale = cropFitParams.additionalScale;

    // final scale = data.scale * cropFitParams.additionalScale;
    final scale = data.scale * cropFitParams.additionalScale;
    _path = _getPath(
      cropWidth: cropFitParams.cropSizeWidth,
      cropHeight: cropFitParams.cropSizeHeight,
      width: _width,
      height: _height,
      borderRadius: widget.borderRadius,
      shape: widget.shape,

    _maskPath = widget.maskShape == null
        ? _path
        : _getPath(
      cropWidth: cropFitParams.cropSizeWidth,
      cropHeight: cropFitParams.cropSizeHeight,
      width: _width,
      height: _height,
      borderRadius: widget.borderRadius,
      shape: widget.maskShape!,

    Widget overlay = Container(
      color: widget.overlayColor,
    final filter = widget.imageFilter;
    if (filter != null) {
      overlay = BackdropFilter(
        filter: filter,
        blendMode: widget.imageFilterBlendMode,
        child: overlay,
    overlay = IgnorePointer(
      child: ClipPath(
        clipper: InvertedClipper(_maskPath, _width, _height),
        child: overlay,

    return XGestureDetector(
      onMoveStart: onMoveStart,
      onMoveUpdate: onMoveUpdate,
      onMoveEnd: onMoveEnd,
      onScaleStart: onScaleStart,
      onScaleUpdate: onScaleUpdate,
      onScaleEnd: onScaleEnd,
      child: Container(
        width: _width,
        height: _height,
        color: widget.backgroundColor,
        child: Stack(
          children: [
              left: data.x + _width / 2,
              top: data.y + _height / 2,
              child: Transform(
                transform: Matrix4.diagonal3(
                    vector_math.Vector3(scale, scale, scale))
                  ..translate(-image.width / 2, -image.height / 2),
                child: Transform.rotate(
                  angle: data.angle,
                  child: Image(
                    image: widget.image,
              pathPaint: widget.pathPaint,
              outlineColor: widget.outlineColor,
              outlineStrokeWidth: widget.outlineStrokeWidth,
          top: _height / 2 + cropSizeHeight/ 2 + 10,
            left: 0,
            right: 0,
            child: Center(
              child: widget.promptText?? const SizedBox(),


void onScaleStart(_) {
_dataTransitionStart = null; // Reset for update

void onScaleEnd() {
if (data.scale < 1) {

void scaleAdaptive(){
final image = _imageAsUIImage;
if (image == null) {
var w = image.width * currentScale * data.scale;
var h = image.height * currentScale * data.scale;
var scale = 1.0;
if (w < cropSizeWidth) {
scale = cropSizeWidth / w;
if (h < cropSizeHeight) {
var tempScale = cropSizeHeight / h;
if (tempScale > scale) {
scale = tempScale;
CropImageData(scale: scale),

void onScaleUpdate(ScaleEvent event) {
final scale =
widget.canScale ? event.scale : (_dataTransitionStart?.scale ?? 1.0);

// final angle = widget.canRotate ? event.rotationAngle : 0.0;

if (_dataTransitionStart != null) {
    _dataTransitionStart! -
          scale: scale,
          angle: 0,//禁用旋转
_dataTransitionStart = CropImageData(
  scale: scale,
  angle: 0, //禁用旋转


void onMoveStart(_) {
_dataTransitionStart = null; // Reset for update

void onMoveEnd(MoveEvent? event) {
if (!widget.canMove) return;
if (data.scale < currentScale) {



void moveSpringback(){
final image = _imageAsUIImage!;
final scale = data.scale * currentScale;
var scaledImageWidth = image.width * scale;
var scaledImageHeight = image.height * scale;

var cropWidth = cropSizeWidth;
var cropHeight = cropSizeHeight;
if (data.angle == (pi / 2)
|| data.angle == (pi + pi /2)) {
  cropWidth = cropSizeHeight;
  cropHeight = cropSizeWidth;
  scaledImageWidth = image.height * scale;
  scaledImageHeight = image.width * scale;

