- 3.0.0
- 2.15.0
- 2.14.0
- 2.13.1
- 2.13.0
- 2.11.0
- 2.10.1
- 2.10.0
- 2.9.0
- 2.8.0
- 2.7.1
- 2.7.0
- 2.6.1
- 2.6.0
- 2.5.0
- 2.4.0
- 2.3.0
- 2.2.0
- 2.1.1
- 2.1.0
- 2.0.0
- 1.5.0
- 1.0.0
- fix: remove cases external service dependency #2697
- fix: adapt APISIX plugin disabled #2717
- fix: plugin configuration lost in editor #2718
- feat: basic support Apache APISIX 2.15.0 #2680
- fix: bump go version to 1.16 #2678
- feat: basic support Apache APISIX 2.14.1 #2464
- feat: refactor OpenAPI 3 parse and convert #2460
- feat: integrate data loader interface to import handler #2474
- feat: support data loader in frontend #2480
- feat: translating Turkish for new features #2487
- feat: add batch delete function for route #2502
- feat: support show all enable plugin list tab #2585
- feat: Add config struct of OpenID-Connect Login #2597
- feat: Adding a Loading state to buttons #2630
- feat: add login filter of OpenID-Connect #2608
- feat: add etcd store auto re-initialize #2650
- feat: add enable flag to oidc function #2672
- feat: support purge method #2674
- feat: support more upstream scheme #2675
- docs: add data loader and new OpenAPI 3 loader #2484
- docs: add new import and export docs to sidebar #2485
- docs: update deploy-with-docker.md #2472
- docs: add a notice about the compatibility of Ingress and Dashboard #2552
- docs: add correct csp rule #2548
- docs: add Slack invitation link badge #2617
- fix: advance matching in the route create page causes the page to crash #2440
- fix: Users can create a Consumer in Dashboard without enabling the plugin #2442
- fix: block arbitrary file index #2497
- fix: route duplicate ID #2501
- fix: add a judgement for last_report_time #2551
- fix: drawer components delete plugin not working #2573
- fix: page refresh causes deletion exception #2593
- fix: plugin_config missing on service exist #2657
- fix: ant-table unable to request #2641
- fix: change default CSP value #2601
- test: remove stale E2E cases #2475
- fix: cli test invalid etcd #2544
- feat: fix actions version to root version #2521
- test: reduce fe ci time #2557
- feat: set serverUrlMap with env, update cypress, update stylelint #2583
- feat: add tip and preset model for plugin editor, improve e2e stability #2581
- feat: dashboard support windows #2619
- feat: configure eslint plugins to support format import and export #2647
This is a maintenance release, and you can see the CHANGELOG in release/2.13
This release contains some features and bugfixes, and all the existing functionalities are compatible with Apache APISIX 2.13.x.
Notice: Starting with this release, Apache APISIX Dashboard will use the same version number as the Apache APISIX it supports.
- feat: add security header #2341
- feat: storage grafana path in to etcd #2362
- feat: Modify plugin preview page #2359
- feat: support Turkish Language #2452
- feat: add page reload judgment #2370
- feat: basic support Apache APISIX 2.13.0 #2428
- chore: use json schema instead hard code #2399
- chore: update README for online demo #2404
- docs: update online playground url #2416
- chore: update the year of copyright and fix typo #2417
- fix: format error in changelog #2378
- fix: caller location error in logs #2367
- fix(import routes): merge route when route have the same name #2330
- fix: consumer without plugins causes page crashes #2437
- fix: correct data type of filed Active.checks.active.https_verify_certificate #2422
- fix: create upstream error when pass host is node and nodes without port #2421
- docs: fix invalid link #2366
- docs: Remove hyperlinks from documents #2431
- docs: Update RPM install package link #2439
This release contains some features and bugfixes, and all the existing functionalities are compatible with Apache APISIX 2.12.1.
- feat: add data loader framework #2371
- feat: support protobuf on Web #2320
- feat: basic support Apache APISIX 2.12.1 #2315
- feat: Add more fields to limit-count plugin #2322
- feat: support APISIX_PROFILE for env-specific configuration #2293
- feat(upstream): add upstream priority field #2271
- feat(route): show route id in list and edit views #2269
- feat(route): remove key-auth plugin tip #2261
- feat: add rejected_msg field to limit-count plugin form #2328
- feat: add rejected_msg field to limit-req plugin form #2312
- chore: Create route form optimization #2336
- chore: add loading in route page #2287
- chore(upstream): remove default port for upstream health check #2278
- style: add ellipsis for route table #2317
- fix: ! (reverse) operator not handled correctly #2364
- fix: idle_timeout filed to support set zero value #2296
- fix: retries field to support zero value #2298
- fix: get current dir error #2283
- style: remove extra margin value #2300
This release contains bugfix, and all the existing functionalities are compatible with Apache APISIX 2.11.0.
