ML is a subset of AI that creates an algorithm that can learn from data by itself without being explicitly programmed
Regression | Clustering | Association |
Predict continuous numerical data | Classify discrete categorical data | Group similar data | Identify similar data |
Dimension Reduction | Anomaly Detection | |
Supervised | Unsupervised | Reinforcement |
Model learns from labelled data | Model learns from unlabelled data | Agents take actions in an environment |
Model tries to find relationships | Model tries to find patterns | Agent learns from rewards and penalty |
- Feature Matrix (Independent Variables) and Target Vector (Dependent Variables | Labels)
- Features: Independent Variable | Dimensions | Attributes | Inputs | Predictors | Estimators | Characteristics.
- Target: Dependent Variable | Label | Class | Output | Predicted Value | Estimated Value | Response.
- Rows | Observations | Records | Samples | Instance.
- Feature: A measurable property, that can be categorical (discrete) or numerical (real or int number)
- Target: What we want to make prediction for.
- Model learns a relationship between a feature matrix and a target vector.
- The model adjusts its internal parameters (weights and biases) to minimize the residuals in the data.
- Loss Function: The difference between the model predicted and actual values.
- Model is the system that makes predictions or classification on new unseen data.
- ML aims to build a model that performs well on new data.
- Parameters are factors which are considered by the model to make predictions or classifications.
- Parameters are tuned to gain accuracy with least error.
- Scikit Learn is a great library for creating an ML model from data.
- Before you fit a model using Scikit Learn, your data must be in a recognizable format.
- Scikit Learn works well with numeric data that is stored in NumPy arrays.
- It can also convert data from objects like Pandas data frames and NumPy arrays.
- Feature matrix is a 2D grid of data where rows represents samples and columns represent features.
- The target vector is usually a 1D vector column.
- ML algorithms that perform learning by studying the relationship between the feature variables and the known target variable.
- The algorithm learns to recognize patterns in the input data and map them to the correct output based on the labelled data.
- The goal of supervised learning is to create a model that can accurately predict the output for new, unseen input data.
- Supervised learning is useful for regression (continuous target variables) and classification (discrete target variables).
Predicting a quantity or continuous values. | Predicting a class or discrete values. |
e.g. Salary, Age, Price, Temperature, Rainfall, etc. | e.g. Male or Female, True or False, Dog or Cat, etc. |
Better algorithms: Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN | Better algorithms: Logistic, Polynomial, SVM |
1 | Simple Linear Regression | Find the Line of Best Fit |
2 | Multiple Linear Regression | Find the Plane | Hyperplane of Best Fit |
3 | Polynomial Linear Regression | Find the Curve of Best Fit |
4 | Regularization and Metrics | Helps to Improve Linear and Polynomial Regressions |
One or more Independent Features is used to predict continuous dependent numeric variable | ||
Dependent Variable | Target | Output should be Continuous |
- Linear Regression finds the relationship between the dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
- Linear Regression finds the best fit straight line that accurately predicts the output values within a range.
- The straight line is called the regression line.
- Formula: y = mX + c, where y is the dependent variable and X is the independent variable.
- m is the slope and c is the y-intercept, both are the regression coefficients.
- Linear Regression is simple to understand and interpret, with fast training and prediction.
- Linear Regression assumes a linear relationship between variables, sensitive to outliers.
- Can suffer from multicollinearity if the dataset has highly correlated variables.
- Alpha:
- Used in Lasso (L1) and Ridge (L2) regression, determines the strength of the regularization.
- A higher value of alpha means more regularization and simpler linear models.
- For αlpha = 0, Ridge regression is just linear regression.
- The best value for alpha is found by cross-validation (Grid Search CV or Random Search CV)
- Normalization:
- If True, the independent variable X will be normalized before regression by subtracting the mean.
- Fit Intercept:
- Whether to calculate the intercept c for this model.
- If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations.
2. Logistic Regression (More )
- Model used for classification tasks like classifying flower species and image recognition.
- A statistical model used to predict the probability of a binary outcome (T/F, Y/N, 1/0, etc.)
- Logistic Regression starts with a linear equation, and the result is passed through a sigmoid function.
