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566 lines (437 loc) · 25.9 KB
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2017, 2024
emails, verification, templates, sendgrid, welcome, password reset, password change, change details, verification, supported languages, registry, cloud directory,

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Customizing emails

{: #cd-types}

When a user interacts with your application, you might want to send a reply or ask for verification. {{}} provides default templates that you can use for the interactions. You can also use the templates as a guide and customize your messaging to fit your brand. {: shortdesc}

{{}} uses SendGrid{: external} as a mail delivery service. All emails are sent with a single SendGrid account. {: note}

Configuring email settings

{: #cd-email-settings}

With {{}}, you can choose to use {{}} default SendGrid{: external} credentials, add your own SendGrid account, or configure your own custom webhook to send email messages in Cloud Directory. {: shortdesc}

Using the IBM default email provider

{: #cd-default-email}

By default, {{}} uses SendGrid{: external} as an email delivery service for Cloud Directory.

  1. Go to the Cloud Directory > Email templates > Email settings page of the service dashboard.

  2. Select Default. The information that you need to input appears.

  3. Configure your Sender details.

    1. In From, enter the email address that you want users to receive your emails from.

    2. In Sender name, enter the name that you want associated with the "From" email.

    3. In Reply-to, enter the email address where you want to receive any replies that someone might have to the email.

  4. Click Test to try your configuration with a test email.

  5. Click Save to enable your configuration.

Adding your own SendGrid account

{: #cd-add-sendgrid-account}

By using your own SendGrid account to send your Cloud Directory emails, you have full control. You can decide how the emails are sent, use your own domain name, and define your sender details. With custom email settings, you can reduce the chances of an email getting filtered as spam while also furthering brand recognition for your application.

A direct connection to your email provider can help you to get information about individual messages such as the number of people that open the emails and which messages were not delivered. You can also see overall statistics that you can use to better manage your email campaigns.

Don't have a SendGrid account? Sign up{: external}. {: tip}

  1. Go to the Cloud Directory > Email templates > Email settings page of the service dashboard.

  2. Select SendGrid. The information that you need to input appears.

  3. In SendGrid API key, enter your API key.

  4. Configure your Sender details.

    1. In From, enter the email address that you want users to receive your emails from.

    2. In Sender name, enter the name that you want associated with the "From" email.

    3. In Reply-to, enter the email address where you want to receive any replies that someone might have to the email.

  5. Click Test to try your configuration with a test email.

  6. Click Save to enable your configuration.

Customizing your email provider

{: #cd-custom-email}

By defining your own custom extension point to send your Cloud Directory emails, you have full control. You can decide how the emails are sent, use your own domain name, and define your sender details. With custom email settings, you can reduce the chances of an email getting filtered as spam while also furthering brand recognition for your application.

A direct connection to your email provider can help you to get information about individual messages such as the number of people that open the emails and which messages were not delivered. You can also see overall statistics that you can use to better manage your email campaigns.

Configuring a custom provider with the GUI

{: #cd-messages-configure-custom-gui}

You can use the service dashboard to configure your custom provider.

  1. Go to the Cloud Directory > Email templates > Email settings page of the service dashboard.

  2. Select Custom. The information that you need to input appears.

  3. In Webhook, enter your custom extension URL.

  4. Select an Authorization type. You can choose from the following options:

    • None: The webhook endpoint or URL, does not require an authorization header.
    • Basic: The webhook endpoint requires an HTTP authorization header with every request in the form of a username and password.
    • Authorization headers: The webhook request requires that you pass the authorization information for your endpoint in an HTTP authorization. For example, you might pass an OAuth 2.0 token: Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiIyMDIwMDEyNTE2MzMiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYW1faWQiOiJJ.
  5. Configure your Sender details.

    1. In From, enter the email address that you want users to receive your emails from.

    2. In Sender name, enter the name that you want associated with the "From" email.

    3. In Reply-to, enter the email address where you want to receive any replies to the email.

  6. Click Test to try your configuration with a test email.

  7. Click Save to enable your configuration.

Configuring a custom provider with the API

{: #cd-messages-configure-custom-api}

You can use the Cloud Directory management APIs{: external} to configure your custom email sender.

  1. Configure an extension point that can listen for a POST request. The endpoint must be able to:

    • Read the payload that comes from {{}}.
    • Send the email from your custom provider.
    • Optionally, validate the JSON payload that is returned by {{}} was not altered by a third party in any way. A string that is formatted as {"jws": "jws-format-string"} is returned that contains your tenant ID, the issuer of your JWS token, the timestamp of when the message was sent, a unique transaction ID, and the actual message information that includes your sender details and email body content.

