From 43be360436263ecf3641ddd63da45cc046b088bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DewGew <> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 10:32:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Update sv.json --- ui/src/i18n/sv.json | 41 ++++++++++++----------------------------- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/ui/src/i18n/sv.json b/ui/src/i18n/sv.json index 94729832b..fae863a68 100644 --- a/ui/src/i18n/sv.json +++ b/ui/src/i18n/sv.json @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ "accessories.button_toggle_layout_lock": "Växla layoutlås", "accessories.control.default_room": "Standardrum", "accessories.control.label_auto": "Automatisk", - "accessories.control.label_batteryservice_charging": "laddning", - "accessories.control.label_batteryservice_notchargeable": "Ej avgiftsbelagd", + "accessories.control.label_batteryservice_charging": "Laddar", + "accessories.control.label_batteryservice_notchargeable": "Ej laddbar", "accessories.control.label_batteryservice_notcharging": "Laddar inte", "accessories.control.label_brightness": "ljusstyrka", "accessories.control.label_closed": "Stängd", @@ -42,27 +42,10 @@ "accessories.message_for_more_information": "för mer information.", "accessories.message_must_use_insecure_mode": "För att kontrollera dina tillbehör måste du köra Homebridge i <strong>osäkert</strong> läge.", "accessories.message_please_see": "Snälla se", - "accessories.message_rooms_not_appear_in_homekit": "The rooms you create here will not appear in HomeKit, they are only for the organisation of accessories in Homebridge Config UI X.", + "accessories.message_rooms_not_appear_in_homekit": "Rummen du skapar här visas inte i HomeKit, de är endast avsedda för organisering av tillbehör i Homebridge Config UI X.", "accessories.title_accessories": "Tillbehör", "accessories.title_accessory_control_disabled": "Homebridge Tillbehörs Kontroll Inaktiverad", "accessories.title_create_new_room": "Skapa nytt rum", - "backup.button_download_backup_archive": "Download Backup Archive", - "backup.button_restore_backup": "Restore Backup", - "backup.label_choose_backup_file_to_restore": "Choose backup file to restore...", - "backup.label_uploading": "Uploading...", - "backup.message_backup_archive_created": "Backup Archive Created", - "backup.message_backup_download_failed": "Backup Download Failed", - "backup.message_backup_help_one": "Download a backup archive of your entire Homebridge environment. This will backup the entire contents of your Homebridge storage directory which you can later restore on any platform capable of running Homebridge Config UI X.", - "backup.message_backup_help_two": "Plugins not hosted on npm, or plugins installed directly from GitHub will not be backed up or restored.", - "backup.message_backup_restored": "Backup Archive Restored", - "backup.message_backup_warning": "Backup archives contain sensative information and should not be shared with others.", - "backup.message_restore_failed": "Restore Failed", - "backup.message_restore_help_one": "Restore a backup archive you previously made using Homebridge Config UI X. Your Homebridge config, cached accessories, HomeKit pairings and Homebridge Config UI X user accounts will be restored. Any Homebridge plugins you had installed will also be downloaded from the npm registry.", - "backup.message_restore_help_two": "You will need to login to Homebridge Config UI X again after doing a restore using the credentials from the estored instance.", - "backup.message_restore_warning": "Restoring from a backup will irreversibly overwrite the current Homebridge configuration.", - "backup.title_backup": "Backup", - "backup.title_backup_restore": "Backup / Restore", - "backup.title_restore": "Restore", "config.button_backup": "Säkerhetskopiering", "config.button_restore": "Återställa", "config.restore.button_remote_all_backups": "Ta bort alla säkerhetskopior", @@ -116,8 +99,8 @@ "platform.docker.restart_container.toast_container_restarted": "Dockercontainern