Summarizes notable changes to Zeal
Additional chat filter and color options for melee specials
- backstabs, kicks, strikes
New /run command that controls run versus walk mode
- /run (toggles), /run on, /run off (walk)
New zeal general tab option to detect /assist failures
- Clears current target and emits warning
New zeal general tab option to suppress fizzles messages from non-grouped casters
New /uilock command that supports on and off toggling of the UI Lock state for primary game windows
- Bags must be open to take effect
New /lootlast command that specifies an item ID (either by a direct number or using an item link) that will be looted last during /lootall of your own corpse (and thus not looted since /lootall leaves an item on your own corpse)
Extended /protect to also cover NPC / pet trades
- /protect on now blocks all trades to bankers (money, items)
- Item and non-empty bag protection now applies to trades to NPCs and pets (value is not checked)
New nameplate options to enable mana and stamina bars
- Self-only for now until server provides more information to client
- Also added another sample font: segoeui_bold_24
- Added the short and long zone names to the internal and external window title bars
- Add map option to show raid member headings (versus triangles)
Added a new spell recast timer option in zeal general tab that adds buff timer-like tooltip countdowns for each spell gem
- Similar text-only information to EqTypes 26-33 above but should not require xml updates
- Has extra option to left align the timer display instead of default location
New UI Gauges to support server tick timer and spell cast recovery times (requires XML updates)
- Added a new gauge (EqType 24) that shows a server synced 6 second timer tick gauge
- Added a new gauge (EqType 25) that shows the global cooldown (recovery) after casting
- Added new gauges (EqTypes 26-33) for each spell gem slot that show the recast countdown time
Note: UISkin authors, if you want to hide the gauge text number, make it go offscreen with something like:
Reduced the nameplate drop shadow offset for sharper text
- Added a /nameplate shadowfactor to allow users to adjust the offset
Added a new /singleclick command and linked zeal general option that toggles the single click automatic transfer of stacked items to an open give, trade, or crafting station container window as unstacked items
- If ctrl+left click, transfers 1 item from stack over
- If shift+left click, transfers entire stack
- To simplify things for now, singleclick is a no-op on nodrop item stacks
- Note: Singleclick transfers to other players is disabled until more testing is done (npcs still work for quests)
- Singleclick transfer to inventory tradeskill bags requires them to be explicitly targeted with a /singleclick bag # command. This is a non-persistent setting. 0 disables, bags 1-8. Intended for use only during intensive tradeskilling sessions.
Support auto-sit and automatic inventory / spell export across all camp pathways
- The camp button did not support auto-sit or exports. Binds did not support export.
- Hook the common camp call so that /camp, keybind, button, and hotkeys all support both auto-sit and exports
ItemDisplay windows updated to report the required level for clickies
Patches to song window to support the updated eqgame.dll
- Add Song Window support to ui_buff
- Added Song Window label range to labels.cpp to avoid future conflicts
Added instruction cache flushes when modifying code
Fix: Prevent /sit while in loss of control
Fix: Designed out potential memory leaks in the CXSTR (client string) handling
- The refactoring cleanup should make it "harder" to leak in the future,
Fix: The /log off command has not been working properly since the print_chat hook for timestamping was added. Setting /log off will now disable logging.
- Add custom font supports to the nameplates
- Controlled through nameplate options tab or /nameplate zealfont to toggle
- Can use any zeal installed fonts (added more fonts with reasonable sizes)
- Added drop shadow support, bottom align for centered text
- Enabled the target auto-attack blinking indicator. Synchronized
it with the targetring and uses the targetring options slider for rate.
- Added target blink always and only during auto-attack options
- Added option to show pet owner names as second line to nameplate ("Pet" for self-pet)
- Adds an option to display a health bar at the bottom of visible nameplates (custom font only)
- Due to client data limitations, only applies to self, group, pet, target
- Add target_color option that uses target color instead of con color
- Add option to disable self target ring
- Added a small dull yellow position marker for self-pet if show group members is enabled
- Added a new options checkbox that enables text with your current location in the upper left corner
- Map supports loading zones not in the linked in database
- Adds /map world command to lookup zone names
Floating combat damage:
- Added filters for suppressing damage from self, from pets, from other players, and from melee
- Switched to using the HPUpdate packets to report heal events which is mostly functional.
