# _chart-releaser_ Action A GitHub action to turn a GitHub project into a self-hosted Helm chart repo, using [helm/chart-releaser](https://github.com/helm/chart-releaser) CLI tool. ## Usage ### Pre-requisites 1. A GitHub repo containing a directory with your Helm charts (default is a folder named `/charts`, if you want to maintain your charts in a different directory, you must include a `charts_dir` input in the workflow). 1. A GitHub branch called `gh-pages` to store the published charts. 1. In your repo, go to Settings/Pages. Change the `Source` `Branch` to `gh-pages`. 1. Create a workflow `.yml` file in your `.github/workflows` directory. An [example workflow](#example-workflow) is available below. For more information, reference the GitHub Help Documentation for [Creating a workflow file](https://help.github.com/en/articles/configuring-a-workflow#creating-a-workflow-file) ### Inputs - `version`: The chart-releaser version to use (default: v1.7.0) - `config`: Optional config file for chart-releaser. For more information on the config file, see the [documentation](https://github.com/helm/chart-releaser#config-file) - `charts_dir`: The charts directory - `skip_packaging`: This option, when populated, will skip the packaging step. This allows you to do more advanced packaging of your charts (for example, with the `helm package` command) before this action runs. This action will only handle the indexing and publishing steps. - `skip_existing`: Skip package upload if release/tag already exists - `skip_upload`: This option, when populated, will skip the upload step. This allows you to do more advanced uploading of your charts (for exemple with OCI based repositories) which doen't require the `index.yaml`. - `mark_as_latest`: When you set this to `false`, it will mark the created GitHub release not as 'latest'. - `packages_with_index`: When you set this to `true`, it will upload chart packages directly into publishing branch. - `pages_branch`: Name of the branch to be used to push the index and artifacts. (default to: gh-pages but it is not set in the action it is a default value for the chart-releaser binary) ### Outputs - `changed_charts`: A comma-separated list of charts that were released on this run. Will be an empty string if no updates were detected, will be unset if `--skip_packaging` is used: in the latter case your custom packaging step is responsible for setting its own outputs if you need them. - `chart_version`: The version of the most recently generated charts; will be set even if no charts have been updated since the last run. ### Environment variables - `CR_TOKEN` (required): The GitHub token of this repository (`${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}`) For more information on environment variables, see the [documentation](https://github.com/helm/chart-releaser#environment-variables). ### Example Workflow Create a workflow (eg: `.github/workflows/release.yml`): ```yaml name: Release Charts on: push: branches: - main jobs: release: # depending on default permission settings for your org (contents being read-only or read-write for workloads), you will have to add permissions # see: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/security-guides/automatic-token-authentication#modifying-the-permissions-for-the-github_token permissions: contents: write runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Configure Git run: | git config user.name "$GITHUB_ACTOR" git config user.email "$GITHUB_ACTOR@users.noreply.github.com" - name: Run chart-releaser uses: helm/chart-releaser-action@v1.7.0 env: CR_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" ``` This uses [@helm/chart-releaser-action](https://www.github.com/helm/chart-releaser-action) to turn your GitHub project into a self-hosted Helm chart repo. It does this – during every push to `main` – by checking each chart in your project, and whenever there's a new chart version, creates a corresponding [GitHub release](https://help.github.com/en/github/administering-a-repository/about-releases) named for the chart version, adds Helm chart artifacts to the release, and creates or updates an `index.yaml` file with metadata about those releases, which is then hosted on GitHub Pages. You do not need an `index.yaml` file in `main` at all because it is managed in the `gh-pages` branch. #### Example using custom config `workflow.yml`: ```yaml - name: Run chart-releaser uses: helm/chart-releaser-action@v1.7.0 with: charts_dir: charts config: cr.yaml env: CR_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" ``` `cr.yaml`: ```yaml owner: myaccount git-base-url: https://api.github.com/ ``` For options see [config-file](https://github.com/helm/chart-releaser#config-file). ## Code of conduct Participation in the Helm community is governed by the [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).