Deploy a privileged pod with access to the root directory of the host
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
SSH into the minikube node
minikube ssh
Find the currently running sleep processes inside minikube
ps -C sleep -o user,uid,cmd
Access the shell of the running container
kubectl exec -it webapp sh
sleep 100
inside the shell of the running container -
Verify that the node has another sleep process with root user by running the following command inside the minikube shell
ps -C sleep -o user,uid,cmd
Deploy a privileged pod with access to the root directory of the host
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
Access the shell of the running container
kubectl exec -it webapp sh
Verify the identity of the container running user is root
Verify the capabilities that the user has by running
inside the container shell -
Open the web app in browser buing using port-forward command then open the url in the browser
kubectl port-forward webapp 3000:3000
by adding an image to the bottom of the html fileecho "<img src=\"lack-of-security.jpg\" />" >> /app/wwwroot/index.html
** This demo deploys a pod with an infinite loop, not a real crypto miner :)
Deploy a privileged pod with access to the root directory of the host
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
Access the shell of the running container
kubectl exec -it webapp sh
Create fake crypto miner pod by creating the
file insideetc/kubernetes/manifests
Paste the following inside the container shell
cat <<EOF > /hostroot/etc/kubernetes/manifests/crypto-miner.yaml
Paste the content of the
pod fromcrypto-miner.yaml
Enter EOF
Remember to delete the