har startats om", "platform.docker.settings.button_restart_required": "Omstart krävs", "platform.docker.settings.message_env_warning": "Ändring av dessa värden åsidosätter motsvarande miljövariabler som du kan ha ställt in med docker run-kommandot.", - "platform.docker.settings.message_image_upgrade_required": "Uppgradera bilden av oznu / homebridge-docker till den senaste versionen.", - "platform.docker.settings.title_settings": "inställningar", + "platform.docker.settings.message_image_upgrade_required": "Uppgradera avbilden av oznu / homebridge-docker till den senaste versionen.", + "platform.docker.settings.title_settings": "Inställningar", "platform.docker.settings.toast_container_restart_required": "Container omstart krävs", "platform.docker.settings.toast_title_settings_saved": "Inställningar Sparade", "platform.docker.startup_script.message_script_help": "Detta skript kommer att köras varje gång dockercontainern startar. Du kan använda detta för att installera eventuella extra paket som dina plugins kan behöva, till exempel ffmpeg eller libpcap-dev.", @@ -153,9 +136,9 @@ "plugins.manage.message_restart_required": "Starta om och uppdatera krävs", "plugins.manage.message_restart_required_reason": "När du har installerat en ny version måste du starta om Homebridge och <strong>uppdatera den här sidan för</strong> att säkerställa att du har den senaste versionen av klienten.", "plugins.manage.message_thanks_for_upgrading_ui": "Tack för att du installerade den senaste versionen av Homebridge Config UI X.", - "plugins.manage.message_uninstall_remove_config_required": "If you are permanently removing this plugin, make sure you remove any config for this plugin in the config.json before restarting Homebridge.", - "plugins.manage.message_uninstall_remove_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to uninstall {{ pluginName }}?", - "plugins.manage.message_uninstall_remove_plugin_config": "Remove Plugin Config?", + "plugins.manage.message_uninstall_remove_config_required": "Om du tar bort detta plugin permanent, se till att du tar bort alla konfigurationer för detta plugin i config.json innan du startar om Homebridge.", + "plugins.manage.message_uninstall_remove_confirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill avinstallera {{ pluginName }}?", + "plugins.manage.message_uninstall_remove_plugin_config": "Ta bort Plugin konfigurationen?", "plugins.placeholder_search_plugin": "Sök efter plugins att installera ...", "plugins.settings.custom.homebridge-gsh.label_account_linked": "Konto länkad", "plugins.settings.custom.homebridge-gsh.label_link_account": "Länka konto", @@ -171,7 +154,7 @@ "plugins.status_update_available": "Uppdatering tillgänglig", "plugins.toast_failed_to_load_plugins": "Det gick inte att ladda plugins", "plugins.tooltip_update_plugin_to": "Uppdatera plugin till v {{latestVersion}}", - "reset.accessories_will_may_need_to_be_reconfigured": "After performing this action some accessories may need to be reconfigured in HomeKit or re-added to your automations.", + "reset.accessories_will_may_need_to_be_reconfigured": "När du har utfört den här åtgärden kan vissa tillbehör behöva konfigureras om i HomeKit eller läggas till i dina automatiseringar igen.", "reset.button_reset_homebridge_now": "Återställ Homebridge nu", "reset.label_reset_homebridge": "Återställa homebridge", "reset.message_accessory_config_will_not_be_changed": "Resten av din konfiguration kommer inte att ändras. Om Homebridge inte startar på grund av en dålig konfigurering kommer en återställning inte att fixa det.", @@ -224,7 +207,7 @@ "status.widget.add.label_pairing_code": "Parning kod", "status.widget.label_add_widget": "Lägg till Widget", "status.widget.label_clock": "Klocka", - "status.widget.label_clock_dateformat": "Date Format", + "status.widget.label_clock_dateformat": "Datum Format", "status.widget.label_clock_timeformat": "Tids Format", "status.widget.label_font_size": "Textstorlek", "status.widget.label_font_weight": "Teckensnitt vikt", @@ -247,9 +230,9 @@ "status.widget.systeminfo.label_npm_version": "Npm version", "status.widget.systeminfo.label_os": "OS", "status.widget.systeminfo.label_plugin_path": "Plugin sökväg", - "status.widget.systeminfo.label_service_mode": "Service Mode", + "status.widget.systeminfo.label_service_mode": "Service Läge", "status.widget.systeminfo.label_service_user": "Användare", - "status.widget.systeminfo.label_storage_path": "Storage sökväg", + "status.widget.systeminfo.label_storage_path": "Lagring sökväg", "status.widget.systeminfo.label_timezone": "Tidszon", "status.widget.title_manage_widget": "Hantera Widget", "status.widget.uptime.label_process": "Process", From 78b0126419f7d9c4d440176e1066a99e27dfc23d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Grzegorz <> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 13:18:59 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/6] update PL translations --- ui/src/i18n/pl.json | 36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/ui/src/i18n/pl.json b/ui/src/i18n/pl.json index 54bdb2b1a..a86acfd1a 100644 --- a/ui/src/i18n/pl.json +++ b/ui/src/i18n/pl.json @@ -46,23 +46,23 @@ "accessories.title_accessories": "Akcesoria", "accessories.title_accessory_control_disabled": "Sterowanie akcesoriami jest wyłączone", "accessories.title_create_new_room": "Utwórz nowy pokój", - "backup.button_download_backup_archive": "Download Backup Archive", - "backup.button_restore_backup": "Restore Backup", - "backup.label_choose_backup_file_to_restore": "Choose backup file to restore...", - "backup.label_uploading": "Uploading...", - "backup.message_backup_archive_created": "Backup Archive Created", - "backup.message_backup_download_failed": "Backup Download Failed", - "backup.message_backup_help_one": "Download a backup archive of your entire Homebridge environment. This will backup the entire contents of your Homebridge storage directory which you can later restore on any platform capable of running Homebridge Config UI X.", - "backup.message_backup_help_two": "Plugins not hosted on npm, or plugins installed directly from GitHub will not be backed up or restored.", - "backup.message_backup_restored": "Backup Archive Restored", - "backup.message_backup_warning": "Backup archives contain sensative information and should not be shared with others.", - "backup.message_restore_failed": "Restore Failed", - "backup.message_restore_help_one": "Restore a backup archive you previously made using Homebridge Config UI X. Your Homebridge config, cached accessories, HomeKit pairings and Homebridge Config UI X user accounts will be restored. Any Homebridge plugins you had installed will also be downloaded from the npm registry.", - "backup.message_restore_help_two": "You will need to login to Homebridge Config UI X after doing a restore using the credentials from the restored instance.", - "backup.message_restore_warning": "Restoring from a backup will irreversibly overwrite the current Homebridge configuration.", - "backup.title_backup": "Backup", - "backup.title_backup_restore": "Backup / Restore", - "backup.title_restore": "Restore", + "backup.button_download_backup_archive": "Pobierz kopię zapasową", + "backup.button_restore_backup": "Przywróć kopię zapasową", + "backup.label_choose_backup_file_to_restore": "Wybierz plik kopii zapasowej", + "backup.label_uploading": "Wgrywanie...", + "backup.message_backup_archive_created": "Kopia zapasowa utworzona", + "backup.message_backup_download_failed": "Pobieranie kopii zapasowej nieudane", + "backup.message_backup_help_one": "Utwórz kopię zapasową całego środowiska Homebridge. Czynność ta utworzy kopię zapasową całego środowiska Homebridge, którą będziesz mógł przywrócic po ponownej instalacji Homebridge Config UI X, lub po zresetowaniu.", + "backup.message_backup_help_two": "Wtyczki niedostępne z poniomu repozytorium npm, lub instalowane bezpośrednio z GitHub nie będą dodane do z kopii zapasowej.", + "backup.message_backup_restored": "Kopia zapasowa została przywrócona", + "backup.message_backup_warning": "Kopia