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Imbalanced dataset

Class labels of the target variable should be balanced otherwise it predicts a biased output.

  • e.g. Flower Species 150 : 50 Setosa, 50 Verginica and 50 Versicolor

Here, observations, samples, and rows represent the same thing.

1. Up | Oversampling minority class

(SMOTE: Synthetic minority oversampling technique)

  • Randomly duplicate the minority class samples to reinforce the learning of data.
  • Resample minority class by setting the number of samples to match with the majority class.
  • Combine the upsampled minority samples with the original majority samples.

2. Down | Under sampling majority class

  • Randomly remove/drop the majority class samples to make the class distribution balanced.
  • Resample the majority class by setting the number of samples to match with minority class.
  • Combine the downsampled majority samples with the original minority samples.

3. Evaluation Metric

  • Precision, Recall | True Positive Rate (TPR), and F1 Score are better metrics for imbalanced dataset.
  • F1 Score: Harmonic mean of recall and precision (keeps the balance between recall and precision)

4. Cross Validation

  • Stratified K Fold Cross Validation: Samples with an equal proportion of each class label to train the model.

5. Algorithms less sensitive to class imbalance:

  • Random Forest and KNN can perform well with imbalanced data.
  • RF combines predictions from multiple models trained on different resampled versions of data.
  • Parameter class_weights (We can specify a higher weight for the minority class)
  • Force the model to pay more attention while learning from the minority class samples.

6. Collect more data for Minority Class

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