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How To: Migrate from restful_authentication to Devise

nijikon edited this page Dec 28, 2011 · 10 revisions

Here is how you have to migrate from restful_authentication to Devise.

In your model file, add the below lines

  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :confirmable, :validatable, 
         :encryptable, :encryptor => :restful_authentication_sha1

Modules :encryptable and :encryptor => :restful_authentication_sha1 are important here. Other modules are optional as per your app's business logic.

In config/initializers/devise.rb, configure as below

  config.stretches = 1

  config.pepper = ""

We are setting empty pepper and stretches to 1. This is how restful authentication works. It does not use stretches or pepper (by default).

In other case if You did set the REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY, then configure as below

  config.stretches = 1

  config.pepper = "<YOUR_REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY>"

That is it for configuration. Now we have to change the table column names (without deleting them) to give devise what it wants. Here is the migration file I used. Change it according to your app's business logic.

class ConvertRaToDevise < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    #encrypting passwords and authentication related fields
    rename_column :accounts, "crypted_password", "encrypted_password"
    change_column :accounts, "encrypted_password", :string, :limit => 128, :default => "", :null => false
    rename_column :accounts, "salt", "password_salt"
    change_column :accounts, "password_salt", :string, :default => "", :null => false
    #confirmation related fields
    rename_column :accounts, "activation_code", "confirmation_token"
    rename_column :accounts, "activated_at", "confirmed_at"
    change_column :accounts, "confirmation_token", :string
    add_column    :accounts, "confirmation_sent_at", :datetime

    #reset password related fields
    rename_column :accounts, "password_reset_code", "reset_password_token"
    #rememberme related fields
    add_column :accounts, "remember_created_at", :datetime #additional field required for devise.

  def self.down
    #rememberme related fields
    remove_column :accounts, "remember_created_at"
    #reset password related fields
    rename_column :accounts, "reset_password_token", "password_reset_code"
    #confirmation related fields
    rename_column :accounts, "confirmation_token", "activation_code"
    rename_column :accounts, "confirmed_at", "activated_at"
    change_column :accounts, "activation_code", :string
    remove_column :accounts, "confirmation_sent_at"

    #encrypting passwords and authentication related fields
    rename_column :accounts, "encrypted_password", "crypted_password"
    change_column :accounts, "crypted_password", :string, :limit => 40
    rename_column :accounts, "password_salt", "salt" 
    change_column :accounts, "salt", :string, :limit => 40

Migrate the database using the above migration file and you are done with restful_authentication to devise migration.

Restart your server to get the config changes take effect.

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