diff --git a/ChangeLog.md b/ChangeLog.md
index f32f08b52..bee3685c4 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.md
+++ b/ChangeLog.md
@@ -137,7 +137,9 @@
         MonadPaths       (Fix1 t)    :: Nix.Standard -> Nix.Effects
         MonadPutStr      (Fix1 t)    :: Nix.Standard -> Nix.Effects
+  * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/878/files) `nvSet{,',P}`: got unflipped, now accept source position argument before the value.
+  * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/878/files) `mkNixDoc`: got unflipped.
 * Additional:
   * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/commit/7e6cd97bf3288cb584241611fdb25bf85d7e0ba7) `cabal.project`: freed from the `cryptohash-sha512` override, Hackage trustees made a revision.
diff --git a/src/Nix.hs b/src/Nix.hs
index dadaf3470..1e6885846 100644
--- a/src/Nix.hs
+++ b/src/Nix.hs
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ evaluateExpression mpath evaluator handler expr = do
   eval' = normalForm <=< nixEvalExpr mpath
-  argmap args = nvSet (M.fromList args) mempty
+  argmap args = nvSet mempty (M.fromList args)
   :: forall e t f m a
diff --git a/src/Nix/Builtins.hs b/src/Nix/Builtins.hs
index 20ad6d3d5..4b838e5b5 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Builtins.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Builtins.hs
@@ -120,11 +120,14 @@ withNixContext mpath action =
-builtins :: (MonadNix e t f m, Scoped (NValue t f m) m)
-         => m (Scopes m (NValue t f m))
+  :: ( MonadNix e t f m
+     , Scoped (NValue t f m) m
+     )
+  => m (Scopes m (NValue t f m))
 builtins =
-    ref <- defer $ (`nvSet` M.empty) <$> buildMap
+    ref <- defer $ nvSet mempty <$> buildMap
     lst <- ([("builtins", ref)] <>) <$> topLevelBuiltins
     pushScope (M.fromList lst) currentScopes
@@ -394,7 +397,7 @@ nixPath :: MonadNix e t f m => m (NValue t f m)
 nixPath = fmap nvList $ flip foldNixPath mempty $
   \p mn ty rest ->
     pure $
-      flip nvSet
+      nvSet
           [case ty of
@@ -883,9 +886,10 @@ catAttrs attrName xs =
     n <- fromStringNoContext =<< fromValue attrName
     l <- fromValue @[NValue t f m] xs
-    fmap (nvList . catMaybes) $
-      forM l $
-        fmap (M.lookup n) . fromValue <=< demand
+    nvList . catMaybes <$>
+      traverse
+        (fmap (M.lookup n) . fromValue <=< demand)
+        l
 baseNameOf :: MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
 baseNameOf x = do
@@ -1010,7 +1014,7 @@ genList f nixN =
     n <- fromValue @Integer nixN
       (throwError $ ErrorCall $ "builtins.genList: Expected a non-negative number, got " <> show n)
-      (toValue =<< forM [0 .. n - 1] (defer . callFunc f <=< toValue))
+      (toValue =<< traverse (defer . callFunc f <=< toValue) [0 .. n - 1])
       (n >= 0)
 -- We wrap values solely to provide an Ord instance for genericClosure
@@ -1195,7 +1199,7 @@ intersectAttrs set1 set2 =
     (s1, p1) <- fromValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m), AttrSet SourcePos) set1
     (s2, p2) <- fromValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m), AttrSet SourcePos) set2
-    pure $ nvSet (s2 `M.intersection` s1) (p2 `M.intersection` p1)
+    pure $ nvSet (p2 `M.intersection` p1) (s2 `M.intersection` s1)
   :: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
@@ -1311,7 +1315,7 @@ throw_ mnv =
   :: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
-import_ = scopedImport (nvSet M.empty M.empty)
+import_ = scopedImport (nvSet mempty mempty)
   :: forall e t f m
@@ -1433,17 +1437,17 @@ listToAttrs lst =
     l <- fromValue @[NValue t f m] lst
-      ((`nvSet` M.empty) . M.fromList . reverse)
-      (forM l $
+      (nvSet mempty . M.fromList . reverse)
+      (traverse
         (\ nvattrset ->
-            a <- fromValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m)) nvattrset
-            n <- fromValue =<< demand =<< attrsetGet "name" a
-            name <- fromStringNoContext n
+            a <- fromValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m)) =<< demand nvattrset
+            name <- fromStringNoContext =<< fromValue =<< demand =<< attrsetGet "name" a
             val  <- attrsetGet "value" a
             pure (name, val)
-        ) <=< demand
+        )
+        l
 -- prim_hashString from nix/src/libexpr/primops.cc
@@ -1596,7 +1600,7 @@ fromJSON nvjson =
   jsonToNValue = \case
-    A.Object m -> (`nvSet` M.empty) <$> traverse jsonToNValue m
+    A.Object m -> nvSet mempty <$> traverse jsonToNValue m
     A.Array  l -> nvList <$> traverse jsonToNValue (V.toList l)
     A.String s -> pure $ nvStr $ makeNixStringWithoutContext s
     A.Number n ->
@@ -1643,12 +1647,12 @@ tryEval
   :: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
 tryEval e = catch (onSuccess <$> demand e) (pure . onError)
-  onSuccess v = flip nvSet M.empty $ M.fromList
+  onSuccess v = nvSet mempty $ M.fromList
     [ ("success", nvConstant (NBool True))
     , ("value", v)]
   onError :: SomeException -> NValue t f m
-  onError _ = flip nvSet M.empty $ M.fromList
+  onError _ = nvSet mempty $ M.fromList
     [ ("success", nvConstant (NBool False))
     , ("value"  , nvConstant (NBool False))
@@ -1664,7 +1668,7 @@ trace_ msg action =
     traceEffect @t @f @m . Text.unpack . stringIgnoreContext =<< fromValue msg
     pure action
--- 2018-09-08: NOTE: Remember of error context is so far not implemented
+-- Please, can function remember error context
   :: forall e t f m
    . MonadNix e t f m
@@ -1755,7 +1759,7 @@ getContext =
     (NVStr ns) -> do
       let context = getNixLikeContext $ toNixLikeContext $ NixString.getContext ns
       valued :: M.HashMap Text (NValue t f m) <- sequenceA $ M.map toValue context
-      pure $ nvSet valued M.empty
+      pure $ nvSet mempty valued
     x -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Invalid type for builtins.getContext: " <> show x) <=< demand
diff --git a/src/Nix/Convert.hs b/src/Nix/Convert.hs
index 2b55ce0be..0de13c949 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Convert.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Convert.hs
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ instance ( Convertible e t f m
     l' <- toValue (unPos l)
     c' <- toValue (unPos c)
     let pos = M.fromList [("file" :: Text, f'), ("line", l'), ("column", c')]
-    pure $ nvSet' pos mempty
+    pure $ nvSet' mempty pos
 -- | With 'ToValue', we can always act recursively
 instance Convertible e t f m
@@ -404,33 +404,35 @@ instance (Convertible e t f m, ToValue a m (NValue t f m))
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue (AttrSet (NValue t f m)) m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue s = pure $ nvSet' s mempty
+  toValue s = pure $ nvSet' mempty s
 instance (Convertible e t f m, ToValue a m (NValue t f m))
   => ToValue (AttrSet a) m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where
-  toValue s = (Deeper .) . nvSet' <$> traverse toValue s <*> pure mempty
+  toValue s = (\ v s -> Deeper $ nvSet' s v) <$> (traverse (toValue) s) <*> pure mempty
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue (AttrSet (NValue t f m), AttrSet SourcePos) m
             (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue (s, p) = pure $ nvSet' s p
+  toValue (s, p) = pure $ nvSet' p s
 instance (Convertible e t f m, ToValue a m (NValue t f m))
   => ToValue (AttrSet a, AttrSet SourcePos) m
             (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where
-  toValue (s, p) = (Deeper .) . nvSet' <$> traverse toValue s <*> pure p
+  toValue (s, p) = (\ v s -> Deeper $ nvSet' s v) <$> (traverse (toValue) s) <*> pure p
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue NixLikeContextValue m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
   toValue nlcv = do
     path <-
-      if nlcvPath nlcv
-        then pure <$> toValue True
-        else pure Nothing
+      bool
+        (pure Nothing)
+        (pure <$> toValue True)
+        (nlcvPath nlcv)
     allOutputs <-
-      if nlcvAllOutputs nlcv
-        then pure <$> toValue True
-        else pure Nothing
+      bool
+        (pure Nothing)
+        (pure <$> toValue True)
+        (nlcvAllOutputs nlcv)
     outputs <- do
         outputs = makeNixStringWithoutContext <$> nlcvOutputs nlcv
@@ -440,7 +442,7 @@ instance Convertible e t f m
         (pure Nothing)
         (fmap pure . toValue)
-    pure $ flip nvSet' M.empty $ M.fromList $ catMaybes
+    pure $ nvSet' mempty $ M.fromList $ catMaybes
       [ ("path",) <$> path
       , ("allOutputs",) <$> allOutputs
       , ("outputs",) <$> outputs
diff --git a/src/Nix/Effects.hs b/src/Nix/Effects.hs
index 86828c842..7973eea59 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Effects.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Effects.hs
@@ -53,15 +53,24 @@ import qualified System.Nix.StorePath          as Store
 -- | A path into the nix store
 newtype StorePath = StorePath { unStorePath :: FilePath }
-class (MonadFile m,
-       MonadStore m,
-       MonadPutStr m,
-       MonadHttp m,
-       MonadEnv m,
-       MonadPaths m,
-       MonadInstantiate m,
-       MonadExec m,
-       MonadIntrospect m) => MonadEffects t f m where
+-- All of the following type classes defer to the underlying 'm'.
