Update from old repo
Using python 3.6, core libraries are :
- dlib
- tensorflow
- keras
- opencv
Datasets are saved in data/ directory
Here we use 2 model
We use InceptionV3 and MobileNetV2 from keras-application without it's classifier output and modify it to have 2 output layer. One for gender prediction with 2 nodes and another for age prediction with 101 nodes (represent age 0-100). We treat age prediction as multiclass classification problem with it's output calculated from softmax regression as in [1] reference
We follow default SSR-Net architecture with some modification. At the top we have 1 classifier block which then feed into 2 classifier block. In SSR-Net, we treat prediction as regression problem for both age and gender
For InceptionV3 and MobileNetV2 we used pretrained weight from keras-application which was trained on ImageNet dataset. So, we do transfer learning on InceptionV3 and MobileNetV2. And, training from scratch on SSR-Net Training was done in AWS P3 instance with Nvidia Tesla V100 with 10 fold cross-validation and 50 epoch each to check for model consistency and get weight file with best metrics For each model, following input size is used:
- MINI_XCEPTION : 64 x 64 px
- VGGFACE: 224 x 224 x 3 px
- storing datasets
- prepare images-labels pairs
- generating csv file
stl: prepare data generator for single-task learning confusion: prepare data generator for multi-task learning with joint training method alternative: prepare data generator for single-task learning with alternative triaing method
- EAGP: emotion, age, gener, pose
- runing script:
python ALTERNATIVE_EP.py {other similar function, ALTERNATIVE_EA.py, ALTERNATIVE_EGA.py}
$ dataset
$ model
--batch_size=32 $ traiing tricks --is_augmentation=False --is_dropout=False --is_bn=False --weights_decay=0 --is_freezing=False --no_freezing_epoch=0 $ multi-task weights --P_loss_weights=1 --E_loss_weights=1 $ preserve information method(distilling knowledge) && augment information method(pseudo labels) --is_naive=False --is_distilled=False --is_pesudo=True --is_interpolation=False --interpolation_weights=0 --selection_threshold=0.8 $ selection method --is_pesudo_confidence=True --is_pesudo_density=True --is_pesudo_distribution=True --cluster_k=3
- EAGP: emotion, age, gener, pose
- runing script: python CONFUSION_EPGA_multitask.py {other similar function,CONFUSION_EA_multitask.py} $ dataset --dataset_emotion=expw --dataset_pose=aflw $ model --epoch=64 --model=vggFace --batch_size=32 $ traiing tricks --is_augmentation=False --is_dropout=False --is_bn=False --weights_decay=0 --is_freezing=False --no_freezing_epoch=0 $ multi-task weights --P_loss_weights=1 --E_loss_weights=1
- runing script: python STL_general_train.py --dataset=SFEW (support emotion,pose,gender,age datasets) --model=vggFace --epoch=64 --batch_size=32 $ triaing tricks --is_augmentation=False --is_dropout=False --is_bn=False --weights_decay=0 --is_freezing=False --no_freezing_epoch=0 $ task type --task_type=0(refer to the definition of model)