All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Introduced Compose as beta
- Fix propagation a bug of ObjectWrapper which blocks property propagation
- [breaking change] Changed 'watch' of ObjectWatcher from prop to param because it may cause unintuitive behavior if an element is used in multiple locations in vdom.
- Fix commit miss.
- Allow watch of ObjectWatcher can be string[].
- Remove initialProps from further props of AsyncResolver and DebouncePropagator
- More unit tests.
- AsyncResolver: initialProps now propagates before subjest is resolved.
- DebouncePropagator: initialProps is now required and propagates before subject is resolved.
- Unit tests.
- CircleCI
- Update readme.
- Change the behavior of ObjectWrapper so that object instance be shared among different tags.