- The sigmoid/logistic function maps the linear combination to a probability between 0 and 1.
- If the predicted probability is greater than a threshold (0.5), the model predicts the outcome as 1.
- One or more independent features are used to classify categorical target labels/variables.
- Widely used for binary classification, simple and requires less training, rescaling provides better accuracy.
- Model training and predictions are relatively fast, no tuning is usually required.
- Performs well with a small number of observations or samples.
- Split the task into multiple binary classification datasets.
- Fit a binary classification (Logistic Regression) model on each label.
- One vs Rest (OvR) or One vs All (OvA) is a technique that extends binary classification to multiclass classification.
- Digit 0 vs Digit 1, 2 and 3
- Digit 1 vs Digit 0, 2 and 3
- Digit 2 vs Digit 0, 1 and 3
- Digit 3 vs Digit 0, 1 and 2
- The model that predicts the highest class probability is the predicted class.
- Root Node: Represents the entire sample and this further gets divided into two or more homogeneous sets.
- Edges | Branches | Splits | Decisions | Conditions | Outcomes | Sub Tree
- Leaf Node | Terminal | Label | Class: Nodes that do not split further.
- The Decision Tree recursively splits the data into smaller subsets based on the values (Continuous or Discrete) of input variables.
- At each node, the algorithm chooses the best feature to split the data into two subsets based on the values of that feature.
- The process continues until the data is split into a pure subset (A subset that can't be split further)
- Once the data is split into a pure subset, the decision tree can be used to make predictions for new data points.
- Decision Trees are used to make predictions on new data by traversing the tree, the terminal node represents the predicted outcome.
- The tree is built by selecting the best feature at each node, based on measures of impurity, such as the Gini Index or IG
- Feature with High Information Gain or Low Entropy or Low Gini Index is selected as the best feature.
- The path from the root to a leaf node represents a set of rules that will be used to predict or classify new instances.
- Used especially for binary classification and multiclass classification.
- When the target variable has a categorical set of values, a classification tree is used.
- When the target variable has a continuous value, a regression tree is used.
- CART: Classification And Regression Tree.
- Decision Tree is prone to overfitting, resulting into a poor performance on the test data.
- Pruning: When we remove unnecessary sub-nodes (features) of a decision node.
- Pruning reduces the complexity, overfitting, and improves its generalization performance.
- Growing a tree means deciding which feature to choose and what condition to apply for splitting.
- Continuous can be converted into a binary or boolean by setting the threshold value.
- We should also know when to stop | terminate (Max Depth) to prevent the model from overfitting.
- Decision trees can be pruned if necessary to avoid overfitting.
- Easy to visualize and understand, they can also handle missing data and outliers.
- Don't require extensive data preprocessing such as normalization or rescaling.
- Capture non-linear relationships between the feature matrix and target vector.
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
- IG decides which feature will become a node and will split the data further for building the tree.
- Feature with the High IG will be considered and the process will continue until IG becomes 0.
- A low Gini Index is better.
- Pure: All data belongs to the same class in a subset (Gini Index = 0)
- Impure: Data is a mixture of different classes in a subset.
- Low Entropy is better. (Easy to conclude from the data)
- The difference between the predicted probability distribution and the true probability distribution.
- Low cross entropy: A close match between the predicted and actual probability distribution.
- High cross entropy: A huge difference between the predicted and actual probability distribution.
H(p, q) = - Σ p(x) * log(q(x))
x iterates over all possible outcomes.
p(x): The true probability of outcome x.
q(x): The predicted probability of outcome x.
The above metrics are calculated for each feature, which helps to identify the best/most important feature.
Advantage of Decision Tree | Disadvantage of Decision Tree |
Handle categorical and numerical data | Prone to overfitting |
No effect of outliers | Need careful parameter tuning |
Handle non linear data |
- Remove | Prune features with less importance (Low IG, high GI, and high Entrophy) (Irrelevant Feature)
- Early stop (Limit the max_depth of the tree)
- Random sampling (Bootstrap aggregation with replacement)
- An ensemble learning method that uses multiple decision trees for both regression and classification.
- Ensemble learning algorithms combine the predictions of multiple decision trees to produce a more accurate prediction.
