A Helm chart for NIC Configuration Operator
Key | Type | Default | Description |
configDaemon.image.name | string | "nic-configuration-operator-daemon" |
configDaemon.image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/mellanox" |
repository to use for the config daemon image |
configDaemon.image.tag | string | "latest" |
image tag to use for the config daemon image |
configDaemon.nodeSelector | object | {} |
node selector for the config daemon |
configDaemon.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"64Mi"}} |
resources and limits for the config daemon |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
image pull secrets for both the operator and the config daemon |
logLevel | string | "info" |
log level configuration (debug |
operator.affinity | object | {"nodeAffinity":{"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"preference":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/master","operator":"Exists"}]},"weight":1},{"preference":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane","operator":"Exists"}]},"weight":1}]}} |
node affinity for the operator |
operator.image.name | string | "nic-configuration-operator" |
operator.image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/mellanox" |
repository to use for the operator image |
operator.image.tag | string | "latest" |
image tag to use for the operator image |
operator.nodeSelector | object | {} |
node selector for the operator |
operator.replicas | int | 1 |
operator deployment number of replicas |
operator.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"64Mi"}} |
specify resource requests and limits for the operator |
operator.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
set annotations for the operator service account |
operator.tolerations | list | [{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/master","operator":"Exists"},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane","operator":"Exists"}] |
tolerations for the operator |