    Your extension point might look similar to the following example:

    const sgMail = require('@sendgrid/mail');
    const {promisify} = require('bluebird');
    const request = promisify(require('request'));
    const jwtVerify = promisify(require('jsonwebtoken').verify);
    const jwtDecode = require('jsonwebtoken').decode;
    const jwkToPem = require('jwk-to-pem');
    async function obtainPublicKeys() {
       // Your {{}} instance tenant ID
       const tenantId = '<tenantID>';
       // Send request to {{}}'s public keys endpoint
       const keysOptions = {
       method: 'GET',
       url: `https://<region>$<tenantID>/publickeys`
       const keysResponse = await request(keysOptions);
       return JSON.parse(keysResponse.body).keys;
    async function verifySignature(keysArray, kid, jws) {
       const keyJson = keysArray.find(key => key.kid === kid);
       if (keyJson) {
       const pem = jwkToPem(keyJson);
       await jwtVerify(jws, pem);
       throw new Error ("Unable to verify signature");
    async function verifyAndSendMail(jws) {
       // The API key for Sendgrid
       const sgApiKey = '<SengridApiKey>';
       // Init Sendgrind
       // Decode message to get information
       const data = jwtDecode(jws, {complete: true});
       // Extract kid from header
       const kid = data.header.kid;
       const keysArray = await obtainPublicKeys();
       // Verify the signature of the payload with the public keys
       await verifySignature(keysArray, kid ,jws);
       // Send the email with Your Sendgrid account
       const message = data.payload.message;
       const msg = {
       from: message.from.address,
       subject: message.subject,
       html: message.body,
       console.log(`Sending email to ${}`);
       let sendgridResponse = await sgMail.send(msg);
       return {result : 'email_sent',sendgridResponse};

    {: screen}

  2. Make a PUT request to the /management/v4/<tenantID>/config/cloud_directory/email_dispatcher to provide your webhook URL. Optionally, you can provide authorization information. Supported authorization types include: Basic authorization and constant authorization header value.

    curl -X PUT https://<region><tenantID>/config/cloud_directory/email_dispatcher' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <IAMToken>' \
    -d '{
       "provider": "custom",
       "custom": {
       "url": "",
       "authorization": {
          "type": "basic",
          "username": "<username>",
          "password": "<password>"

    {: codeblock}

  3. Verify that your configuration is correctly set up by testing your email dispatcher. Use the test API{: external} to trigger a request to your configured custom email sender.

Email templates

{: #cd-messages}

When you send messages to your users, you can use any combination of the following templates. Or, you can edit the templates to customize your message. {: shortdesc}

In addition to the following message types, you can also take advantage of the MFA templates. {: tip}

For further customization, you can use parameters in your messages. Check out the following table to see the parameters that you can use in all the message types.

Parameter Description
%{display.logo} Displays the image that you configured for your Login Widget.
%{user.displayName} Displays the screen name a user chose to use when interacting with the app.
%{} Displays the user's registered email address.
%{user.username} Displays the user's specified username when the authentication method is set to username and password.
%{user.firstName} Displays the user's specified given name.
%{user.formattedName} Displays the user's full name.
%{user.lastName} Displays the user's specified surname.
{: caption="The parameters that you can use in your messages to users" caption-side="top"}

Email: Welcome

{: #cd-messages-welcome}

When a user signs up for your application, you might want to send them a message that welcomes them to your app. {: shortdesc}

  1. Go to the Cloud Directory > Email templates > Welcome email tab of the service dashboard.

  2. Set Welcome email to Enabled.

  3. Customize the content of your message. You can add parameters and insert images by using the UI. To change the language of the message, you can use the APIs{: external} to set the language. However, you are responsible for the content and conversion of the message. Check out the following table to see the list of tables that you can use in this message and all the other messages that you can send. If a user does not supply the information that is pulled by the parameter, it appears blank.

  4. Click Save.

Email: Verification

{: #cd-messages-verification}

When a user signs up for your application by using their email, you can send them an email that asks them to confirm their identity. By requesting a verification, you limit the number of fake accounts that can sign up for your app. You can restrict access to your app until a user verifies their email, or use it as a way to manage which users you create profiles for. {: shortdesc}

Users who are manually added via the {{}} dashboard or the create user API do not automatically receive this email. {: note}

  1. Go to the Cloud Directory > Email templates > Email verification tab of the service dashboard.

  2. Set Email verification to Enabled.

  3. Set Allow users to sign in to your app without first verifying their email address to Yes. When set to yes, users are able to interact with your application after they sign up, but before they verify their email address. The default setting is no.

  4. Customize the content of your message. You can add parameters and insert images by using the UI. To change the language of the message, you can use the APIs{: external} to set the language. However, you are responsible for the content and conversion of the message. Check out the following table to see the different parameters that you can use in your message. If a user does not supply the information that is pulled by the parameter, it appears blank.