zapasowa zawiera ważne informacje i nie powinna być udostępniana nikomu.", + "backup.message_restore_failed": "Przywracanie zakończone niepowodzeniem", + "backup.message_restore_help_one": "Przywrócenie kopi odtworzy twoją całą konfiguracje utworzoną za pomocą Homebridge Config UI X wraz z accessorimai, plikiem konfiguracyjnym i wszystkimi wtyczkami zainstalowanymi z repzytorium npn.", + "backup.message_restore_help_two": "Po przywróceniu kopii zapasowej będziesz musiał się ponownie zalogować do Homebridge Config UI X z danymi użytkownika zawartymi w tej kopii..", + "backup.message_restore_warning": "Przywrócenie kopii zapasowej jest nie odwracalne i zastąpi całą obecną konfigurację Homebridge.", + "backup.title_backup": "Kopia zapasowa", + "backup.title_backup_restore": "Kopia / Przywracanie", + "backup.title_restore": "Przywróć", "config.button_backup": "Kopiuj", "config.button_restore": "Przywróć", "config.restore.button_remote_all_backups": "Usuń wszystkie kopie", @@ -279,4 +279,4 @@ "users.toast_failed_to_update_user": "Błąd aktualizacji użytkownika", "users.toast_updated_user": "Użytkownik zaktualizowany", "users.toast_user_deleted": "Użytkownik usunięty" -} \ No newline at end of file +} From 698684357b0e313a1b19c1f5f542d3cdd29314e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DewGew <> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 13:34:04 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Update sv.json --- ui/src/i18n/sv.json | 19 ++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ui/src/i18n/sv.json b/ui/src/i18n/sv.json index fae863a68..531025a5f 100644 --- a/ui/src/i18n/sv.json +++ b/ui/src/i18n/sv.json @@ -46,7 +46,24 @@ "accessories.title_accessories": "Tillbehör", "accessories.title_accessory_control_disabled": "Homebridge Tillbehörs Kontroll Inaktiverad", "accessories.title_create_new_room": "Skapa nytt rum", - "config.button_backup": "Säkerhetskopiering", + "backup.button_download_backup_archive": "Ladda ner säkerhetskopiering", + "backup.button_restore_backup": "Återställa säkerhetskopia", + "backup.label_choose_backup_file_to_restore": "Välj säkerhetskopia för att återställa...", + "backup.label_uploading": "Laddar upp...", + "backup.message_backup_archive_created": "Säkerhetskopia Skapad", + "backup.message_backup_download_failed": "Säkerhetskopia hämtning misslyckad", + "backup.message_backup_help_one": "Ladda ner ett säkerhetskopia med hela Homebridge-miljön. Detta säkerhetskopierar hela innehållet i din Homebridge-lagringskatalog som du senare kan återställa på alla plattformar som kan köra Homebridge Config UI X.", + "backup.message_backup_help_two": "Plugins från npm, eller plugins som installeras direkt från GitHub kommer inte att säkerhetskopieras eller återställas.", + "backup.message_backup_restored": "Säkerhetskopia Återställd", + "backup.message_backup_warning": "Säkerhetskopian innehåller känslig information och bör inte delas med andra.", + "backup.message_restore_failed": "Återställningen misslyckades", + "backup.message_restore_help_one": "Återställ en säkerhetskopia som du tidigare gjort med Homebridge Config UI X. Din Homebridge-konfiguration, cachade tillbehör, HomeKit-kopplingar och användarkonton för Homebridge Config UI X kommer att återställas. Alla Homebridge-plugins som du installerat kommer också att laddas ner från npm-registret.", + "backup.message_restore_help_two": "Du måste logga in på Homebridge Config UI X igen efter att ha gjort en återställning med användaruppgifter från den återställda instansen.", + "backup.message_restore_warning": "Återställning från en säkerhetskopia kommer att skriva över den aktuella Homebridge-konfigurationen och går inte att ångra.", + "backup.title_backup": "Säkerhetskopiering", + "backup.title_backup_restore": "Säkerhetskopiera / Återställning", + "backup.title_restore": "Återställning", + "config.button_backup": "Säkerhetskopiera", "config.button_restore": "Återställa", "config.restore.button_remote_all_backups": "Ta bort alla