Support Kubernetes
- DataSources
- ibm_container_dedicated_host_pool
- ibm_container_dedicated_host_flavor
- ibm_container_dedicated_host_flavors
- ibm_container_dedicated_host
- Resources
- ibm_container_dedicated_host_pool
- ibm_container_dedicated_host
- DataSources
Support EventNotification
- DataSources
- ibm_en_source
- ibm_en_destination_slack
- ibm_en_subscription_slack
- ibm_en_subscription_safari
- ibm_en_destination_safari
- Resources
- ibm_en_source
- ibm_en_destination_slack
- ibm_en_subscription_slack
- ibm_en_subscription_safari
- ibm_en_destination_safari
- DataSources
Support HPCS
- DataSources
- ibm_hpcs_managed_key
- ibm_hpcs_key_template
- ibm_hpcs_keystore
- ibm_hpcs_vault
- Resources
- ibm_hpcs_managed_key
- ibm_hpcs_key_template
- ibm_hpcs_keystore
- ibm_hpcs_vault
- DataSources
Support CD Toolchain
- DataSources
- ibm_cd_toolchain
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_keyprotect
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_secretsmanager
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_bitbucketgit
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_githubintegrated
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_githubconsolidated
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_gitlab
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_hostedgit
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_artifactory
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_custom
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_pipeline
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_devopsinsights
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_slack
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_sonarqube
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_hashicorpvault
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_securitycompliance
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_privateworker
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_appconfig
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_jenkins
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_nexus
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_pagerduty
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_saucelabs
- Resources
- ibm_cd_toolchain
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_keyprotect
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_secretsmanager
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_bitbucketgit
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_githubintegrated
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_githubconsolidated
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_gitlab
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_hostedgit
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_artifactory
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_custom
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_pipeline
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_devopsinsights
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_slack
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_sonarqube
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_hashicorpvault
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_securitycompliance
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_privateworker
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_appconfig
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_jenkins
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_nexus
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_pagerduty
- ibm_cd_toolchain_tool_saucelabs
- DataSources
Support CD Tekton Pipeline
- Datasources
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline_definition
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline_trigger_property
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline_property
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline_trigger
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline
- Resources
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline_definition
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline_trigger_property
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline_property
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline_trigger
- ibm_cd_tekton_pipeline
- Datasources
- support for creation of bucket on Satellite location (3727)
BUG Fixes
- ibm_dns_glb docs to not specify the enabled argument (3818)
- floating ip data source nil fix (3843)
- support TLS 1.3 supported ciphers for ibm_cis_domain_settings (3736)
- Update provider version in docs (3750)
- Update cloud_shell_account_settings.html.markdown (3812)
- fix: placement targets empty list (3787)
- fix: instance network interface mutex sync (3791)
- ibm_scc_posture_scope does not allow for blank-space in description (3733)
- SCC provider should output User friendly error messages clearly indicating the problem (3844)
- ibm_is_instance should not not suppress change and force new on boot_volume.0.snapshot change (3819)
- fix(bare_metal_server) : vlan id in multi nic fix (3767)
- fix ibm_container_storage_attachment import (3862)
Breaking Changes
- Redesign Dns Custom resolver resource and deprecate Custom resolver location (3820)
- Support Databases
- DataSources
- ibm_database_remotes
- ibm_database_point_in_time_recovery
- ibm_database_backup
- ibm_database_backups
- DataSources
- Support PowerSystem
- DataSources
- ibm_pi_system_pools
- DataSources
- Support EventNotification
- DataSources
- ibm_en_destination_chrome
- ibm_en_destination_firefox
- Resources
- ibm_en_destination_chrome
- ibm_en_destination_firefox
- DataSources
- Support VPC
- DataSources
- ibm_is_ssh_keys
- ibm_is_volumes
- DataSources
- Support Atracker
- DataSources
- ibm_atracker_settings
- Resources
- ibm_atracker_settings
- DataSources
- Support Cloudant
- Datasources
- ibm_cloudant_database
- Resources
- ibm_cloudant_database Enhancements
- Datasources
- enhancement(Cloud Databases): add support for User types, roles (3475)
- added in preliminary changes for v2 atracker (3724)
- add support to retrieve all secret types (3793)
- Support of Transaction-Id for IAM Policy Management (3518)
- Deprecate flat list of scaling attributes (3782)
- added docs & enhanced network-port-attach resource (3756)
- Add support for transit enabled cloud connections (3758)
- Support boot volume encryption in cluster and workerpool (3776)
- Alias support for key policies (3768)
- Enable VPC cluster and worker pool to accept a dedicated host pool ID (3781)
- Support SAP deployment type (3822)
- Name Validation Error Fix for VPC (3675)
- fix for route by name VPC Routing Table (3754)
- Documentation Update VPC Lb Listener and SG Rule (3673)
- Added fix for optional weight attribute's value (3684)
- Error on failed bucket parsing (3757)
- Fix to list the policies even policy contains service specific attributes (3811)
- Resource: ibm_resource_key is always recreated even when no changes are available for service Role (3803)
- browser cachec issue fixed for zero valid input (3823)
- Add new Healthcheck regions (3827)
- Support Databases
- DataSources
- ibm_database_remotes
- ibm_database_point_in_time_recovery
- ibm_database_backup
- ibm_database_backups
- DataSources
- Support PowerSystem
- DataSources
- ibm_pi_system_pools
- DataSources
- Support EventNotification
- DataSources
- ibm_en_destination_chrome
- ibm_en_destination_firefox
- Resources
- ibm_en_destination_chrome
- ibm_en_destination_firefox
- DataSources
- Support VPC
- DataSources
- ibm_is_ssh_keys
- ibm_is_volumes
- DataSources
- Support Atracker
- DataSources
- ibm_atracker_settings
- Resources
- ibm_atracker_settings
- DataSources
- Support Cloudant
- Datasources
- ibm_cloudant_database
- Resources
- ibm_cloudant_database Enhancements
- Datasources
- enhancement(Cloud Databases): add support for User types, roles (3475)
- added in preliminary changes for v2 atracker (3724)
- add support to retrieve all secret types (3793)
- Support of Transaction-Id for IAM Policy Management (3518)
- Deprecate flat list of scaling attributes (3782)
- Name Validation Error Fix for VPC (3675)
- fix for route by name VPC Routing Table (3754)
- Documentation Update VPC Lb Listener and SG Rule (3673)
- Added fix for optional weight attribute's value (3684)
- Error on failed bucket parsing (3757)
- fix(floating_ip): fixed nil check on floating ip target (3783)
Support Databases
- DataSources
- ibm_database_connection
- DataSources
Support Power Instances
- Resources
- ibm_pi_cloud_connection_network_attach
- Resources
Support Event Notifications
- Resources
- ibm_en_destination_webhook
- ibm_en_destination_android
- ibm_en_destination_ios
- ibm_en_subscription_sms
- ibm_en_subscription_email
- ibm_en_subscription_webhook
- ibm_en_subscription_android
- ibm_en_subscription_ios
- DataSources
- ibm_en_destination_webhook
- ibm_en_destination_android
- ibm_en_destination_ios
- ibm_en_subscription_sms
- ibm_en_subscription_email
- ibm_en_subscription_webhook
- ibm_en_subscription_android
- ibm_en_subscription_ios
- Resources
Support SCC
- Resources
- ibm_scc_rule
- ibm_scc_rule_attachment
- ibm_scc_template
- ibm_scc_template_attachment
- Resources
Support Transist Gateway
- Resources
- ibm_tg_connection_prefix_filter
- DataSources
- ibm_tg_connection_prefix_filter
- ibm_tg_connection_prefix_filters
- Resources
- Key Policies Deprecate (3670)
- Support dynamic network type address (3659)
- Update connections schema with mongodbee analytics and bi_connector (3705)
- Support port speed attribute in primary nic of instance (3367)
- Support for reserved ip changes for VPC (3712)
- Support for udp protocol in load balancers (3711)
- Fix(status_reasons): fixed status reasons in volume, instance and baremetalserver service (3725)
- Support group scaling for IBM Cloud Databases (3699)
- Support for port range for public network load balancers (3660)
- Add gateway & ip_address_range attribute for network resource (3585)
- read cloud connection for details (3650)
- Fix for optional weight attribute's value (3685)
- add DiffSuppressFunc for public key for ibm_is_ssh_key (3701)
- Changed list logic in datasource by name (3415)
- SCC-PostureManagement Create scope issue (3708)
