name: ci on: push: branches: [main, master] pull_request: branches: [main, master] env: NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE: new_hstream_image jobs: pre-build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: prepare pre-build environment for tests outputs: ghc: ${{ steps.parser.outputs.ghc }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: "recursive" - id: parser run: | pkgcabal="hstream/hstream.cabal" GHCS=$(cat ${pkgcabal} | grep tested-with | python3 -c 'import sys, re, json; print(re.findall(r"(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)",') echo "Set ghc versions: $GHCS..." echo "ghc=$GHCS" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: run stylish-haskell run: | # install stylish-haskell PACKAGE=stylish-haskell URL=$(\ curl --silent$PACKAGE/releases/latest \ | grep "browser_download_url.*linux-x86_64\.tar\.gz" \ | cut -d ':' -f 2,3 \ | tr -d \" \ ) VERSION=$(echo $URL | sed -e 's/.*-\(v[\.0-9]\+-linux-x86_64\)\.tar\.gz/\1/') TEMP=$(mktemp --directory) curl --progress-bar --location -o$TEMP/$PACKAGE.tar.gz $URL tar -xzf $TEMP/$PACKAGE.tar.gz -C$TEMP chmod +x $TEMP/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/$PACKAGE # check all sources echo "Run script/ with latest stylish-haskell..." FORMATER_BIN=$TEMP/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/$PACKAGE bash script/ ci && git diff-index --exit-code HEAD # NOTE: hstream-admin-store requires ghc8.10 to build. # Also there is a WIP ghc9 support for hsthrift: # build-hstream-admin-store: needs: pre-build runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: "recursive" - name: set env run: | docker pull echo "CABAL=python3 script/dev-tools cabal --no-interactive --no-services-required \ --check -i -- \" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "SHELL=python3 script/dev-tools shell --no-interactive --no-services-required \ --check -i" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: cabal freeze run: | ${{ env.CABAL }} update ${{ env.CABAL }} freeze - name: cache uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | ~/.cabal/packages ~/.cabal/store dist-newstyle key: ${{ runner.os }}-8.10-v2-${{ hashFiles('**/*.cabal') }}-${{ hashFiles('**/cabal.project*') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-8.10-v2 - name: install run: | ${{ env.CABAL }} update ${{ env.SHELL }} "'make clean'" ${{ env.SHELL }} "'make thrift'" ${{ env.CABAL }} install hadmin-store - name: run hadmin-store run: ${{ env.CABAL }} exec -- hadmin-store --help build: needs: pre-build runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: build-ghc-${{ matrix.ghc }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: ghc: ${{ fromJson(needs.pre-build.outputs.ghc) }} steps: - name: Free disk space run: | echo "Before..." df -h sudo rm -rf \ /usr/share/dotnet /usr/local/lib/android /opt/ghc \ /usr/local/share/powershell /usr/share/swift /usr/local/.ghcup \ "/usr/local/share/boost" \ /usr/lib/jvm || true echo "After..." df -h - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: "recursive" - name: CPU info run: | sudo apt-get install cpuid cpuid - name: set env run: | docker pull${{ matrix.ghc }} GHC_MAJOR_VER="$(echo ${{ matrix.ghc }} | cut -d'.' -f1)" echo "GHC_MAJOR_VER=$GHC_MAJOR_VER" >> $GITHUB_ENV if [ "$GHC_MAJOR_VER" = "8" ]; then echo "EXTRA_CABAL_ARGS='--project-file=cabal.project.ghc810'" >> $GITHUB_ENV else echo "EXTRA_CABAL_ARGS=''" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi echo "CABAL=python3 script/dev-tools cabal --check --no-interactive --no-services-required \ -i${{ matrix.ghc }} -- " >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "SHELL=python3 script/dev-tools shell --check --no-interactive --no-services-required \ -i${{ matrix.ghc }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: cabal freeze run: | ${{ env.CABAL }} update ${{ env.CABAL }} ${{ env.EXTRA_CABAL_ARGS }} freeze - name: cache uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | ~/.cabal/packages ~/.cabal/store dist-newstyle key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.ghc }}-v2-${{ hashFiles('**/*.cabal') }}-${{ hashFiles('**/cabal.project*') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.ghc }}-v2- - name: build run: | ${{ env.CABAL }} update ${{ env.SHELL }} "'make clean'" ${{ env.SHELL }} make ${{ env.CABAL }} ${{ env.EXTRA_CABAL_ARGS }} build --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks all ${{ env.CABAL }} ${{ env.EXTRA_CABAL_ARGS }} install hstream # TODO: move to "test" job - name: test run: | ${{ env.SHELL }} "'make syntax-test-run'" ${{ env.SHELL }} "'make plan-test-run'" # NOTE: The quick-build-dev-image relies on the "hstreamdb/hstream" base image. # If you have installed any additional libraries in the builder image (hstreamdb/haskell), # and these libraries are required (e.g., if a file is needed), you may encounter a # linking error during the integration tests that follow. In such cases, you will need to # publish a new version of the hstreamdb/hstream image first, which includes the necessary # libraries. - name: quick build new hstream image run: | mkdir -p ~/data if [ "${{ env.GHC_MAJOR_VER }}" = "8" ]; then python3 script/dev-tools quick-build-dev-image \ --builder-image${{ matrix.ghc }} \ --project-file cabal.project.ghc810 \ --only-hstream \ -t $NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE else python3 script/dev-tools quick-build-dev-image \ --builder-image${{ matrix.ghc }} \ --only-hstream \ -t $NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE fi docker save -o ~/data/new_hstream_image.tar $NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: image-testing-${{ matrix.ghc }} path: ~/data/new_hstream_image.tar retention-days: 2 - name: tar tests run: | mkdir -p ~/data rm -f ~/data/hstream_tests.tar find dist-newstyle/build -type f \( \ -name "*-test" -o \ -name "hstream-server" -o \ -name "hstream-kafka-server" \) \ -exec tar -rvf ~/data/hstream_tests.tar {} \; - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: hstream-tests-${{ matrix.ghc }} path: ~/data/hstream_tests.tar retention-days: 2 test: needs: [pre-build, build] runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: test-ghc-${{ matrix.ghc }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: ghc: ${{ fromJson(needs.pre-build.outputs.ghc) }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: "recursive" - name: set env run: | docker pull${{ matrix.ghc }} echo "CABAL=python3 script/dev-tools cabal --check --no-interactive \ -i${{ matrix.ghc }} -- " >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "SHELL=python3 script/dev-tools shell --check --no-interactive \ -i${{ matrix.ghc }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "TEST_CONTAINER_NAME=test-hstream-server" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: retrieve saved tests uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: hstream-tests-${{ matrix.ghc }} path: ~/data - name: untar tests run: tar -xf ~/data/hstream_tests.tar - name: start required services run: python3 script/dev-tools start-services - name: start hstream server run: | export CONTAINER_NAME=$TEST_CONTAINER_NAME export IMAGE="${{ matrix.ghc }}" export EXTRA_OPTS="--check --no-interactive --detach" export COMMAND=" " export EXE=$(find dist-newstyle -name "hstream-server" -type f) ./script/ sleep 5 docker logs --tail 100 $TEST_CONTAINER_NAME - name: run tests run: ${{ env.SHELL }} "'find dist-newstyle/build -type f -name \"*-test\" -exec {} \;'" - name: collect hserver logs if: ${{ success() }} || ${{ failure() }} run: | rm -rf hserver.log docker logs $TEST_CONTAINER_NAME &> hserver.log - name: upload hserver logs uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 if: ${{ success() }} || ${{ failure() }} with: name: hserver-logs-${{ matrix.ghc }} path: hserver.log retention-days: 7 # Due to an [cabal bug](, # `cabal check` will emit a warning even if