+-- * @class MonadEffects t f m@
+  ( MonadFile m
+  , MonadStore m
+  , MonadPutStr m
+  , MonadHttp m
+  , MonadEnv m
+  , MonadPaths m
+  , MonadInstantiate m
+  , MonadExec m
+  , MonadIntrospect m
+  )
+  => MonadEffects t f m where
   -- | Determine the absolute path of relative path in the current context
   makeAbsolutePath :: FilePath -> m FilePath
   findEnvPath :: String -> m FilePath
@@ -77,33 +86,68 @@ class (MonadFile m,
   traceEffect :: String -> m ()
-instance (MonadFix1T t m, MonadStore m) => MonadStore (Fix1T t m) where
+-- ** Instances
+  ( MonadFix1T t m
+  , MonadStore m
+  )
+  => MonadStore (Fix1T t m)
+ where
   addToStore a b c d = lift $ addToStore a b c d
   addTextToStore' a b c d = lift $ addTextToStore' a b c d
-class Monad m => MonadIntrospect m where
+-- * @class MonadIntrospect m@
+  Monad m
+  => MonadIntrospect m
+ where
   recursiveSize :: a -> m Word
   default recursiveSize :: (MonadTrans t, MonadIntrospect m', m ~ t m') => a -> m Word
   recursiveSize = lift . recursiveSize
+-- ** Instances
 instance MonadIntrospect IO where
   recursiveSize =
 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_ghc_datasize
 #if MIN_VERSION_ghc_datasize(0,2,0)
+    recursiveSize
-\_ -> pure 0
+      \_ -> pure 0
-    \_ -> pure 0
+      \_ -> pure 0
-class Monad m => MonadExec m where
+  instance
+    MonadIntrospect (t (Fix1 t))
+    => MonadIntrospect (Fix1 t)
+  instance
+    MonadIntrospect (t (Fix1T t m) m)
+    => MonadIntrospect (Fix1T t m)
+-- * @class MonadExec m@
+  Monad m
+  => MonadExec m where
     exec' :: [String] -> m (Either ErrorCall NExprLoc)
     default exec' :: (MonadTrans t, MonadExec m', m ~ t m')
                   => [String] -> m (Either ErrorCall NExprLoc)
     exec' = lift . exec'
+-- ** Instances
 instance MonadExec IO where
   exec' = \case
     []            -> pure $ Left $ ErrorCall "exec: missing program"
@@ -112,70 +156,90 @@ instance MonadExec IO where
       let t    = T.strip (T.pack out)
       let emsg = "program[" <> prog <> "] args=" <> show args
       case exitCode of
-        ExitSuccess -> if T.null t
-          then pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "exec has no output :" <> emsg
-          else case parseNixTextLoc t of
-            Failure err ->
-              pure
-                $  Left
-                $  ErrorCall
-                $  "Error parsing output of exec: "
-                <> show err
-                <> " "
-                <> emsg
-            Success v -> pure $ Right v
-        err ->
-          pure
-            $  Left
-            $  ErrorCall
-            $  "exec  failed: "
-            <> show err
-            <> " "
-            <> emsg
-class Monad m => MonadInstantiate m where
+        ExitSuccess ->
+          if T.null t
+            then pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "exec has no output :" <> emsg
+            else
+              case parseNixTextLoc t of
+                Failure err -> pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "Error parsing output of exec: " <> show err <> " " <> emsg
+                Success v -> pure $ Right v
+        err -> pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "exec  failed: " <> show err <> " " <> emsg
+  instance
+    MonadExec (t (Fix1 t))
+    => MonadExec (Fix1 t)
+  instance
+    MonadExec (t (Fix1T t m) m)
+    => MonadExec (Fix1T t m)
+-- * @class MonadInstantiate m@
+  Monad m
+  => MonadInstantiate m where
     instantiateExpr :: String -> m (Either ErrorCall NExprLoc)
     default instantiateExpr :: (MonadTrans t, MonadInstantiate m', m ~ t m') => String -> m (Either ErrorCall NExprLoc)
     instantiateExpr = lift . instantiateExpr
+-- ** Instances
 instance MonadInstantiate IO where
-  instantiateExpr expr = do
-    traceM $ "Executing: " <> show
-      ["nix-instantiate", "--eval", "--expr ", expr]
-    (exitCode, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "nix-instantiate"
-                                                    ["--eval", "--expr", expr]
-                                                    ""
-    case exitCode of
-      ExitSuccess -> case parseNixTextLoc (T.pack out) of
-        Failure e ->
-          pure
-            $  Left
-            $  ErrorCall
-            $  "Error parsing output of nix-instantiate: "
-            <> show e
-        Success v -> pure $ Right v
-      status ->
-        pure
-          $  Left
-          $  ErrorCall
-          $  "nix-instantiate failed: "
-          <> show status
-          <> ": "
-          <> err
-pathExists :: MonadFile m => FilePath -> m Bool
-pathExists = doesPathExist
+  instantiateExpr expr =
+    do
+      traceM $
+        "Executing: " <> show ["nix-instantiate", "--eval", "--expr ", expr]
+      (exitCode, out, err) <-
+        readProcessWithExitCode
+          "nix-instantiate"
+          ["--eval", "--expr", expr]
+          ""
+      pure $ case exitCode of
+        ExitSuccess ->
+          case parseNixTextLoc (T.pack out) of
+            Failure e -> Left $ ErrorCall $ "Error parsing output of nix-instantiate: " <> show e
+            Success v -> Right v
+        status -> Left $ ErrorCall $ "nix-instantiate failed: " <> show status <> ": " <> err
+  instance
+    MonadInstantiate (t (Fix1 t))
+    => MonadInstantiate (Fix1 t)
-class Monad m => MonadEnv m where
-    getEnvVar :: String -> m (Maybe String)
-    default getEnvVar :: (MonadTrans t, MonadEnv m', m ~ t m') => String -> m (Maybe String)
-    getEnvVar = lift . getEnvVar
-    getCurrentSystemOS :: m Text
-    default getCurrentSystemOS :: (MonadTrans t, MonadEnv m', m ~ t m') => m Text
-    getCurrentSystemOS = lift getCurrentSystemOS
-    getCurrentSystemArch :: m Text
-    default getCurrentSystemArch :: (MonadTrans t, MonadEnv m', m ~ t m') => m Text
-    getCurrentSystemArch = lift getCurrentSystemArch
+  instance
+    MonadInstantiate (t (Fix1T t m) m)
+    => MonadInstantiate (Fix1T t m)
+-- * @class MonadEnv m@
+  Monad m
+  => MonadEnv m where
+  getEnvVar :: String -> m (Maybe String)
+  default getEnvVar :: (MonadTrans t, MonadEnv m', m ~ t m') => String -> m (Maybe String)
+  getEnvVar = lift . getEnvVar
+  getCurrentSystemOS :: m Text
+  default getCurrentSystemOS :: (MonadTrans t, MonadEnv m', m ~ t m') => m Text
+  getCurrentSystemOS = lift getCurrentSystemOS
+  getCurrentSystemArch :: m Text
+  default getCurrentSystemArch :: (MonadTrans t, MonadEnv m', m ~ t m') => m Text
+  getCurrentSystemArch = lift getCurrentSystemArch
+-- ** Instances
 instance MonadEnv IO where
   getEnvVar            = lookupEnv
@@ -187,64 +251,127 @@ instance MonadEnv IO where
     "i386" -> "i686"
     arch   -> arch
-class Monad m => MonadPaths m where
-    getDataDir :: m FilePath
-    default getDataDir :: (MonadTrans t, MonadPaths m', m ~ t m') => m FilePath
-    getDataDir = lift getDataDir
+  instance
