The following is a list of technologies involved in this project.
Technology | Category | Purpose |
PyTorch | Deep Learning | Mainstream deep learning framework providing dynamic computation graphs and automatic differentiation. Used for: - Building and training generative models like VAE - GPU-accelerated model training - Implementing custom neural network layers and loss functions - Model saving and loading |
NumPy | Deep Learning | Fundamental scientific computing library with version constraint for stability. Used for: - Efficient multi-dimensional array operations - Data preprocessing and feature engineering - Numerical computation and statistical analysis - Data interchange with other scientific libraries |
SciPy | Deep Learning | Advanced scientific computing toolkit built on NumPy. Used for: - Advanced statistical analysis and hypothesis testing - Probability distribution calculation and random number generation - Optimization algorithms - Sparse matrix operations and linear algebra computations |
Pandas | Deep Learning | Powerful data analysis and manipulation library. Used for: - Structured data I/O - Data cleaning and preprocessing - Complex data transformation and aggregation - Time series data handling |
scikit-learn | Deep Learning | Machine learning algorithm toolkit. Used for: - Data preprocessing and feature scaling - Model evaluation and cross-validation - Feature selection and dimensionality reduction - ML model benchmarking |
Faker | Data Generation | Multi-language fake data generation library. Used for: - Test dataset generation - System testing with mock data - Example data generation - Custom data generation rule support |
Matplotlib | Data Evaluation | Comprehensive plotting library. Used for: - Training process visualization - Data distribution and statistical plotting - Model evaluation visualization - Report and documentation graphics |
table-evaluator | Data Evaluation | Specialized tabular data evaluation tool. Used for: - Statistical comparison between real and synthetic data - Data generation quality assessment - Data quality reporting - Distribution comparison visualization |
PyArrow | Data Processing | High-performance data processing library. Used for: - Fast I/O for large-scale data - Memory-efficient data processing - Integration with big data tools - Columnar data format handling |
Pydantic | Data Processing | Data validation and settings management framework. Used for: - Type-safe configuration loading - API data validation - Model parameter validation - Data schema definition and verification |
loguru | Logging | Modern logging utility. Used for: - Training process logging - Error tracking and debugging - Performance monitoring - Structured log output |
cloudpickle | Data Processing | Enhanced Python object serialization tool. Used for: - Model serialization and deserialization - Complex Python object persistence - Data transfer in distributed computing - Intermediate result caching |
pluggy | Plugin System | Python plugin framework. Used for: - Implementing extensible architecture - Managing model and processor plugins - Supporting custom component integration - Implementing modular design |
joblib | Parallel Computing | Parallel computing support library. Used for: - Data processing parallelization - CPU-intensive task optimization - Result caching - Parallel model training |
Click | CLI Tools | Command-line interface framework. Used for: - Building CLI tools - Parameter parsing and validation - Subcommand management - User interaction interface |
participant User
participant DataConnector
participant DataLoader
participant Metadata
participant Synthesizer
participant DataProcessor
participant Model
participant Evaluator
User->>DataConnector: create_connector()
DataConnector-->>DataLoader: connector
User->>DataLoader: load_data()
DataLoader->>Metadata: from_dataloader()
User->>Synthesizer: fit(metadata)
Synthesizer->>DataProcessor: convert(data)