- Once the decision trees (weak learners) are trained, they are used to predict new data points.
- Each decision tree is built using a random subset of the training data (feature matrix)
- Multiple decision trees (weak learners) are trained in parallel and individually/independently.
- Bootstrapping (Row sampling with replacement): Subsets are randomly selected from the original dataset.
- Majority Voting: Prediction of the model is based on the voting of decision tree outputs.
- Regression: The mean/average of the predictions of all the decision trees are considered.
- Classification: The class selected by most of the decision trees is considered.
- Random forest creates a model that is more accurate and less prone to overfitting than a single decision tree.
- Bagging: Multiple decision trees are trained in parallel to form one strong accurate predicting model.
- Adding multiple decision trees reduces the risk of error and overfitting by reducing the variance.
- Random forests are accurate, robust to overfitting, and used for both regression and classification.
- Random forests can be trained on data of any type (numerical, categorical, and ordinal data)
- Random forest provides an attribute model.feature_importances_ that retrieves the relative importance scores for each input feature.
- Anyhow each Decision Tree uses Gini Index, Entropy, and Information Gain which find the best features from the dataset.
- RF can handle large datasets with high features and can provide accurate results.
- RF can handle non-linear relationships between features and target variables.
- RF can handle missing values in the data.
- RF performs feature selection by building multiple decision trees.
- Each tree is built using a random selection of features and observations from the dataset.
- Feature sampling ensures that different trees in the random forest use different subsets of features during training.
- This allows the RF to capture a wider range of patterns and relationships within the data.
- Each tree in the random forest can calculate the importance of a feature (feature_importances_)
- A feature with high IG, low GI and low entropy is an important feature for the model.
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
- AdaBoost iteratively trains a sequence of weak decision trees.
- Gives more weight to the data points that are misclassified in each iteration.
- AdaBoost can significantly enhance the accuracy of models, especially when dealing with complex datasets.
- AdaBoost is effective in handling class imbalance and doesn't require extensive hyperparameter tuning.
- AdaBoost implicitly performs feature selection by assigning more importance/weights to relevant features.
- Primarily used for classification tasks. Not well suited for regression tasks.
- Gradient boosting combines the ideas of boosting (combining weak learners to create a strong learner) with gradient descent.
- A method used to minimize errors in predictions. It's primarily used in regression and classification problems.
- Loss function: Measures how far the model's predictions are from the actual values.
- Gradient boosting algorithms aim to minimize this loss function.
- Gradient Descent: An iterative optimization algorithm used to minimize the loss function.
Algorithm Steps:
- Initialize with a base model: Starts with a simple model (decision tree) to make initial predictions.
- Compute the Residuals: Calculate the difference between predicted and actual values (residuals)
- Build a New Model: Construct a new model to predict the residuals from the previous model.
- Update the Model: Update the model's predictions by adding the new model's predictions to the previous predictions.
- Minimize Loss Function: Use gradient descent to find the model that minimizes the loss function.
- Repeat the process for a specified number of iterations, until the loss function stops decreasing.
- An advanced implementation of the gradient boosting algorithm.
- It is scalable and highly efficient and is used for its speed and performance.
- XGBoost improves upon the traditional gradient boosting method.
- XGBoost optimizes the computational process and adds enhancements like regularization.
- Efficiently handles a large number of features and large-scale datasets.
- Works well for both regression and classification problems.
- Regularization features help in reducing overfitting, often leading to better accuracy.
- Automatically handles missing values, reducing the need for extensive data preprocessing.
- Can be more complex and challenging to tune.
- If not properly regularized or if trained for too many iterations, it can overfit the training data.
- Aims to find an optimal hyperplane that classifies the distinct classes with maximum margin in N-dimensional space.
- Hyperplanes are decision boundaries that help to classify the data points. Data points are called Support Vectors.
- SVM can be used for linear and non-linear regression and classification.
- SVM can manage high dimensional data and nonlinear relationships between the data points.
- SVM uses kernel trick for non-linear data which creates a kernel matrix in N-dimensional space for linear separation.
- Works better even if the data set has a lot of outliers (Because SVM focus only on support vectors closest to the hyperplane)
- Take a long time to train and predict if the number of observations is very large.
