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2021-01-07 |
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{: #data-movement-cos}
From the management node or a data node of your cluster (for example, mn003
or dn001
), you can copy, view, list, and perform any other basic file system operation on {{}}.
You can move data:
- Between the local file system of your cluster and {{}}
- Between the HDFS file system of your cluster and {{}}
- Directly to {{}} (outside the {{}} cluster)
The examples in this topic show moving data to and from bucket b1
in the Object Storage instance that is distinguished using the cosinstance1
{: #data-movement-1}
You can move data to and from the local file system of your cluster and {{}}.
To copy files from the cluster’s local file system to {{}} use the following HDFS command:
hdfs dfs –copyFromLocal /tmp/testfile cos://b1.cosinstance1/ hdfs dfs –put /tmp/myfile2 cos://b1.cosinstance1/
To copy files from {{}} to the cluster’s local file system, use:
hdfs dfs –get cos://b1.cosinstance1/myfile2
{: #data-movement-2}
You can move data to and from the HDFS file system of your cluster and {{}}. For example:
To copy files between HFDS and {{}} using
, enter the following command:hadoop distcp /tmp/ cos://b1.cosinstance1/mydir/ hadoop distcp cos://b1.cosinstance1/mydir/ /tmp/
is implied. It can also be explicitly specified, if the {{}} hosting location isus-south
for example:hdfs://
{: #cos-outside-cluster}
For information on how you can use the {{}} API or the UI to work with data objects outside of your cluster, see Uploading data to {{}}.
{: #data-movement-5}
You can issue any of the following commands from your cluster to a {{}} bucket to list, view, create or remove a directory:
hdfs dfs –ls cos://b1.cosinstance1/myfile1
hdfs dfs –cat cos://b1.cosinstance1/myfile1
hdfs dfs –mkdir cos://b1.cosinstance1/newdir
hdfs dfs –rm cos://b1.cosinstance1/myfile1