    Parameter Description
    %{linkExpiration.hours} Displays the number of hours the link is valid.
    %{linkExpiration.minutes} Displays the number of minutes the link is valid.
    %{verify.code} Displays a one-time verification URL.
    %{} Displays the action URL that you specified in settings.
    {: caption="Parameters that you can use in messages that are related to verification" caption-side="top"}

    You can also use the message parameters that are listed in the Welcome message section. {: tip}

  5. Define an expiration time for the action URL. The URL expiration is the amount of time, in minutes, that a user must complete the action before the verification link expires. This setting also affects the amount of time that your reset password link is valid.

  6. Enter a URL for the page that you want to display after a user verifies their email in the Thank you page URL box. If you choose to leave this field blank, an {{}} default page is displayed.

  7. Click Save.

Email: Reset password

{: #cd-messages-reset}

When a user interacts with your app, they might forget their password or need to update it. You can customize the email response to their request. When a user requests a change to their password, the password remains unchanged until they click the link in this email. {: shortdesc}

  1. Go to the Cloud Directory > Email templates > Reset password tab of the service dashboard.

  2. Set Forgot password email to Enabled.

  3. Customize the content of your message. You can add parameters and insert images by using the UI. To change the language of the message, you can use the APIs{: external} to set the language. However, you are responsible for the content and conversion of the message. Check out the following table to see the different parameters that you can use in your message. If a user does not supply the information that is pulled by the parameter, it appears blank.

    Parameter Description
    %{linkExpiration.hours} Displays the number of hours that the link is valid.
    %{linkExpiration.minutes} Displays the number of minutes that the link is valid.
    %{resetPassword.code} Displays a one-time passcode as part of the URL. This means that each person would have a different code. Example:
    %{} Displays the link that a user clicks to reset their password.
    {: caption="Parameters that you can use in messages that are related to forgotten passwords" caption-side="top"}

    You can also use the message parameters that are listed in the Welcome message section. {: tip}

  4. Define an expiration time for the action URL. The URL expiration is the amount of time, in minutes, that a user must complete the action before the verification link expires. This setting also affects the amount of time that your reset password link is valid.

  5. Enter a URL for the page that you want to display after a user verifies their email in the Reset password page URL box. If you choose to leave this field blank, an {{}} default page is displayed.

  6. Click Save.

Email: Password change

{: #cd-messages-password-change}

You can notify a user when their password is updated. The notification can be helpful if they did not request that their password be changed. They can take the proper steps to resecure their account. {: shortdesc}

  1. Go to the Cloud Directory > Email templates > Password change tab of the service dashboard.

  2. Set Password changed email to Enabled.

  3. Customize the content of your message. You can add parameters and insert images by using the UI. To change the language of the message, you can use the APIs{: external} to set the language. However, you are responsible for the content and conversion of the message. Check out the following table to see the different parameters that you can use in your message. If a user does not supply the information that is pulled by the parameter, it appears blank.

    Parameter Description
    %{passwordChangeInfo.time} Displays the time at which a new password went into effect.
    %{passwordChangeInfo.ipAddress} Displays the IP address from which the password change was requested.
    {: caption="Parameters that you can use in messages that are related to changing a password" caption-side="top"}

    You can also use the message parameters that are listed in the Welcome message section. {: tip}

  4. Click Save.

Supported languages

{: #cd-languages}

You can use the language management APIs{: external} to set the language in which your user communication can be written. However, only English is available out of the box. You are responsible for the conversion of the messages. After you set the configuration with the API, the GUI updates so that you are able to change the template text. {: shortdesc}

