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How to Write a Build Configuration

This page walks through the process of writing a build script.

Configuration File

Here's a simple configuration without any steps.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from logging import getLogger

from fab.build_config import BuildConfig

logger = getLogger('fab')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with BuildConfig(project_label='<project label>') as state:

If we want to run the build script from the command line, we give it executable permission with the command chmod +x build_it. We also add the shebang directive on line 1, telling our computer it's a Python script.

Pick a project label. Fab creates a :term:`project workspace` with this name.

Source Code

Let's tell Fab where our source code is.

We use the :func:`~fab.steps.find_source_files.find_source_files` step for this. We can point this step to a source folder, however, because Fab can sometimes create artefacts alongside the source [1], we usually copy the source into the project workspace first using a :mod:`~fab.steps.grab` step.

A grab step will copy files from a folder or remote repo into a folder called "source" within the project workspace.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from logging import getLogger

from fab.build_config import BuildConfig
from fab.steps.find_source_files import find_source_files
from fab.steps.grab.folder import grab_folder

logger = getLogger('fab')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with BuildConfig(project_label='<project label>') as state:
        grab_folder(state, src='<path to source folder>')


Fab tries to minimise user input by providing sensible defaults. In this case, the user doesn't have to specify where the code goes. The grab and find_source_files steps already know what to do by default. Sensible defaults can be overridden.

Please see the documentation for :func:`~fab.steps.find_source_files.find_source_files` for more information, including how to exclude certain source code from the build. More grab steps can be found in the :mod:`~fab.steps.grab` module.

After the find_source_files step, there will be a collection called "INITIAL_SOURCE", in the artefact store.

[1]See :func:`~fab.steps.c_pragma_injector.c_pragma_injector` for an example of a step which creates artefacts in the source folder.


Next we want to preprocess our source code. Preprocessing resolves any #include and #ifdef directives in the code, which must happen before we analyse it.

Steps generally create and find artefacts in the :term:`Artefact Store`, arranged into named collections. The :func:`~fab.steps.preprocess.preprocess_fortran` automatically looks for Fortran source code in a collection named 'INITIAL_SOURCE', which is the default output from the preceding :funcfind_source_files step. It filters just the (uppercase) .F90 files.


Uppercase .F90 are preprocessed into lowercase .f90.

The Fortran preprocessor will read the :ref:`FPP<env_vars>` environment variable to determine which tool to call.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from logging import getLogger

from fab.build_config import BuildConfig
from fab.steps.find_source_files import find_source_files
from fab.steps.grab.folder import grab_folder
from fab.steps.preprocess import preprocess_fortran

logger = getLogger('fab')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with BuildConfig(project_label='<project label>') as state:
        grab_folder(state, src='<path to source folder>')

Preprocessed files are created in the 'build_output' folder, inside the project workspace. After the fortran_preprocessor step, there will be a collection called "preprocessed_fortran", in the artefact store.


If you want to use PSyclone to do code transformation and pre-processing (see, you must run :func:`~fab.steps.psyclone.preprocess_x90` and :func:`~fab.steps.psyclone.psyclone`, before you run the :func:`~fab.steps.analyse.analyse` step below.

  • For :func:`~fab.steps.psyclone.preprocess_x90`:
    You can pass in common_flags list as an argument.
  • For :func:`~fab.steps.psyclone.psyclone`:
    You can pass in:
    • kernel file roots to kernel_roots,
    • a function to get transformation script to transformation_script (see examples in and,
    • command-line arguments to cli_args,
    • override for input files to source_getter,
    • folders containing override files to overrides_folder.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from logging import getLogger

from fab.build_config import BuildConfig
from fab.steps.find_source_files import find_source_files
from fab.steps.grab.folder import grab_folder
from fab.steps.preprocess import preprocess_fortran
from fab.steps.psyclone import psyclone, preprocess_x90

logger = getLogger('fab')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with BuildConfig(project_label='<project label>') as state:
        grab_folder(state, src='<path to source folder>')

After the psyclone step, two new source files will be created for each .x90 file in the 'build_output' folder. These two output files will be added under FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES collection to the artefact store.


We must :func:`~fab.steps.analyse.analyse` the source code to determine which Fortran files to compile, and in which order.

The Analyse step looks for source to analyse in two collections:

  • FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES, which contains all .f90 found in the source, all .F90 files we pre-processed into .f90, and files created by any additional step (e.g. PSyclone).
  • C_BUILD_FILES, all preprocessed c files.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from logging import getLogger

from fab.steps.analyse import analyse
from fab.build_config import BuildConfig
from fab.steps.find_source_files import find_source_files
from fab.steps.grab.folder import grab_folder
from fab.steps.preprocess import preprocess_fortran
from fab.steps.psyclone import psyclone, preprocess_x90

logger = getLogger('fab')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with BuildConfig(project_label='<project label>') as state:
        grab_folder(state, src='<path to source folder>')
        analyse(state, root_symbol='<program>')

Here we tell the analyser which :term:`Root Symbol` we want to build into an executable. Alternatively, we can use the find_programs flag for Fab to discover and build all programs.

After the Analyse step, there will be a collection called BUILD_TREES, in the artefact store.