+    MonadEnv (t (Fix1 t))
+    => MonadEnv (Fix1 t)
+  instance
+    MonadEnv (t (Fix1T t m) m)
+    => MonadEnv (Fix1T t m)
+-- * @class MonadPaths m@
+  Monad m
+  => MonadPaths m where
+  getDataDir :: m FilePath
+  default getDataDir :: (MonadTrans t, MonadPaths m', m ~ t m') => m FilePath
+  getDataDir = lift getDataDir
+-- ** Instances
 instance MonadPaths IO where
-    getDataDir = Paths_hnix.getDataDir
+  getDataDir = Paths_hnix.getDataDir
+  instance
+    MonadPaths (t (Fix1 t))
+    => MonadPaths (Fix1 t)
+  instance
+    MonadPaths (t (Fix1T t m) m)
+    => MonadPaths (Fix1T t m)
+-- * @class MonadHttp m@
+  Monad m
+  => MonadHttp m where
-class Monad m => MonadHttp m where
-    getURL :: Text -> m (Either ErrorCall StorePath)
-    default getURL :: (MonadTrans t, MonadHttp m', m ~ t m') => Text -> m (Either ErrorCall StorePath)
-    getURL = lift . getURL
+  getURL :: Text -> m (Either ErrorCall StorePath)
+  default getURL :: (MonadTrans t, MonadHttp m', m ~ t m') => Text -> m (Either ErrorCall StorePath)
+  getURL = lift . getURL
+-- ** Instances
 instance MonadHttp IO where
   getURL url = do
     let urlstr = T.unpack url
     traceM $ "fetching HTTP URL: " <> urlstr
     req     <- parseRequest urlstr
-    manager <- if secure req
-      then newTlsManager
-      else newManager defaultManagerSettings
+    manager <-
+      if secure req
+        then newTlsManager
+        else newManager defaultManagerSettings
     -- print req
     response <- httpLbs (req { method = "GET" }) manager
     let status = statusCode (responseStatus response)
     if status /= 200
-        pure
-        $  Left
-        $  ErrorCall
-        $  "fail, got "
-        <> show status
-        <> " when fetching url:"
-        <> urlstr
-      else -- do
+        pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "fail, got " <> show status <> " when fetching url:" <> urlstr
+      else
+        -- do
         -- let bstr = responseBody response
-        pure
-        $  Left
-        $  ErrorCall
-        $  "success in downloading but hnix-store is not yet ready; url = "
-        <> urlstr
+        pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "success in downloading but hnix-store is not yet ready; url = " <> urlstr
+  instance
+    MonadHttp (t (Fix1 t))
+    => MonadHttp (Fix1 t)
+  instance
+    MonadHttp (t (Fix1T t m) m)
+    => MonadHttp (Fix1T t m)
+-- * @class MonadPutStr m@
+  Monad m
+  => MonadPutStr m where
-class Monad m => MonadPutStr m where
   --TODO: Should this be used *only* when the Nix to be evaluated invokes a
   --`trace` operation?
   putStr :: String -> m ()
   default putStr :: (MonadTrans t, MonadPutStr m', m ~ t m') => String -> m ()
   putStr = lift . putStr
+-- ** Instances
+instance MonadPutStr IO where
+  putStr = Prelude.putStr
+  instance
+    MonadPutStr (t (Fix1 t))
+    => MonadPutStr (Fix1 t)
+  instance
+    MonadPutStr (t (Fix1T t m) m)
+    => MonadPutStr (Fix1T t m)
+-- ** Functions
 putStrLn :: MonadPutStr m => String -> m ()
 putStrLn = putStr . (<> "\n")
 print :: (MonadPutStr m, Show a) => a -> m ()
 print = putStrLn . show
-instance MonadPutStr IO where
-  putStr = Prelude.putStr
+-- * Store effects
+-- ** Data type synonyms
 type RecursiveFlag = Bool
 type RepairFlag = Bool
@@ -252,7 +379,11 @@ type StorePathName = Text
 type FilePathFilter m = FilePath -> m Bool
 type StorePathSet = HS.HashSet StorePath
-class Monad m => MonadStore m where
+-- ** @class MonadStore m@
+  Monad m
+  => MonadStore m where
   -- | Copy the contents of a local path to the store.  The resulting store
   -- path is returned.  Note: This does not support yet support the expected
@@ -267,21 +398,21 @@ class Monad m => MonadStore m where
   default addTextToStore' :: (MonadTrans t, MonadStore m', m ~ t m') => StorePathName -> Text -> Store.StorePathSet -> RepairFlag -> m (Either ErrorCall StorePath)
   addTextToStore' a b c d = lift $ addTextToStore' a b c d
-parseStoreResult :: Monad m => String -> (Either String a, [Store.Remote.Logger]) -> m (Either ErrorCall a)
-parseStoreResult name res = case res of
-  (Left msg, logs) -> pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "Failed to execute '" <> name <> "': " <> msg <> "\n" <> show logs
-  (Right result, _) -> pure $ Right result
+-- *** Instances
 instance MonadStore IO where
-  addToStore name path recursive repair = case Store.makeStorePathName name of
-    Left err -> pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "String '" <> show name <> "' is not a valid path name: " <> err
-    Right pathName -> do
-      -- TODO: redesign the filter parameter
-      res <- Store.Remote.runStore $ Store.Remote.addToStore @'Store.SHA256 pathName path recursive (const False) repair
-      parseStoreResult "addToStore" res >>= \case
-        Left err -> pure $ Left err
-        Right storePath -> pure $ Right $ StorePath $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 $ Store.storePathToRawFilePath storePath
+  addToStore name path recursive repair =
+    case Store.makeStorePathName name of
+      Left err -> pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "String '" <> show name <> "' is not a valid path name: " <> err
+      Right pathName ->
+        do
+          -- TODO: redesign the filter parameter
+          res <- Store.Remote.runStore $ Store.Remote.addToStore @'Store.SHA256 pathName path recursive (const False) repair
+          parseStoreResult "addToStore" res >>= \case
+            Left err -> pure $ Left err
+            Right storePath -> pure $ Right $ StorePath $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 $ Store.storePathToRawFilePath storePath
   addTextToStore' name text references repair = do
     res <- Store.Remote.runStore $ Store.Remote.addTextToStore name text references repair
@@ -289,6 +420,15 @@ instance MonadStore IO where
       Left err -> pure $ Left err
       Right path -> pure $ Right $ StorePath $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 $ Store.storePathToRawFilePath path
+-- ** Functions
+parseStoreResult :: Monad m => String -> (Either String a, [Store.Remote.Logger]) -> m (Either ErrorCall a)
+parseStoreResult name res =
+  case res of
+    (Left msg, logs) -> pure $ Left $ ErrorCall $ "Failed to execute '" <> name <> "': " <> msg <> "\n" <> show logs
+    (Right result, _) -> pure $ Right result
 addTextToStore :: (Framed e m, MonadStore m) => StorePathName -> Text -> Store.StorePathSet -> RepairFlag -> m StorePath
 addTextToStore a b c d = either throwError pure =<< addTextToStore' a b c d
@@ -298,20 +438,9 @@ addPath p = either throwError pure =<< addToStore (T.pack $ takeFileName p) p Tr
 toFile_ :: (Framed e m, MonadStore m) => FilePath -> String -> m StorePath
 toFile_ p contents = addTextToStore (T.pack p) (T.pack contents) HS.empty False
--- All of the following type classes defer to the underlying 'm'.