säkerhetskopior", "config.restore.message_copy_to_editor": "Kopiera till redigerare", From bdb174f2d0b61868b5d733bca1e4310c84cb5c28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Staubgeborener <> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 14:04:46 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Update de.json --- ui/src/i18n/de.json | 32 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/ui/src/i18n/de.json b/ui/src/i18n/de.json index cb2bbe735..8fabde461 100644 --- a/ui/src/i18n/de.json +++ b/ui/src/i18n/de.json @@ -47,22 +47,22 @@ "accessories.title_accessory_control_disabled": "Homebridge-Gerätesteuerung deaktiviert", "accessories.title_create_new_room": "Erstelle neuen Raum", "backup.button_download_backup_archive": "Download Backup Archive", - "backup.button_restore_backup": "Restore Backup", - "backup.label_choose_backup_file_to_restore": "Choose backup file to restore...", - "backup.label_uploading": "Uploading...", - "backup.message_backup_archive_created": "Backup Archive Created", - "backup.message_backup_download_failed": "Backup Download Failed", - "backup.message_backup_help_one": "Download a backup archive of your entire Homebridge environment. This will backup the entire contents of your Homebridge storage directory which you can later restore on any platform capable of running Homebridge Config UI X.", - "backup.message_backup_help_two": "Plugins not hosted on npm, or plugins installed directly from GitHub will not be backed up or restored.", - "backup.message_backup_restored": "Backup Archive Restored", - "backup.message_backup_warning": "Backup archives contain sensative information and should not be shared with others.", - "backup.message_restore_failed": "Restore Failed", - "backup.message_restore_help_one": "Restore a backup archive you previously made using Homebridge Config UI X. Your Homebridge config, cached accessories, HomeKit pairings and Homebridge Config UI X user accounts will be restored. Any Homebridge plugins you had installed will also be downloaded from the npm registry.", - "backup.message_restore_help_two": "You will need to login to Homebridge Config UI X after doing a restore using the credentials from the restored instance.", - "backup.message_restore_warning": "Restoring from a backup will irreversibly overwrite the current Homebridge configuration.", + "backup.button_restore_backup": "Backup wiederherstellen", + "backup.label_choose_backup_file_to_restore": "Wähle eine Backup-Datei zum wiederherstellen aus...", + "backup.label_uploading": "Hochladen...", + "backup.message_backup_archive_created": "Backup-Archiv erstellt", + "backup.message_backup_download_failed": "Backup-Download fehlgeschlagen", + "backup.message_backup_help_one": "Lade ein Backup-Archiv deiner gesamten Homebridge-Umgebung herunter. Dadurch wird der gesamte Inhalt deines Homebridge-Speicherverzeichnisses gesichert, welches du später auf jeder Plattform wiederherstellen kannst, auf der Homebridge Config UI X ausgeführt werden kann", + "backup.message_backup_help_two": "Plugins welche nicht auf npm gehostet werden, oder Plugins welche direkt von GitHub installiert wurden, werden nicht gesichert oder wiederhergestellt.", + "backup.message_backup_restored": "Backup-Archiv wiederhergestellt", + "backup.message_backup_warning": "Backup-Archive enthalten sensible Informationen und sollten daher nicht mit anderen geteilt werden.", + "backup.message_restore_failed": "Wiederherstellung fehlgeschlagen", + "backup.message_restore_help_one": "Stelle ein Backup-Archiv wieder her, welches du mit Homebridge Config UI X erstellt hast. Deine Konfiguration, Geräte, HomeKit-Pairings und Homebridge Config UI X Benutzerkonten werden wiederhergestellt. Jedes installierte Homebridge-Plugin wird ebenfalls vom npm Registry heruntergeladen.", + "backup.message_restore_help_two": "Du musst dich erneut mit deinen Anmeldeinformationen aus der wiederhergestellten Instanz in Homebridge Config UI X nach einer Backup-Wiederherstellung anmelden.", + "backup.message_restore_warning": "Das