Releases: ibm-mas/cli
Releases · ibm-mas/cli
What's Changed
- [patch] fix iot wait and approval tasks conditions by @leo-miran in #971
- [patch] fix left over char by @leo-miran in #972
- [patch] New mobile fvt pipeline task for inspections form test by @leo-miran in #974
- [patch] Update CODEOWNERS by @sanjayprab in #976
- [patch] Fix logging for must-gather by @durera in #977
Full Changelog: 9.0.0...9.0.1
What's Changed
- [patch] Fix Backup Maximo Manage script: Maximo Manage Operator group not found error by @sbudhira in #938
- [patch] Include mongodb_replicas parameter into by @andrercm in #941
- [minor] Add best effort and guaranteed pod templates for Manage by @Vishal-patel-7 in #931
- [patch] Add mongodb_version to update pipelinerun by @whitfiea in #947
- [patch] Clarify supported OCP version statement by @istrate in #962
- [major] Pick up ibm.mas_devops v20 by @durera in #827
- [patch] Update pipelinerun timeout definitions by @durera in #964
- [patch] adding suite-cert task to install pipeline by @leo-miran in #965
- [patch] Typo when setting configmap_value (sync-install) by @alequint in #966
- [patch] Various code clean up & improvements by @durera in #967
- [patch] Don't specify OCP patch version for FYRE by @IanBoden in #963
- [patch] Remove duplicate "when" clause by @durera in #968
- [patch] Improve MAS update by @durera in #969
- [patch] Always run approval-suite-verify by @leo-miran in #970
New Contributors
- @Vishal-patel-7 made their first contribution in #931
Full Changelog: 8.2.2...9.0.0
What's Changed
- [patch] Enable imagescan support in all applications by @darshan-kansara1 in #933
- [patch] fix default DRO issue. by @lokesh-sreedhara in #936
Full Changelog: 8.2.1...8.2.2
What's Changed
- [minor] Support April Catalog update by @Sanju7216 in #892
- [patch] Allow MONGODB_VERSION to be set on update by @whitfiea in #922
Full Changelog: 8.1.0...8.2.0
What's Changed
- [patch] Slack message modification by @unnati-solanki-git in #887
- [patch] display IBM or AWS kafka provider when one of them is detected by @creyesibm in #883
- [minor] Add Calibration and Supervisor to fvt-mobile by @gabrielbonamicoibm in #888
- [minor] Support Cloud Pak for Data 4.8.x - Install & Upgrade by @andrercm in #869
- [patch] Fixing message issue by @unnati-solanki-git in #891
- [patch] Fix incorrect Slack usergroup association by @unnati-solanki-git in #894
- [minor] Pre and Post Upgrade launcher and pipelines by @alequint in #895
- [patch] Remove devops collection by @alequint in #898
- [patch] Add IBMCLOUD_APIKEY in mas-ivt-core task by @alequint in #899
- [patch] calibration fvt_test_suite fix by @leo-miran in #900
- [patch] Create $LOCAL_DIR if the provided one does not exist by @RafaAlFr in #835
- [minor] adding civil to mobile pipeline by @gabrielbonamicoibm in #902
- [minor] Industry Solutions by @alequint in #903
- [minor] Must gather update for dro and cert manager by @mattlrx in #839
- [patch] Fix MAS_WORKSPACE_NAME in pipelinerun_preview by @andrercm in #847
- [minor] Support option to skip cluster's pre-checks during pipeline execution by @andrercm in #893
- [minor] Extend support for Manage additional settings by @andrercm in #854
- [patch] Added variable IMAGE_SCAN_ENABLED by @darshan-kansara1 in #808
- [patch] Remove ansible.tar.gz by @andrercm in #908
- [patch] make DRO install default on newer versions of cli and mas catalog by @lokesh-sreedhara in #911
- [patch] create PR action to fail if local ansible collection is present by @Sanju7216 in #913
- [patch] save_config function was being overriden in mas uninstall by @IanBoden in #916
- [patch] lookup mongo version not default during mas update by @whitfiea in #914
- [patch] fix DB2_CHANNEL since January catalog by @Sanju7216 in #919
- [patch] Updated DRO migration checks by @yuvraj-vansure in #912
- [patch] Add errors for trying to provision quickburn fyre cluster outside svl by @IanBoden in #917
- [patch] Support for pod Template test case moved from fvt to ivt by @harsh42774 in #920
New Contributors
- @RafaAlFr made their first contribution in #835
- @darshan-kansara1 made their first contribution in #808
- @harsh42774 made their first contribution in #920
Full Changelog: 8.0.1...8.1.0
What's Changed
- [major] Fixes for mas uninstall command, remove
option and change cert-manager removal by @andrercm in #878 - [patch] Remove Manage FVT SMTP Setup Task by @alequint in #879
- [patch] UDS/DRO migration storage class fix by @yuvraj-vansure in #849
New Contributors
- @yuvraj-vansure made their first contribution in #849
Full Changelog: 7.19.0...8.0.0
What's Changed
- [minor] Support 240405 catalog with MAS 8.11.9 by @Sanju7216 in #877
- [minor] Manage FVT Phase 5 by @alequint in #859
- [minor] Capture cp4d and components versions by @creyesibm in #872
- [patch] Update the operator versions in March catalog docs by @Sanju7216 in #874
- [minor] Reorganizing Manage FVT by @alequint in #873
Full Changelog: 7.18.0...7.19.0
What's Changed
- [minor] Support March Catalog Update by @Sanju7216 in #850
- [minor] Add support for OCP 4.13, OCP 4.14 and remove support for OCP 4.10 by @istrate in #700
- [patch] Fix phase 4 Manage FVT by @alequint in #817
- [patch] Remove tests requiring COS/S3 from Manage FVT by @alequint in #843
- [patch] add missing finally section to uninstall pipeline by @creyesibm in #841
- [patch] Update Strimzi kafka version by @andrercm in #857
- [patch] delete prerelease collection by @Sanju7216 in #861
- [patch] Removed Manage's autoscript-adddeletewo by @alequint in #865
Full Changelog: 7.17.0...7.18.0