DataProcessor-->>Synthesizer: processed_data
Synthesizer->>Model: fit(metadata, processed_data)
Model-->>Synthesizer: trained_model
User->>Synthesizer: sample(n_samples)
Synthesizer->>Model: generate()
Model-->>Synthesizer: synthetic_data
Synthesizer->>DataProcessor: reverse_convert(synthetic_data)
DataProcessor-->>Synthesizer: restored_data
Synthesizer-->>User: restored_data
User->>Evaluator: evaluate(real_data, restored_data)
Evaluator-->>User: evaluation_results
graph TB
subgraph Infrastructure["Infrastructure Layer"]
direction LR
Arrow["Apache Arrow<br/>Data Processing Engine"]
PyTorch["PyTorch<br/>Deep Learning Framework"]
Sklearn["Sklearn<br/>Machine Learning Framework"]
subgraph Core["SDG Core Library"]
direction TB
subgraph DataEngine["Data Engine Layer"]
DataLoader["DataLoader<br/>Data Loader"]
Metadata["Metadata<br/>Metadata Management"]
ProcessedData["ProcessedData<br/>Unified Data Format"]
subgraph Processing["Processing Layer"]
Inspector["Inspector<br/>Data Inspector"]
Processor["Processor<br/>Data Processor"]
Transformer["Transformer<br/>Feature Transformer"]
Formatter["Formatter<br/>Format Converter"]
Synthesizer["Synthesizer<br/>Data Synthesizer"]
subgraph Models["Model Layer"]
Traditional["Traditional Models"]
LLM["LLM Models"]
Traditional --GAN Network--> CTGAN
Traditional --Gaussian Copula--> GaussianCopula
LLM --No Data Generation--> Synthesis["Data Synthesis"]
Evaluator["Evaluator<br/>Data Evaluator"]
%% Data Engine Internal Relations
DataLoader --Load Raw Data--> ProcessedData
DataLoader --Extract--> Metadata
Metadata --Guide Processing--> ProcessedData
%% Processing Layer and Data Engine Relations
ProcessedData --Input--> Inspector
Inspector --Inspection Results--> Processor
Processor --Processed Data--> Transformer
Transformer --Transformed Features--> Formatter
%% Synthesizer Relations
Metadata --Metadata Config--> Synthesizer
Formatter --Normalized Data--> Synthesizer
Synthesizer --Control--> Models
Models --Generated Data--> Synthesizer
%% Evaluator Relations
ProcessedData --Raw Data--> Evaluator
Synthesizer --Synthetic Data--> Evaluator
subgraph PluginSystem["Plugin System Layer"]
direction LR
ConnectorManager["ConnectorManager<br/>Data Source Management"]
ProcessorManager["ProcessorManager<br/>Processor Management"]
InspectorManager["InspectorManager<br/>Inspector Management"]
ModelManager["ModelManager<br/>Model Management"]
EvaluatorManager["EvaluatorManager<br/>Evaluator Management"]
%% Infrastructure and Core Dependencies
Arrow -.->|"Provide Column Storage and Computation"| DataLoader
PyTorch -.->|"Provide Deep Learning Training"| CTGAN
Sklearn -.->|"Provide Probability Distribution Fitting"| GaussianCopula
%% Plugin System and Core Relations
DataLoader --Register--> ConnectorManager
Processor --Register--> ProcessorManager
Inspector --Register--> InspectorManager
Models --Register--> ModelManager
Evaluator --Register--> EvaluatorManager
flowchart TB
subgraph SDGProcess[SDG Main Process]
direction TB
CLI[CLI Interface] --> Synthesizer
subgraph DataAccess[Data Access Layer]
DataConnector[Data Connector]
DataLoader[Data Loader]
ProcessedData[Processed Data]
ConnectorManager[Connector Manager]
subgraph DataProcessing[Data Processing Layer]
Processor[Data Processor]
Transformer[Data Transformer]
Formatter[Data Formatter]
Sampler[Data Sampler]
ProcessorManager[Processor Manager]
subgraph ModelLayer[Model Layer]
ModelManager[Model Manager]
LLM[LLM Model]
graph TB
subgraph SDGPackages["SDG Package Structure"]
direction TB
subgraph Core["sdgx"]
DataModels["data_models<br/>(Metadata and Data Processing)"]
Models["models<br/>(Synthesis Model Implementation)"]
DataConnectors["data_connectors<br/>(Data Source Connection)"]
CLI["cli<br/>(Command Line Interface)"]
Utils["utils<br/>(Utility Functions)"]
Types["types<br/>(Type Definitions)"]
Exceptions["exceptions<br/>(Exception Definitions)"]
subgraph Dependencies["Core Dependencies"]
PyTorch["torch>=2<br/>(Deep Learning)"]