Code Language Region
af-ZA Afrikaans South Africa
sq-AL Albanian Albania
am-ET Amharic Ethiopia
ar-DZ Arabic Algeria
ar-BH Arabic Bahrain
ar-EG Arabic Egypt
ar-IQ Arabic Iraq
ar-JO Arabic Jordan
ar-KW Arabic Kuwait
ar-LB Arabic Lebanon
ar-LY Arabic Libya
ar-MR Arabic Mauritania
ar-MA Arabic Morocco
ar-OM Arabic Oman
ar-QA Arabic Qatar
ar-SA Arabic Saudi Arabia
ar-SY Arabic Syria
ar-YE Arabic Tunisia
ar-AE Arabic United Arab Emirates
ar-YE Arabic Yemen
hy-AM Armenian Armenia
as-IN Assamese India
az-AZ Azerbaijani Azerbaijan
eu-ES Basque Spain
be-BY Belarusian Belarus
bn-BD Bengali Bangladesh
be-BY Belarusian Belarus
bn-BD Bengali Bangladesh
bn-IN Bengali India
bs-Latn-BA Bosnian Bosnia
bg-BG Bulgarian Bulgaria
my-MM Burmese Myanmar
ca-ES Catalan Spain
zh-Hans-CN Chinese-simplified China
zh-Hans-SG Chinese-simplified Singapore
zh-Hant-HK Chinese-traditional Hong Kong S.A.R. of China
zh-Hant-MO Chinese-traditional Macao S.A.R. of the PRC
zh-Hant-TW Chinese-traditional Taiwan
hr-HR Croatian Croatia
cs-CZ Czech Czech Republic
da-DK Danish Denmark
nl-BE Dutch Belgium
nl-NL Dutch The Netherlands
en-AU English Australia
eu-BE English Belgium
en-CM English Cameroon
eu-CA English Canada
en-GH English Ghana
eu-HK English Hong Kong S.A.R. of China
en-IN English India
en-IE English Ireland
en-KE English Kenya
en-MU English Mauritius
en-NZ English New Zealand
en-NG English Nigeria
en-PH English Philippines
en-SG English Singapore
en-ZA English South Africa
en-TZ English Tanzania
en-GB English United Kingdom
en-US English United States
en-ZM English Zambia
en English
et-EE Estonian Estonia
fil-PH Filipino Philippines
fi-FI Finnish Finland
fr-DZ French Algeria
fr-CM French Cameroon
fr-CD French Democratic Republic of the Congo
fr-BE French Belgium
fr-CA French Canada
fr-FR French France
fr-CI French Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)
fr-LU French Luxembourg
fr-MR French Mauritania
fr-MU French Mauritius
fr-MA French Morocco
fr-SN French Senegal
fr-CH French Switzerland
fr-TN French Tunisia
gl-ES Galician Spain
lg-UG Ganda Uganda
ka-GE Georgian Georgia
de-AT German Austria
de-DE German Germany
de-LU German Luxembourg
de-CH German Switzerland
el-GR Greek Greece
gu-IN Gujarati India
ha-NG Hausa Nigeria
he-IL Hebrew Israel
hi-IN Hindi India
hu-HU Hungarian Hungary
is-IS Icelandic Iceland
ig-NG Igbo Nigeria
id-ID Indonesian Indonesia
it-IT Italian Italy
it-CH Italian Switzerland
ja-JP Japanese Japan
kn-IN Kannada India
kk-KZ Kazakh Kazakhstan
km-KH Khmer Cambodia
rw-RW Kinyarwanda Rwanda
kok-IN Konkani India
ko-KR Korean South Korea
lo-LA Lithuanian Lithuania
lv-LV Latvian Latvia
lt-LT Khmer Cambodia
mk-MK Macedonian Macedonia
ms-Latn-MY Malay-Latin Malaysia
ml-IN Malayalam India
mt-MT Maltese Malta
mr-IN Marathi India
mn-Cyrl-MN Mongolian-Cyrillic Mongolia
ne-IN Nepali India
ne-NP Nepali Nepal
nb-NO Norwegian Bokmål Norway
nn-NO Norwegian Nynorsk Norway
or-IN Oriya (Odia) India
om-ET Oromo Ethiopia
pl-PL Polish Poland
pt-AO Portuguese Angola
pt-BR Portuguese Brazil
pt-MO Portuguese Macao S.A.R. of the PRC
pt-MZ Portuguese Mozambique
pt-PT Portuguese Portugal
pa-IN Punjabi India
ro-RO Romanian Romania
ru-RU Russian Russia
sr-Cyrl-RS Serbian-Cyrillic Serbia
sr-Latn-ME Serbian-Latin Montenegro
sr-Latn-RS Serbian-Latin Serbia
si-LK Sinhala Sri Lanka
sk-SK Slovak Slovakia
sl-SI Slovenian Slovenia
es-AR Spanish Argentina
es-BO Spanish Bolivia
es-CL Spanish Chile
es-CO Spanish Colombia
es-CR Spanish Costa Rica
es-DO Spanish Dominican Republic
es-EC Spanish Ecuador
es-SV Spanish El Salvador
es-GT Spanish Guatemala
es-HN Spanish Honduras
es-MX Spanish Mexico
es-NI Spanish Nicaragua
es-PA Spanish Panama
es-PY Spanish Paraguay
es-PE Spanish Peru
es-PR Spanish Puerto Rico
es-ES Spanish Spain
es-US Spanish United States
es-UY Spanish Uruguay
es-VE Spanish Venezuela
sw-KE Swahili Kenya
sw-TZ Swahili Tanzania
sv-SE Swedish Sweden
ta-IN Tamil India
te-IN Telugu India
th-TH Thai Thailand
tr-TR Turkish Turkey
uk-UA Ukrainian Ukraine
ur-IN Urdu India
ur-PK Urdu Pakistan
uz-Cyrl-UZ Uzbek-Cyrillic Uzbekistan
uz-Latn-UZ Uzbek-Latin Uzbekistan
vi-VN Vietnamese Vietnam
cy-GB Welsh United Kingdom
yo-NG Yoruba Nigeria
zu-ZA Zulu South Africa
{: caption="Languages that are supported" caption-side="top"}