- Limitation on the number of characters in the resource ibm_resource_tag (3703)
- Correct a minor typo in docs (3735)
- fix(Cloud Databases): fix group scaling crash during provisioning (3737)
- fix(Cloud Databases): remove nodeCount update during group resource validation (3739)
- show pi instance provisioning time error (3738)
- fix(reserved ip) : bare metal server reserved ip multi nic changes (3747)
- Fix: authorisation policy docs (3753)
- Broken link for Host Auto Assigment in Cluster (3752)
- iam_access_group data source can't see more than 50 access groups (3728)
Support Databases
- DataSources
- ibm_database_connection
- DataSources
Support Power Instances
- Resources
- ibm_pi_cloud_connection_network_attach
- Resources
Support Event Notifications
- Resources
- ibm_en_destination_webhook
- ibm_en_destination_android
- ibm_en_destination_ios
- ibm_en_subscription_sms
- ibm_en_subscription_email
- ibm_en_subscription_webhook
- ibm_en_subscription_android
- ibm_en_subscription_ios
- DataSources
- ibm_en_destination_webhook
- ibm_en_destination_android
- ibm_en_destination_ios
- ibm_en_subscription_sms
- ibm_en_subscription_email
- ibm_en_subscription_webhook
- ibm_en_subscription_android
- ibm_en_subscription_ios
- Resources
Support SCC
- Resources
- ibm_scc_rule
- ibm_scc_rule_attachment
- ibm_scc_template
- ibm_scc_template_attachment
- Resources
Support Transist Gateway
- Resources
- ibm_tg_connection_prefix_filter
- DataSources
- ibm_tg_connection_prefix_filter
- ibm_tg_connection_prefix_filters
- Resources
- Key Policies Deprecate (3670)
- Support dynamic network type address (3659)
- Update connections schema with mongodbee analytics and bi_connector (3705)
- Support port speed attribute in primary nic of instance (3367)
- Support for reserved ip changes for VPC (3712)
- Support for udp protocol in load balancers (3711)
- Fix(status_reasons): fixed status reasons in volume, instance and baremetalserver service (3725)
- Support group scaling for IBM Cloud Databases (3699)
- Support for port range for public network load balancers (3660)
- read cloud connection for details (3650)
- Fix for optional weight attribute's value (3685)
- add DiffSuppressFunc for public key for ibm_is_ssh_key (3701)
- Changed list logic in datasource by name (3415)
- SCC-PostureManagement Create scope issue (3708)
BUGFIXES: Allow 0 allocation for optional scaling group types (3714)
Support VPC Infrastructure
- DataSources
- ibm_is_lb_listener
- ibm_is_lb_listeners
- ibm_is_lb_listener_policies
- ibm_is_lb_listener_policy
- ibm_is_lb_listener_policy_rule
- ibm_is_lb_listener_policy_rules
- ibm_is_security_groups
- ibm_is_security_group_rule
- ibm_is_security_group_rules
- ibm_is_ipsec_policy
- ibm_is_ipsec_policies
- ibm_is_ike_policies
- ibm_is_ike_policy
- Resources
- ibm_is_subnet_public_gateway_attachment
- ibm_is_subnet_routing_table_attachment
- DataSources
Support Transist Gateway
- DataSources
- ibm_tg_route_report
- ibm_tg_route_reports
- Resources
- ibm_tg_route_report
- DataSources
Support CIS
- DataSources
- ibm_cis_alerts
- Resources
- ibm_cis_alerts
- DataSources
Support Power Instance
- Datasources
- ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity
- ibm_pi_storage_pools_capacity
- ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity
- ibm_pi_storage_types_capacity
- Datasources
- Support resize boot volume for VPC instance (2205)
- Support to allow SAP create with a placement group (3633)
- Support VM Host Failure - Available Policy Development (3604)
- Support default forwarding rule in custom resolver (3588)
- Support trusted-profiles for access group members (3651)
- Authorization policy to support any service specific attributes (3482)
- Move
as optional argument in ibm_is_region datasource (3431) - Add note for disabled VTL creation (3693)
- resource_ibm_is_virtual_endpoint_gateway does not allow for full name character limit (3606)
- Added the doc support for endpoint gateway identifier (3649)
- Fixing resource_attributes to support the service specific roles (3648)
- endpoint gateways target datasource fix, interchanging the order and including other targets (3492)
Support VPC Infrastructure
- DataSources
- ibm_is_lb_listener
- ibm_is_lb_listeners
- ibm_is_lb_listener_policies
- ibm_is_lb_listener_policy
- ibm_is_lb_listener_policy_rule
- ibm_is_lb_listener_policy_rules
- ibm_is_security_groups
- ibm_is_security_group_rule
- ibm_is_security_group_rules
- ibm_is_ipsec_policy
- ibm_is_ipsec_policies
- ibm_is_ike_policies
- ibm_is_ike_policy
- Resources
- ibm_is_subnet_public_gateway_attachment
- ibm_is_subnet_routing_table_attachment
- DataSources
Support Transist Gateway
- DataSources
- ibm_tg_route_report
- ibm_tg_route_reports
- Resources
- ibm_tg_route_report
- DataSources
Support CIS
- DataSources
- ibm_cis_alerts
- Resources
- ibm_cis_alerts
- DataSources
Support Power Instance
- Datasources
- ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity
- ibm_pi_storage_pools_capacity
- ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity
- ibm_pi_storage_types_capacity
- Datasources
- Support resize boot volume for VPC instance (2205)
- Support to allow SAP create with a placement group (3633)
- Support VM Host Failure - Available Policy Development (3604)
- Support default forwarding rule in custom resolver (3588)
- Support trusted-profiles for access group members (3651)
- Authorization policy to support any service specific attributes (3482)
- Move
as optional argument in ibm_is_region datasource (3431)
- resource_ibm_is_virtual_endpoint_gateway does not allow for full name character limit (3606)
- Added the doc support for endpoint gateway identifier (3649)
- Fixing resource_attributes to support the service specific roles (3648)
- endpoint gateways target datasource fix, interchanging the order and including other targets (3492)
- fix proxy on kms client (3634)
- Fix crash on resource_instance (3643)
- SCC data.ibm_scc_posture_latest_scans failing (3594)
- Error: Collector Creation in Security Posture Management API service: us region not supported (3630)
- Fix ibm_cloud_shell_account_settings IAM issue (3654)
- Fix the breaking change of 1.39.0 release for ibm_is_instance resource for force_new on VSI(3619)
- Support VPC Infrastructure
- DataSources
- ibm_is_lb_pool
- ibm_is_lb_pools
- ibm_is_lb_pool_member
- ibm_is_lb_pool_members
- ibm_is_vpc_address_prefix
- ibm_is_vpc_routing_table
- ibm_is_vpc_routing_table_route
- ibm_is_vpn_gateway
- ibm_is_vpn_gateway_connection
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_disk
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_disks
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_initialization
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface_floating_ip
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface_floating_ips
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interfaces
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_profile
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_profiles
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server
- ibm_is_bare_metal_servers
- Resources
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_action
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_disk
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface_allow_float
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface_floating_ip
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server
- DataSources
- Support for CIS
- Datasources
- ibm_cis_webhooks
- Resources
- ibm_cis_webhook
- Datasources
- Remove hmac-md5-96 authentication from IPSec VPN policy (3515)
- added status reason in case of failure in is_instance (3505)
- Updated PI IKEPolicy and IPSecPolicy (3530)
- IBM Cloud VPC Documentation Update (3479)
- IKS image security enforcement (3344)
- add check for empty slice (3528)
- push notifications deprecation label (3550)
- Allow passing cloud connection while creating DHCP server (3559)
- Add dns attribute to power network data source (3551)
- Support arm , arm64 for terraform provider (2626)
- Add support to use the new IAMAuthenticatior for token (3542)
- add network update support (3565)
- P10 enablement for SAP (3534)
- implement provider gateway vlan assignment (3558)
- Support storage pool and affinity while importing image (3543)
- Add custom_script argument to satellite_host_script datasource to avoid provider dependancy (3579)
- Add wait_till to satellite_host resource to wait until location normal (3579)
- Snapshot captured at deletable (3555)
- Support access tags in ibm_iam_access_group_policy (3290)
- Bumpup: terraform-plugin-sdk to 2.10.1 (3613)
- support instance metadata and trusted profile (3616)
- Not able to list all the subnets for a given VPC (3506)
- panic while creating cloud connections (3498)
- schema and test fix for instance group manager action (3495)
- API endpoints for SCC are wrong and cannot be changed (3524)
- log improvement: subnet delete retry logs (3485)
- added a check to check if remote sg id exists in is_security_group_rule (3493)
- document fix for routing table (3489)
- Fix the sub category (3560)
- Added more info for href (3486)
- Subnet pagination fix in is_vpcs datasource (3537)
- Destroy resource group failed with 204 (3529)
- ibm_is_lb resource is silently updating subnet details in state with no actual affect on lb (3538)
- Fixed satellite location immutable error (3537)
- ibm_cloud_shell_account_settings issue (3289)
- typo in "network_interaces" (3548)
- Add additional example to ibm_iam_trusted_profile_policy (3532)
- remove default from resource_group doc as datasource doesnot support (3564)
- Fix: visibility private for vpc (3578)
- Satellite Host Attach Configuration Adds Incorrect Repos (3576)
- Missing Resource Group Id argument in Data block docs (3586)
- container_addons doesnt update version as expected (3584)
- added description for managed_from parameter in satellite location (3591)
- Fix for ibm_pi_volume response (3598)
- Added a check for "Deleted" status of the VPC worker pool (3595)
- Fix: Ignore 500 on getclusterkey in container cluster datasource (3613)
- Power client update to refresh token for every API call (3614)
- Support VPC Infrastructure
- DataSources
- ibm_is_lb_pool