- Note that self heals effectively bypass this so don't show up
- Added a "big hit" slider to make some damage outputs persist longer and stronger (values above threshold)
- Added FCD specific color settings in the zeal colors tab for controlling the FCD colors
Tab completion:
- Restored native client behavior to flush text beyond /tell and enable tab cycle list
- The recent tells list is always added to the cycle list at the end after any partial tab completion matches
- To simplify the logic, tab completion will not work in a tell window if there is more than one open.
- The tab cycles between the tell windows. The main chat window still has tab completion.
- Added support for tab completion of /commands. Works like bash with first tab filling out common prefix and second tabs supporting cycling through match list.
New /protect command:
- Provides secondary protection against accidental item loss by blocking destroying or dropping items if a non-empty container, value is above a threshold, or the item is on a protection list.
- Also provides protection from selling items on the block list (but no value check for selling)
- See readme for usage notes
- Add /selfclickthru command and option ('u' to open doors works in 3rd person)
- Added a zeal general tab option to enable container locking (context menu popup will allow toggling "Lock")
- Added an optional quiet parameter (/useitem # quiet) that will suppress warnings if the slot doesn't have a click effect (empty slot or no valid click). Still complains if invalid command (slot #) or blocked due to casting.
- Clicking on the skills window name or value columns will now toggle ascending or descending order
- Add option to export inventory and spellbook on /camp
- Added simple heap checks at zeal construction (boot) that will generate a modal dialog box if any corruption detected
- Added showspelleffects state to the reasonsfile
- Added a /zeal get_command utility that will retrieve the command info struct including callback function address
- Refactored BitmapFont int a virtual base class to support both a 2D transformed vertex class and a 3D class that supports the z-buffer with occlusion and range
- Migrate some of the eqgame.dll features into Zeal
- Buff timers, extended nameplates, brown skeletons, auto-stand, combat music
- RightClickToEquip now directly calls InvSlot functions rather than InvSlotWnd x/y clicks
- Implements proper /showhelm functionality and will fix future issues with velious helmets
- showhelm will now affect how your helmet looks to you and how others see you
- Refactored nameplate code to eliminate delay of the health / marker text when switching targets
- Modified target marker from < > to >> <<
- Added legacy inline guild option
- Added a * suffix to the group leader in the party window
- Zeal chatfilters moved to a contextmenu submenu
- Added a /who filter to the chat filter list
- Added a /linkall command with arguments to directly insert item links into chat channels
- Added enhanced player name tab completion to /tell, /t, and /consent (tab or shift-tab to cycle)
- Supports partial name search that pulls from tell history, raid, and zone
- Added a cycle nearest PC corpses keybind option
- Skills window now sorts by skill name or value when column header clicked
- Alt + Left-click item display windows now persist their locations independently
- Updated auto z-level to a default height value of 10 to match QuarmTools
- Added a default to z autofade checkbox option in the map options tab
- Added a command line override for the auto height (/map level autoz )
- Reduced the allowed minimum position and marker icon sizes by 4x
- Fixed a chat issue where the first word could trigger a command (ie, output = /output)
- Fixed an issue with persisting textures and fonts for directories with more than 20 files
- Minor namedpipe cleanups to reduce overhead and for thread safety
- Increase logging for external map createdevice failures
- Updated the map interactive mode so that the map window is similar to other game windows (mouse sizing, positioning, minimize, close, lock, context menu)
- Removed the position and size sliders in the options tab
- Added a persistent enable for interactive mode in map settings
- Added a default zoom selection option in map settings
- Modified external map to use standard window resizing instead of options slider (so independent of internal size)
- Fixed some corner issues where the spellbookwnd state could get locked up (like trying to memorize a higher level spell after a death)
- Loading continues if it has trouble with a spell (unless corrupted ID) and skips the spell instead of spending the time to memorize then failing
- Loading can be interrupted to switch to a different set
- Loads from top to bottom
- Avoids some corner cases of stance dancing when terminating
- Added basic spellset name length constraints (1 to 32 chars)
- Split the alt + left-click from the right click temporary windows for consistent behavior
- Supports up to 5 persistent items or songs
- This works for item links, inventory, and the casting gem bar and spellbook
- The right click long hold uses the default Item Display window
- Simplified and centralized the item description mods