Compile and Link

The :func:`~fab.steps.compile_fortran.compile_fortran` step compiles files in the BUILD_TREES collection. The :func:`` step then creates the executable.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from logging import getLogger

from fab.steps.analyse import analyse
from fab.build_config import BuildConfig
from fab.steps.compile_fortran import compile_fortran
from fab.steps.find_source_files import find_source_files
from fab.steps.grab.folder import grab_folder
from import link_exe
from fab.steps.preprocess import preprocess_fortran
from fab.steps.psyclone import psyclone, preprocess_x90

logger = getLogger('fab')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with BuildConfig(project_label='<project label>') as state:
        grab_folder(state, src='<path to source folder>')
        analyse(state, root_symbol='<program>')

After the :func:`` step, the executable name can be found in a collection called EXECUTABLES.


Each build configuration contains an artefact store, containing various sets of artefacts. The artefact sets used by Fab are defined in the enum :class:`~fab.artefacts.ArtefactSet`. The most important sets are FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES, C_BUILD_FILES, which will always contain all known source files that will need to be analysed for dependencies, compiled, and linked. All existing steps in Fab will make sure to maintain these artefact sets consistently, for example, if a .F90 file is preprocessed, the .F90 file in FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES will be replaced with the corresponding preprocessed .f90 file. Similarly, new files (for examples created by PSyclone) will be added to FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES. A user script can adds its own artefacts using strings as keys if required.

The exact flow of artefact sets is as follows. Note that any artefact sets mentioned here can typically be overwritten by the user, but then it is the user's responsibility to maintain the default artefact sets (or change them all):

  1. :func:`~fab.steps.find_source_files.find_source_files` will add all source files it finds to INITIAL_SOURCE (by default, can be overwritten by the user). Any .F90 and .f90 file will also be added to FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES, any .c file to C_BUILD_FILES, and any .x90 or .X90 file to X90_BUILD_FILES. It can be called several times if files from different root directories need to be added, and it will automatically update the *_BUILD_FILES sets.
  2. Any user script that creates new files can add files to INITIAL_SOURCE if required, but also to the corresponding *_BUILD_FILES. This will happen automatically if :func:`~fab.steps.find_source_files.find_source_files` is called to add these newly created files.
  3. If :func:`~fab.steps.c_pragma_injector.c_pragma_injector` is being called, it will handle all files in C_BUILD_FILES, and will replace all the original C files with the newly created ones. For backward compatibility it will also store the new objects in the PRAGMAD_C set.
  4. If :func:`~fab.steps.preprocess.preprocess_c` is called, it will preprocess all files in C_BUILD_FILES (at this stage typically preprocess the files in the original source folder, writing the output files to the build folder), and update that artefact set accordingly. For backward compatibility it will also store the preprocessed files in PREPROCESSED_C.
  5. If :func:`~fab.steps.preprocess.preprocess_fortran` is called, it will preprocess all files in FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES that end on .F90, creating new .f90 files in the build folder. These files will be added to PREPROCESSED_FORTRAN. Then the original .F90 are removed from FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES, and the new preprocessed files (which are in PREPROCESSED_FORTRAN) will be added. Then any .f90 files that are not already in the build folder (an example of this are files created by a user script) are copied from the original source folder into the build folder, and FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES is updated to use the files in the new location.
  6. If :func:`~fab.steps.psyclone.preprocess_x90` is called, it will similarly preprocess all .X90 files in X90_BUILD_FILES, creating the output files in the build folder, and replacing the files in X90_BUILD_FILES.
  7. If :func:`~fab.steps.psyclone.psyclone` is called, it will process all files in X90_BUILD_FILES and add any newly created file to FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES, and removing them from X90_BUILD_FILES.
  8. The :func:`~fab.steps.analyse.analyse` step analyses all files in FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES and C_BUILD_FILES, and add all dependencies to BUILD_TREES.
  9. The :func:`~fab.steps.compile_c.compile_c` and :func:`~fab.steps.compile_fortran.compile_fortran` steps will compile all files from C_BUILD_FILES and FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES, and add them to OBJECT_FILES.
  10. If :func:`~fab.steps.archive_objects.archive_objects` is called, it will create libraries based on OBJECT_FILES, adding the libraries to OBJECT_ARCHIVES.
  11. If :func:`` is called, it will either use OBJECT_ARCHIVES, or if this is empty, use OBJECT_FILES, create the binaries, and add them to EXECUTABLES.


Preprocess, compile and link steps usually need configuration to specify command-line arguments to the underlying tool, such as symbol definitions, include paths, optimisation flags, etc. See also :ref:`Advanced Flags<Advanced Flags>`.

C Code

Fab comes with C processing steps. The :func:`~fab.steps.preprocess.preprocess_c` and :func:`~fab.steps.compile_c.compile_c` Steps behave like their Fortran equivalents.

However preprocessing C currently requires a preceding step called the :func:`~fab.steps.c_pragma_injector.c_pragma_injector`. This injects markers into the C code so Fab is able to deduce which inclusions are user code and which are system code. This allows system dependencies to be ignored.

See also :ref:`Advanced C Code<C Pragma Injector>`

Further Reading

More advanced configuration topics are discussed in :ref:`Advanced Config`.

You can see more complicated configurations in the developer testing directory.