+-- * misc
-deriving instance MonadPutStr (t (Fix1 t)) => MonadPutStr (Fix1 t)
-deriving instance MonadHttp (t (Fix1 t)) => MonadHttp (Fix1 t)
-deriving instance MonadEnv (t (Fix1 t)) => MonadEnv (Fix1 t)
-deriving instance MonadPaths (t (Fix1 t)) => MonadPaths (Fix1 t)
-deriving instance MonadInstantiate (t (Fix1 t)) => MonadInstantiate (Fix1 t)
-deriving instance MonadExec (t (Fix1 t)) => MonadExec (Fix1 t)
-deriving instance MonadIntrospect (t (Fix1 t)) => MonadIntrospect (Fix1 t)
-deriving instance MonadPutStr (t (Fix1T t m) m) => MonadPutStr (Fix1T t m)
-deriving instance MonadHttp (t (Fix1T t m) m) => MonadHttp (Fix1T t m)
-deriving instance MonadEnv (t (Fix1T t m) m) => MonadEnv (Fix1T t m)
-deriving instance MonadPaths (t (Fix1T t m) m) => MonadPaths (Fix1T t m)
-deriving instance MonadInstantiate (t (Fix1T t m) m) => MonadInstantiate (Fix1T t m)
-deriving instance MonadExec (t (Fix1T t m) m) => MonadExec (Fix1T t m)
-deriving instance MonadIntrospect (t (Fix1T t m) m) => MonadIntrospect (Fix1T t m)
+-- Please, get rid of pathExists in favour of @doesPathExist@
+pathExists :: MonadFile m => FilePath -> m Bool
+pathExists = doesPathExist
diff --git a/src/Nix/Effects/Derivation.hs b/src/Nix/Effects/Derivation.hs
index 9878d099a..bb54d773b 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Effects/Derivation.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Effects/Derivation.hs
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ data Derivation = Derivation
 defaultDerivation :: Derivation
 defaultDerivation = Derivation
   { name        = undefined
-  , outputs     = Map.empty
-  , inputs      = (Set.empty, Map.empty)
+  , outputs     = mempty
+  , inputs      = (mempty, mempty)
   , platform    = undefined
   , builder     = undefined
   , args        = mempty
-  , env         = Map.empty
+  , env         = mempty
   , mFixed      = Nothing
   , hashMode    = Flat
   , useJson     = False
@@ -261,14 +261,14 @@ defaultDerivationStrict = fromValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m)) >=> \s -> do
     -- Memoize here, as it may be our last chance in case of readonly stores.
     drvHash <- Store.encodeInBase Store.Base16 <$> hashDerivationModulo drv'
-    modify (\(a, b) -> (a, MS.insert drvPath drvHash b))
+    modify (second (MS.insert drvPath drvHash))
     let outputsWithContext = Map.mapWithKey (\out path -> makeNixStringWithSingletonContext path (StringContext drvPath (DerivationOutput out))) (outputs drv')
         drvPathWithContext = makeNixStringWithSingletonContext drvPath (StringContext drvPath AllOutputs)
         attrSet = M.map nvStr $ M.fromList $ ("drvPath", drvPathWithContext): Map.toList outputsWithContext
     -- TODO: Add location information for all the entries.
     --              here --v
-    pure $ nvSet attrSet M.empty
+    pure $ nvSet mempty attrSet
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ defaultDerivationStrict = fromValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m)) >=> \s -> do
       name <- makeStorePathName (Store.unStorePathName n <> if o == "out" then "" else "-" <> o)
       pure $ pathToText $ Store.makeStorePath "/nix/store" ("output:" <> Text.encodeUtf8 o) h name
-    toStorePaths ctx = foldl (flip addToInputs) (Set.empty, Map.empty) ctx
+    toStorePaths ctx = foldl (flip addToInputs) (mempty, mempty) ctx
     addToInputs (StringContext path kind) = case kind of
       DirectPath -> first (Set.insert path)
       DerivationOutput o -> second (Map.insertWith (<>) path [o])
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ buildDerivationWithContext drvAttrs = do
       env <- if useJson
         then do
-          jsonString :: NixString <- lift $ nvalueToJSONNixString $ flip nvSet M.empty $
+          jsonString :: NixString <- lift $ nvalueToJSONNixString $ nvSet mempty $
             deleteKeys [ "args", "__ignoreNulls", "__structuredAttrs" ] attrs
           rawString :: Text <- extractNixString jsonString
           pure $ Map.singleton "__json" rawString
diff --git a/src/Nix/Eval.hs b/src/Nix/Eval.hs
index 41d5c7f74..8c00450ad 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Eval.hs
@@ -58,7 +58,13 @@ class (Show v, Monad m) => MonadEval v m where
   evalAssert      :: v -> m v -> m v
   evalApp         :: v -> m v -> m v
   evalAbs         :: Params (m v)
-                  -> (forall a. m v -> (AttrSet (m v) -> m v -> m (a, v)) -> m (a, v))
+                  -> ( forall a. m v
+                    -> ( AttrSet (m v)
+                      -> m v
+                      -> m (a, v)
+                      )
+                    -> m (a, v)
+                    )
                   -> m v
   evalSelect     :: v -> NonEmpty Text -> Maybe (m v) -> m v
@@ -90,18 +96,19 @@ type MonadNixEval v m
 data EvalFrame m v
-    = EvaluatingExpr (Scopes m v) NExprLoc
-    | ForcingExpr (Scopes m v) NExprLoc
-    | Calling String SrcSpan
-    | SynHole (SynHoleInfo m v)
-    deriving (Show, Typeable)
+  = EvaluatingExpr (Scopes m v) NExprLoc
+  | ForcingExpr (Scopes m v) NExprLoc
+  | Calling String SrcSpan
+  | SynHole (SynHoleInfo m v)
+  deriving (Show, Typeable)
 instance (Typeable m, Typeable v) => Exception (EvalFrame m v)
 data SynHoleInfo m v = SynHoleInfo
-   { _synHoleInfo_expr :: NExprLoc
-   , _synHoleInfo_scope :: Scopes m v
-   } deriving (Show, Typeable)
+  { _synHoleInfo_expr :: NExprLoc
+  , _synHoleInfo_scope :: Scopes m v
+  }
+  deriving (Show, Typeable)
 instance (Typeable m, Typeable v) => Exception (SynHoleInfo m v)
@@ -189,6 +196,7 @@ evalWithAttrSet aset body = do
   scope <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
   s     <- defer $ withScopes scope aset
   let s' = (fmap fst . fromValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos)) =<< demand s
   pushWeakScope s' body
@@ -205,7 +213,7 @@ attrSetAlter (k : ks) pos m p val =
-      (recurse M.empty M.empty)
+      (recurse mempty mempty)
       (\x ->
           (st, sp) <- fromValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) =<< x
@@ -228,7 +236,7 @@ attrSetAlter (k : ks) pos m p val =
     ) <$> attrSetAlter ks pos st sp val
 desugarBinds :: forall r . ([Binding r] -> r) -> [Binding r] -> [Binding r]
-desugarBinds embed binds = evalState (traverse (go <=< collect) binds) M.empty
+desugarBinds embed binds = evalState (traverse (go <=< collect) binds) mempty
     :: Binding r
@@ -266,103 +274,20 @@ evalBinds
   => Bool
   -> [Binding (m v)]
   -> m (AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos)
-evalBinds recursive binds = do
-  scope <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
-  buildResult scope . concat =<< traverse (go scope) (moveOverridesLast binds)
- where
-  moveOverridesLast = uncurry (<>) . partition
-    (\case
-      NamedVar (StaticKey "__overrides" :| []) _ _pos -> False
-      _ -> True
-    )
-  go :: Scopes m v -> Binding (m v) -> m [([Text], SourcePos, m v)]
-  go _ (NamedVar (StaticKey "__overrides" :| []) finalValue pos) =
-    do
-      (o', p') <- fromValue =<< finalValue
-      -- jww (2018-05-09): What to do with the key position here?
