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OOP : Object Oriented Programming

  • Python is an object oriented programming language.
  • Every real world entity is an object, almost everything in Python is an object
  • OOP allows us to write code that is repeatable, well organized and memory efficient
e.g. x = 5 

# We want to store a data i.e. 5, 5 is stored in a computer memory at a particular hexadecimal memory address.
# Remembering the hexadecimal memory address will be very complicated for the developer to manage data.
# We will access the memory address to store and retrieve data, so we map the address with a meaningful variable name.
# We create an integer object with value = 5 and assign its memory address to a variable x.
# Data type, value, reference count and other informations are associated with object, variable just holds the memory address.
  • str(), int()... are the constructor functions.
# string
print(type("a string"))

# integer

# float

# list
print(type([1, 2, 3]))

# tuple
print(type((1, 2, 3)))

# set
print(type({1, 2, 3}))

# dictionary
print(type({1 : "Kirankumar", 2 : 25, 3 : "Data Scientist"}))

Output :
<class 'str'>
<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'list'>
<class 'tuple'>
<class 'set'>
<class 'dict'>

# Constructor Functions

int(2.5) = 2
str(5) = "5"
float(7) = 7.0


  • Blueprint | Template for real world entities and creating objects
  • Defines Attributes | Properties | Variables and Behavior | Action | Member Function or Methods

Every class has three essential components:

  1. Identity : Unique name to identify the object ( class Person )
  2. Property : Attributes | Data ( About the object: Name, Gender, Age, Height, Weight )
  3. Method : Behaviour | Action | Operation ( What the object can do? Read, Write, Walk, Run, Study, Teach )
class Employee(object):
# Person is a class name
class Person:

    # Special Method or Constructor Method | class Person has two properties name and age.
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
    # class Person has method introduce.
    def introduce(self):
        print(f"Hi, my name is {} and I'm {self.age} years old.")


  • Calling a class to create an object
# Class is called with paranthesis.


  • Instance of class, that can store value (information)
  • e.g. If Smartphone is a Class then Apple, Samsung, Motorola, Oneplus are instances.
# emp1 is an object name and Employee is the class name.
emp1 = Employee()

Constructor Method | Special Method

  • Automatically the method is called whenever an object is created.
  • Default Constructor : Constructor with no parameters | arguments
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
    self.age = age


  • Special Constructor or Constructor Method or Special Method or Magic Method or Init Method
  • Attributes are initialized in __init__()
  • Defined automatically when we create any class object, and automatically invokes whenever an object is created.
  • __init__() function is executed automatically with every new class instance.
  • The arguments or parameters passed with __init__() are called instance attributes
  • First parameter will always be a variable self

Instantiate an object

  • Process of creating an object ( Instance of a class ) is called instantiation
  • Every new object instance is located at a different memory address.
  • The process to create an object is similar to a function call ( ObjectName = ClassName() )


# Define Function:
def function_name(argument1, argument2):
# Call Function:
function_name(parameter1 = value1, parameter2 = value2)
def greet(name):
    print(f'Good Morning {name}')
# Output:
Good Morning Kirankumar

None: When a function doesn't return anything, we get None.

def greet(name):
    return f'Good Morning {name}'
# Output:
Good Morning Kirankumar

Position of Arguments

def example(arg_1, arg_2, *args, **kwargs):


  • Function defined inside body of a class
  • Defines action or behaviour of an object.
    def introduce(self):
        print(f"Hi, my name is {} and I'm {self.age} years old.")


  • A reference to the current instance ( attributes and methods ) of the class.
  • Used to access or reference attributes and methods of class.
  • self provides a flexibility to call the instance attributes in any method defined inside the class irrespective of it's scope.
class Employee(object):

    def __init__(self, name, age, email, designation) = name
    self.age = age = email
    self.designation = designation
instance attributes : name, age, email, designation    
object will be created with initial values passed to the instance attributes


  • Functions that belongs to an object are called methods or Simply functions defined inside class are methods
name = 'Kirankumar' # String object "name" is created.

name.upper() # upper() is the method of string object.

