Please refer to the following to obtain information about Human Support Robot (HSR) and use it in your paper.
In order to run the simulator, docker and docker-compose are necessary.
In the case of a Windows or Mac environment, please install docker for Windows or Mac respectively.
In the case of Linux, please input the following commands and install docker.
$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sh
If you input the following command, even regular users will be able to execute the docker command.
$ sudo usermod -aG docker <USERNAME>
After executing the above command, log out then log in again.
Input the following command, then verify that docker can execute correctly.
$ docker info
Input the following commands and install docker-compose. As the docker-compose that can be installed via apt-get is old, please input all of the following commands to install the newest version of docker-compose.
$ sudo apt-get remove docker-compose
$ COMPOSE_VERSION=$(wget -O - | grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4)
$ sudo wget${COMPOSE_VERSION}/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -O /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Please input the following commands to clone this repository.
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd hsrb_robocup_dspl_docker
Download all of the images necessary for running the simulator. As you will be downloading a large amount of data, please execute the following command in an environment that is connected to a high speed network.
$ docker-compose pull
Please input the following command and start the simulator.
$ docker-compose up
Please open each of the following URLs in a browser, then move on to development.
- The simulator's screen http://localhost:3000
- IDE http://localhost:3001
- jupyter notebook http://localhost:3002
If it is the case that there is an NVIDIA video card, then acceleration of the simulation through rendering on the GPU is possible.
First, please install nvidia-docker by referring to the following URL:
Next, perform rendering on display number 0 of the X server that was started up on the server. Please input the following command, to to give access from within docker to the X server.
$ DISPLAY=:0 xhost si:localuser:root
Please input the following command and start the simulator.
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.nvidia.yml up
Please open each of the following URLs in a browser, then move on to development.
- The simulator's screen http://localhost:3000
- IDE http://localhost:3001
- jupyter notebook http://localhost:3002
In order to communicate from the host PC that is running the docker image with the simulator's roscore, it is necessary that ROS_MASTER_URI is set appropriately. If you source the script that is located directly under this package as illustrated below, then it is possible to set ROS_MASTER_URI.
$ source ./
After starting the simulator, please check that ROS communication is working using the host PC.
- Yosuke Matsusaka
- HSR Support [email protected]
This software is released under the BSD 3-Clause Clear License, see LICENSE.txt.