If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
Install the Warehouse environment, before installing this or any module.
2022-01-28: Setup an Example module (in Danish):
2022-01-28: Update an already installed module, once a new update has been pushed to GitHub (in Danish):
This will setup a Windows hosting plan and a function app that contains the software from this GitHub repository.
If you have to change some settings, you can run the setup again, and it should not affect data, but better take backup to be sure.
You can also run the ARM from PowerShell.
Either run the PowerShell from computer by installing Azure CLI, or use the Azure Cloud Shell from the Azure portal. This instruction will focus on the run from a computer.
Download this warehouse_ARM.parameters.json to a folder and carefully fill in each variable.
Download warehouse_ARM.json to the same folder.
Login to azure: az login
And then: az deployment group create -g <resourceGroupName> --template-file ./Warehouse.Modules.Parking_ARM.json --parameters ./Warehouse.Modules.Parking_ARM.parameters.json
Replace <resourceGroupName>
with actual name.
I personally prefer to use CLI so I can collect all parameters in one json.