An example based on the basic Amazon EC2 Instance sample at: The example deploys an EC2 instance and opens port 80. To get the correct Amazon Linux AMI for the instance size and region, a mapping is defined in
Login to the Pulumi CLI via
pulumi login
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Create a new stack:
$ pulumi stack init python-webserver-testing
Since Pulumi is in private beta, run the following to install pip packages. For more information, see Using Pulumi PyPI Packages.
pip install \ --extra-index-url https://${PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN} \ -r requirements.txt
Set the AWS region:
$ pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2
pulumi update
to preview and deploy changes:$ pulumi update Previewing stack 'python-webserver-testing' Previewing changes: ... Do you want to proceed? yes Updating stack 'python-webserver-testing' Performing changes: #: Resource Type Name Status Extra Info 1: pulumi:pulumi:Stack webserver-py-python-webserver-testing + created 2: aws:ec2:SecurityGroup web-secgrp + created 3: aws:ec2:Instance web-server-www + created info: 3 changes performed: + 3 resources created Update duration: 26.470339302s Permalink:
View the host name and IP address of the instance via
stack output
:$ pulumi stack output Current stack outputs (2): OUTPUT VALUE public_dns public_ip
Verify that the EC2 instance exists, by either using the AWS Console or running
aws ec2 describe-instances
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Clean up resources by running
pulumi destroy
and answering the confirmation question at the prompt.