-      pure $
-        (\ (k, v) ->
-            ( [k]
-            , fromMaybe pos (M.lookup k p')
-            , pure =<< demand v
-            )
-        ) <$>
-        M.toList o'
+evalBinds recursive binds =
+  do
+    scope <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
-  go _ (NamedVar pathExpr finalValue pos) = do
-    let
-      gogo :: NAttrPath (m v) -> m ([Text], SourcePos, m v)
-      gogo =
-        \case
-          h :| t ->
-            maybe
-              (pure
-                ( mempty
-                , nullPos
-                , toValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) (mempty, mempty)
-                )
-              )
-              (\ k ->
-                list
-                  (pure
-                    ( [k]
-                    , pos
-                    , finalValue
-                    )
-                  )
-                  (\ (x : xs) ->
-                    do
-                      (restOfPath, _, v) <- gogo (x :| xs)
-                      pure
-                        ( k : restOfPath
-                        , pos
-                        , v
-                        )
-                  )
-                  t
-              )
-              =<< evalSetterKeyName h
-    fmap
-      (\case
-        -- When there are no path segments, e.g. `${null} = 5;`, we don't
-        -- bind anything
-        ([], _, _) -> mempty
-        result     -> [result]
-      )
-      (gogo pathExpr)
-  go scope (Inherit ms names pos) =
-    fmap catMaybes $ forM names $ evalSetterKeyName >=>
-      (pure . maybe
-        Nothing
-        (\ key -> pure
-          ([key]
-          , pos
-          , maybe
-              (attrMissing (key :| []) Nothing)
-              (pure <=< demand)
-              =<< maybe
-                  (withScopes scope $ lookupVar key)
-                  (\ s ->
-                    do
-                      (attrset, _) <- fromValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) =<< s
-                      clearScopes @v $ pushScope attrset $ lookupVar key
-                  )
-                  ms
-          )
-        )
-      )
+    buildResult scope . concat =<< traverse (applyBindToAdt scope) (moveOverridesLast binds)
+ where
     :: Scopes m v
     -> [([Text], SourcePos, m v)]
     -> m (AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos)
   buildResult scope bindings =
-      (s, p) <- foldM insert (M.empty, M.empty) bindings
+      (s, p) <- foldM insert (mempty, mempty) bindings
       res <-
           (traverse mkThunk s)
@@ -378,6 +303,91 @@ evalBinds recursive binds = do
     insert (m, p) (path, pos, value) = attrSetAlter path pos m p value
+  applyBindToAdt :: Scopes m v -> Binding (m v) -> m [([Text], SourcePos, m v)]
+  applyBindToAdt _ (NamedVar (StaticKey "__overrides" :| []) finalValue pos) =
+    do
+      (o', p') <- fromValue =<< finalValue
+      -- jww (2018-05-09): What to do with the key position here?
+      pure $
+        (\ (k, v) ->
+          ( [k]
+          , fromMaybe pos (M.lookup k p')
+          , pure =<< demand v
+          )
+        ) <$>
+        M.toList o'
+  applyBindToAdt _ (NamedVar pathExpr finalValue pos) =
+    do
+      fmap
+        (\case
+          -- When there are no path segments, e.g. `${null} = 5;`, we don't
+          -- bind anything
+          ([], _, _) -> mempty
+          result     -> [result]
+        )
+        (processAttrSetKeys pathExpr)
+   where
+    processAttrSetKeys :: NAttrPath (m v) -> m ([Text], SourcePos, m v)
+    processAttrSetKeys =
+      \case
+        h :| t ->
+          maybe
+            -- Empty attrset - return a stub.
+            (pure ( mempty, nullPos, toValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) (mempty, mempty)) )
+            (\ k ->
+              list
+                -- No more keys in the attrset - return the result
+                (pure ( [k], pos, finalValue ) )
+                -- There are unprocessed keys in attrset - recurse appending the results
+                (\ (x : xs) ->
+                  do
+                    (restOfPath, _, v) <- processAttrSetKeys (x :| xs)
+                    pure ( k : restOfPath, pos, v )
+                )
+                t
+            )
+            =<< evalSetterKeyName h
+  applyBindToAdt scope (Inherit ms names pos) =
+    catMaybes <$>
+      traverse
+        processScope
+        names
+   where
+    processScope
+      :: NKeyName (m v)
+      -> m (Maybe ([Text], SourcePos, m v))
+    processScope nkeyname =
+      (\ mkey ->
+        do
+          key <- mkey
+          pure
+            ([key]
+            , pos
+            , maybe
+                (attrMissing (key :| []) Nothing)
+                (pure <=< demand)
+                =<< maybe
+                    (withScopes scope $ lookupVar key)
+                    (\ s ->
+                      do
+                        (attrset, _) <- fromValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) =<< s
+                        clearScopes @v $ pushScope attrset $ lookupVar key
+                    )
+                    ms
+            )
+      ) <$>
+        evalSetterKeyName nkeyname
+  moveOverridesLast = uncurry (<>) . partition
+    (\case
+      NamedVar (StaticKey "__overrides" :| []) _ _pos -> False
+      _ -> True
+    )
   :: forall v m
    . MonadNixEval v m
@@ -395,7 +405,9 @@ evalSelect aset attr =
   extract x path@(k :| ks) =
       x' <- fromValueMay x
       case x' of
+        Nothing -> pure $ Left (x, path)
         Just (s :: AttrSet v, p :: AttrSet SourcePos)
           | Just t <- M.lookup k s ->
@@ -404,7 +416,6 @@ evalSelect aset attr =
                 (\ (y : ys) -> (extract ?? (y :| ys)) =<< demand t)
           | otherwise -> Left . (, path) <$> toValue (s, p)
-        Nothing -> pure $ Left (x, path)
 -- | Evaluate a component of an attribute path in a context where we are
 -- *retrieving* a value
@@ -425,10 +436,11 @@ evalSetterKeyName
   :: (MonadEval v m, FromValue NixString m v)
   => NKeyName (m v)
   -> m (Maybe Text)
-evalSetterKeyName = \case
-  StaticKey k -> pure (pure k)
-  DynamicKey k ->
-    ((pure . stringIgnoreContext) `ifJust`) <$> runAntiquoted "\n" assembleString (fromValueMay =<<) k
+evalSetterKeyName =
+  \case
+    StaticKey k -> pure (pure k)
+    DynamicKey k ->
+      ((pure . stringIgnoreContext) `ifJust`) <$> runAntiquoted "\n" assembleString (fromValueMay =<<) k
   :: forall v m
@@ -438,7 +450,7 @@ assembleString
 assembleString =
   fromParts .
-      Indented _ parts   -> parts
+      Indented   _ parts -> parts
       DoubleQuoted parts -> parts
   fromParts = fmap (fmap mconcat . sequence) . traverse go
@@ -499,9 +511,16 @@ addStackFrames
   :: forall v e m a
    . (Scoped v m, Framed e m, Typeable v, Typeable m)
   => Transform NExprLocF (m a)
-addStackFrames f v = do
-  scopes <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
-  withFrame Info (EvaluatingExpr scopes v) (f v)
+addStackFrames f v =
+  do
+    scopes <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
+    -- sectioning gives GHC optimization
+    -- If opimization question would arrive again, check the @(`withFrameInfo` f v) $ EvaluatingExpr scopes v@
+    -- for possible @scopes@ implementation @v@ type arguments sharing between runs.
