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fix(core): windows cloudwatch agent install script
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Fixes #295

This fixes a bug that is preventing the deployment of any worker
instance that is using an AMI with a Windows OS.
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horsmand committed Jan 22, 2021
1 parent b4f1d15 commit 54e19a0
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Showing 2 changed files with 67 additions and 39 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -16,62 +16,90 @@ param (

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$file = "$env:temp\amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi"

# We hardcode the version number here since the verification below is tightly coupled with this specific version
Write-Output "Beginning CloudWatch agent verification and installation."

$cwa_installer = "$env:temp\amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi"
try {
Read-S3Object -BucketName amazoncloudwatch-agent -Key windows/amd64/1.242486.0/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi -File $file -Region us-east-1
Read-S3Object -BucketName amazoncloudwatch-agent -Key windows/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi -File $cwa_installer -Region us-east-1
} catch {
# Fallback to the latest version (this is the case when the above version is currently "latest")
Write-Output "Initial attempt to download Amazon CloudWatch agent failed. Falling back to the latest version."
try {
Read-S3Object -BucketName amazoncloudwatch-agent -Key windows/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi -File $file -Region us-east-1
} catch {
Write-Output "Failed to download CloudWatchAgent installer."
Exit 1
Write-Output "Failed to download CloudWatch agent installer."
Exit 1

$cwa_installer_sig = "$env:temp\amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi.sig"
try {
Read-S3Object -BucketName amazoncloudwatch-agent -Key windows/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi.sig -File $cwa_installer_sig -Region us-east-1
} catch {
Write-Output "Failed to download CloudWatch agent installer signature file."
Exit 1

# The below verification is tied to the version of the msi installer
# If the installer version changes, the below verification could break and should be updated accordingly.
# See
if (-Not $s) {
$sig = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $file
$status = $sig | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Status'
# Download GPG
$gpg_installer = "$env:temp\gnupg-w32-2.2.27_20210111.exe"
wget -OutFile $gpg_installer

# Verify GPG
$gpg_sig = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $gpg_installer
$status = $gpg_sig | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Status'
if ( $status -ne 'Valid' ) {
Write-Output "CloudWatchAgent installer does not have a valid signature."
Write-Output "GPG installer does not have a valid signature."
Exit 1
# Checksum information found at
$sha1 = Get-FileHash $gpg_installer -Algorithm SHA1
if ( $sha1 -inotmatch '9F2FF2CE36B6537F895AB3306527F105FF95DF8D') {
Write-Output "GPG failed checksum verification. Expected sha1 has to be '9F2FF2CE36B6537F895AB3306527F105FF95DF8D' but found:"
Write-Output $sha1
Exit 1

# Install GPG
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath $gpg_installer -ArgumentList "/S /v/qn" -PassThru

# Refresh the PATH so gpg is available
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine")

# CA Certificate is:
# - Subject: CN=DigiCert Timestamp Responder, O=DigiCert, C=US
# - Valid: [Not After] 10/21/2024 7:00:00 PM
# - Thumbprint: 614D271D9102E30169822487FDE5DE00A352B01D
$ca = $sig | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'TimeStamperCertificate'
$ca_thumbprint = $ca | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Thumbprint'
if ( $ca_thumbprint -ne '614D271D9102E30169822487FDE5DE00A352B01D' ) {
Write-Output "CA Thumbprint failed verification. Has the CA certificate been changed? If so, then please submit a PR to fix this."
Write-Output $( $ca | Format-List )
# Download Amazon's public key and import it to GPG's keyring
$cloudwatch_pub_key = "$env:temp\amazon-cloudwatch-agent.gpg"
Read-S3Object -BucketName amazoncloudwatch-agent -Key assets/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.gpg -File $cloudwatch_pub_key -Region us-east-1
gpg --import $cloudwatch_pub_key

# Verify that the imported key has the correct fingerprint
$fingerprint = '937616F3450B7D806CBD9725D58167303B789C72'
$keys = gpg -k
$keys = ($keys | Out-String).Trim() -replace "\r", "" -replace "\n", "" -replace "\[", "" -replace "\]", ""

if ($keys -inotlike "*$fingerprint*") {
Write-Output "Expect CloudWatch agent's public key to equal 937616F3450B7D806CBD9725D58167303B789C72 but got:"
Get-Content $keys
Exit 1

# certificate is:
# - Subject: ' Services LLC, OU=Software Services, Services LLC, L=Seattle, S=Washington, C=US'
# We do not check the Thumbprint because it will change when the certificate is rotated. This seems to be yearly.
$cert = $sig | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'SignerCertificate'
$cert_subject = $cert | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Subject'
if ( $cert_subject -ne ' Services LLC, OU=Software Services, Services LLC, L=Seattle, S=Washington, C=US' ) {
Write-Output " is not the issuer of this installer. If this is the correct then please submit a PR to fix this."
Write-Output $( $cert | Format-List )
# Now that we have the public key on the keyring, we can use gpg to perform the verification of the installer with the signature file.
# We will write the output to file and then perform a text search to make sure there's a good signature present in it
$gpg_output = "$env:temp\gpg_out.txt"
Start-Process gpg -ArgumentList "--verify $cwa_installer_sig $cwa_installer" -wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -RedirectStandardError $gpg_output

$verification = Select-String -Path $gpg_output -Pattern 'Good signature from "Amazon CloudWatch Agent"' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches -First 1
if (-Not $verification) {
Write-Output "Could not verify CloudWatch agent's signature file with GPG."
Get-Content $gpg_output
Exit 1

# Install the agent
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i $env:temp\amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi /qn /norestart" -Wait -Passthru -NoNewWindow
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i $cwa_installer /qn /norestart" -Wait -Passthru -NoNewWindow

# Configure the agent from an ssm parameter-store parameter.
& 'C:/Program Files/Amazon/AmazonCloudWatchAgent/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl.ps1' -a append-config -m ec2 -c ssm:$ssmParameterName -s

Remove-Item -Path $file -Force
Write-Output "CloudWatchAgent has been successfully installed and configured"
Remove-Item -Path $cloudwatch_pub_key -Force
Remove-Item -Path $cwa_installer -Force
Remove-Item -Path $cwa_installer_sig -Force
Remove-Item -Path $gpg_installer -Force
Remove-Item -Path $gpg_output -Force

Write-Output "CloudWatch agent has been successfully installed and configured"
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/aws-rfdk/lib/core/test/asset-constants.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ export const CWA_ASSET_LINUX = {

// ConfigureCloudWatchAgent.ps1
export const CWA_ASSET_WINDOWS = {
Bucket: 'AssetParameters05415690a7593cdde72555787eaac1d784dd3173e6083f23f83dc795bfe1741fS3Bucket0E53698F',
Key: 'AssetParameters05415690a7593cdde72555787eaac1d784dd3173e6083f23f83dc795bfe1741fS3VersionKeyE92C9DEB',
Bucket: 'AssetParameterseb9182b2680a3eaa183c29228c14125d0ba0ceb6262257da07263262234f50a0S3BucketC69EF9C8',
Key: 'AssetParameterseb9182b2680a3eaa183c29228c14125d0ba0ceb6262257da07263262234f50a0S3VersionKey08EE6E53',

// + + ec2-certificates.crt
Expand Down

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