- fix: authentication middleware is implemented by changing from framework droplet to framework gin #2254
This release contains some features and bugfixes, and all the existing functionalities are compatible with Apache APISIX 2.11.0.
- feat: basic support Apache APISIX 2.11 #2233
- feat: support post args advanced match #2231
- feat: Setting default language to english in APISIX Dashboard #2212
- feat: add gzip middleware #2178
- feat: add Type function to store interface #2160
- fix: cp consumer name regx different with dp #2232
- fix: plugin_configs should store with etcd prefix #2226
- fix: correct the property name for tcp_failures #2221
- fix: login repeat 2 times #2179
- fix: select Use the domain or IP from Node List #2168
This release contains some features and bugfixes, and all the existing functionalities are compatible with Apache APISIX 2.10.0.
- feat(plugin): allowing basic-auth to dynamically adapt to the BE rules #2086
- feat(plugin): allowing referer-restriction to dynamically adapt to the BE rules #2001
- refactor: migrate to viper configure manage #1946
- feat: basic support Apache APISIX 2.10 #2149
- feat: support Manager API run on windows #2125
- fix: supports search by name for service options when add router #2066
- fix: gzip plugin schema typo #2142
- fix: adjust buildx to fix Docker build failed #2120
- docs: Update FAQ about Grafana can't login when APISIX dashboard configured domain name #2126
- ci: Only upload artifact at the release/** branch #2137
- ci: optimize build rpm workflow with apisix-build-tools v2.2.0 #2133
This release contains some features and bugfixes, and all the existing functionalities are compatible with Apache APISIX 2.9.
- feat: add new route matching param position #1984
- feat: add redis-cluster policy tips for limit-count #2058
- feat: add service discovery config #2081
- feat: Use build-tools v2.0.0 instead of master #2083
- feat: basic support Apache APISIX 2.9 #2117
- feat: upstream support FQDN #2118
- feat: allowing api-breaker to dynamically adapt to the BE rules #1974
- feat: allowing cors to dynamically adapt to the BE rules #1994
- feat: allowing limit-count to dynamically adapt to the BE rules #1998
- feat: allowing proxy-mirror to dynamically adapt to the BE rules #2000
- feat: add cors method option #2103
- feat: add el7 in package name #2074
- feat: Bump apisix-build-tools to v2.1.0 #2101
- fix: avoid nil pointer dereference in route export #2061
- fix: after enable redirect HTTPS, websocket form field disappeared #2115
- fix: make route name validate rules in Apisix Dashboard the same as Admin API #2085
- docs: add how to integrate with grafana preview link #1697
This release contains some features and bugfixes, and all the existing functionalities are compatible with Apache APISIX 2.7.
- chore: refactor ManagerAPI to reduce redundant code and improve readability #1956
- chore: add required flag for Route name field #2025
- feat: remove the Version Match logics 2023 #2038
- feat(i18n): improve Web to have a better i18n description #1973 #1963
- feat(Upstream): set a initial weight value for the upstream node #1979
- feat(Plugin): allowing limit-req to dynamically adapt to the BE rules #1995
- feat(Plugin): allowing limit-conn to dynamically adapt to the BE rules #1990
- feat(Route): support uri/uris/remote_addr/remote_addrs/host/hosts #2046
- fix(Plugin): only auth type plugin need to configure 1983
- fix(Plugin): add nodelay for limit-req plugin #2021
- fix(Route): add the missing operators #2022
- fix(Route): support websocket enable in route #2042
- fix(Consumer): remove the extra
user #1987 - fix(Upstream): make service chash key Input inputable and selectable #1982
- fix(Upstream): update hash_on field and limitation #2034
- fix(Web): omit all
value from request body #2042 - fix(Web): redirect uri when session expired #2044
- fix(Web): update the sidebar menu position #2051
- fix(ManagerAPI): avoid nil pointer dereference and remove redundant code #2031
- fix(ManagerAPI): support running ManagerAPI on Windows #1947
This release mainly improves basic features, bugfix and adds test cases.
Note: Manager API
2.7 should be used with Apache APISIX 2.6. It is not recommended to use it with other Apache APISIX versions.