+    (`withFrameInfo` f v) $ (`EvaluatingExpr` v) scopes
+ where
+  withFrameInfo = withFrame Info
   :: forall e v m
diff --git a/src/Nix/Exec.hs b/src/Nix/Exec.hs
index c7a68ca32..fad478dfe 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Exec.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Exec.hs
@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ nvListP p l = addProvenance p (nvList l)
   :: MonadCited t f m
   => Provenance m (NValue t f m)
-  -> AttrSet (NValue t f m)
   -> AttrSet SourcePos
+  -> AttrSet (NValue t f m)
   -> NValue t f m
-nvSetP p s x = addProvenance p (nvSet s x)
+nvSetP p x s = addProvenance p (nvSet x s)
   :: MonadCited t f m
@@ -159,11 +159,7 @@ wrapExprLoc span x = Fix (Fix (NSym_ span "<?>") <$ x)
 -- Currently instance is stuck in orphanage between the requirements to be MonadEval, aka Eval stage, and emposed requirement to be MonadNix (Execution stage). MonadNix constraint tries to put the cart before horse and seems superflous, since Eval in Nix also needs and can throw exceptions. It is between `nverr` and `evalError`.
 instance MonadNix e t f m => MonadEval (NValue t f m) m where
   freeVariable var =
-    nverr @e @t @f
-      $  ErrorCall
-      $  "Undefined variable '"
-      <> Text.unpack var
-      <> "'"
+    nverr @e @t @f $ ErrorCall $ "Undefined variable '" <> Text.unpack var <> "'"
   synHole name = do
     span  <- currentPos
@@ -174,32 +170,26 @@ instance MonadNix e t f m => MonadEval (NValue t f m) m where
   attrMissing ks Nothing =
-    evalError @(NValue t f m)
-      $  ErrorCall
-      $  "Inheriting unknown attribute: "
-      <> intercalate "." (fmap Text.unpack (NE.toList ks))
+    evalError @(NValue t f m) $ ErrorCall $ "Inheriting unknown attribute: " <> intercalate "." (fmap Text.unpack (NE.toList ks))
   attrMissing ks (Just s) =
     evalError @(NValue t f m)
-      $  ErrorCall
-      $  "Could not look up attribute "
-      <> intercalate "." (fmap Text.unpack (NE.toList ks))
-      <> " in "
-      <> show (prettyNValue s)
+      $ ErrorCall $ "Could not look up attribute " <> intercalate "." (fmap Text.unpack (NE.toList ks)) <> " in " <> show (prettyNValue s)
   evalCurPos = do
     scope                  <- currentScopes
     span@(SrcSpan delta _) <- currentPos
     addProvenance @_ @_ @(NValue t f m)
-        (Provenance scope (NSym_ span "__curPos"))
+      (Provenance scope (NSym_ span "__curPos"))
       <$> toValue delta
   evaledSym name val = do
     scope <- currentScopes
     span  <- currentPos
-    pure $ addProvenance @_ @_ @(NValue t f m)
-      (Provenance scope (NSym_ span name))
-      val
+    pure $
+      addProvenance @_ @_ @(NValue t f m)
+        (Provenance scope (NSym_ span name))
+        val
   evalConstant c = do
     scope <- currentScopes
@@ -207,6 +197,7 @@ instance MonadNix e t f m => MonadEval (NValue t f m) m where
     pure $ nvConstantP (Provenance scope (NConstant_ span c)) c
   evalString = assembleString >=> \case
+    Nothing -> nverr $ ErrorCall "Failed to assemble string"
     Just ns -> do
       scope <- currentScopes
       span  <- currentPos
@@ -216,7 +207,6 @@ instance MonadNix e t f m => MonadEval (NValue t f m) m where
           (NStr_ span (DoubleQuoted [Plain (stringIgnoreContext ns)]))
-    Nothing -> nverr $ ErrorCall "Failed to assemble string"
   evalLiteralPath p = do
     scope <- currentScopes
@@ -248,30 +238,30 @@ instance MonadNix e t f m => MonadEval (NValue t f m) m where
   evalIf c t f = do
     scope <- currentScopes
     span  <- currentPos
-    fromValue c >>= \b -> if b
-      then
-        (\t -> addProvenance
-            (Provenance scope (NIf_ span (pure c) (pure t) Nothing))
-            t
-          )
-          <$> t
-      else
-        (\f -> addProvenance
-            (Provenance scope (NIf_ span (pure c) Nothing (pure f)))
-            f
-          )
-          <$> f
-  evalAssert c body = fromValue c >>= \b -> do
-    span <- currentPos
-    if b
-      then do
-        scope <- currentScopes
-        (\b ->
-            addProvenance (Provenance scope (NAssert_ span (pure c) (pure b))) b
-          )
-          <$> body
-      else nverr $ Assertion span c
+    b <- fromValue c
+    let
+      fun x y = addProvenance (Provenance scope (NIf_ span (pure c) x y))
+    bool
+      ( (\ f' -> fun Nothing     (pure f') f') <$> f )
+      ( (\ t' -> fun (pure t') Nothing     t') <$> t )
+      b
+  evalAssert c body =
+    do
+      span <- currentPos
+      b <- fromValue c
+      bool
+        (nverr $ Assertion span c)
+        (do
+          scope <- currentScopes
+          (\b ->
+              addProvenance (Provenance scope (NAssert_ span (pure c) (pure b))) b
+            )
+            <$> body
+        )
+        b
   evalApp f x = do
     scope <- currentScopes
@@ -282,9 +272,11 @@ instance MonadNix e t f m => MonadEval (NValue t f m) m where
   evalAbs p k = do
     scope <- currentScopes
     span  <- currentPos
-    pure $ nvClosureP (Provenance scope (NAbs_ span (Nothing <$ p) Nothing))
-                      (void p)
-                      (\arg -> snd <$> k (pure arg) (\_ b -> ((), ) <$> b))
+    pure $
+      nvClosureP
+        (Provenance scope (NAbs_ span (Nothing <$ p) Nothing))
+        (void p)
+        (\arg -> snd <$> k (pure arg) (\_ b -> ((), ) <$> b))
   evalError = throwError
@@ -296,19 +288,19 @@ callFunc
   -> NValue t f m
   -> m (NValue t f m)
 callFunc fun arg =
-  (\fun' -> do
-  frames :: Frames <- asks (view hasLens)
-  when (length frames > 2000) $ throwError $ ErrorCall "Function call stack exhausted"
-  case fun' of
-    NVClosure _params f -> do
-      f arg
-    NVBuiltin name f -> do
-      span <- currentPos
-      withFrame Info (Calling @m @(NValue t f m) name span) (f arg)
-    s@(NVSet m _) | Just f <- M.lookup "__functor" m -> do
-      ((`callFunc` arg) <=< (`callFunc` s)) =<< demand f
-    x -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Attempt to call non-function: " <> show x
-  ) =<< demand fun
+  do
+    fun' <- demand fun
+    frames :: Frames <- asks (view hasLens)
+    when (length frames > 2000) $ throwError $ ErrorCall "Function call stack exhausted"
+    case fun' of
+      NVClosure _params f -> do
+        f arg
+      NVBuiltin name f -> do
+        span <- currentPos
+        withFrame Info (Calling @m @(NValue t f m) name span) (f arg)
+      s@(NVSet m _) | Just f <- M.lookup "__functor" m -> do
+        ((`callFunc` arg) <=< (`callFunc` s)) =<< demand f
+      x -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Attempt to call non-function: " <> show x
   :: (Framed e m, MonadCited t f m, Show t)
@@ -324,16 +316,9 @@ execUnaryOp scope span op arg = do
       (NNeg, NFloat f) -> unaryOp $ NFloat (-f)
       (NNot, NBool b ) -> unaryOp $ NBool (not b)
       _ ->
-        throwError
-          $  ErrorCall
-          $  "unsupported argument type for unary operator "
-          <> show op
+        throwError $  ErrorCall $ "unsupported argument type for unary operator " <> show op
     x ->
-      throwError
-        $  ErrorCall
-        $  "argument to unary operator"
-        <> " must evaluate to an atomic type: "
-        <> show x
+      throwError $ ErrorCall $ "argument to unary operator must evaluate to an atomic type: " <> show x
   unaryOp = pure . nvConstantP (Provenance scope (NUnary_ span op (pure arg)))
@@ -346,17 +331,14 @@ execBinaryOp
   -> NValue t f m
   -> m (NValue t f m)
   -> m (NValue t f m)
---  2021-02-25: NOTE: These are do blocks. Currently in the middle of the big rewrite, can not check their refactor. Please help.