- ibm_is_lb_pools
- ibm_is_lb_pool_member
- ibm_is_lb_pool_members
- ibm_is_vpc_address_prefix
- ibm_is_vpc_routing_table
- ibm_is_vpc_routing_table_route
- ibm_is_vpn_gateway
- ibm_is_vpn_gateway_connection
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_disk
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_disks
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_initialization
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface_floating_ip
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface_floating_ips
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interfaces
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_profile
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_profiles
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server
- ibm_is_bare_metal_servers
- Resources
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_action
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_disk
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface_allow_float
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface_floating_ip
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server_network_interface
- ibm_is_bare_metal_server
- DataSources
- Support for CIS
- Datasources
- ibm_cis_webhooks
- Resources
- ibm_cis_webhook
- Datasources
- Remove hmac-md5-96 authentication from IPSec VPN policy (3515)
- added status reason in case of failure in is_instance (3505)
- Updated PI IKEPolicy and IPSecPolicy (3530)
- IBM Cloud VPC Documentation Update (3479)
- IKS image security enforcement (3344)
- add check for empty slice (3528)
- push notifications deprecation label (3550)
- Allow passing cloud connection while creating DHCP server (3559)
- Add dns attribute to power network data source (3551)
- Support arm , arm64 for terraform provider (2626)
- Add support to use the new IAMAuthenticatior for token (3542)
- add network update support (3565)
- P10 enablement for SAP (3534)
- implement provider gateway vlan assignment (3558)
- Support storage pool and affinity while importing image (3543)
- Add custom_script argument to satellite_host_script datasource to avoid provider dependancy (3579)
- Add wait_till to satellite_host resource to wait until location normal (3579)
- Snapshot captured at deletable (3555)
- Support access tags in ibm_iam_access_group_policy (3290)
- Not able to list all the subnets for a given VPC (3506)
- panic while creating cloud connections (3498)
- schema and test fix for instance group manager action (3495)
- API endpoints for SCC are wrong and cannot be changed (3524)
- log improvement: subnet delete retry logs (3485)
- added a check to check if remote sg id exists in is_security_group_rule (3493)
- document fix for routing table (3489)
- Fix the sub category (3560)
- Added more info for href (3486)
- Subnet pagination fix in is_vpcs datasource (3537)
- Destroy resource group failed with 204 (3529)
- ibm_is_lb resource is silently updating subnet details in state with no actual affect on lb (3538)
- Fixed satellite location immutable error (3537)
- ibm_cloud_shell_account_settings issue (3289)
- typo in "network_interaces" (3548)
- Add additional example to ibm_iam_trusted_profile_policy (3532)
- remove default from resource_group doc as datasource doesnot support (3564)
- Fix: visibility private for vpc (3578)
- Satellite Host Attach Configuration Adds Incorrect Repos (3576)
- Missing Resource Group Id argument in Data block docs (3586)
- container_addons doesnt update version as expected (3584)
- added description for managed_from parameter in satellite location (3591)
- Updating members_cpu_allocation_count to 0 fails with ibm_database (3567)
- Support intergation of security groups with virtual private endpoint gateway (3488)
- Update the deprecation notice of policy management from KMS resource (3520
- Support Power Instance
- DataSources
- ibm_pi_cloud_connections
- ibm_pi_keys
- ibm_pi_console_languages
- ibm_pi_placement_group
- ibm_pi_placement_groups
- Resources
- ibm_pi_console_language
- ibm_pi_volume_attach
- ibm_pi_image_export
- ibm_pi_placement_group
- ibm_pi_capture
- DataSources
- Support Security and Compliance Center
- DataSources
- ibm_scc_posture_profile
- ibm_scc_posture_group_profile
- ibm_scc_posture_scope_correlation
- Resources
- ibm_scc_posture_collector
- ibm_scc_posture_scope
- ibm_scc_posture_credential
- DataSources
- Support IAM Authorization Policies
- Datasources
- ibm_iam_authorization_policies
- Datasources
- Support Satellite Cluster
- Datasources
- ibm_satellite_cluster_worker_pool_zone_attachment
- Resources
- ibm_satellite_cluster_worker_pool_zone_attachment
- Datasources
- Add issue labeler workflow and update issue template (3430)
- Enhance log statements (3442)
- Allow retrieval of IAM access tag (data source) (3287)
- Refactor multiple pi resources with context awareness (3429)
- Support: mysql in ibm_database (3454)
- ibm_resource_instance cannot except json in "parameters" (3458)
- Add release process and maintainers (3472)
- Allow mixed storage for pi_instance (3484)
- Invite Users module it's not working as expected (3226)
- Docs: data iam_trusted_profile_claim_rules actually is documented as iam_trusted_profiles_claim_rules (3421)
- ibm_iam_custom_role does not honor description changes (3353)
- ibm_cos_bucket documented storge_class flex does not work (3349)
- DocFix: satellite_host resource (3437)
- ibm_cos_bucket missing docs and missing s3_endpoint_direct (3436)
- Docs for data ibm_iam_trusted_profile_policy: Wrong title for examples (3425)
- Not documented: how to access ibm_resource_key.objectstorage.credentials.cos_hmac_keys.access_key_id (2180)
- Cloud Object Storage access key and secret (1860)
- ibm_resource_key for COS does not nest HMAC object (1741)
- IBM Cloud Databases CLI Behavior Update (1387)
- Feature Request: Make ibm_resource_key resources linked to ibm_database resources more importable (1232)
- Bug Fix Policy (3413)
- Fix: iam url issue in kms client (3417)
- Update doc of container service bind (3450)
- removed required tag from name in instance template (3432)
- DocFix: dns services (3462)
- Fix the entitlement for VPC worker pool (3464)
- Add Watson query example (3451)
- Issue with Access group creation (3476)
- Regression: Breaking change on policy resources (3410)
- ibm_pi_instance is not able to complete with pi_health_status "WARNING" (3401)
- trusted profiles- doc fixes (3407)
- DocFix: cis_page_rule resource and flowlog and cbr_rule datasource (3402)
- Support VPC Infrastructure
- DataSources
- ibm_is_instance_network_interface
- ibm_is_instance_network_interfaces
- Resources
- ibm_is_instance_network_interface
- DataSources
- Support Power Instance
- Resources
- ibm_pi_ike_policy
- ibm_pi_ipsec_policy
- ibm_pi_vpn_connection
- DataSources
- ibm_pi_sap_profiles
- ibm_pi_sap_profile
- Resources
- Support Security and Compliance Center
- DataSources
- ibm_scc_account_location
- ibm_scc_account_locations
- ibm_scc_account_settings
- Resources
- ibm_scc_account_settings
- DataSources
- Support Container, Satellite nlb and ALB
- Resources
- ibm_container_nlb_dns
- ibm_satellite_location_nlb_dns
- ibm_container_alb_create
- ibm_container_vpc_alb_create
- Resources
- Support IAM Trusted Profiles
- DataSources
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile_claim_rules
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile_links
- ibm_iam_trusted_profiles
- DataSources
- Support Context Based Restriction
- Resources
- ibm_cbr_zone
- ibm_cbr_rule
- DataSources
- ibm_cbr_zone
- ibm_cbr_rule
- Resources
- Support IAM Access Group
- DataSources
- ibm_iam_access_group_policy
- DataSources
- Support abort_incomplete_multipart_upload_days, expired object delete markers and noncurrent_version_expiration feature for Cloud Object Storage (3359)
- Added new resource attribute service_type for access policies (3347)
- vpc-go-sdk migration to 0.14.0 (3376)
- Add support for VTL in Power Instance (3328)
- Added filters to VPC Volume Snapshot collection datasource (3238)
- Documentation fixes for Security and Compilance (3342)
- Update container-registry SDK and fix default region (3356)
- Fix: private endpoint for secrets manager (3378)
- Fix ibm_appid_token_config has source "roles", but missing in docs (3370)
- Bug in documentation for ibm_access_group_policy (3365)
- Bug in documentation for ibm_iam_api_key datasource (3363)
- Rename App ID provider (3355)
- DocFix: remove API from Activity Tracker subcategory (3379)
- doc fix for instance and subnet (3372)
- Inconsistent examples ibm_kms_key_rings example (3279)
- added wait logic for security group target (3373)
- do not return error when topic exists in creation (3223)
- private endpoints doesn't work for iam_access_group resources (3340)
- ibm_kms_key and ibm_kp_key produce inconsistent plan/apply (3314)
- Actions fail to import for ibm_cis_page_rule resources (2765)
- Upgrade of MongoDB from standard to enterprise should not work (3327)
- Support VPC Infrastructure
- DataSources
- ibm_is_network_acls
- ibm_is_network_acl
- ibm_is_flow_log
- ibm_is_floating_ips
- Resources
- ibm_is_instance_action
- DataSources
- Support Power Instance
- DataSources
- ibm_pi_dhcp
- ibm_pi_dhcps
- ibm_pi_cloud_connection
- Resources
- ibm_pi_dhcp
- ibm_pi_cloud_connection
- DataSources
- Support SCC Security Insights
- DataSources
- ibm_scc_si_occurrence
- ibm_scc_si_occurrences
- Resources
- ibm_scc_si_occurrence
- DataSources
- Support Schematics
- DataSources
- ibm_schematics_inventory
- ibm_schematics_resource_query
- Resources
- ibm_schematics_inventory
- ibm_schematics_resource_query
- DataSources
Support storage pool and affinity for instance and volume (3270)
Import image from public and private COS bucket (3265)
Support br-sao region for Container Registry (3258)
Support gpu for instance profile datasource (3158)
add resource group to cm_catalog resource and datasource (3291)
Support: default headers for service client (3257)
Support VPC instance bandwidth (3156)
Postgres configuration through terraform (3278)
Configure Redis database (1428)
Add force_create to create classic infrastructure reserved capacity with exisitng name (3306)
vtl and sap options for Power Instance stock images (3310)
Allow Power Instance volume update when in-use (3323)