- Feat: support HTTPS for Manager API #1824
- Feat: run manager-api as an OS agnostic service #1667
- Feat: refactor Plugin Orchestration #1813
- Feat: add the service page upstream select option #1633
- Feat: improve the Duplicate Route feature #1833
- Feat: add api of config migrate, export and import #1893
- Fix: can not configure upstream with no nodes #1812
- Fix: add missing label in nodes component #1823
- Fix: when create the upstream, some properties can still be edited on the preview page bug #1828
- Fix: default cors plugin formdata validation error #1855
- Fix: generate a uid when post a route without id #1883
- Fix: route page Portable #1887
- Fix: invalid import issues #1899
- Fix: efficient error handling in manager-api including graceful shutdown, self contained methods. #1814
- Fix: regex & omit vars when no value #1921
- Test: fix unstable FE E2E test case #1826
- CI: fix gitleaks not allowed running #1897
- Test: refactor FE E2E test case (#1844 to #1878 and a series of PRs)
This release mainly contains bugfixes.
Manager API
2.6.1 should be used with Apache APISIX 2.5. It is not recommended to use with other Apache APISIX versions.
This release mainly improves UI and UE, bugfix and adds test cases.
Manager API
2.6 should be used with Apache APISIX 2.5. It is not recommended to use with other Apache APISIX versions.
- Change: remove listen.host from api/conf/conf.yaml #1767
- Change: remove ID of consumer #1745
- Feat: Support duplicate one existing Route #1558
- Feat: add response header in debug view #1691
- Feat: add basic-auth UI Form #1718
- Feat: add limit-count plugin form #1739
- Feat: add referer-restriction plugin form #1727
- Feat: added cors plugin form #1733
- Feat: added limit-req plugin form #1732
- Feat: add api-breaker plugin form #1730
- Feat: add proxy-mirror plugin form #1725
- Feat: add limit-conn plugin form #1728
- Feat: refactor upstream form module #1726
- Feat: added types for Plugins #1736
- Feat: support auto build rpm package for dashboard #1766
- Feat: improve UI and UE (#1674, #1702, #1707,#1715, #1723, #1782, #1610, #1764, #1735, #1771, #1748, #1749, #1751, #1679, #1750, #1731, #1747)
- Fix: unable to export route with nil methods field #1673
- Fix: incorrect conversion between integer types #1753
- Fix: user login request should remove its own prefix option #1701
- Fix: show correct health checker #1784
- Test: use gomega match assertion #1678
- Test: updated cli_test.sh according reg ex #1696
- Test: reduce FE e2e ci time #1698 #1762
- Test: adding a retry mechanism to FE testing #1752
- Test: fix online debug test case #1761
- Test: write backend e2e with ginkgo (#1663, #1677, #1675, #1676, #1704, #1755)
- Docs: add more details and examples to import openapi guide #1672
This release mainly improves basic features, bugfix and adds test cases.
Manager API
2.5 should be used with Apache APISIX 2.4. It is not recommended to use with other Apache APISIX versions.
- Feat: add rawDataEditor for route, consumer, upstream and service #1505
- Feat: online debugging supports file transfer #1465
- Feat: support etcd prefix as apisix does #1477
- Feat: support changing number of executing cpu cores for manager api #1569
- Feat: support plugin template config feature #1540
- Feat: improve UI and UE (#1491, #1481, #1479, #1472, #1604, #1603, #1589, #1538, #1580, #1651, #1634, #1641)
- Feat: support yaml to config plugin in plugin config page #1490
- Fix: check name exists when creating or updating a resource #1606
- Fix: cannot unmarshal array into go value of type #1527
- Fix: change the appended Content-type data to overlay to ensure that the Content-type is unique #1619
- Test: add the create and delete plugin in drawer #1597
- Test: write backend e2e with ginkgo (#1501, #1502, #1504, #1518, #1526, #1545, #1550, #1556, #1560, #1561, #1570, #1582, #1593, #1613)
- Docs: Updating docs for backend tests #1625
This release mainly improves basic features, bugfix and adds test cases.
Manager API
2.4 should be used with Apache APISIX 2.3. It is not recommended to use with other Apache APISIX versions.
