Find elements within the document using a CSS selector.
$doc = new \hexydec\html\htmldoc();
if ($doc->load($html, $charset)) {
$found = $doc->find($selector);
A CSS selector defining the nodes to find within the document. The following selectors can be used:
Selector | Example |
Any element | * |
Tag | div |
ID | #foo |
Class | .foo |
Attribute | [href] |
Attribute equals | [href=/foo/bar/] |
Attribute begins with | [href^=/foo] |
Attribute contains | [href*=foo] |
Attribute ends with | [href$=bar/] |
First Child | :first-child |
Last Child | :last-child |
Not selector | not(selector) |
Child selector | > |
Selectors can be put together in combinations, and multiple selectors can be used:
$found = $doc->find('');
$found = $doc->find('[href^=/foo]');
$found = $doc->find('[data-attr*=foo]:first-child');
$found = $doc->find('table.list th');
$found = $doc->find('ul.list > li');
$found = $doc->find('form a.button, form label.button');
$found = $doc->find('script:not([src])'); // not() can only negate single level selectors
An HTMLdoc object containing the matched nodes, or an empty HTMLdoc collection if no matches were found.