added support for enabling sdk debug logging (3268)
updated docs and examples for vpn gateway and gateway connections (3283)
Load Balancer cannot be updated because its status is 'UPDATE_PENDING' (3006)
VPC Address Prefix can't delete even though Subnet Deletion process complete. (2759)
RC api returning incorrect response when instance already exists (3187)
Failures when creating ibm_database because of bad values for allocations should be more clear (3294)
Fix: nil pointer on pi_key (3133)
Regression: "AuthorizationDelegator" no longer works in 1.30.0 (3013)
adding custom retry to fix the enabling of logging and moniotirg (3319)
Update ibm-hpcs-tke-sdk (3313)
Update schematics terraform resources and datasources based on latest API's (2901)
ibm_schematics_workspace adding template_inputs causes panic (3295)
ibm_schematics_workspace add template_git_url fails (3296)
Cannot provision Schematics workspaces with recent versions of Terraform (3048)
Support Event Notifications
- Resources
- ibm_en_destination
- ibm_en_topic
- ibm_en_subscription
- DataSources
- ibm_en_destination
- ibm_en_destinations
- ibm_en_topic
- ibm_en_topics
- ibm_en_subscription
- ibm_en_subscriptions
- Resources
Support Container Storage Attachment
- Resources
- ibm_container_storage_attachment
- DataSources
- ibm_container_storage_attachment
- Resources
Implemented feature to edit BGP IPs and ASN values for non provider and provider flow gateways (3186)
Support VPC load balancer https redirect (3115)
Support route_mode for VPC NLB vnf (3208)
Support direct endpoints for cos_bucket (3252)
Add support for pi_network jumbo option (3255)
Support enable/update the BFD config for the DirectLink gateways (3194)
Added port range support for VPC NLBs with route mode enabled (3207)
Support high availablity for custom resolver (3190)
Add resource_group_id ibm_container_vpc_alb resource and datasource (2768)
ibm_is_lb_pool_member member weight is not working as expected when weight is 0 (3124)
Documentation for data "ibm_iam_trusted_profile_policy" is wrong (3201)
Wrong documentation for iam_trusted_profile_claim_rule (3216)
added placement_group documentation in instance_template (3210)
VPE documentation issue (3225)
Do not ignore label to enable node-local-dns-enabled for kubernetes service (3232)
ibm_is_lb how to create a network load balancer, what is profile, resource group name (3108)
Fix VPC lb listener access protocol (3240)
Fix documentation for atracker resources (3246)
Conrefs in https://registry.terraform.io/providers/IBM-Cloud/ibm/latest/docs/resources/database documentation (3233)
Fix ibm_iam_trusted_profile_link, argument "namespace" is not required if cr_type is VSI (3219)
Add links to App ID documentation (3220)
What are the valid values for the attributes? (App ID) (3221)
ibm_iam_access_group_members incorrect state when members list >50 users (3189)
ibm_iam_account_settings modify issue (3249)
ibm_cloud_shell_account_settings modify issue (3247)
ibm_cloud_shell_account_settings delete issue (3242)
Error downloading the cluster config - config.zip: no such file or directory (2806)
IBM Cloud Shell data resource (3275)
Note This release replace github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go dependency with github.com/golang-jwt/jwt to fix ([CVE-2020-26160] (IBM-Cloud#3191)) FEATURES:
Support IBM IAM Trusted Profile
- Resources
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile_claim_rule
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile_link
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile_policy
- DataSources
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile_claim_rule
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile_link
- ibm_iam_trusted_profile_policy
- Resources
Support Classic Infrastructure Reserved Capacity
- Resources
- ibm_compute_reserved_capacity
- DataSources
- ibm_compute_reserved_capacity ENHANCEMENTS:
- Resources
Support for reading the endpoints for supported IBM Cloud Services via file (3071)
Support for provisioning Monthly based servers on reserved capacity (3185)
- Ability to provide IP address for provisioning Power Systems using ibm_pi_instance resource (3102)
- Regression: ibm_is_instance 1.33.0 no longer creates user_data (3163)
- Regression: "AuthorizationDelegator" no longer works in 1.30.0 (3013)
- Fix: ibm_database datasource returns nil for connectionstrings (3166)
- Fix: appid token config destination_claim should be optional (3143)
- Dereferencing of rg id, name and target update in floating ip (3164)
- DocFix: Security and compliance doc updates (3155)
Support IBM Cloud Shell
- Resources
- ibm_cloud_shell_account_settings
- DataSources
- ibm_cloud_shell_account_settings
- Resources
Support Security and Compliance Center
- Resources
- ibm_scc_si_note
- DataSources
- ibm_scc_si_note
- ibm_scc_si_notes
- ibm_scc_si_providers
- ibm_scc_posture_scopes
- ibm_scc_posture_latest_scans
- ibm_scc_posture_profiles
- ibm_scc_posture_scan_summary -ibm_scc_posture_scan_summaries
- Resources
Support Event Streams Schema
- Resources
- ibm_event_streams_schema
- DataSources
- ibm_event_streams_schema
- Resources
Support AppID
- Resources
- ibm_appid_idp_google
- ibm_appid_mfa_channel
- DataSources
- ibm_appid_idp_google
- ibm_appid_mfa_channel
- Resources
Support Cloudant database
- Resources
- ibm_cloudant
- DataSources
- ibm_cloudant
- Resources
Support CIS Firewall Rules
- Resources
- ibm_cis_firewall_rules
- DataSources
- ibm_cis_firewall_rule
- Resources
DeprecationMessage: Resource ibm_is_security_group_network_interface_attachment is deprecated. Use ibm_is_security_group_target to attach a network interface to a security group
- Feature: add support for Transit Gateway DLaaS (3105)
- Added changes for adjustable iops, capacity and volume profile (3068)
suppressing the change in wait_before_delete on import of is_instance which showed update in place (3075)
ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment - Multiple volume creation and attachment failure (3077)
data "ibm_container_cluster_config" results in intermittent authentication as 'system:anonymous (2811)
Added missing crn to is resources (3130)
Added a document update regarding allow_ip_spoofing on network interfaces for VSIs (3145)
Changing an ibm_is_instance causes the associated ibm_is_floating_ip to fail (3110)
Updated security group target APIs (2896)
Failure modifying volume_name in ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment (3089)
DocFix: Satellite Link and Endpoint resources (3152)
Added zones parameter to immutable list and added hosts parameter to satellite location data source (3137)
Add support for provisioning Enterprise DB, Enterprise Mongo, Cassandra Databases (3097)
upgraded the vpc-go-sdk to use the latest 0.10.0 version (3067)
Add missing crn to vpc resources and datasources (3111)
Support expandabale volumes for VPC (2668)
- IBM Cloud Terraform Provider is unable to upgrade the "vpc-block-csi-driver" addon on VPC Gen 2 Clusters (2988)
Support APP ID
- Resources
- ibm_appid_idp_facebook
- ibm_appid_cloud_directory_user
- ibm_appid_mfa
- DataSources
- ibm_appid_idp_facebook
- ibm_appid_cloud_directory_user
- ibm_appid_mfa
- Resources
Support VPC Placement group
- Resources
- ibm_is_placement_group
- DataSources
- ibm_is_placement_group
- ibm_is_placement_groups
- Resources
Add name validation at missing places for VPC resources (3051)
Remove computed from encryption_key and added encryption_type for VPC volume (3057)
Set direction which was showing a change on import for VPC security group rule resource (3063)
argument support for IAM policy mangament resources (3095) -
Add crn for is_vpc resource and datasource in default sg and network acl (3096)
Ignore 410-gone status during deletion of resource instance (3096)
doc update: security group rule import update (3066)
Fix satellite route example issue (3073)
Fix docs for DNS Custom resolver (2997)
Fix orientation of docs for appID (3091)
Fix encryption crn for volume attachment (3101)
Fix endpoint gateways data source (3100)
Fix function namespace (3103)
Support APP ID
- Resources
- ibm_appid_idp_cloud_directory
- ibm_appid_idp_saml
- ibm_appid_password_regex
- ibm_appid_theme_text
- ibm_appid_idp_custom
- ibm_appid_audit_status
- ibm_appid_action_url
- ibm_appid_languages
- ibm_appid_theme_color
- ibm_appid_cloud_directory_template
- DataSources
- ibm_appid_idp_cloud_directory
- ibm_appid_idp_saml
- ibm_appid_password_regex
- ibm_appid_theme_text
- ibm_appid_idp_custom
- ibm_appid_audit_status
- ibm_appid_action_url
- ibm_appid_languages
- ibm_appid_theme_color
- ibm_appid_cloud_directory_template
- ibm_appid_idp_saml_metadata
- ibm_appid_roles
- ibm_appid_applications
- Resources
Support Satellite endpoint/link
- Resources
- ibm_satellite_link
- ibm_satellite_endpoint
- DataSources
- ibm_satellite_link
- ibm_satellite_endpoint
- Resources
changed the validator invoked in nacl rule (3052)
added forcenew for address_prefix_management in ibm_is_vpc (3025)
added support for identifier in is_image datasource (3012)
Add wait for master ready before cluster integrations (3035)
Adding Steering_Policy property (3061)
Add support for vSCSI pi_instance deployment (3070)
DocUpdate: add routing table route example (3046)
Documentation for endpoint gateway (3034)
updated cdn and app config resource (3060)
Removed dereferencing in resource group name for is_volume (3058)
Change the instance attribute types (3053)
Increase robustness of openshift login flow (3035)
Remove the references to duplicate KMS Key policies docs (3055)
removed 100GB constraint to support any size (10-250GB) size boot volumes (3030)
upgraded the vpc-go-sdk to use the 0.9.0 version (3023)
Add crn_token attribute to satellite cluster resource to support remote location (3032)
Doc fixes for ibm_database and ibm_container_cluster_config (3033)
Updated argument desc for zones and entitlement (3016)
fix: setting listener policy rule values (2964)
fix for updating serviceIds and IBMIds in read method (2987)
Include the IBM ID in the ibm_iam_user_profile data source (2940)
Added new San Paolo (SAO) MZR support for cos (3022)
Added retry logic to get location information (3020)
Argument reference description for MFA setting is incorrect (2984)