- Support to show warning notification when dashboard version not matching apisix. #1435
- Support mTLS connection to ETCD. #1437
- Support IP allow list. #1424
- Support to get manager-api version through API. #1429
- Support import route from OpenAPI specification3.0. #1102
- Support export route from OpenAPI specification3.0. #1245
- Support string type for the script field in Route. #1289
- Feat: add script_id field in Route.entity. #1386
- Feat: add stop subcommand. #741
- Feat: add e2e test coverage. #1270
- Feat: add returning value for HTTP PUT and PATCH methods. #1322
- Feat: user can skip upstream when select service_id #1302
- Fix: add defer recover for goroutines to prevent abnormal crash. #1419
- Fix: add version ldflags when building manager-api in Dockerfile. #1393
- Fix: Upgrade gjson and protobuf to avoid security problem. #1366
- Fix: Incomplete label display. #1252
- Fix: Redirect plugin should not show in route step3 #1276
- Fix: Editing a Service, the upstream info will be lost. #1347
- Use ginkgo framework to do backend E2E testing. #1319
- Add action to check the version for release. #1418
- Add test for make build. #1421
- Remove the etcd dependency in part of unit test. #1169
- Skip Cypress binary install when build. #1248
- Enhance plugin schema smoke test #1261
- Delete unnecessary wait in front-end test. #1370
- Add edit the plugin testcase #1372
- Doc: add document for introducing backend e2e test. #1381
- Support to use absolute path in conf.WebDir. #1055
- Support to search route by label. #1061
- Support server info preview. #958 #949
- Support custom port for Upstream module. #1078
- Support to show plugin type and other properties #1111
- Support websocket for Route module. #1079
- Support Service module on the frontend. #1089
- Support group for Route module. #999
- Support Global Plugin. #1057 #1106
- Support Version Manager. #1157
- Use Cobra as the cli scaffold. #773
- Remove Lua dependency. #1083
- Improve E2E testcases for the backend. #1012, #1123
- Improve E2E testcases for the frontend. #1074
- Improve online debug. #979
- Improve Route publish/offline. #1081 #991
- Improve plugin module for the frontend. #1047 #978
- Fix error occurred when enable or disable existing SSL #1064
- Fix the problem that route created by Admin API (without ID) cannot be shown in Manager API. #1063
This release mainly improve basic features, bugfix and adds test cases.
Manager API
2.2 should be used with Apache APISIX 2.1. It is not recommended to use with other Apache APISIX versions.
- Support access log for Manager API. #994
- Enhance error log for Manager API. #977
- Integrate with code-mirror to have a fallback to plugins render issue. #898
- Support priority field in Route module. #1006
- Add etcd basic auth support #951
- JSON schema verification should be performed on the original data submitted by the user. #986
- fix PATCH method bug. #1005
- remove husky to resolve Docker Deploy failed. #1018
For more changes, please refer to Milestone.
This release mainly adds test cases and bugfix for Manager API
Manager API
2.1.1 should be used with Apache APISIX 2.1. It is not recommended to use with other Apache APISIX versions.
The default port of Manager API
is changed from 8080 to 9000. #931
Add e2e test cases for route, upstream, consumer, SSL, and plugins.
- Fix: when created route by
Admin API
, upstream can not be modified by dashboard. #847 - Fix: create route with jwt-auth will display an error. #878
- Fix: create route with error format remote_addrs
Manager API
will return 200, but should return 400. #899 - Fix: make field ID compatible with both string and int. #902
- Fix: can't run
Manager API
in intranet env. #947 - Fix: create a route through the dashboard, without filling in the client address, APISIX reports errors. #948
- Fix: creates a route and enables redirect HTTPS on dashboard, and the browser reports an error when submitting. #957
For more changes, please refer to Milestone.
This release mainly adds test cases for Manager API
- Install signal handler for graceful shutdown.#796
- Add e2e test for config route with service_id or upstream_id.#810
For more changes, please refer to Milestone.
This release mainly refactors the dashboard, omitting MySQL, improve test cases.
- Refactor frontend with
Admin API
. Manager API
removes dependency on MySQL.- Support plugin orchestration.
- Setting standards for frontend internationalization.
- New deployment pattern.
- Add more test cases.
- Document Enhancement.
- Add back-end E2E test examples.
- Improve CI testing.
- Support log save to local file.
- Optimize the deployment process.
- Add E2E test examples to the frontend. #619
- Fix the Prometheus plugin updating incorrect values when updating routes. #666
- Fix page display exceptions when the Redirect option is selected as Enable HTTPS in the Route page. #692
For more changes, please refer to Milestone
This release mainly refactors the dashboard.
- Integrate with Ant Design Pro. #263
- Added
Manager API
support to process logics between APISIX and Dashboard. - Added Metrics/Route/SSL/Upstream/Consumer module.
This release is mainly to build some basic panels and resolve License issue.
- Dashboard initial. #1
- Resolve licence issues.
- Remove unused files from the Dashboard boilerplate.
- Support panel to list, create and modify Route, Consumer, Service, SSL and Upstream.
- Support custom configuration for Plugin dialog.