Wiederherstellen eines Backups überschreibt unwiderruflich die aktuelle Homebridge-Konfiguration.", "backup.title_backup": "Backup", - "backup.title_backup_restore": "Backup / Restore", - "backup.title_restore": "Restore", + "backup.title_backup_restore": "Backup / Wiederherstellen", + "backup.title_restore": "Wiederherstellen", "config.button_backup": "Backup", "config.button_restore": "Wiederherstellen", "config.restore.button_remote_all_backups": "Entfernen aller Sicherungen", @@ -279,4 +279,4 @@ "users.toast_failed_to_update_user": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Benutzers", "users.toast_updated_user": "Benutzer aktualisiert", "users.toast_user_deleted": "Benutzer gelöscht" -} \ No newline at end of file +} From 36cdf96aa96a9805438e908d72e66aba7413de7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Staubgeborener <> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 14:14:53 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Update de.json --- ui/src/i18n/de.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ui/src/i18n/de.json b/ui/src/i18n/de.json index 8fabde461..2fec9770c 100644 --- a/ui/src/i18n/de.json +++ b/ui/src/i18n/de.json @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "backup.message_backup_warning": "Backup-Archive enthalten sensible Informationen und sollten daher nicht mit anderen geteilt werden.", "backup.message_restore_failed": "Wiederherstellung fehlgeschlagen", "backup.message_restore_help_one": "Stelle ein Backup-Archiv wieder her, welches du mit Homebridge Config UI X erstellt hast. Deine Konfiguration, Geräte, HomeKit-Pairings und Homebridge Config UI X Benutzerkonten werden wiederhergestellt. Jedes installierte Homebridge-Plugin wird ebenfalls vom npm Registry heruntergeladen.", - "backup.message_restore_help_two": "Du musst dich erneut mit deinen Anmeldeinformationen aus der wiederhergestellten Instanz in Homebridge Config UI X nach einer Backup-Wiederherstellung anmelden.", + "backup.message_restore_help_two": "Du musst dich erneut nach einer Backup-Wiederherstellung mit deinen Anmeldeinformationen aus der wiederhergestellten Instanz in Homebridge Config UI X anmelden.", "backup.message_restore_warning": "Das Wiederherstellen eines Backups überschreibt unwiderruflich die aktuelle Homebridge-Konfiguration.", "backup.title_backup": "Backup", "backup.title_backup_restore": "Backup / Wiederherstellen", From 5793c1bef7bd4161be27034cb5119f2a0ae0ca4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Caribsky <> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:24:12 +0400 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Update ru.json translations of backup/restore --- ui/src/i18n/ru.json | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/ui/src/i18n/ru.json b/ui/src/i18n/ru.json index 53a8ff0e9..a923b22d6 100644 --- a/ui/src/i18n/ru.json +++ b/ui/src/i18n/ru.json @@ -46,23 +46,23 @@ "accessories.title_accessories": "Аксессуары", "accessories.title_accessory_control_disabled": "Управление аксессуарами отключено", "accessories.title_create_new_room": "Создать Новую Комнату", - "backup.button_download_backup_archive": "Download Backup Archive", - "backup.button_restore_backup": "Restore Backup", - "backup.label_choose_backup_file_to_restore": "Choose backup file to restore...", - "backup.label_uploading": "Uploading...", - "backup.message_backup_archive_created": "Backup Archive Created", - "backup.message_backup_download_failed": "Backup Download Failed", - "backup.message_backup_help_one": "Download a backup archive of your entire Homebridge environment. This will backup the entire contents of your Homebridge storage directory which you can later restore on any platform capable of running Homebridge Config UI X.", - "backup.message_backup_help_two": "Plugins not hosted on npm, or plugins installed directly from GitHub will not be backed up or restored.", - "backup.message_backup_restored": "Backup Archive Restored", - "backup.message_backup_warning": "Backup