EDA is a process of analyzing and summarizing data using statistics and data visualization methods.
- EDA is the most essential step in a data science and data analysis process.
- Data scientists spend almost 70% of their work doing EDA of their dataset.
- Discover patterns, spot anomalies, identify outliers, understand main characteristics, gain insights, test hypotheses, and check assumptions with summary statistics and graphical representations.
- An iterative cycle that involves generating questions about the data, searching for answers by visualizing, transforming, and modelling the data, and using what is learned to refine or generate new questions.
- Graphical Analysis: Visualizations and charts are used to visualize trends and patterns in the data.
- Statistical Analysis: Measuring central tendency, spread, variability and distribution are used to analyze the data.
- EDA helps to prepare the dataset for analysis, allows the ML model to predict, gives more accurate results, and helps to choose a better ML model.
- Allows you to get a better understanding of your data before you start building models or making predictions.
- The best approach will vary depending on the specific data set and the goals of your analysis.
- EDA is a powerful tool that can help you to better understand your data and make better decisions about how to use it.
- Loading Data
- Data Exploration
- Handling Missing Data
- Data Visualization
- Feature Engineering
- Outlier Detection
- Data Encoding
- Transformation / Rescaling / Standardization
- Missing values: Are there any missing values in your data?
- Outliers: Are there any outliers in your data? Unusual data points.
- Distributions: What are the distributions of your data? Are they normally distributed or skewed?
- Relationships: Is there any correlation between independent and dependent variables?
- Patterns: Are there any patterns in your data? For example, are there any trends over time?
- Import required libraries, modules and submodules.
- Load your dataset into a DataFrame.
# Import Libraries:
import pandas as pd # For Data Manipulation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For Data Visualization
# Load the data into a DataFrame:
df = pd.read_csv('dataset.csv')
- Explore the basic characteristics of the dataset.
- Use functions like dtypes, info and describe to get an initial understanding of the data.
# Summary Information of Dataset:
# Descriptive Statistics:
- Identify and handle missing values in the dataset.
- Use functions isnull, sum, fillna to detect missing values.
- Choose an appropriate strategy to deal with them.
# Find missing values:
# Handle missing values by imputation:
df.fillna(value, inplace=True)
# Handle missing values by removal:
- Create a visual representation of the data to gain insights.
- Generate various plots, such as histograms, scatter plots, box plots and correlation matrix.
- Libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn or Plotly to create visuals.
# Create Histogram:
plt.hist(df['Height'], bins=10)
plt.xlabels('X axis label')
plt.ylabels('Y axis label')
- Explore and create new features from the existing features to enhance the predictive power of the data.
- FE involves transformation, scaling, binning and creating derived features based on domain knowledge.
# Create new feature by binning an existing feature:
df['new_column'] = pd.cut(df['existing_column'], bins = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40])
- Examine the relationships between variables in the dataset.
- Calculate correlation coefficients and visualize them using heatmaps or correlation matrices.
# Calculate correlation coefficients:
correlation_matrix = df.corr()
# Visualize correlation matrix as a heatmap:
plt.figure(figsize = (10,8))
sns.heatmap(correlation_matrix, annot = True, cmap = 'coolwarm')
plt.title('Correlation Matrix')
- Identify, detect and handle outliers in the dataset.
- Outliers can significantly impact analysis and modelling results.
- Data visualizations help in finding outliers (Box Plot, Scatter Plots, etc.)
- Statistical techniques such as Z scores or Interquartile Range (IQR)
# Create Box Plot:
plt.xlabels('X axis label')
plt.ylabels('Y axis label')
plt.title('Box Plot')
# Import libraries:
from scipy import stats
# Find Z score and threshold values:
z_scores = stats.zscore(df['data'])
threshold = 3
# Detect outliers:
outliers = np.where(np.abs(z_scores) > threshold)
# Handle outliers:
median_value = df['data'].median()
df['data'][outliers] = median_value
- Make the data more normally distributed.
- Scale the features to ensure they are on the same scale.
- Discourage the dominating features with high-scale values.
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
df_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(df['data'])
- Make final adjustments to the dataset.
- Remove unnecessary columns or create dummy variables for categorical features.
# Remove unnecessary columns:
df.drop(['Address Line 2', 'Address Line 3'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
# Create dummy variables for categorical features:
df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns = categorical_columns, drop_first = True)