To use the LineChart, follow the steps below:
- Include the Charty library in your Android project.
- Use the
composable in your code:
fun LineChart(
dataCollection: ChartDataCollection,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
padding: Dp = 16.dp,
axisConfig: AxisConfig = ChartDefaults.axisConfigDefaults(),
radiusScale: Float = 0.02f,
lineConfig: LineConfig = LineChartDefaults.defaultConfig(),
chartColors: LineChartColors = LineChartDefaults.defaultColor(),
) {
: This parameter is of typeChartDataCollection
and represents the data that will be plotted on the chart. It contains a collection ofLineData
: This parameter is of typeModifier
and is used to modify the appearance or behavior of the chart.padding
: This parameter is of typeDp
and specifies the padding around the chart.axisConfig
: This parameter is of typeAxisConfig
and is used to configure the appearance and behavior of the chart axes.radiusScale
: This parameter is of typeFloat
and determines the scale of the dot's radius. It affects the size of the data points in the chart.lineConfig
: This parameter is of typeLineConfig
and allows customization of the line appearance.chartColors
: This parameter is of typeLineChartColors
and provides a set of default colors for the chart components.
fun LineChart(
dataCollection: ChartDataCollection,
dotColor: Color,
lineColor: Color,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
backgroundColor: Color = Color.White,
padding: Dp = 16.dp,
axisConfig: AxisConfig = ChartDefaults.axisConfigDefaults(),
lineConfig: LineConfig = LineChartDefaults.defaultConfig(),
radiusScale: Float = 0.02f,
) {
: This parameter is of typeColor
and represents the color of the data points (dots) on the chart.lineColor
: This parameter is of typeColor
and represents the color of the lines connecting the data points.