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FHIR Server Cheatsheet for REST API

0. Accessing FHIR Server

You access FHIR server using REST API requests which are just standard HTTP calls (

Typically, this is done via:

  1. A tool like Postman ( to do the calls manually for testing
  2. A command line tool like curl (
    curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer {token here}' --header 'Content-Type: application/fhir+json'
  3. Code in Javascript or Python or other programming language

Javascript Example:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;

xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', function () {
    if (this.readyState === 4) {
});'GET', '');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer {token here}');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/fhir+json');


Python Example:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer {token here}',
    'Content-Type': 'application/fhir+json'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Note: Make sure you set Content-Type: application/fhir+json header in your HTTP call to the FHIR server.

1. Searching for Resources

You can search for resources by going to the /4_0_0/{resource} url e.g.,

Note: The server will return only 10 records unless the _count query parameter is specified per below.

1.1 Specifying how many records to return

Use the _count query parameter e.g.,

The default is 100

Note: Passing 0 in this query parameter is equivalent to no limit.

FHIR Specification:

1.2 Select only specific fields from the resource

Specify a comma separated list in _elements query parameter e.g.,,meta

FHIR Specification:

1.3 Sorting records

Specify a comma separated list in _sort query parameter e.g., (ascending)

To specify sorted a field descending, prepend the field name with -

Multiple sort fields can be specified:,id

FHIR Specification:

1.4 Paging

1.4.1 offset & limit based paging

To page through the data specify the _count and the _getpageoffset query parameters e.g.,

When you get no resources back then this means you've reached the end.

Note: Do not use _getpagesoffset based paging if a recource have millions of records. If FHIR Server is not able read 1st record from MongoDB within 1 minute then it will return as error with 500 status code.

1.4.2 cursor(_next url) based pagination

Each REST Search to FHIR Server returns _next url in bundle that can be used to fetch next set of data for search and _count can specify the no. of records that can be returned in each API call. When you get no resources back then this means you've reached the end.

We do not have any maximum number for _count. It can be anything but _count=0 in this query parameter is equivalent to no limit and return all the records that can be transfered in 1 hours.

Note: FHIR Server can keep REST resouce fetch connection open till 1 hour and if request is not able to complete in 1 hour then last record may be in-complete json.

1.5 Additional Filters

Helix FHIR Server supports all the standard FHIR search parameters: Below are some examples:

Filter By Query Parameter Example Supported for Resources
By ids or list of ids id=a,b,546333 All
By name name=Jordan Patient, Practitioner
By family name family=Jordan Patient, Practitioner
By identifier identifier={system}|{value}|1487831681 All
By extension extension={system}|{value}|1487831681 All
By source source=url All
By security tag _security={access/owner/vendor}|{value}|somehealth All
By versionId versionId=x All
Updated after a datetime _lastUpdated=gt{date} All
Updated before a datetime _lastUpdated=lt{date} All
Updated between dates _lastUpdated=lt{date}&_lastUpdated=gt{date} All
By field and value {field name}={field value} All
Before recorded date date=lt{date} Appointment
After recorded date date=gt{date} Appointment
By url url={url} ValueSet
By code code={system}|{value}|BMI001 Resources in
By date date=lt{date}&date=gt{date} Resources in

FHIR Specification:

1.6 Getting total count

By default, the FHIR server just returns the page of data was requested. However, you can request to get the total count of records that meet your query by passing the _total=accurate query parameter e.g.,

The total count will be returned in the total field of the Bundle that is returned.

Note: This is an expensive operation when the count of records that match your query is high. It is recommended to only request total when it is actually needed.

FHIR Specification:

1.7 Enabling strict validation

By default, the FHIR server does not validate if a search parameter passed in a request is valid or not. Pass the header handling=strict to enable strict parameter validation. Default value of the header is lenient that does not perform the unsupported or unknown parameter validation. Ref:

1.8 Search Modifiers

Parameter Type Modifier Example Description
missing [base]/ExplanationOfBenefit?patient:missing=true will match on all elements where either the underlying element is omitted or where the element is present with no value
not [base]/4_0_0/Patient?_security:not= can be used to negate any search filter
above [base]/Observation?id:above=07ee0c18-a6c6-5b8e-b7ba-adb395447f52 allows to fetch result for resources after specified id. Mainly used for pagination to get next page along with default or specified sorting order
below [base]/Observation?id:below=07ee0c18-a6c6-5b8e-b7ba-adb395447f52 allows to fetch result for resources before specified id. Mainly used for pagination to get previous page along with default or specified sorting order
exact [base]/Patient?family:exact=Son allows to indicate that a supplied string input is the complete and exact value that should be matched
contains [base]/Patient?family:contains=son allows to indicate that a supplied string input should be matched as a case-insensitive match anywhere in the target string
text [base]/Condition?code:text=headache allows to indicate that a supplied string should be used to perform a string-search against the text associated with a code or value
of-type [base]/Patient?identifier:of-type=|MR|446053 can only be used with identifier field and allows to filter based on the Identifier.type.coding.system, Identifier.type.coding.code and Identifier.value. The format when using 'of-type' is [system]|[code]|[value] and all three values are must.
[type] [base]/Observation?subject:Patient=23 allows to restrict the resource type of a reference. Provided example is similar to using [base]/Observation?subject=Patient/23

FHIR specification:

1.8 Search Prefixes

For parameter types of number, date, and quantity

Prefix Example Description
ne [base]/RiskAssessment?probability=ne0.8 not equals: the value for the parameter in the resource is not equal to the provided value
gt [base]/RiskAssessment?probability=gt1e2 greater than: the value for the parameter in the resource is greater than the provided value
ge [base]/RiskAssessment?probability=ge8 greater than or equal to: the value for the parameter in the resource is greater or equal to the provided value
lt [base]/RiskAssessment?probability=lt100.00 less than: the value for the parameter in the resource is less than the provided value
le [base]/RiskAssessment?probability=le5.40e-3 less than or equal to: the value for the parameter in the resource is less or equal to the provided value

FHIR specification:

2. Requesting a single resource

Add the id of the resource in the url e.g.,

FHIR Specification:

2.1 Getting history for a resource

Add /_history to a resource url to get the history of changes to that resource e.g.,

3. Creating a resource

There are two ways to do this:

  1. (Recommended) Use the $merge endpoint which handles both creating a new resource and updating an existing resource. This is the recommended path to avoid the timing issue where someone else may add that resource between the time you checked the resource exists and sent the call to add it.
  2. Use the POST method. You can POST the resource as the body to /4_0_0/{resource} e.g., /4_0_0/Patient.

FHIR Specification:

4. Updating a resource

There are two ways to do this:

  1. (Recommended) Use the $merge endpoint which handles both creating a new resource and updating an existing resource. This is the recommended path to avoid the timing issue where someone else may update that resource between the time you checked the resource exists and sent the call to add it.
  2. Use the PUT method. You can PUT the resource as the body to /4_0_0/{resource}/{id} e.g., /4_0_0/Patient/123
    • Note: This will completely replace the existing resource
  3. Use the PATCH method.
    • Note: You must pass the Content-Type as application/json-patch+json and the patch must be in JSONPatch format:

FHIR Specification:

4.1 Updating a set of resources

The $merge method supports sending a list of resources (which can be of different resource types).

5. Deleting a resource

The DELETE method allows you to logically delete a resource. You can send a DELETE call to /4_0_0/{resource}/{id} e.g., /4_0_0/Patient/123

FHIR Specification:

6. Requesting a graph of related resources

Requesting resources and then requesting the related resources can result in many calls which can be slow. The Helix FHIR server provides the $graph endpoint to do this in one call.

Use the $graph endpoint to get a resource and the specified related resources. The requested graph is passed in as GraphDefinition in the body and all the resources are returned in a Bundle.

Note: You can pass in a list of resource ids in the id parameter to get the graphs for multiple resources.

For example:$graph?id=733797173,1234&contained=true

7. Authentication

FHIR Server uses OAuth Authentication. You can authenticate either:

  1. Service to Service via a client id and client secret
  2. As a User via a user id and password

See Security for details.

8. Authorization

FHIR Server uses the SMART on FHIR scopes:

  1. user/{resource}.{read or write} e.g., user/
    • This determines what resource types you can access and whether you can read or write (or both)
  2. access/{access tag}._ e.g., access/my_client._
    • This determines which resources you can access within a resource type.

See Security for details.

Fhir Client SDK

This is a python package that can make it easier to talk to FHIR servers. Note this is optional; You can talk to our FHIR server using standard HTTP REST API.

This SDK encapsulates all the aspects of calling the FHIR API so you can just call Python functions.

The SDK handles:

  1. Authentication to FHIR server
  2. Renewing access token when it expires
  3. Retry when there are transient errors
  4. Un-bundling the resources received from FHIR server
  5. Paging