Doc fixes for APPID Management resources and datasources (3001)
fixed the header for is_instance_volume_attachment doc (3005)
Support ATracker
- Resources
- ibm_atracker_target
- ibm_atracker_route
- DataSources
- ibm_atracker_targets
- ibm_atracker_routes
- ibm_atracker_endpoints
- Resources
Support APP ID
- Resources
- ibm_appid_token_config
- ibm_appid_application_roles
- ibm_appid_application_scopes
- ibm_appid_redirect_urls
- ibm_appid_role
- DataSources
- ibm_appid_application
- ibm_appid_application_roles
- ibm_appid_application_scopes
- ibm_appid_token_config
- ibm_appid_redirect_urls
- ibm_appid_role
- Resources
Support KMS Policies
- Resources
- ibm_kms_key_policies
- DataSources
- ibm_kms_key_policies
- Resources
Support VPC Instance Template
- DataSources
- ibm_is_instance_template
- DataSources
Support NLB DNS for cluster and Satellite Location
- DataSources
- ibm_container_nlb_dns
- ibm_satellite_location_nlb_dns
- DataSources
Support access management tags in subnet resource and datasource (2778)
Added pagination support for endpoint gateway targets datasource (2904)
Support lb cookie session persistence (#2884)
Expose catalog type for catalog management (#2924)
Support COS Object SQL URL for Cloud Object Storage (#2934)
Migrate ibm_resource_group datasource to platform SDK and support other computed attributes (2936)
Migrate authorisation policy to platform-go-SDK (#2926)
Filter instances datasource by instance group (#2947)
Enable filter for security group by VPC (#2982)
Deprecate creation of KMS policies from ibm_kms_key resource (#2832)
- Session timeout to 15 minutes and terraform cannot refresh the token (2892)
- Added missing rule_id in tcp/udp and vpcId in sg filtering on ibm_is_vpc datasource (2855)
- Return error statement if security group with name is not found in datasource (#2932)
- Return error during Subnet detroy failure (#2779)
- Update pi_instance virtual cores and processors after checking the capability (2939)
- Reduce delay from 1m to 10s on cmr_order resource (#2944)
- ibm_is_floating_ip target change results in a failure (#2911)
- Added a new resource check on name update which was tainting the is_instance resource (#2970)
- Fix Error handling during
and fix condition check while settingdisable_public_service_endpoint
(2971) - VPE gateway creation suppresses error message (#2923)
- Doc fix catalog management (2965)
- Doc fix for DNS Forwarding rule (2919)
- Remove location validaton on ibm_satellite_location resource (2931)
- Set Id immediately after Creation in ibm_database resource (2928)
- Fix: delete topic does not fail when topic does not exist (#2976)
- Support VPC datasource
- DataSources
- ibm_is_vpcs
- DataSources
- Support Private DNS Custom Resolver
- DataSources
- ibm_dns_custom_resolvers
- ibm_dns_custom_resolver_forwarding_rules
- Resources
- ibm_dns_custom_resolver
- ibm_dns_custom_resolver_forwarding_rule
- ibm_dns_custom_resolver_location
- DataSources
- Support Hyper Protect Crypto Service
- DataSources
- ibm_hpcs
- Resources
- ibm_hpcs
- DataSources
attribute in ibm_is_instance (2900) -
Support pagination for dedicated hosts datasources (2906)
Support Limit Feature for Keys (2538)
attribute for ibm_is_virtual_endpoint_gateway (2913) -
attribute in container worker pool (2910)
- Fix doc format for ibm_cos_bucket (2891)
- Fix Creating a resource group with IBMCLOUD_VISIBILITY=private seems to require a call to public IAM API (2890)
- Fix the tainteffects (2862)
- Fix ibm_satellite_cluster resource - kube_version upgrade, provider never returns (2827)
- Fix subnet destroy fails immediately after cluster destroy unless delay added (2779)
- Fix return error when topic creation failed (2912)
- Fix deprecated field in ibm_container_worker_pool doc example (2915)
- Update example of Hyper Protect DBaaS (2917)
- Support VPC address prefixes
- DataSources
- ibm_is_vpc_address_prefixes
- DataSources
- Support VPC Instance Volume attachment
- Resources
- ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment
- DataSources
- ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment
- ibm_is_instance_volume_attachments
- Resources
- Support VPC Snapshots
- Resources
- ibm_is_snapshot
- DataSources
- ibm_is_snapshot
- ibm_is_snapshots
- Resources
Support to provision an instance from
and instance boot volume fromsnapshot
(2672) -
Support Worker Pool Taints for IBM Cloud Clusters (#2862)
Clean up the reference for Gen1 code from all VPC resources and datasources
- ibm_is_security_group datasource does not find existing SGs (#2868)
- Apply for ibm_iam_access_group_members fails with 404 when using IBMCLOUD_VISIBILITY=private (#2828)
- Removed IPV6 References in vpc resources (2697)
- IBM Cloud Provider - ibm_satellite_location silent correction (2724)
- fix: set required cluster_name_id attribute (2836)
- Doc fix for IAM policies and COS bucket (2861)
attribute in ibm_is_subnet datasource (#2783) -
in Direct Link Gateway resource and datasource (#2792) -
for PI Volume (#2800) -
argument for ibm_pi_instance resource and deprecatemigratable
(#2801) -
argument for ibm_pi_instance resource (#2797) -
Added a fix to skip instance volumes setting in ibm_is_instance resource (#2798)
Fix the documentation for ibm_is_lb_listener (#2790)
Fix the documentation for ibm_cr_namespaces and ibm_cr_retention_policy (#2821)
Fix the documentation for ibm_kms_key_alias (#2825)
Remove the guides folder from website docs (#2833)
Fix: Panics on Import (#2585)
Fix host script for GCP (#2802)
Fix: Resource group crash for no default resource group (#2809)
Fix Detach targets before deleting security group (#2723)
Fix ibm_database datasource for different instances with same name (#2817)
Fix: pi_public_network datasource crash (#2801)
Fix: added failure check and tainting on failure for ibm_is_instance (#2812)
- Add retries on reading a IAM Policy (#2788)
- Support VPC network rules
- Resources
- ibm_is_network_acl_rule
- DataSources
- ibm_is_network_acl_rule
- Resources
- Support CIS filter
- Resources
- ibm_cis_filter
- DataSources
- ibm_cis_filters
- Resources
arguments in ibm_cm_offering_instance resource (#2745) -
Support provisioning of VPC images from source_volume (#2682)
Support filters to filter the VPC resources sshkeys, subnets, images, subnet, instances
argument for ibm_cos_bucket resource (#2756) -
Add support creating gre tunnel connections on a transit gateway (#2700)
Support service roles in iam_role_actions (#2746)
Add retry to download the cluster config (#2743)
Add save to file feature to apikeys resource (#2775)
Migrate: Service Id resource to Platform-go-SDK (#2560)
Bug fix for Retrieving Policy with Key (#2730)
Fixed resource_tag crn validation issue (#2749)
Fix the updated of kube version for ROKS cluster (#2754)
Fix Documentation error for ibm_cis_rate_limit match.request.methods (#2764)
Fix ibm_cis_rate_limit Error: cis_id or zone_id not passed but it was passed in (#2770)
Fix the doc formats for VPC, Calssic Infrastructure services
Add doc link to role definition in IAM policy resources (#2751)
Plugin crashes if import is attempted without API Key being set (#2729)
wrong resource name in the doc link for ibm_iam_api_key (#2736)
Couldn't able to delete the Service Policy (#2703)
Fix: Rollback the ibm_resource_tag resource (#2718)
Fixed typo that prevented host_attach_script from completing (#2715)
Fix InvalidBucketState: Versioning cannot be enabled for a bucket with expiration lifecycle actions (#2727)
Fix the empty ca_certificate for download of network cluster config (#2732)
Note : Don't use this release we have an issue with checksum errors for users when attempting to download the plugin. We have a new release v1.26.2
Fix: Rollback the ibm_resource_tag resource (#2718)
Fixed typo that prevented host_attach_script from completing (#2715)
Fix InvalidBucketState: Versioning cannot be enabled for a bucket with expiration lifecycle actions (#2727)
Fix the empty ca_certificate for download of network cluster config (#2732)
Support AppConfiguration
- Resources
- ibm_app_config_environment
- ibm_app_config_feature
- DataSources
- ibm_app_config_environment
- ibm_app_config_environments
- ibm_app_config_feature
- ibm_app_config_features
- Resources
Support VPC instance group membership
- Resources
- ibm_is_instance_group_membership
- DataSources
- ibm_is_instance_group_memberships
- ibm_is_instance_group_membership
- Resources
Support VPC instance group manager action
- Resources
- ibm_is_instance_group_manager_action
- DataSources
- ibm_is_instance_group_manager_action
- ibm_is_instance_group_manager_actions
- Resources
Support Satellite Cluster
- Resources
- ibm_satellite_cluster
- ibm_satellite_cluster_worker_pool
- DataSources
- ibm_satellite_cluster
- ibm_satellite_cluster_worker_pool
- Resources
Support VPC Operating System
- DataSources
- ibm_is_operating_system
- ibm_is_operating_systems
- DataSources
Update catalog management offering instance (#2628)
support object versioning feature for COS (#2664)
Support data volume in instance group (#2673)
Added VMWare Host Provider to Satellite Host Attach Script (#2688)
Support: tags in resource_instance datasource (#2691)
Add dbaas example (#2683)
Fix: Remove resource from statefile for pending_reclamation state (#2643)
ibm_container_cluster_config data source is broken in 1.25 release on windows (#2651)
ibm_is_vpn_gateways data source documentation is wrong (#2629)
Documentation/example covering how to encrypt boot volume on ibm_is_instance (#2577)
Container Registry Documentation Error (#2685)
Create Key With Writer Role Assignment (#2619)
Fix the NotFound Checks if the resource is still provisioning (#2613)
A link should be fixed in ibm_kms_key (#2704)
DocUpdate: Add Timeout Blocks to vpc cluster (#2706)
ibm_schematics_workspace data source unable to parse env_values (#2708)
- Support Resource Tag Management
- Resources
- ibm_resource_tag
- DataSources
- ibm_resource_tag
- Resources
- Support VPC dedicated host disk management
- Resources
- ibm_is_dedicated_host_disk_management
- DataSources
- ibm_is_dedicated_host_disk
- ibm_is_dedicated_host_disks
- Resources
- Support IAM User API Key
- Resources
- ibm_iam_api_key
- DataSources
- ibm_iam_api_key
- Resources
- Support VPC endpoint target gateways