Principles of OOP : APIE

  1. Abstraction
  2. Polymorphism
  3. Inheritance
  4. Encapsulation


  • Show only important information and hide internal implementation details from users.
  • e.g. Mobile can do many things like make a call, take pictures, play games, watch movies, etc.
  • It doesn't show the inside process of how its doing the things (Implementation parts are hidden)


  • Having more than one form.
  • In Python we can use the same function on different data types or different sequence or collections.
  • Allow to call methods of base class in derived class.
  • e.g A person at same time is a father, a husband, an employee and behaves accordingly.
  • Same method name but different attributes or number of parameters.
# Same function can be used to count the characters in a string as well as number of items in a list

len("Kirankumar") : 10

len([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) : 5


  • Parent | Base | Super Class
  • Child | Derived | Sub Class
  • Inherit the attributes ( properties ) and methods ( behaviour ) from base class to a new derived class.
  • Inheritance enables us to create a new class from existing class by adding new functionality to it or simply modifying it.
  • The pre existing class is known as a Base Class and the newly defined class is known as a Derived Class
  • To inherit __init__() method of the parent class inside derived class, use super().__init__()

Multiple Inheritance

  • A class can be derived from more than one base class
class Base1:

class Base2:

class MultiDerived(Base1, Base2):

Multi Level Inheritance

  • Inherit from derived class
  • Features of base class and derived class are inherited into a new derived class
class Base:

class Derived1(Base):

class Derived2(Derived1):

Method Overriding

  • When the __init__() method is defined inside derived class, it overrides the base class
class Base:
class Derived(Base):


  • _x : protected attribute and method | Single underscore | Can be accessed using instance
  • __x : private attribute and method | Double underscore | Cannot be accessed using instance
  • Bind together the data, attributes and methods ( Class = Data + Properties + Behaviour )
  • Restrict access to methods, attributes and variables of Class.
  • Prevents data from direct modification
  • e.g. A company has several departments Production, HR, Accounts, Marketing.
  • All these departments makes up a company, and each department has it's own purpose and actions.
  • We denote private attribute using single underscore _ and a protected attribute using double underscore __


  • Getter / Setter
  • Pythonic way to set and get protected attributes.


  • Decorator modify or extend the behaviour of a Function or Class without permanently modifying it.

First Class Objects

  • Functions are First Class Objects : Can be used or passed as arguments
  • Function is an instance of Object type
  • Function can be stored in a variable
  • Function can be created inside a function
  • Function can be passed as a parameter to another function
  • Function can be returned as a result from another function
def uppercase(text):
    return text.upper()
capital = uppercase     # Storing function in a variable
Output :

def adder(x):
    def add(y):         # Creating a function inside function
        return x + y 
    return adder        # Returning function as a result
add15 = adder(15)
Output :

Important Concepts in Class

  1. Define a class
  2. Instantiate an object a class
  3. Use attributes and methods to define the properties and behaviors of an object.
  4. Use inheritance to create child classes from a parent class
  5. Reference a method in a parent class using super()
  6. Check if an object inherits from another class using isinstance()

Benefits of Object Oriented Programming

  • Makes Program easy to understand.
  • Class is sharable, code can be reused.
  • Data is safe and secure with data abstraction.

Operator Overloading in Python

  • Same operator behaves differently with different data types according to context.
  • (+) Operator will perform arithmetic addition on two numbers, merge two lists and concatenate two strings.
  • But it does not performs same operations on user defined class
  • we need to implement __add__() function in the class.

Python Memory Management

  • Python manages its memory using private heap space
  • Objects are stored in heap ( Inaccessible to the programmers )
  • In built garbage collector to recycle the unused memory for the private heap space


  • Terminates the loop and control flows to the statement after the body of loop.


  • Terminates current iteration of the statement, skips the rest of the code in current iteration
  • Control flows to the next iteration of the Loop.


  • Empty statement just used to bypass the error situation.


  • Functions that returns an iterable collection of items on which we can apply loop or control flow.


  • Display documentation of modules, classes, functions and keywords


  • List of valid attributes and methods of an object based on its datatype and state.

Overloading Arithmetic and Logical Operators

Operator Expression Special Function
Addition p1 + p2 p1.__add__(p2)
Subtraction p1 - p2 p1.__sub__(p2)
Multiplication p1 * p2 p1.__mul__(p2)
Power p1 ** p2 p1.__pow__(p2)
Division p1 / p2 p1.__truediv__(p2)
Floor Division p1 // p2 p1.__floordiv__(p2)
Remainder (modulo) p1 % p2 p1.__mod__(p2)
Bitwise Left Shift p1 << p2 p1.__lshift__(p2)
Bitwise Right Shift p1 >> p2 p1.__rshift__(p2)
Bitwise AND p1 & p2 p1.__and__(p2)
Bitwise OR p1 | p2 p1.__or__(p2)
Bitwise XOR p1 ^ p2 p1.__xor__(p2)
Bitwise NOT ~p1 p1.__invert__()

Overloading Comparison Operators

Operator Expression Special Functions
Less than p1 < p2 p1.__lt__(p2)
Less than or equal to p1 <= p2 p1.__le__(p2)
Equal to p1 == p2 p1.__eq__(p2)
Not equal to p1 != p2 p1.__ne__(p2)
Greater than p1 > p2 p1.__gt__(p2)
Greater than or equal to p1 >= p2 p1.__ge__(p2)

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