On the fifty forth day, I learned the following things about Cloud Computing.
- Cloud computing is an on-demand delivery of computer power, database, storage, applications and other IT resources through a cloud service platform(aws, azure, gcp, etc) via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing model.
Before cloud computing, when you were starting a company, You already need the following items in advance.
- Let's say you wanted 4 servers.
- One AD server
- One DNS server
- Two Application servers
- Router
- Switch
- Cabling
- Gateway
- Firewall
- AC to cool the servers down
- 24x7 electricity
- Employees to maintain these servers in day and night
- Let's say you wanted 4 servers.
Opex was required. It means that the employees expenditure was required to maintain the resources.
It needed so much cost to install all of them.
It required many days to install them.
If the business failed, then this investment was wasted.
On demand self-service.
Broad network access(Access it from anywhere in the world through internet).
Scalability(Increase or decrease the number of servers).
Resource pooling(Get the required number of servers from a pool or a collection of servers).
Measured services(Analysis about the traffic that visited the servers).
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Microsoft Azure
GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
Alibaba Cloud
AWS was launched in 2006.
AWS completely moved to Amazon.com in 2010.
AWS certification started in 2013.
The profit got doubled in 2015, 2016.
They discussed about the virtual reality, AI, etc in a 2017 Re-invent conference.
There are three services in a cloud that it provides.
IAAS(Infrastructure as a service).
PAAS(Platform as a service).
SAAS(Software as a service).
--------------> ------------------- | | Application | | |------------------ | | Data | | |------------------ <-- | | Runtime | | | |------------------ | | | Middleware | | | --> |------------------ | SAAS | | | OS | | | | |------------------ | PAAS | | | Virtualization | | | | |------------------ | | IAAS | | Server | | | | |------------------ | | | | Storage | | | | |------------------ | | | | Network | | ----------->--> ------------------- <--
The OS, virtualization, server, storage, and network services that you take from the cloud is called IAAS.
The above ones including the middleware and the runtime services that you take from the cloud is called PAAS.
All the above ones including the application, and the data services that you take from the cloud is called SAAS.
There are three deployment models of cloud.
- Public Cloud
- Private Cloud
- Hybrid Cloud
Public Cloud: Public cloud is for general users that anyone can use it. E.g. AWS, Azure, GCP.
Private Cloud: Private cloud is only used in an enterprise and in its different branches for its company usage. It is in your own hands, so it is secure.
Hybrid Cloud: Big companies uses both public cloud and private cloud. Azure provides the better facility of providing the hybrid cloud. You can merge public and private clouds in Azure.
The network, storage and server should be virtualized in order to run them.
You need a hypervisor to make the network, storage, and server virtualized. Hypervisor divides and allocates the resources of network, storage, and server.
There are different hypervisors for different companies.
- Microsoft has hyper-v.
- AWS has citrix.
- VMWare has ESXi.
You can only use cloud if you have the virtualization installed.
Here you can get an explanation in a video. 54/60 Day of DevOps Challenge