- DataSources
- ibm_is_endpoint_gateway_targets
- DataSources
- Support VPC security group target management
- Resources
- ibm_is_security_group_target
- DataSources
- ibm_is_security_group_target
- ibm_is_security_group_targets
- Resources
- Support COS Bucket Object
- Resources
- ibm_cos_bucket_object
- DataSources
- ibm_cos_bucket_object
- Resources
- Support container Registry Retention Policy
- Resources
- ibm_cr_retention_policy
- Resources
Add the capabilities for offering speeds which provides the bmetered and unmetered billing options for that offering speed (#2584)
Support for dedicated host/group in instance template and instance (#2579)
location, managed_from and resource_group_id mark these attibutes in ibm_satellite_location either DiffSuppress or throw back an error (#2567)
Add max allowed sessions to account settings (#2610)
Add vcpus and memory to instance profiles data source (#2492)
Support creating IAM policies with operator (#2533)
Mark ibm_container_cluster_config
attributes as sensitive (#2622) -
Bump up go version: 1.16 (#2600)
Fix the deletion of instance group due to load balancer status (#2547)
No way to make a vpc_address_prefix default on vpc when using manual address_prefix_management (#2282)
ibm_is_image data source silently fails if the image is not available (#2587)
ibm_is_image data source does not provide a warning if the image is deprecated (#2588)
update azure script to grow root volume group (#2621)
instance group manager policy synchronization (#2635)
Fix the db task timeout (#2607)
KMS keys created with endpoint_type = "public" regardless of the actual setting (#2482)
Error finding VLAN order: couldn't find resource (21 retries) (#2613)
Terraform import for routingtable fails (#2580)
- Support VPC instance disk management
- Resources
- ibm_is_instance_disk_management
- DataSources
- ibm_is_instance_disk
- ibm_is_instance_disks
- Resources
- Support resize of VPC instance (#2448)
- Support Load balancer Parameter based routing (#2518)
- Support horizontal scaling on database with new arguments node_count, node_memory_allocation_mb, node_disk_allocation_mb, node_cpu_allocation_count (#2313)
- Support request_metrics_enabled for COS Bucket metric monitoring (#2530)
- Support virtual endpoint gateway as target to subnet reserved IP (#2521)
- Creating ibm_pi_key fails everytime with context deadline exceeded (#2527)
- Fix diff on resource key parameters (#2182)
- Fails to create PTR records causing Terraform crash (#2535)
- Fix crash for VPC instance group manager (#2554)
- VPC network ACL rule ICMP does not set type (#2559)
- Conflict with exec.image and exec.code/exec.code_path (can't use custom docker images) (#2556)
- Add support for COS retention policy (#1880)
- Add support for private_address for VPN gateway (#2282)
- List all certificates in a certificate manager instance (#2358)
- Enhance description for attribute reference (#2475)
- Add support for regional ca-tor COS bucket (#2483) BUGFIXES
- Fix the broken links for classic infrastructure bare metal (#2481)
- Fix cis primary certificate crash (#2490)
- Fix ibm_satellite_location: cannot specify resource group (#2499)
- Fix ibm_satellite_location resource doesn't work correctly to ensure that resource is created / deleted appropriately (#2497)
- Fix invalid example for ibm_iam_account_settings (#2484)
- Fix the documentiaon for VPC reserved IP (#2512)
- Add support to retry the update of patch version (#2379)
- Add gateway_connection argument for VPC VPN gateway Connection (2270)
Support Catalog Management
- Resources
- ibm_cm_offering_instance
- ibm_cm_catalog
- ibm_cm_offering
- ibm_cm_version
- DataSources
- ibm_cm_catalog
- ibm_cm_offering
- ibm_cm_version
- ibm_cm_offering_instance
- Resources
Support IAM Account Management
- Resources
- ibm_iam_account_settings
- DataSources
- ibm_iam_account_settings
- Resources
Support Enterprise Management
- Resources
- ibm_enterprise
- ibm_enterprise_account_group
- ibm_enterprise_account
- DataSources
- ibm_enterprises
- ibm_enterprise_account_groups
- ibm_enterprise_accounts
- Resources
- Fix the provision of classic Infrastructure VM to apply sshkeys, imageid and script (#2448)
- Fix documentation updates (#2443)
- Fix Dedicated host with status 'failed' throws error during destroy (#2443)
- Fix while creating a DL Connect gateway do not wait for gateway to be provisioned for few providers (#2458)
Support VPC dedicated hosts
- Resources
- ibm_is_dedicated_host
- ibm_is_dedicated_host_group
- DataSources
- ibm_is_dedicated_host
- ibm_is_dedicated_hosts
- ibm_is_dedicated_host_profile
- ibm_is_dedicated_host_profiles
- ibm_is_dedicated_host_group
- ibm_is_dedicated_host_groups
- Resources
Support VPC reserved IP
- Resources
- ibm_is_subnet_reserved_ip
- DataSources
- ibm_is_subnet_reserved_ip
- ibm_is_subnet_reserved_ips
- Resources
Support Push Notification chrome web
- Resources
- ibm_pn_application_chrome
- DataSources
- ibm_pn_application_chrome
- Resources
Support Key Management Alias and Rings
- Resources
- ibm_kms_key_alias
- ibm_kms_key_rings
- DataSources
- ibm_kms_key_rings
- Resources
Support for reading secrets from IBM Cloud Secrets Manager
- DataSources
- ibm_secrets_manager_secrets
- ibm_secrets_manager_secret
- DataSources
Support Schematics
- Resources
- ibm_schematics_workspace
- ibm_schematics_action
- ibm_schematics_job
- DataSources
- ibm_schematics_action
- ibm_schematics_job
- Resources
Support Observability
- Resources
- ibm_ob_logging
- ibm_ob_monitoring
- Resources
Support for Satellite
- Resources
- ibm_satellite_location
- ibm_satellite_host
- DataSources
- ibm_satellite_location
- ibm_satellite_attach_host_script
- Resources
Support for CIS Cache setting
- Datasource
- ibm_cis_cache_settings
- Datasource
argument to control the visibility to IBM Cloud endpoint. -
argument is depreated. By default the provider targets to IBM Cloud VPC Infrastructure.
Support added DH group 19 and sha 512 for IKE and IPSec Policy(#2361)
action for VPC routing table (#2355) -
Support tags for IBM Cloud VPC security group (#2353)
Support for renaming of default Network ACL, Security Group and Routing Table (#2216)
Support for allow control of Security Groups on Load Balancer (#2324)
Support recover the public key from an SSH key in IBM Cloud VPC (#2388)
Support ibm_is_vpc_routing_table_route to accept a VPN connection ID as next_hop (#2270)
Support to provision classic Infrastructure Virtual instance using quoteID (#2433)
for CIS Cache settings (#2219) -
Support filtering of subnets based on metro for IKS kubernetes Cluster (#2403)
argument to filter the keys in ibm_kms_key and ibm_kms_keys datasources and aliases attribute (#2293) -
in ibm_kms_key resource and datasources (#2378)
Fix increase in panics while refreshing resources for cos_bucket (#2373)
Fix Cloud Function action runtimes version (#2424)
Fix COS buckets allow modifying key_protect after creation, but they should not (#2310)
- Updgrade Terraform SDK to v2
Support checksum argument for VPC Images (#2227)
Support iam_id argument cross Account iam_service_policy (#2331)
Support tags argument for VPC subnet (#2321)
Support tags argument for VPC network acl (#2343)
Add resource schema timeouts for classic infrastructure compute VM (#2291)
Support accept_proxy_protocol argument for vpc loadbalancer listener (#2325)
Fix logging not supported for VPC Network Loadbalancer (#2332)
Fix addons not being enabled post-cluster creation (#2346)
Fix ibm_iam_user_policy data source produces no results (#2312)
Support sort argument for IAM service policies and IAM user policies (#2227)
Support default_routing_table attribute for VPC resource and datasource (#2286)
Support logging argument for VPC load balancer (#2228)
Add transactionID for IAM authentication error messages (#2304)
Fix the provision of instance template with boot volume (#2205)
Fix ibm_resource_key is not tainted by change to role (#2182)
Fix ibm_cis, ibm_database, ibm_resource_instance not tainted by change to resource groupID (#2297)
Fix ibm_container_addons resource not detecting version change (#2295)
Fix error when trying to use data source ibm_container_cluster for existing lite IKS (#2300)
Support datasource for VPC volume profiles
Support datasource to list power instance catalog images
attribute for block classic block storage ([#1491]IBM-Cloud#1491) -
session_affinity for lbass (#2218) -
argument to delete data volumes of VPC instance #646) -
argument for ibm_containar_cluster to control the behaviour of waiting for cluster ([#2232]IBM-Cloud#2232) -
Enable retries on authnetication failures ([#2248]IBM-Cloud#2248)
Fix the nil pointer exception on lbs of vpc_cluster destroy (#2226)
Fix the nil pointer exception on is_instance_group (#2247)
Fix the nil pointer on iam_service_api_key (#2259)
Fix the validation for LB listener policy rule (#2257)
Fix the patch_version update for kubernetes clusters (#2217
BUGFIXES Fix the regression issue provisioning of contianer clusters (#2206)
Support directlink provider gateway resource
Support directlink provider gateways, ports datasource
Support provision file storage size from 10TB to 13TB (#2158)
Support for pod-subnet and service-subnet for
resource (#1196) -
Support the ability to retrieve the instances in a specific VPC (#1961)
Support for patch update for cluster worker nodes (#1978)
Support architecture attribute for VPC instance profiles (#2002)
Fix the nil pointer exception for cos bucket import scenario (#2151)
Fix Transit gateway Connection creation fails for cross account (#2170)
Fix Terraform crash when subnet not found (#2058)
Fix VPC LB creation with count greater than 1 (#2168)
Support Contianer Registry resource and datasource
(#2119) -
Support reset APIkey for cluster
(#2118) -
Support APIkey for serviceID
Move next_hop from optional to required for
(#2141) -
Support jp-osa endpoints for
#2149) -
Support crn in target attribute for
Support CIS Certificate resources
Support CIS Certificate datasources
Support CIS DNS Records import and export
Support virtual private endpoint gateways
resources andibm_is_virtual_endpoint_gateways
resource: Support
argument and updates for kubernetes clusters (#2109) -
resource: Support
argument andpersistence
attributes (#2097)