 execBinaryOp scope span op lval rarg =
   case op of
     NEq   -> helperEq id
     NNEq  -> helperEq not
-    NOr   ->
-      helperLogic flip True
-    NAnd  ->
-      helperLogic id False
-    NImpl ->
-      helperLogic id True
+    NOr   -> helperLogic flip True
+    NAnd  -> helperLogic id   False
+    NImpl -> helperLogic id   True
     _     ->
         rval <- rarg
@@ -367,13 +349,21 @@ execBinaryOp scope span op lval rarg =
-  helperEq flag = rarg >>= \rval -> valueEqM lval rval >>= boolOp rval . flag
+  helperEq flag =
+    do
+      rval <- rarg
+      eq <- valueEqM lval rval
+      boolOp rval $ flag eq
   helperLogic flp flag =
-    fromValue lval >>=
-      flp bool
-        (bypass flag)
-        (rarg >>= \rval -> fromValue rval >>= boolOp rval)
+    flp bool
+      (bypass flag)
+      (do
+          rval <- rarg
+          x <- fromValue rval
+          boolOp rval x
+      )
+      =<< fromValue lval
   boolOp rval = toBoolOp (pure rval)
@@ -397,51 +387,56 @@ execBinaryOpForced
   -> m (NValue t f m)
 execBinaryOpForced scope span op lval rval = case op of
-  NLt  -> compare (<)
-  NLte -> compare (<=)
-  NGt  -> compare (>)
-  NGte -> compare (>=)
+  NLt    -> compare (<)
+  NLte   -> compare (<=)
+  NGt    -> compare (>)
+  NGte   -> compare (>=)
   NMinus -> numBinOp (-)
   NMult  -> numBinOp (*)
   NDiv   -> numBinOp' div (/)
-  NConcat -> case (lval, rval) of
-    (NVList ls, NVList rs) -> pure $ nvListP prov $ ls <> rs
-    _ -> unsupportedTypes
+  NConcat ->
+    case (lval, rval) of
+      (NVList ls, NVList rs) -> pure $ nvListP prov $ ls <> rs
+      _ -> unsupportedTypes
-  NUpdate -> case (lval, rval) of
-    (NVSet ls lp, NVSet rs rp) -> pure $ nvSetP prov (rs `M.union` ls) (rp `M.union` lp)
-    (NVSet ls lp, NVConstant NNull) -> pure $ nvSetP prov ls lp
-    (NVConstant NNull, NVSet rs rp) -> pure $ nvSetP prov rs rp
-    _ -> unsupportedTypes
+  NUpdate ->
+    case (lval, rval) of
+      (NVSet ls lp, NVSet rs rp) -> pure $ nvSetP prov (rp `M.union` lp) (rs `M.union` ls)
+      (NVSet ls lp, NVConstant NNull) -> pure $ nvSetP prov lp ls
+      (NVConstant NNull, NVSet rs rp) -> pure $ nvSetP prov rp rs
+      _ -> unsupportedTypes
-  NPlus -> case (lval, rval) of
-    (NVConstant _, NVConstant _) -> numBinOp (+)
-    (NVStr ls, NVStr rs) -> pure $ nvStrP prov (ls `mappend` rs)
-    (NVStr ls, rs@NVPath{}) ->
-      (\rs2 -> nvStrP prov (ls `mappend` rs2))
-        <$> coerceToString callFunc CopyToStore CoerceStringy rs
-    (NVPath ls, NVStr rs) -> case getStringNoContext rs of
-      Just rs2 -> nvPathP prov <$> makeAbsolutePath @t @f (ls `mappend` Text.unpack rs2)
-      Nothing -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
-        -- data/nix/src/libexpr/eval.cc:1412
-        "A string that refers to a store path cannot be appended to a path."
-    (NVPath ls, NVPath rs) -> nvPathP prov <$> makeAbsolutePath @t @f (ls <> rs)
-    (ls@NVSet{}, NVStr rs) ->
-      (\ls2 -> nvStrP prov (ls2 `mappend` rs))
-        <$> coerceToString callFunc DontCopyToStore CoerceStringy ls
-    (NVStr ls, rs@NVSet{}) ->
-      (\rs2 -> nvStrP prov (ls `mappend` rs2))
-        <$> coerceToString callFunc DontCopyToStore CoerceStringy rs
-    _ -> unsupportedTypes
+  NPlus ->
+    case (lval, rval) of
+      (NVConstant _, NVConstant _) -> numBinOp (+)
+      (NVStr ls, NVStr rs) -> pure $ nvStrP prov (ls <> rs)
+      (NVStr ls, rs@NVPath{}) ->
+        (\rs2 -> nvStrP prov (ls <> rs2))
+          <$> coerceToString callFunc CopyToStore CoerceStringy rs
+      (NVPath ls, NVStr rs) ->
+        maybe
+          (throwError $ ErrorCall "A string that refers to a store path cannot be appended to a path.") -- data/nix/src/libexpr/eval.cc:1412
+          (\ rs2 ->
+             nvPathP prov <$> makeAbsolutePath @t @f (ls <> Text.unpack rs2)
+          )
+          (getStringNoContext rs)
+      (NVPath ls, NVPath rs) -> nvPathP prov <$> makeAbsolutePath @t @f (ls <> rs)
+      (ls@NVSet{}, NVStr rs) ->
+        (\ls2 -> nvStrP prov (ls2 <> rs))
+          <$> coerceToString callFunc DontCopyToStore CoerceStringy ls
+      (NVStr ls, rs@NVSet{}) ->
+        (\rs2 -> nvStrP prov (ls <> rs2))
+          <$> coerceToString callFunc DontCopyToStore CoerceStringy rs
+      _ -> unsupportedTypes
   NEq   -> alreadyHandled
   NNEq  -> alreadyHandled
   NAnd  -> alreadyHandled
   NOr   -> alreadyHandled
   NImpl -> alreadyHandled
-  NApp  -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "NApp should be handled by evalApp"
+  NApp  -> throwError $ ErrorCall "NApp should be handled by evalApp"
   prov :: Provenance m (NValue t f m)
@@ -474,25 +469,19 @@ execBinaryOpForced scope span op lval rval = case op of
       _ -> unsupportedTypes
     _ -> unsupportedTypes
-  unsupportedTypes = throwError $ ErrorCall $
-    "Unsupported argument types for binary operator "
-      <> show op
-      <> ": "
-      <> show lval
-      <> ", "
-      <> show rval
+  unsupportedTypes = throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Unsupported argument types for binary operator " <> show op <> ": " <> show lval <> ", " <> show rval
+  alreadyHandled = throwError $ ErrorCall $ "This cannot happen: operator " <> show op <> " should have been handled in execBinaryOp."
-  alreadyHandled = throwError $ ErrorCall $
-    "This cannot happen: operator "
-      <> show op
-      <> " should have been handled in execBinaryOp."
 -- This function is here, rather than in 'Nix.String', because of the need to
 -- use 'throwError'.
 fromStringNoContext :: Framed e m => NixString -> m Text
-fromStringNoContext ns = case getStringNoContext ns of
-  Just str -> pure str
-  Nothing  -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "expected string with no context, but got " <> show ns
+fromStringNoContext ns =
+  maybe
+    (throwError $ ErrorCall $ "expected string with no context, but got " <> show ns)
+    pure
+    (getStringNoContext ns)
   :: (MonadNix e t f m, Has e Options, MonadReader Int n, Alternative n)
@@ -505,14 +494,18 @@ addTracing k v = do
     v'@(Compose (Ann span x)) <- sequence v
     pure $ do
       opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
-      let rendered = if verbose opts >= Chatty
+      let
+        rendered =
+          if verbose opts >= Chatty
+            then
+              pretty $
 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_pretty_show
-                     then pretty $ PS.ppShow (void x)
+                PS.ppShow (void x)
-            then pretty $ show (void x)
+                show (void x)
             else prettyNix (Fix (Fix (NSym "?") <$ x))
-          msg x = pretty ("eval: " <> replicate depth ' ') <> x
+        msg x = pretty ("eval: " <> replicate depth ' ') <> x
       loc <- renderLocation span (msg rendered <> " ...\n")
       putStr $ show loc
       res <- k v'
@@ -522,12 +515,19 @@ addTracing k v = do
 evalExprLoc :: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => NExprLoc -> m (NValue t f m)
 evalExprLoc expr = do
   opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
-  if tracing opts
-    then join . (`runReaderT` (0 :: Int)) $ adi
-      (addTracing phi)
-      (raise (addStackFrames @(NValue t f m) . addSourcePositions))
-      expr
-    else adi phi (addStackFrames @(NValue t f m) . addSourcePositions) expr
+  bool
+    (adi
+      phi
+      (addStackFrames @(NValue t f m) . addSourcePositions)
+      )
+    (join . (`runReaderT` (0 :: Int)) .
+      adi
+        (addTracing phi)
+        (raise (addStackFrames @(NValue t f m) . addSourcePositions))
+        )
+    (tracing opts)
+    expr
   phi = Eval.eval . annotated . getCompose
   raise k f x = ReaderT $ \e -> k (\t -> runReaderT (f t) e) x
diff --git a/src/Nix/Expr/Strings.hs b/src/Nix/Expr/Strings.hs
index 3476afae7..687936665 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Expr/Strings.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Expr/Strings.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text                     as T
 import           Data.Tuple                     ( swap )
 import           Nix.Expr
--- | Merge adjacent 'Plain' values with 'mappend'.