- Kernel functions: Linear | Radial basis function ( RBF ) | Polynomial | Exponential.
- SVM works well with unstructured and semi-structured data (text, image, face, anomaly detections, etc.)
- Generalize well on the new unseen data and the risk of overfitting is also less.
- Choosing a good Kernel function, fine-tuning and even visualization is challenging due to high dimensionality.
- Feature rescaling (normalization/standardization) is very important for better accuracy.
- Not suitable for larger datasets, training can be time and resource-consuming.
- Difficult to understand and interpret the final model, variable weights have individual impact.
- KNN is used for both regression and classification. Measures the Euclidean distance between the data points.
- Initialize K (# nearest neighbours) we need for comparison or calculation.
- Calculate the distance between new data points and the K nearest neighbours of training data points.
- e.g. if K = 5, it will calculate the distance from the 5 nearest data points.
- Sort the calculated distance in ascending order and get the shortest distance or most frequent classes in neighbour.
- Regression: Mean of K nearest distances are considered.
- Classification: Mode of K nearest distances are considered.
- Naive Bayes is a probabilistic classifier, based on class prediction probability (Binary and Multiclass classification)
- Creates the conditional probability distribution for all the classes independently.
- Naive: Assumes that all of the features are independent of each other (No correlation between any feature)
- e.g Classification of dog breed (Naive Bayes tries to create a probability that each dog belongs to a separate class)
- Weights can be added to improve accuracy.
- Fast, highly scalable, requires less training, and can be used for real-time predictions.
- Can handle missing data and is not sensitive to irrelevant features.
- P(Class | Data) = (P(Data | Class) * P(Class)) / P(Data)
- P(Class | Data): Probability after observing the data (Posterior Probability)
- P(Data | Class): Likelihood
- P(Class): Probability before observing the data (Prior Probability)
- Classification: Spam email, Dogs Breed Image, and Customer likely to churn.
- Regression: House price, Product Sales, and Customer lifeline.
- Anomaly detection: Detecting fraudulent transactions, Network intrusion, and Outlier detection.
Group | Cluster | Segment similar data points. | Identify a set of items that occur together in the dataset. |
Grouping the similar data points. | Find important relationships between data points. |
Group of customers with similar purchasing behaviour. | Customers who buy phones also tend to buy cases. |
Better algorithms: K Means, Hierarchical, PCA | Better algorithms: Apriori |
- Find relationships and patterns between independent features.
- Extract important features and explore the dataset in detail.
- Groups the data points into segments or clusters based on similarity.
- Unsupervised algorithms don't make predictions from the data.
- An unsupervised ML algorithm to group similar data points into K distinct clusters.
- Data points with similar characteristics are grouped in one cluster.
- Mean in K-Mean refers to the averaging of data (Finding the centroid by calculating mean)
- Decide how many clusters you want to form in your data.
- K random data points are initially selected as a centroid (centre of cluster) for each cluster.
- Each data point nearest to its corresponding centroid belongs/assigned to that cluster.
- The centroid is recalculated for the newly formed clusters, and the data points are updated based on the new centroid.
- This is an iterative process, we stop when there is no further classification.
- Different starting points (centroid) create different clusters.
- The sum of the squared distance between the data point and centroid gets smaller as the number of clusters increases.
- The Elbow Method helps us to find the optimal number of clusters.
- Market Segmentation: Grouping customers based on purchasing behaviour, age, income, etc.
- Document Classification: Grouping documents by topics, subject, or contents.
- Image Compression: Reducing the number of colours in an image.
- Spatial Data Analysis: Identifying areas of similar land use in an urban setting.
- Anomaly Detection: Detecting unusual patterns or outliers in datasets.
- Groups data points into a hierarchy of clusters. We don't need to determine the number of clusters.
- A dendrogram can visualize and determine the number of clusters in the data.
- Treating each data point as a single cluster and then merging the closest data points.
- After each iteration, similar and closest clusters are merged, until there is only one cluster left.
- Starts with considering all the data points in a single cluster
- Iteratively splits the clusters based on dissimilarity.