Fix an ibm_resource_key that is removed outside of Terraform is not being recreated (#2125)
Fix cluster addon fails on apply after timeout (#2129)
Support CIS WAF resources
Support CIS WAF datasources
resource: Support
argument for ibm_cos_bucket (#2017) -
resource: Move
as optiona argument (#2087) -
resource: Support
argument for ibm_cos_bucket (#1590) -
resource: Add validate function for resoure_instance_id argument to ibm_cos_bucket (#2103)
resource: Support Route and Profile based VPN gateways (#2094)
Fix users not found when adding to access group (#2034)
Set the
in ibm_kms_key (#2106) -
Fix multiple cis_domain leads into inconsistency (#2086)
- Fix issue when trying to delete a ibm_container_alb_cert (#2067)
Support VPC Routing Table
and VPC Routing Table Routeibm_is_vpc_routing_table_route
resources (#1395) -
datasources (#1395)
resource: Extend CIS firewall resource to support
(#2025) -
resource: Support anti-spoofing
for ibm_is_instance (#1396) -
resource: Support
agruments for ibm_is_subnet (#1395) -
data: Support
attribute for ibm_kms_keys and ibm_kms_key (#1928) -
resource: Support
attribute for ibm_iam_user_invite (#2053)
Fix the upgrade of kube_version for master and worker nodes of cluster (#1952)
Fix issue when trying to provision a new ibm_container_alb_cert (#2067)
Support for subnet network interface attachment
resource ([#1941] -
resource (#1991) -
resource (#1995) -
datasource (#1981) -
resource andibm_cis_custom_pages
datasoruce (#1997) -
resource for IBM Cloud PDNS Service (#1887) -
datasources for IBM Cloud PDNS Service (#1887)
resource: Support
attribute in ibm_pi_network_port resource (#1930) -
resource: Support encrypted images
arguments in ibm_is_image resource (#1938) -
resource: Support archive rule
for ibm_cos_bucket (#1950) -
resource: Support Polcies for ibm_kms_key (#1928)
data: Support
argument for ibm_container_cluster (#2051)
Support for subnet network interface attachment
resource (#1941) -
Support for CIS tls settigns
resource (#1954) -
datasource (#1959)
resource: Support additional domain settings (max_upload, cipher, minify, security_header, mobile_redirect, challenge_ttl, dnssec, browser_check) for
(#1939) -
resource: Support
argument to ibm_kms_key resource (#1967) -
resource: Support
argument toibm_container_cluster
to control the upgrade of worker nodes (#1969) -
data: Support
attribute toibm_database
Remove forcenew for IS instance group (#1951)
Support resource instance's parameter to be an array type (#1953)
Fix the tags attachemnt for ibm_databse resource (#1971)
Fix changing allowed_ip to a list of IPs to nothing leads to an error when configuring a COS bucket (#1661)
Fix the update of VPC worker nodes kube verison (#1952)
resource: Support endpoint_type argument and endpoint environmental variable for COS bucket (#1945)
resource: Support Direct Link Connect Type(#1927)
doc: Update supported parameters for Event Streams(#1946)
- Fix the nil pointer exception for transist gateway delete (#1943)
VPC NLB Feature:
- Support for provisioning of NLB load balancers (#1937)
- data/ibm_is_lb_profiles
- data/ibm_is_lbs
CIS Edge Functions:
- Support for CIS Edge Functions (#1873)
- resource/ibm_cis_edge_functions_actions
- resource/ibm_cis_edge_functions_trigger
- data/ibm_cis_edge_functions_actions
- data/ibm_cis_edge_functions_triggers
datasource: Support
attribute for is_lb datasource (#1895) -
resource: Support of renew certificate in certificates manager (#1909)
resource: Support update of parameters for resource instance (#1705)
resource: Support for NLB load balancers in VPC (#1937)
resource: Migrate HPCS endpoints to cloud.ibm.com domain (#1932)
resource: Support retry of VPC instance to recover from a perpetual "starting" or "stopping" state by using "force_recovery_time" argument (#1934)
resource: Support customer health check request headers for Cloud Internet Services (#1844)
resource: Support ibm_iam_service_id (data / resouce) should return iam_id (#1820)
resource: Support ICD Service endpoint doesn't exist for region: "che01" (#1894)
Fix the instance template destroy error (#1886)
Fix the delete of ibm_cdn resource (#1925)
Fix the provision of free cluster (#1901)
Fix the ibm_container_addons not working on other resource_group !=Default (#1920)
Fix the crash of ibm_is_subnet datasource with empty identifier (#1933)
Fix Instance Group/AutoScale Max count should be 1000 not 100 (#1889)
Fix ibm_pi_instance not failing on ERROR state (#1879)
VPC Flow Logs:
- Support for IBM Cloud VPC Flow Logs (#1356)
- resource/ibm_is_flow_logs
- data/ibm_is_flow_logs
VPC Auto Scale:
- Support for IBM Cloud VPC Auto Scale (#1357)
- resource/ibm_is_instance_group
- resource/ibm_is_instance_group_manager
- resource/ibm_is_instance_group_manager_policy
- resource/ibm_is_instance_template
- data/ibm_is_instance_group
- data/ibm_is_instance_group_manager
- data/ibm_is_instance_group_managers
- data/ibm_is_instance_group_manager_policies
- data/ibm_is_instance_group_manager_policy
- data/ibm_is_instance_templates
- data/ibm_is_instance_profiles
- data/ibm_is_instance_profile
Power Instance:
- Support for IBM Cloud Power Instance network port attachement and snapshot (#1867)
- resource/ibm_pi_snapshot
- resource/ibm_pi_network_port_attach
Cluster Addons:
Support for addons for container cluster (#721)
- resource/ibm_container_addons
- data/ibm_container_addons
data/ibm_is_lb: Support for ibm_is_lb #1849)
data/ibm_container_alb: Support for ibm_container_alb #1850)
data/ibm_container_alb_cert: Support for ibm_container_alb_cert #1850)
data/ibm_container_bind_service: Support for ibm_container_bind_service #1850)
resource: Support key protect configuraton for Container clusters ([#673] (IBM-Cloud#673))
resource: Support delete of PVC Storage for Container clusters([#1847] (IBM-Cloud#1847))
- Fix the diff on classsic VM instance ([#1828] (IBM-Cloud#1828))
- resource: Support ProxyFromEnvironment for honouring for HPCS service.
- resource: Support auto scaling for IBM Cloud database service.
resource: Assign IP address to a VSI on provisioning for VPC (#1830)
resource: Support kr-seo region for database (#1831)
Fix ibm_is_vpc datasource for Gen1 (#1834)
Fix provision of ibm_pi_instance (#1833)
Fix provision of ibm_pi_network_port (#1823)
- data/ibm_is_public_gateway: Support for ibm_is_public_gateway (#1745)
- data/ibm_is_floating_ip: Support for ibm_is_floating_ip (#1794)
resource: Allow configuration of the key used to encrypt IBM Cloud Databases backups ([#1761] (IBM-Cloud#1761))
Support customer managed volume encryption for VPC Nextgen ([#1673] (IBM-Cloud#1673))
Support virtual cores capability for power instance instance ([#1798] (IBM-Cloud#1798))
Support for interconnecting two ibm cloud functions by target_url ([#1526] (IBM-Cloud#1526))
*Support for cross account Transist Gateway ([#1021] (IBM-Cloud#1021))
ibm_tg_gateway delete is not complete when it has reported deleted ([#1783] (IBM-Cloud#1783))
Fix the IAM IP address restriction for invited user ([#1780] (IBM-Cloud#1780))
VPC instance datasource failing to fetch the correct instance ([#1801] (IBM-Cloud#1801))
Fix ibm_is_network_acl Validate name input field of ACL Rules ([#1262] (IBM-Cloud#1262))
Fix for datasource ibm_cis_domain only retrieve 20 domains ([#1804] (IBM-Cloud#1804))
Fix iam_access_group_policy with addition of account_management doesn't apply ([#1551] (IBM-Cloud#1551))
Fix error received - Current user does not have access to team directory ([#1536] (IBM-Cloud#1536))
Transist Gateway:
- Support for Trasist Gateway Service (#1021)
- resource/ibm_tg_gateway
- resource/ibm_tg_connection
- data/ibm_tg_gateway
- data/ibm_tg_gateways
- data/ibm_tg_locations
- data/ibm_tg_location
DirectLink Gateway:
- Support for DirectLink Gateway Service (#1349)
- resource/ibm_dl_gateway
- resource/ibm_dl_virtual_connection
- data/ibm_dl_gateways
- data/ibm_dl_offering_speeds
- data/ibm_dl_port
- data/ibm_dl_ports
- data/ibm_dl_gateway
- data/ibm_dl_locations
- data/ibm_dl_routers
- Support for Cloud Function Namespace (#682)
- resource/ibm_function_namespace
- data/ibm_function_namespace
KMS (keyprotect/hpcs crypto)
- Support for Key management (key protect/HPCS Crypto Service) (#1353)
- resource/ibm_kms_key
- data/ibm_kms_key
- data/ibm_kms_keys
IAM User Setting
- Support for IAM User Management settings (#1780)
- resource/ibm_iam_user_settings
- data/ibm_iam_users
- data/ibm_iam_user_profile
Event Stream
Support for IBM Event Stream Topic (#1781)
- resource/ibm_event_streams_topic
- data/ibm_event_streams_topic
data/ibm_is_security_group: Support for ibm_is_security_group (#1223)
data/ibm_container_worker_pool: Support for ibm_container_worker_pool (#1751)
data/ibm_container_vpc_cluster_worker_pool: Support for ibm_container_vpc_cluster_worker_pool (#1773)
data/ibm_container_vpc_cluster_alb: Support for ibm_container_vpc_cluster_alb (#1775)
data/ibm_certificate_manager_certificate: Support for ibm_certificate_manager_certificate (#1679)
resource: Support configure geo routes in cis_glb ([#985] (IBM-Cloud#985))
data: Retrieve icd disk encryption details ([#1742] (IBM-Cloud#1742))
resource: auto_renew_enabled support for ibm_certificate_manager_order ([#1657] (IBM-Cloud#1657))
resource: ibm_container_alb_cert destroy not synchronous ([#1712] (IBM-Cloud#1712))
Fix ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource forces a replace if resource_group_id not set ([#1748] (IBM-Cloud#1748))
Fix IBM Container VPC Cluster with no default worker pool crashes on destroy ([#1733] (IBM-Cloud#1733))
- data/ibm_is_instances: Support for ibm_is_instances (#1454)
- data/ibm_is_instance: Support for ibm_is_instance (#1454)
resource: Support ibm_function_action, ibm_function_package, ibm_function_trigger, ibm_function_rule resources for IAM and CF based namespace (#837) Note - The provider level argument
is deprecated.The namespace is a required argument part of the function resources. The users need to update the templates to add thenamespace
argument to function resources. -
resource: Support update of adding additional zones to VPC cluster and worker pool resource ([#1546] (IBM-Cloud#1546))
Support update_all_workers flag to control the update of workers for VPC clusters ([#1681] (IBM-Cloud#1681))