double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
if (scaledImageWidth <= cropWidth) {
  // 图片宽度小于等于屏幕宽度,不允许水平滑动
  minX = 0;
  maxX = 0;
} else {
  minX = -scaledImageWidth / 2 + cropWidth / 2;
  maxX = scaledImageWidth / 2 - cropWidth / 2;

if (scaledImageHeight <= cropHeight) {
  // 图片高度小于等于屏幕高度,不允许垂直滑动
  minY = 0;
  maxY = 0;
} else {
  minY = -scaledImageHeight / 2 + cropHeight / 2;
  maxY = scaledImageHeight / 2 - cropHeight / 2;

// 处理浮点数精度问题
final safeMinX = num.parse(minX.toStringAsFixed(2)).toDouble();
final safeMaxX = num.parse(maxX.toStringAsFixed(2)).toDouble();
final safeMinY = num.parse(minY.toStringAsFixed(2)).toDouble();
final safeMaxY = num.parse(maxY.toStringAsFixed(2)).toDouble();

// 确保边界值逻辑正确
assert(safeMinX <= safeMaxX, 'minX should be less than or equal to maxX');
assert(safeMinY <= safeMaxY, 'minY should be less than or equal to maxY');

// 检查异常数据输入
if (data.x.isNaN || data.x.isInfinite || data.y.isNaN || data.y.isInfinite) {
  print('Invalid data: x=${data.x}, y=${data.y}');

// 计算回弹偏移量
final clampedX = data.x.clamp(safeMinX, safeMaxX);
final clampedY = data.y.clamp(safeMinY, safeMaxY);
final deltaX = clampedX - data.x;
final deltaY = clampedY - data.y;

if (deltaX != 0 || deltaY != 0) {
      .addTransition(CropImageData(x: deltaX, y: deltaY));


void onMoveUpdate(MoveEvent event) {
if (!widget.canMove) return;

    .addTransition(CropImageData(x:, y:;


Rect _getInitialImageRect() {
assert(_imageAsUIImage != null);
final image = _imageAsUIImage!;
final cropFitParams = calculateCropFitParams(
cropPercentage: widget.cropPercentage,
imageFit: widget.imageFit,
imageHeight: image.height,
imageWidth: image.width,
screenHeight: _height,
screenWidth: _width,
aspectRatio: (widget.ratio?.width ?? 1) / (widget.ratio?.height ?? 1),
forceInsideCropArea: widget.forceInsideCropArea,
final initialWidth = image.width * cropFitParams.additionalScale;
final initialHeight = image.height * cropFitParams.additionalScale;
return Rect.fromLTWH(
(_width - initialWidth) / 2,
(_height - initialHeight) / 2,

void _correctTransition(CropImageData transition, VoidCallback callback) {
if (!widget.forceInsideCropArea || _imageAsUIImage == null) {
final startX = data.x;
final startY = data.y;
final pathRect = _path.getBounds();
final initialImageRect = _getInitialImageRect();
bool isContainPath = _isContainPath(initialImageRect, pathRect, data.scale);
bool isRotated = data.angle != 0;

if (isContainPath) {

if (transition.x != 0 || transition.y != 0) {
  if (isRotated) {
        CropImageData(x: startX - data.x, y: startY - data.y));
  } else {
    final imageRect = _getImageRect(initialImageRect, data.scale);
    double deltaX = min(pathRect.left - imageRect.left, 0);
    deltaX = pathRect.right > imageRect.right
        ? pathRect.right - imageRect.right
        : deltaX;
    double deltaY = min( -, 0);
    deltaY = pathRect.bottom > imageRect.bottom
        ? pathRect.bottom - imageRect.bottom
        : deltaY;
    _addTransitionInternal(CropImageData(x: deltaX, y: deltaY));
double minEdgeHalf =
    min(initialImageRect.width, initialImageRect.height) / 2;
double adaptScale = _calculateScaleAfterRotate(
    pathRect, data.scale, initialImageRect, minEdgeHalf);
_addTransitionInternal(CropImageData(scale: adaptScale / data.scale));