archives contain sensative information and should not be shared with others.", - "backup.message_restore_failed": "Restore Failed", - "backup.message_restore_help_one": "Restore a backup archive you previously made using Homebridge Config UI X. Your Homebridge config, cached accessories, HomeKit pairings and Homebridge Config UI X user accounts will be restored. Any Homebridge plugins you had installed will also be downloaded from the npm registry.", - "backup.message_restore_help_two": "You will need to login to Homebridge Config UI X after doing a restore using the credentials from the restored instance.", - "backup.message_restore_warning": "Restoring from a backup will irreversibly overwrite the current Homebridge configuration.", - "backup.title_backup": "Backup", - "backup.title_backup_restore": "Backup / Restore", - "backup.title_restore": "Restore", + "backup.button_download_backup_archive": "Скачать Архив", + "backup.button_restore_backup": "Восстановить", + "backup.label_choose_backup_file_to_restore": "Выберите файл резервной копии для восстановления...", + "backup.label_uploading": "Загрузка...", + "backup.message_backup_archive_created": "Резервная копия создана", + "backup.message_backup_download_failed": "Ошибка резервного копирования", + "backup.message_backup_help_one": "Загрузите резервную копию всей вашей среды Homebridge. Будет создана копию всего содержимого вашего каталога хранилища Homebridge, которое впоследствии вы сможете восстановить на любой платформе, поддерживающей Homebridge Config UI X.", + "backup.message_backup_help_two": "Плагины, не размещенные на npm, или плагины, установленные непосредственно из GitHub, не будут скопированы или восстановлены.", + "backup.message_backup_restored": "Резервный копия восстановлена", + "backup.message_backup_warning": "Архивы резервных копий содержат конфиденциальную информацию и не должны передаваться другим лицам.", + "backup.message_restore_failed": "Ошибка восстановления из резервной копии", + "backup.message_restore_help_one": "Восстановите резервную копию, созданную ранее с помощью Homebridge Config UI X. Ваша конфигурация Homebridge, кэшированные аксессуары, сопряжение с HomeKit и учетные записи пользователей Homebridge Config UI X будут восстановлены. Все плагины Homebridge, которые вы установили, также будут загружены из репозитария npm.", + "backup.message_restore_help_two": "Вам нужно будет войти в Homebridge Config UI X после восстановления с использованием учетных данных из восстановленного экземпляра.", + "backup.message_restore_warning": "Восстановление из резервной копии необратимо перезапишет текущую конфигурацию Homebridge.", + "backup.title_backup": "Резервное копирование", + "backup.title_backup_restore": "Резервное копирование / Восстановление", + "backup.title_restore": "Восстановление", "config.button_backup": "Резервное копирование", "config.button_restore": "Восстановить", "config.restore.button_remote_all_backups": "Удалить все резервные копии", @@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ "status.widget.systeminfo.label_nodejs_version": "Версия Node.js", "status.widget.systeminfo.label_npm_version": "Версия Npm", "status.widget.systeminfo.label_os": "ОС", - "status.widget.systeminfo.label_plugin_path": "Папка плагинов", + "status.widget.systeminfo.label_plugin_path": "Каталог плагинов", "status.widget.systeminfo.label_service_mode": "Сервисный режим", "status.widget.systeminfo.label_service_user": "Пользователь", - "status.widget.systeminfo.label_storage_path": "Папка хранения", + "status.widget.systeminfo.label_storage_path": "Каталог хранения", "status.widget.systeminfo.label_timezone": "Часовой пояс", "status.widget.title_manage_widget": "Управление виджетом", "status.widget.uptime.label_process": "Процесс", @@ -279,4 +279,4 @@ "users.toast_failed_to_update_user": "Не удалось обновить данные пользователя", "users.toast_updated_user": "Данные пользователя обновлены", "users.toast_user_deleted": "Пользователь удален" -} \ No newline at end of file +}