resource: Support extension attribute for ibm_resource_instance ([#1686] (IBM-Cloud#1686))
resource: Support dashboard_url attributes for ibm_resource_instance ([#1682] (IBM-Cloud#1682))
resource: Support for update of key_protect_key parameter in ibm_database ([#1622] (IBM-Cloud#1622))
Support for resource synchronization of private dns permitted network ([#1674] (IBM-Cloud#1674))
data/ibm_resource_instance: Support guid attribute for ibm_resource_instance datasource ([#1724] (IBM-Cloud#1724))
resource: Support label argument for default worker pool ibm_container_cluster ([#775] (IBM-Cloud#775))
ibm_cis_domain_settings does not allow for Standard plans ([#1623] (IBM-Cloud#1623))
Fix the update of attachment of public gateway to VPC subnet ([#1626] (IBM-Cloud#1626))
Fix RHCOS via ibm_pi_instance timeout waiting for networ ([#1620] (IBM-Cloud#1620))
Fix Gateway enabled cluster recreated on every apply ([#1706] (IBM-Cloud#1706))
- datasource: Support for aggregation of VPC images(#1580)
- resource: Fix the destroy of virtual instance with volumes
- resource: Fix the mutex of pdns resource records(#1601)
- New Datasource: (ibm_iam_roles)
- New Datasource: (ibm_iam_role_actions)
*resource: Support for provisioning ROKS on VPC Gen2 (#1437)
*resource: Support for intergating firewall IP, activity tracker, metric monitoring to COS bucket (#1487)
*data: Add new attribute output_json
for ibm_scheamtics_output (#1413)
BUGFIXES *resource: Fix the list of network rules attached to network acl(#1547)
- resource/ibm_cis_domain_settings: Support additional domain settings (#1475)
- resource/resource_ibm_certificate_manager_order: Added key_algorithm to order certificate in CMS (#1512)
- data/ibm_is_vpc: Add zone name to data source vpc.subnets outputs (#1450)
- docs: Add documentation for is_instance and is_security_groups( #1522)
- data/ibm_is_vpc: Regression on vpc_source_addresses support (#1530)
- data/ibm_container_vpc_cluster: container_vpc_cluster fails for OCP VPC cluster with ALB error (#1528)
- resource/ibm_iam_access_group_dynamic_rule : Fix dynamic Rule returning wrong resource (#1535)
- resource/ibm_is_image: Fix the nil pointer exception for is image (#1540)
- resource/ibm_cis_rate_limit: Support for CIS Rate Limiting ( #1271)
- data/ibm_cis_rate_limit: Support for CIS Rate Limiting ( #1271)
- resource/ibm_is_security_group_rule: Gen1-Security Group Rule fix: allow 'Any' type for ICMP, TCP, UDP( #1499)
- resource/ibm_dns_resource_record : Changes to lock resource record id and zone id ( #1430)
- resource/ibm_is_vpc: Resource level Timeout updation and docs for vpc resources (is_vpc, is_vpc_route, is_vpn_gateway, is_vpn_gateway_connection )( #1442)
- resource/ibm_is_vpn_gateway: Fix for deletion of VPN gateway( #1495)
- resource/ibm_private_dns: Fix for provisioning of private dns resource records( #1476)
- data/source_ibm_is_subnets: Fix for ibm_is_subnets output duplicates( #1500)
- New Resource: (ibm_iam_custom_role)
- New Datasource: (ibm_dns_zones)
- New Datasource: (ibm_dns_permitted_networks)
- New Datasource: (ibm_dns_resource_records)
*resource: Adopt custom roles to IAM policies (#1433)
- resource : Support for pi_pin_policy argument in ibm_pi_instance (#1469)
- resource : Support for wait_till_albs argument in ibm_container_workerpool_zone_attachment (#1463)
- data : Support for state_store_json attribute in ibm_schematics_state (#1411)
- resource : Fix nil pointer if apikey not given for VPC (#1427)
- data : CMS issuance_info update (#1277)
resource : Support for entitlement argument for IKS Classic ROKS cluster (ibm_container_cluster) and worker pool(ibm_container_worker_pool)(#1350)
resource : Support for source_resource_group_id and target_resource_group_id(#1364)
- resource : Error deleting instance with data volume (#1412)
- resource : Add force_new true for cidr argument of ibm_is_address_prefix (#1416)
- resource : Fix import of ibm_container_cluster (#1360)
- resource : Fix VPC subnets created in incorrect resource group(#1398)
- New Resource: (ibm_is_lb_listener_policy_rule )
- New Datasource: (ibm_certificate_manager_certificates )
- resource : Support for auto-generate client_id and client_id for API gateway endpoint(#1390)
- resource: Support point_in_time_recovery_time and point_in_time_recovery_deployment_id arguments for ICD database(#1259)
- resource: Support for pending_reclamination for database and CIS instances (#1242)
- resource : Fix VPC Load Balancer resource ID is appended to Pool/Listener/Listener Policy ID (#1359)
- resource : Fix domainID for CIS firewall resource (#1201)
- resource : Fix the update of private dns resource record TTL (#1331)
- resource : ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment should wait for ALBs to finish in a new zone (#1372)
NOTE : For creating either vpc-classic (generation=1) or vpc-Gen2 (generation=1) IKS cluster, generation parameter needs to be set either in provider block or export via environment variable “IC_GENERATION”. By default the generation value is 2.
- New Resource: (Terraform support for DNS service (beta service ) ibm_dns_zone, ibm_dns_permitted_network, ibm_dns_resource_record)
- New Resource: (ibm_cis_firewall (lockdown) )
- New Resource: (ibm_lb_listener_policy )
- resource : Add support for resource group argument in ibm_is_network_acl (#1265)
- resource : Support for IKS on Gen-2 (beta service) (#1321)
- resource : Update functionality support for cis resources (#1180)
- resource : Add support for crn attribute for is_vpc (#1315 )
- data : Add support for crn attribute for is_vpc (#1317)
- resource : Fix the nil pointer exception for ibm_is_lb_listener resource (#1289)
- New Resource: (ibm_iam_access_group_dynamic_rule)
- New Resource: (ibm_api_gateway_endpoint)
- New Resource: (ibm_api_gateway_endpoint_subscription)
- New DataSource: (ibm_iam_access_group)
- New DataSource: (ibm_api_gateway)
- resource : Fix the destroy of cloudantnosqldb service(#1242)
- resource : Fix the ICD service endpoint for osl01(#1158)
- resource : Added support for cse_source_addresses attribute for ibm_is_vpc (#1165)
- data : Added support for cse_source_addresses attribute for ibm_is_vpc (#1165)
- resource: Added support for new storage class smart for COS bucket (#1184)
- resource: Allow deletion of non-existing resources like is_vpc, is_subnet, is_vpc_address_prefix and is_instance (#1229)
- resource: Added support for force_delete argument for ibm_kp_key (#1214)
- Provider : Adapt IAM access resources to v2 version (#1183)
- resource: Added support for GUID attribute for ibm_cis and ibm_database (#1169)
- data: Added support for GUID attribute for ibm_cis and ibm_database (#1169)
- resources : Updated the status string for
ibm_resource_instance, ibm_database and ibm_cis
to be inline with resource controller API changes (#1190) - resource/ibm_compute_bare_metal: Fix the order of provisioning of
bare metal
for processor capacity restriction type and SAP servers (#1189) - resource/ibm_resource_instance: Fix the order of provisioning of
block chain
platform service (#1186) - resource/ibm_container_cluster: Fix the force new for deprecated
- Provider: Added new parameter
to support power virtual resources and data sources to work in multi-zone environment (#1141) - resource/ibm_pi_volume: Updated the list of volume types for power virtual volume (#1149)
- resource/ibm_container_vpc_cluster : Added support for
attributes (#1167) - data/ibm_container_vpc_cluster : Added support for
attributes (#1167) - resource/ibm_is_floating_ip : Handle the case when floating IP is deleted manually (#1160)
- resources : Handle the case where the resource might be already deleted (manually) for ibm_iam_access_policies, ibm_iam_authorization_policies, ibm_iam_service_policies (#1162)
- resource/ibm_is_inetwork_acl: Fix the order of creation of network acl (#1123)
- resource/ibm_container_vpc_cluster: Added new attribute
to control the cluster creation. Now user can control the cluster creation until master is ready / any one worker node is ready / ingress_hostname is
assigned. (#1143) - resource/ibm_pi_instance: Fix the timeout configuration for create (#1178)
- doc/ibm_cis_ip_addresses : Fix the description of data source (#1178)
- data/ibm_container_cluster_config : Fix the error to download the cluster config for VPC clusters (#1150)
- resource/ibm_is_vpc: Improved error message for VPC creation (#1106)
- resource/ibm_is_ssh_key: Improved error message for VPC SSH Key creation (#1105)
- resource/ibm_container_cluster : Added gateway feature support for IKS clusters. This feature helps to create a cluster with a gateway worker pool of two gateway worker nodes that are connected to public and private VLANs to provide limited public access, and a compute worker pool of compute worker nodes that are connected to the private VLAN only. (#1125)
- data/ibm_conatiner_cluster_config : Extended the data source to provide additional attribute like admin_key, admin_certificate, ca_certificate, host and token. This attributes helps to connect to other providers like Kubernetes and Helm without loading cluster config file. (#895)
- doc/ibm_certificate_manager_order: Changed the type of rotate_key from string to bool (#1110)
- resource/ibm_is_instance: Fix for updating security group for primary network interface for vpc instance. Now users can add or delete security groups(#1078)
- doc/ibm_resource_key : Provided an example in the docs as a workaround to create credentials using serviceID parameter (#1121)
- resource/ibm_is_network_acl : Fix for crash during the update of rules. Fix for the order of rules creation. Now users can add or delete rules for network_acl (#1117)
- resource/ibm_is_public_gateway : Added support for resource group and tags parameters (#1102)
- resource/ibm_is_floating_ip : Added support for tags parameters (#1131)
- resource/ibm_database : Parameters remote_leader_id, key_protect_instance and key_protect_key can’t be updated after creation. (#1111)
- example/ibm-key-protect : Updated example to create an authorisation policy between COS and Key Protect instance(#1133)
- resource/ibm_resource_group: Removed suppression of error during deletion (#1108)
- resource/ibm_iam_user_invite : Fix for inviting user from IBM Cloud lite account. (#1114)