- Added some initial spell info fields (like resists, target type)
- Fixed an issue with bank and merchant window z-layers when displaying items
- Combat effect (proc level) added
- Add class levels to spell scroll info item display
Floating combat:
- Added bitmap_font support to floating damage
- If font set, uses it, else falls back to client font size
- Added options combobox support for the fonts
- Updated bitmap_font and fonts
- Added larger arial font sizes 20, 24, 32
- Changed from empirical delay to a server message interlock before advancing songs (should increase reliability)
- Make /stopsong more reliable by using an internal function that checks if the bard is singing a bard song
Right-click to equip:
- New option to enable right click to swap equipment from a bag to equip slot
- From inside a bag only to avoid clicky collision
- Add transparency ring slider for Target Ring
- Fix to gemicon default ui fallback path
- Possible fix to random color picker window bug by clearing ui_manager's button states
- Various other UI fixes that may improve stability after character select swaps
- Fixed /camp autosit to not sit if command will fail due to transaction windows
- Added /lootall command
- Fixed a target ring ini issue for None transparency
- Fixed false haste on items with other (worn) effects
- Fixes map crash due to uninitialized font when no labels are active
- Fixes %t chat crash and makes the dopercentconvert calls more reliable
- Separated the Load and Delete of spellsets so that Load is a single click while Delete is hidden behind a subcategory menu
- Map ring now supports indoor tracking distances
- Fix StringSprite crash (skellies)
- Add a redundant Zeal load check to dllmain
- Adds trim_name call to target nameplate (deal with rare crash)
- Move texture release above the filename length check so "none" will work
- Gargoyle Nameplate fix
- Add map interactive mouse support (drag, pan zoom)
- Add /map show_zone mode to browse other zones
- Add /map ring to show tracking and distances
- Add map z-level fading and auto z-level mode
- Add succor to all zones using zone data
- Change keybind to toggle vs flash raid/group names
- Major changes to support color customization and new features like target marker, health, etc
- Chat filters & custom color updates for pets
- Added /corpsedrag nearest : auto-targets the closest corpse for /drag
- Added /corpsedrop all: drop all corpses
- Updated /lead command updated to report raid and group leader information
- Add instrument mod percent to item display
- Add slot #'s to /useitem
- Camera option to unlock for key turning
- Target Ring -- cone (depth) and indicator flash delay settings
- Floating Combat -- Spell and Spell Icon toggles
- Add /cls and /ss aliases add spell icons to floating combat add non-melee damage from other players to chat
- make tellwindow history color gray, add toggle for tell window history
- Moved majority of zeal settings to separate zeal.ini file
- Construct ZealService on loader thread (boot stability)
- Few patches to improve boot stability (null SpawnInfo)
- Warnings about duplicate xmls
- ZealSetting improvements
- Use client's EQP_IDArray for ID to entity LUT
- Patch client to properly Type other PC corpses
- Restrict /useitem to match server side effect list
- Misc others
- Add /lead command to print group leader
- Options window updates
- add cut to edit windows, fix issue with large pastes
- Add item value to item display
- Disable character selection rotation by default
- Nameplate color updates (options, naming)
- Add multiple map markers with labels support
- Add map support for showing group and raid names with adjustable length
- Add a simple map grid option
- Upgraded to use custom bitmapfont (eliminates text label fps penalty)
- Add a 'marker_only' map labels mode
- Added checks for if a group/raid exists before trying to send data via Pipe
- Fix Con Color initialization ui_options.cpp
- Fix infinite loop lockup caused by print_chat_wnd not calling the trampoline properly
- Add item link limit to pasting to solve another crash issue.
- Fix bluecon everywhere to use the color index 14
- Fix print chat buffer, attempt to make DoPercentConvert safer (some crashes reported when using assist macros may be related).
- Add directx BitmapFont to accelerate text
- Prevent /useitem from trying to cast "(worn)" effects
Release notes
- EQUI.XML is no longer needed inside the zeal folder, please delete the entire uifiles/zeal before extracting the new zip
- If you do not see a zeal options window when you open your options window something is extracted wrong.
- Extract all of the files to your everquest folder from the zip in the paths they are predefined to go into.
- Target ring updates
- Map: Add external window support
- Add group & raid positions to named pipe output
- Nameplate color updates
- Fix entity remove (name is not reliable as a hash key)
- Separate tabs into own xml files, Add color selections for nameplate Add color saving/loading
- Separate color tab init into own function
- Add button callbacks for ui
- Add wnd notification hook for colorpicker callback system
- Add colorpicker wnd virtual calls activate and setcolor