Rect _getImageRect(Rect initialImageRect, double currentScale) {
final diffScale = (1 - currentScale) / 2;
final left =
initialImageRect.left + diffScale * initialImageRect.width + data.x;
final top = + diffScale * initialImageRect.height + data.y;
Rect imageRect = Rect.fromLTWH(
currentScale * initialImageRect.width,
currentScale * initialImageRect.height);
return imageRect;

double _getDistanceBetweenPointAndLine(
Offset point, Offset lineStart, Offset lineEnd) {
if (lineEnd.dy == lineStart.dy) {
return (point.dy - lineStart.dy).abs();
if (lineEnd.dx == lineStart.dx) {
return (point.dx - lineStart.dx).abs();
double line1Slop =
(lineEnd.dy - lineStart.dy) / (lineEnd.dx - lineStart.dx);
double line1Delta = lineEnd.dy - lineEnd.dx * line1Slop;
double line2Slop = -1 / line1Slop;
double line2Delta = point.dy - point.dx * line2Slop;
double crossPointX = (line2Delta - line1Delta) / (line1Slop - line2Slop);
double crossPointY = line1Slop * crossPointX + line1Delta;
return (Offset(crossPointX, crossPointY) - point).distance;

bool _isContainPath(
Rect initialImageRect, Rect pathRect, double currentScale) {
final imageRect = _getImageRect(initialImageRect, currentScale);
Offset topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight;
final rad = atan(imageRect.height / imageRect.width);
final len =
sqrt(pow(imageRect.width / 2, 2) + pow(imageRect.height / 2, 2));
bool isRotated = data.angle != 0;

if (isRotated) {
  final clockAngle = rad + data.angle;
  final counterClockAngle = rad - data.angle;
  final cosClockValue = len * cos(clockAngle);
  final sinClockValue = len * sin(clockAngle);
  final cosCounterClockValue = len * cos(counterClockAngle);
  final sinCounterClockValue = len * sin(counterClockAngle);
  bottomRight =, sinClockValue);
  topRight =
      .translate(cosCounterClockValue, -sinCounterClockValue);
  topLeft =, -sinClockValue);
  bottomLeft =
      .translate(-cosCounterClockValue, sinCounterClockValue);
} else {
  bottomRight = imageRect.bottomRight;
  topRight = imageRect.topRight;
  topLeft = imageRect.topLeft;
  bottomLeft = imageRect.bottomLeft;

if (widget.shape == CustomCropShape.Circle) {
  final anchor = max(pathRect.width, pathRect.height) / 2;
  final pathCenter =;
  return _getDistanceBetweenPointAndLine(pathCenter, topLeft, topRight) >=
      anchor &&
      _getDistanceBetweenPointAndLine(pathCenter, topRight, bottomRight) >=
          anchor &&
          pathCenter, bottomLeft, bottomRight) >=
          anchor &&
      _getDistanceBetweenPointAndLine(pathCenter, topLeft, bottomLeft) >=

if (isRotated) {
  Path imagePath = Path()
    ..moveTo(topLeft.dx, topLeft.dy)
    ..lineTo(topRight.dx, topRight.dy)
    ..lineTo(bottomRight.dx, bottomRight.dy)
    ..lineTo(bottomLeft.dx, bottomLeft.dy)
  return imagePath.contains(pathRect.topLeft) &&
      imagePath.contains(pathRect.topRight) &&
      imagePath.contains(pathRect.bottomLeft) &&
} else {
  return imageRect.contains(pathRect.topLeft) &&
      imageRect.contains(pathRect.topRight) &&
      imageRect.contains(pathRect.bottomLeft) &&


double _calculateScaleAfterRotate(Rect pathRect, double startScale,
Rect initialImageRect, double minEdgeHalf) {
final imageCenter =, data.y);
final topLeftDistance = (pathRect.topLeft - imageCenter).distance;
final topRightDistance = (pathRect.topRight - imageCenter).distance;
final bottomLeftDistance = (pathRect.bottomLeft - imageCenter).distance;
final bottomRightDistance = (pathRect.bottomRight - imageCenter).distance;
final maxDistance = max(
max(max(topLeftDistance, topRightDistance), bottomLeftDistance),
double endScale = maxDistance / minEdgeHalf;

if (startScale >= endScale) {
  return endScale;