- MIN: Distance between the closest data points of two clusters.
- MAX: Distance between the farthest data points of two clusters.
- AVG: Average distance between each data point of two clusters.
- Centroids: Distance between the centroid of two clusters.
- DBSCAN: Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (outliers).
- Group similar data points together based on density (data points that are closely packed together).
- High-Density Region: Data points are close to each other | High neighbours within the radius.
- Unlike other clustering algorithms, DBSCAN does not require a predefined number of clusters.
- Data points in low-density regions are outliers.
- Visualization (Scatter Plot or Density Plot) can explain the clustering method in a better way.
- DBSCAN can effectively identify clusters of arbitrary shapes and sizes.
DBSCAN defines 3 types of data points based on their density.
- Core points: Data points that are very close to each other.
- Border points: Data points that are neighbours but not too close to each other.
- Noise points: Data points that are very far away from the rest of the data points (Outliers)
- A technique used to reduce the number of features/variables in a dataset while retaining the most important information.
- Simplifying the complexity of the dataset by reducing the number of dimensions (variables) without losing information.
- The aim is to find the important features/variables that the model can use for better prediction.
- Reducing irrelevant features that have no relation with the target feature.
- Reduces multicollinearity, and saves storage and time by improving the performance of the model.
- Project data into lower dimensions while preserving as much useful variability (19/20) as possible.
- e.g. If we observe a Scatter Plot in multi-dimension it will be complicated for understanding.
- Consider only 1D then it is just a line and a few points in which some are close to the line and some are a bit far away from the line.
- Combine features or remove features to reduce dimensions.
- Dimensionality Reduction helps to prevent the models from overfitting (Due to too many features)
- Simplifies the model, improves accuracy, fast training, easy visualization, and helps to identify patterns easily.
- Scale and normalize data before applying dimensionality reduction techniques.
- Use visualizations to assess how well the reduced dimensions represent the data.
- Transforms a dataset into a new set of features without losing information called principal components.
- A dataset with high dimensions and high correlation can be complicated for analysis and visualization.
- PCA aims to capture the most important features in the dataset while reducing its dimensionality.
- Datasets with essential features are easy to explore, visualize, analyze and train (simplifies the EDA).
- The first principal component (PC1) explains the largest amount of variation in the dataset.
- Subsequent principal components (PCs) explain the decreasing amount of variations in the dataset.
- PCA tries to put the maximum possible information in the first principle component.
- And then tries to put the remaining information in the corresponding principle components.
- PCA is affected by the scale, so rescaling features before applying PCA is important.
- LDA identifies the best way to separate the existing categories/classes in the dataset.
- Finds the best linear separation to classify datasets into different categories/classes.
- Reduce the number of features and maximize the separation between two or more categories/classes.
- LDA creates a new axis (Maximize the distance between means of two classes and minimize variation within each class)
- Used to visualize high dimensional data in a low dimensional space.
- Non-linear dimensionality reduction technique (spiral, mixed)
- t-SNE calculates the probability that a data point is a neighbour of another data point in the higher dimensional space.
- t-SNE then constructs a similar joint probability distribution in the lower dimensional space.
- Identity clusters based on the similarity of data points.
- Reduces dimensions while keeping similar instances closer and dissimilar instances apart.
- Discover unusual data points and abnormal relationships and patterns in the dataset.
- Used to find fraudulent transactions and identify an outlier caused by human error during data entry.
- Reduces complexity of data and helps to understand data in a better way.
- Set of items that frequently occur together in a dataset.
- Basket Analysis: Items bought together | Goods purchased simultaneously help develop marketing strategies.
- A widely used algorithm in data mining, specifically for association rule learning.
- It helps identify relationships between items that frequently appear together in transactions.
- ML technique that enables an agent to learn and interact with an environment by trial and error.
- RL uses rewards and punishments to address and signals for positive and negative behaviour.
- RL agents learn from the consequences of their actions.
Key Components of RL
- Agent: The entity that learns and interacts with the environment.
- Environment: The surrounding world that the agent interacts with.
- State: The current situation of the agent within the environment.
- Action: The choices the agent can make.
- Reward: A signal indicating how well the agent performed in a given state.