the `-O2` option is just # an flag. This is disabled until the problem is fixed. #- name: check # run: | # python3 script/dev-tools cabal --check --no-interactive -i${{ matrix.ghc }} -- sdist all # # unfortunately, there is no `cabal check all` # #log_info "Run all cabal check..." # # Note that we ignore hstream-store package to run cabal check, because there # # is an unexpected warning: # # ... # # Warning: 'cpp-options': -std=c++17 is not portable C-preprocessor flag # # Warning: Hackage would reject this package. # for dir in hstream-sql hstream-processing hstream; do # python3 script/dev-tools shell --check --no-interactive -i${{ matrix.ghc }} "'cd $dir && cabal check'" # done # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - name: stop all started services run: docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) integration-tests: needs: [pre-build, build] runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: ghc: ${{ fromJson(needs.pre-build.outputs.ghc) }} test: - integration-tests - integration-tests-rqlite - integration-tests-kafka - integration-tests-kafka-rqlite - distributed-tests include: - test: integration-tests repo: hstreamdb/integration-tests command: | ./gradlew test --info --fail-fast -Dtag='basicTest' - test: integration-tests-rqlite repo: hstreamdb/integration-tests command: | export HSTREAM_META_STORE=RQLITE ./gradlew test --info --fail-fast -Dtag='basicTest' - test: integration-tests-kafka repo: hstreamdb/kafka-tests command: | ./gradlew test --info --fail-fast - test: integration-tests-kafka-rqlite repo: hstreamdb/kafka-tests command: | export HSTREAM_META_STORE=RQLITE ./gradlew test --info --fail-fast - test: distributed-tests repo: hstreamdb/distributed-tests command: | ./gradlew test --info --fail-fast name: ${{ matrix.test }}-${{ matrix.ghc }} steps: - name: Free disk space run: | echo "Before..." df -h sudo rm -rf \ /usr/share/dotnet /usr/local/lib/android /opt/ghc \ /usr/local/share/powershell /usr/share/swift /usr/local/.ghcup \ "/usr/local/share/boost" \ /usr/lib/jvm || true echo "After..." df -h - name: retrieve saved docker image uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: image-testing-${{ matrix.ghc }} path: ~/data - name: docker load run: | docker load -i ~/data/new_hstream_image.tar docker run -t --rm $NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE /usr/local/bin/hstream-server +RTS --info docker run -t --rm $NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE /usr/local/bin/hstream-kafka-server +RTS --info - name: fetch tests source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: ${{ matrix.repo }} submodules: "recursive" path: integration-tests - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 with: distribution: "adopt" java-version: 11 cache: "gradle" - uses: gradle/wrapper-validation-action@v1 - name: run tests run: | cd integration-tests export HSTREAM_IMAGE_NAME=$NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE ${{ matrix.command }} - name: collect tests reports if: ${{ success() }} || ${{ failure() }} run: | rm -rf ci_artifact && mkdir ci_artifact mv integration-tests/.logs ci_artifact/logs mv integration-tests/app/build/reports ci_artifact/reports - name: upload tests-reports uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 if: ${{ success() }} || ${{ failure() }} with: name: reports-${{ matrix.test }}-${{ matrix.ghc }} path: ci_artifact retention-days: 7 # hstream-io-tests: # needs: [pre-build, build] # runs-on: ubuntu-latest # name: hstream-io-tests-ghc-${{ matrix.ghc }} # strategy: # fail-fast: false # matrix: # ghc: ${{ fromJson(needs.pre-build.outputs.ghc) }} # steps: # - name: retrieve saved docker image # uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: # name: image-testing-${{ matrix.ghc }} # path: ~/data # - name: docker load # run: | # docker load -i ~/data/new_hstream_image.tar # docker run -t --rm $NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE /usr/local/bin/hstream-server +RTS --info # - name: fetch hstream io tests source code # uses: actions/checkout@v3 # with: # repository: "hstreamdb/hstream-connectors" # submodules: "recursive" # path: hstream-connectors # - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 # with: # distribution: "adopt" # java-version: 11 # cache: "gradle" # - uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2 # - name: build and pull images # run: | # cd hstream-connectors # export CONNECTOR_IMAGE_VERSION=v0.2.3 # make pull_images # make build_images # - name: run hstream io tests # run: | # cd hstream-connectors/integration_tests # export HSTREAM_IMAGE_NAME=$NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE # export HSTREAM_IO_USE_DEFAULT_IMAGES=true # ./gradlew test --info --fail-fast # - name: collect tests reports # if: ${{ success() }} || ${{ failure() }} # run: | # rm -rf ci_artifact && mkdir ci_artifact # mv hstream-connectors/integration_tests/.logs ci_artifact/logs # mv hstream-connectors/integration_tests/app/build/reports ci_artifact/reports # export U=$(id -u); export G=$(id -g); sudo chown -R $U:$G /tmp/io # mv /tmp/io/tasks ci_artifact/tasks # - name: upload tests-reports # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 # if: ${{ success() }} || ${{ failure() }} # with: # name: hstream-io-logs-${{ matrix.ghc }} # path: ci_artifact # retention-days: 7 deploy-k8s: # disabled due to a lack of hardware resources of the github action if: false needs: [pre-build, build] runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: deploy-to-minikube-ghc-${{ matrix.ghc }} strategy: fail-fast: true matrix: ghc: ${{ fromJson(needs.pre-build.outputs.ghc) }} steps: - name: Start minikube uses: medyagh/setup-minikube@master - name: Try the cluster ! run: kubectl get pods -A - name: retrieve saved docker image uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: image-testing-${{ matrix.ghc }} path: ~/data - name: Load image run: | export SHELL=/bin/bash eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env) docker load -i ~/data/new_hstream_image.tar docker tag $NEW_HSTREAM_IMAGE hstreamdb/hstream echo -n "verifying images:" docker images - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Deploy to minikube by helm run: | cd deploy/chart/hstream helm repo add bitnami helm repo update helm dependency build . helm install my-hstream . - name: Waiting for cluster ready run: | timeout=600 # seconds until ( \ kubectl exec -it my-hstream-0 -- hadmin server status |grep "100.*Running" && \ kubectl exec -it my-hstream-0 -- hadmin server status |grep "101.*Running" && \ kubectl exec -it my-hstream-0 -- hadmin server status |grep "102.*Running" ) >/dev/null 2>&1; do >&2 echo "Waiting for cluster ready ..." kubectl get pods sleep 10 timeout=$((timeout - 10)) if [ $timeout -le 0 ]; then echo "Timeout!" && \ kubectl logs --tail 100 my-hstream-0 ; \ kubectl logs --tail 100 my-hstream-1 ; \ kubectl logs --tail 100 my-hstream-2 ; \ kubectl exec -it my-hstream-0 -- hadmin server status ; \ exit 1; fi done sleep 2 kubectl exec -it my-hstream-0 -- hadmin store --host my-hstream-logdevice-admin-server status kubectl exec -it my-hstream-0 -- hadmin server status - name: Fetch bench source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: "hstreamdb/bench" submodules: "recursive" path: a_bench - name: Run simple appends run: | eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env) cd a_bench echo -e "FROM openjdk:11\nCOPY . /srv\nWORKDIR /srv" | docker build -t tmp_bench -f - . ADDR=$(kubectl get pods my-hstream-0 --template '{{.status.podIP}}') docker run -t --rm tmp_bench \ ./gradlew writeBench --args="\ --bench-time=30 \ --warmup=1 \ --service-url=$ADDR:6570 \ --thread-count=1 \ --stream-count=2 \ --shard-count=1 \ --stream-backlog-duration=60 \ --stream-replication-factor=1 \ --record-size=1024 \ --batch-bytes-limit=2048 \ --batch-age-limit=500 \ --rate-limit=100 \ --total-bytes-limit=8192"