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+description: Customize search suggestion configuration and sources.
+# Customize search suggestion
+In the Back Office, when you start typing in the search field on the top bar, suggestions about what you could be looking for show up directly under the field.
+For more information about using this feature to search for content, see [user documentation]([[= user_doc =]]/search/search_for_content).
+## Configuration
+By default, suggestions start showing up after the user types in at least 3 characters, and 5 suggestions are presented.
+This can be changed with the following [scoped](multisite_configuration.md#scope) configuration:
+ system:
+ :
+ search:
+ min_query_length: 3
+ result_limit: 5
+## Add custom suggestion source
+You can add a suggestion source by listening or subscribing to `Ibexa\Contracts\Search\Event\BuildSuggestionCollectionEvent`.
+During this event, you can add, remove, or replace suggestions by updating its `SuggestionCollection`.
+After this event, the suggestion collection is sorted by score and truncated to a number of items set in [`result_limit`](#configuration).
+!!! tip
+ You can list listeners and subscribers with the following command:
+ ``` shell
+ php bin/console debug:event BuildSuggestionCollectionEvent
+ ```
+The following example is boosting Product suggestions.
+It's a subscriber that passes after the default one (because priority is set to zero), adds matching products at a score above the earlier Content suggestions, and avoids duplicates.
+- If the suggestion source finds a number of matching products that is equal or greater than the `result_limit`, only those products end up in the suggestion.
+- If it finds less than `result_limit` products, those products are on top of the suggestion, followed by items from another suggestion source until the limit is met.
+- If it doesn't find any matching products, only items from the default suggestion source are shown.
+This example event subscriber is implemented in the `src/EventSubscriber/MySuggestionEventSubscriber.php` file.
+It uses [`ProductService::findProducts`](product_api.md#products), and returns the received event after having manipulated the `SuggestionCollection`:
+``` php
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/src/EventSubscriber/MySuggestionEventSubscriber.php') =]]
+To have the logger injected thanks to the `LoggerAwareTrait`, this subscriber must be registered as a service:
+``` yaml
+ #…
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/config/append_to_services.yaml', 2, 3) =]]
+To represent the product suggestion data, a `ProductSuggestion` class is created in `src/Search/Model/Suggestion/ProductSuggestion.php`:
+``` php
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/src/Search/Model/Suggestion/ProductSuggestion.php') =]]
+This representation needs a normalizer to be transformed into a JSON.
+`ProductSuggestionNormalizer::supportsNormalization` returns that this normalizer supports `ProductSuggestion`.
+`ProductSuggestionNormalizer::normalize` returns an array of scalar values which can be transformed into a JSON object.
+Alongside data about the product, this array must have a `type` key, whose value is used later for rendering as an identifier.
+In `src/Search/Serializer/Normalizer/Suggestion/ProductSuggestionNormalizer.php`:
+``` php
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/src/Search/Serializer/Normalizer/Suggestion/ProductSuggestionNormalizer.php') =]]
+This normalizer is added to suggestion normalizers by decorating `ibexa.search.suggestion.serializer` and redefining its list of normalizers:
+``` yaml
+ #…
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/config/append_to_services.yaml', 4, 20) =]]
+!!! tip
+ At this point, it's possible to test the suggestion JSON.
+ The route is `/suggestion` with a GET parameter `query` for the searched text.
+ For example, log in to the Back Office to have a session cookie, then access the route through the Back Office SiteAccess, such as `/admin/suggestion?query=platform`.
+ If you have a product with "platform" in its name, it is returned as the first suggestion.
+A JavaScript renderer displays the normalized product suggestion.
+This renderer is wrapped in an immediately executed function.
+This wrapping function must define a rendering function and register it as a renderer.
+It's registered as `autocomplete.renderers.` by using the type identifier defined in the normalizer.
+ (function (global, doc, ibexa, Routing) {
+ const renderItem = (result, searchText) => {
+ // Compute suggestion item's HTML
+ return html;
+ }
+ ibexa.addConfig('autocomplete.renderers.', renderItem, true);
+ })(window, document, window.ibexa, window.Routing);
+To fit into the Back Office design, you can take HTML structure and CSS class names from an existing suggestion template `vendor/ibexa/admin-ui/src/bundle/Resources/views/themes/admin/ui/global_search_autocomplete_content_item.html.twig`.
+To allow template override and ease HTML writing, the example is also loading a template to render the HTML.
+Here is a complete `assets/js/admin.search.autocomplete.product.js` from the product suggestion example:
+``` js hl_lines="8"
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/assets/js/admin.search.autocomplete.product.js') =]]
+To be loaded in the Back Office layout, this file must be added to Webpack entry `ibexa-admin-ui-layout-js`.
+At the end of `webpack.config.js`, add it by using `ibexaConfigManager`:
+``` javascript
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/append_to_webpack.config.js') =]]
+The renderer, `renderItem` function from `admin.search.autocomplete.product.js`, loads an HTML template from a wrapping DOM node [dataset](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/dataset).
+This wrapping node exists only once and the renderer loads the template several times.
+The example template for this wrapping node is stored in `templates/themes/admin/ui/global_search_autocomplete_product_template.html.twig` (notice the CSS class name used by the renderer to reach it):
+``` html+twig hl_lines="2 3 9"
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/templates/themes/admin/ui/global_search_autocomplete_product_template.html.twig') =]]
+- At HTML level, it wraps the product item template in its dataset attribute `data-template-item`.
+- At Twig level, it includes the item template, replaces Twig variables with the strings used by the JS renderer,
+ and passes it to the [`escape` filter](https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/filters/escape.html) with the HTML attribute strategy.
+To be present, this wrapping node template must be added to the `global-search-autocomplete-templates` group of tabs components:
+``` yaml
+ #…
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/config/append_to_services.yaml', 22, 28) =]]
+The template for the product suggestion item follows, named `templates/themes/admin/ui/global_search_autocomplete_product_item.html.twig`:
+``` html+twig
+[[= include_file('code_samples/back_office/search/templates/themes/admin/ui/global_search_autocomplete_product_item.html.twig') =]]
+## Replace default suggestion source
+To replace the default suggestion source, [decorate]([[= symfony_doc =]]/service_container/service_decoration.html) the built-in `BuildSuggestionCollectionEvent` subscriber with your own:
+ #…
+ App\EventSubscriber\MySuggestionEventSubscriber:
+ decorates: Ibexa\Search\EventDispatcher\EventListener\ContentSuggestionSubscriber
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
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@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ nav:
- Multi-file upload: administration/back_office/multifile_upload.md
- Sub-items list: administration/back_office/subitems_list.md
- Notifications: administration/back_office/notifications.md
+ - Customize search suggestion: administration/back_office/customize_search_suggestion.md
- Content management:
- Content management: content_management/content_management.md
- Content management guide: content_management/content_management_guide.md