Arrow["pyarrow<br/>(Data Processing)"]
Sklearn["scikit-learn<br/>(Machine Learning)"]
Pluggy["pluggy<br/>(Plugin System)"]
Pandas["pandas<br/>(Data Analysis)"]
OpenAI["openai>=1.10.0<br/>(LLM Interface)"]
%% Core Package Dependencies
DataModels --Uses--> Types
DataModels --Uses--> Exceptions
Models --Uses--> DataModels
DataConnectors --Uses--> DataModels
CLI --Uses--> Models
CLI --Uses--> DataConnectors
%% Infrastructure Dependencies
Models --Deep Learning--> PyTorch
Models --LLM--> OpenAI
DataConnectors --Data Processing--> Arrow
DataConnectors --Data Analysis--> Pandas
Models --Machine Learning--> Sklearn
graph TB
subgraph ExternalServices[External Service Nodes]
OpenAI[("OpenAI API Service<br/>>= 1.10.0")]
subgraph DistributionNodes[Distribution Registry Nodes]
PyPI[("PyPI Registry<br/>sdgx package")]
Docker[("Docker Registry<br/>idsteam/sdgx")]
subgraph ComputeNode[Deployment Node]
subgraph Container[Docker Container]
SDGX1["SDGX Service"]
subgraph PythonRuntime[Python Environment]
SDGX2["SDGX Package"]
PyTorch["PyTorch >= 2.0"]
Arrow["Apache Arrow"]
%% Deployment Relations
PyPI -->|"pip install"| PythonRuntime
Docker -->|"docker pull"| Container
OpenAI -->|"API"| SDGX1
OpenAI -->|"API"| SDGX2
%% Runtime Dependencies
SDGX2 --> PyTorch
SDGX2 --> Arrow
participant User
participant DataConnector
participant Metadata
participant Model
participant Evaluator
%% Scenario 1: Data-Driven Synthesis
rect rgb(200, 220, 240)
Note over User,Evaluator: Scenario 1: Data-Driven Synthesis
User->>DataConnector: Load Raw Data
DataConnector->>Metadata: Auto-detect Metadata
Metadata->>Model: Configure Model
Model->>Model: Train and Generate
Model->>Evaluator: Evaluate Synthetic Data
Evaluator->>User: Return Evaluation Results
%% Scenario 2: LLM-Based No-Data Synthesis
rect rgb(220, 240, 200)
Note over User,Evaluator: Scenario 2: LLM-Based No-Data Synthesis
User->>Metadata: Define Metadata
Metadata->>Model: Configure LLM Model
Model->>Model: Generate Synthetic Data
Model->>User: Return Generated Results
git clone
This is based on miniconda.
conda create -n sdg python=3.11
conda activate sdg
We use black as the code formatter, the best way to use it is to install the pre-commit hook, it will automatically format the code before each commit
Install pre-commit before commit
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Pre-commit will automatically format the code before each commit, It can also be executed manually on all files
pre-commit run --all-files
Comment style follows Google Python Style Guide.
pip install -e '.[test,docs]'
We use pytest to write unit tests, and use pytest-cov to generate coverage reports
pytest -vv --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov=sdgx/ tests
Run unit-test before PR, ensure that new features are covered by unit tests
Install docs dependencies
pip install -e .[docs]
Build docs
cd docs && make html
Use to deploy a local http server to view the docs
cd ./dev-tools && ./
Access http://localhost:8910
for docs.
After understanding all the content mentioned in the overview of this chapter, we recommend starting with the sdg functionality. You can explore everything under the tests/ package, using the LLM Chat Tool (such as cursor) to add test and tested classes, thereby gaining insight into the detailed functionalities you want to understand.
Here we provide a system-role prompt for the LLM Chat Tool to help you formulate good questions.
Please provide a detailed explanation of the logic and implementation of the following Python class. In addition to reviewing the code for this class, you also need to look at the code for the subject class being tested:
1. Describe the overall functionality and purpose of this class, including the subject being tested, its functions, and basic usage logic.
2. Analyze each method in the class, explaining its functionality and parameters.
3. Explain any important algorithms or design patterns used in the class.