///use binary search to find best scale which just contain path.
///Also, we can use imageCenter、imageLine(longest one) and path vertex to calculate.
double step = 1 / minEdgeHalf;

while ((endScale - startScale).abs() > step) {
  double midScale = (endScale + startScale) / 2;

  if (_isContainPath(initialImageRect, pathRect, midScale)) {
    endScale = midScale;
  } else {
    startScale = midScale + step;
return endScale;


Path _getPath({
required double cropWidth,
required double cropHeight,
required double width,
required double height,
required double borderRadius,
required CustomCropShape shape,
bool clipShape = true,
}) {
if (!clipShape) {
return Path()
center: Offset(width / 2, height / 2),
width: cropWidth,
height: cropHeight,

switch (shape) {
  case CustomCropShape.Circle:
    return Path()
          center: Offset(width / 2, height / 2),
          radius: cropWidth / 2,
  case CustomCropShape.Ratio:
    return Path()
            center: Offset(width / 2, height / 2),
            width: cropWidth,
            height: cropHeight,
    return Path()
            center: Offset(width / 2, height / 2),
            width: cropWidth,
            height: cropHeight,


Future<MemoryImage?> onCropImage() async {
if (_imageAsUIImage == null) {
return null;
final imageWidth = _imageAsUIImage!.width;
final imageHeight = _imageAsUIImage!.height;
final pictureRecorder = ui.PictureRecorder();
final canvas = Canvas(pictureRecorder);
final onCropParams = calculateOnCropParams(
cropPercentage: widget.cropPercentage,
imageFit: widget.imageFit,
imageHeight: imageHeight,
imageWidth: imageWidth,
screenHeight: _height,
screenWidth: _width,
dataScale: data.scale,
aspectRatio: (widget.ratio?.width ?? 1) / (widget.ratio?.height ?? 1),
forceInsideCropArea: widget.forceInsideCropArea,
final clipPath = Path.from(_getPath(
cropWidth: onCropParams.cropSizeWidth,
cropHeight: onCropParams.cropSizeHeight,
width: onCropParams.cropSizeWidth,
height: onCropParams.cropSizeHeight,
borderRadius: widget.borderRadius,
clipShape: widget.clipShapeOnCrop,
shape: widget.shape,
final matrix4Image = Matrix4.diagonal3(vector_math.Vector3.all(1))
onCropParams.translateScale * data.x + onCropParams.cropSizeWidth / 2,
onCropParams.translateScale * data.y + onCropParams.cropSizeHeight / 2,
final bgPaint = Paint()
..color = widget.backgroundColor = PaintingStyle.fill;
Offset(-imageWidth / 2, -imageHeight / 2),

// Optionally remove magenta from image by evaluating every pixel
// See

// final bytes = await compute(computeToByteData, <String, dynamic>{'pictureRecorder': pictureRecorder, 'cropWidth': cropWidth});

ui.Picture picture = pictureRecorder.endRecording();
ui.Image image = await picture.toImage(

// Adding compute would be preferrable. Unfortunately we cannot pass an ui image to this.
// A workaround would be to save the image and load it inside of the isolate
final bytes = await image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png);
return bytes == null ? null : MemoryImage(bytes.buffer.asUint8List());


void _addTransitionInternal(CropImageData transition) {
setData(data + transition);

void addTransition(CropImageData transition) {
_correctTransition(transition, () {

void setData(CropImageData newData) {
setState(() {
data = newData;
// The same check should happen (once available) as in addTransition
data.scale = data.scale.clamp(0.1, 10.0);


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