+-- | Merge adjacent @Plain@ values with @<>@.
 mergePlain :: [Antiquoted Text r] -> [Antiquoted Text r]
 mergePlain [] = mempty
 mergePlain (Plain a : EscapedNewline : Plain b : xs) =
diff --git a/src/Nix/Expr/Types.hs b/src/Nix/Expr/Types.hs
index aaf416208..0467801a2 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Expr/Types.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Expr/Types.hs
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ module Nix.Expr.Types where
 import qualified Codec.Serialise                as Serialise
 import           Codec.Serialise                ( Serialise )
-import           Control.Applicative
 import           Control.DeepSeq
 import           Control.Monad
 import           Data.Aeson
@@ -123,8 +122,9 @@ data Params r
   -- > ParamSet [("x",Nothing)] False Nothing     ~  { x }
   -- > ParamSet [("x",pure y)]  True  (pure "s")  ~  s@{ x ? y, ... }
-  deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Generic1, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show,
-            Foldable, Traversable, NFData, Hashable)
+  deriving
+    (Ord, Eq, Generic, Generic1, Typeable, Data, NFData, Hashable, Show,
+    Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
 instance Hashable1 Params
@@ -630,31 +630,41 @@ ekey
   => NonEmpty Text
   -> SourcePos
   -> Lens' (Fix g) (Maybe (Fix g))
-ekey keys pos f e@(Fix x) | (NSet NNonRecursive xs, ann) <- fromNExpr x = case go xs of
-  ((v, []      ) : _) -> fromMaybe e <$> f (pure v)
-  ((v, r : rest) : _) -> ekey (r :| rest) pos f v
-  _                   -> f Nothing <&> \case
-    Nothing -> e
-    Just v ->
-      let entry = NamedVar (NE.map StaticKey keys) v pos
-      in  Fix (toNExpr (NSet NNonRecursive (entry : xs), ann))
- where
-  go xs = do
-    let keys' = NE.toList keys
-    (ks, rest) <- zip (inits keys') (tails keys')
-    case ks of
-      []     -> empty
-      j : js -> do
-        NamedVar ns v _p <- xs
-        guard $ (j : js) == (NE.toList ns ^.. traverse . _StaticKey)
-        pure (v, rest)
+ekey keys pos f e@(Fix x) | (NSet NNonRecursive xs, ann) <- fromNExpr x =
+  case go xs of
+    ((v, []      ) : _) -> fromMaybe e <$> f (pure v)
+    ((v, r : rest) : _) -> ekey (r :| rest) pos f v
+    _                   ->
+      maybe
+        e
+        (\ v ->
+          let entry = NamedVar (NE.map StaticKey keys) v pos in
+          Fix (toNExpr (NSet NNonRecursive (entry : xs), ann)))
+      <$>
+        f Nothing
+  where
+    go xs =
+      do
+        let keys' = NE.toList keys
+        (ks, rest) <- zip (inits keys') (tails keys')
+        list
+          mempty
+          (\ (j : js) ->
+            do
+              NamedVar ns v _p <- xs
+              guard $ (j : js) == (NE.toList ns ^.. traverse . _StaticKey)
+              pure (v, rest)
+          )
+          ks
 ekey _ _ f e = fromMaybe e <$> f Nothing
 stripPositionInfo :: NExpr -> NExpr
 stripPositionInfo = transport phi
+  transport f (Fix x) = Fix $ fmap (transport f) (f x)
   phi (NSet recur binds) = NSet recur $ fmap go binds
   phi (NLet binds body) = NLet (fmap go binds) body
   phi x                 = x
diff --git a/src/Nix/Expr/Types/Annotated.hs b/src/Nix/Expr/Types/Annotated.hs
index 7ebaa8ec2..307820565 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Expr/Types/Annotated.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Expr/Types/Annotated.hs
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ stripAnn = annotated . getCompose
 nUnary :: Ann SrcSpan NUnaryOp -> NExprLoc -> NExprLoc
 nUnary (Ann s1 u) e1@(AnnE s2 _) = AnnE (s1 <> s2) (NUnary u e1)
 nUnary _          _              = error "nUnary: unexpected"
-{-# inline nUnary#-}
+{-# inline nUnary #-}
 nBinary :: Ann SrcSpan NBinaryOp -> NExprLoc -> NExprLoc -> NExprLoc
 nBinary (Ann s1 b) e1@(AnnE s2 _) e2@(AnnE s3 _) =
diff --git a/src/Nix/Lint.hs b/src/Nix/Lint.hs
index b4c6fbc79..3b8bc1b38 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Lint.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Lint.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-methods #-}
@@ -57,14 +58,14 @@ data TAtom
   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
 data NTypeF (m :: * -> *) r
-    = TConstant [TAtom]
-    | TStr
-    | TList r
-    | TSet (Maybe (HashMap Text r))
-    | TClosure (Params ())
-    | TPath
-    | TBuiltin String (Symbolic m -> m r)
-    deriving Functor
+  = TConstant [TAtom]
+  | TStr
+  | TList r
+  | TSet (Maybe (HashMap Text r))
+  | TClosure (Params ())
+  | TPath
+  | TBuiltin String (Symbolic m -> m r)
+  deriving Functor
 compareTypes :: NTypeF m r -> NTypeF m r -> Ordering
 compareTypes (TConstant _)  (TConstant _)  = EQ
@@ -88,9 +89,9 @@ compareTypes _              TPath          = GT
 compareTypes (TBuiltin _ _) (TBuiltin _ _) = EQ
 data NSymbolicF r
-    = NAny
-    | NMany [r]
-    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+  = NAny
+  | NMany [r]
+  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
 type SThunk (m :: * -> *) = NThunkF m (Symbolic m)
@@ -101,14 +102,21 @@ data Symbolic m = SV { getSV :: SValue m } | ST { getST :: SThunk m }
 instance Show (Symbolic m) where
   show _ = "<symbolic>"
-everyPossible :: MonadVar m => m (Symbolic m)
+  :: MonadVar m
+  => m (Symbolic m)
 everyPossible = packSymbolic NAny
-mkSymbolic :: MonadVar m => [NTypeF m (Symbolic m)] -> m (Symbolic m)
+  :: MonadVar m
+  => [NTypeF m (Symbolic m)]
+  -> m (Symbolic m)
 mkSymbolic xs = packSymbolic (NMany xs)
-  :: MonadVar m => NSymbolicF (NTypeF m (Symbolic m)) -> m (Symbolic m)
+  :: MonadVar m
+  => NSymbolicF (NTypeF m (Symbolic m))
+  -> m (Symbolic m)
 packSymbolic = fmap SV . newVar
@@ -333,27 +341,33 @@ instance MonadLint e m => MonadEval (Symbolic m) m where
   -- each time a name is looked up within the weak scope, and we want to be
   -- sure the action it evaluates is to force a thunk, so its value is only
   -- computed once.
-  evalWith scope body = do
-    s <- defer scope
-    pushWeakScope ?? body $
-      (unpackSymbolic >=> \case
-        NMany [TSet (Just s')] -> pure s'
-        NMany [TSet Nothing] -> error "NYI: with unknown"
-        _ -> throwError $ ErrorCall "scope must be a set in with statement"
-      ) =<< demand s
-  evalIf cond t f = do
-    t' <- t
-    f' <- f
-    let e = NIf cond t' f'
-    _ <- unify (void e) cond =<< mkSymbolic [TConstant [TBool]]
-    unify (void e) t' f'
-  evalAssert cond body = do
-    body' <- body
-    let e = NAssert cond body'
-    _ <- unify (void e) cond =<< mkSymbolic [TConstant [TBool]]
-    pure body'
+  evalWith scope body =
+    do
+      s <- unpackSymbolic =<< demand =<< defer scope
+      pushWeakScope
+        (case s of
+          NMany [TSet (Just s')] -> pure s'
+          NMany [TSet Nothing] -> error "NYI: with unknown"
+          _ -> throwError $ ErrorCall "scope must be a set in with statement"
+        )
+        body
+  evalIf cond t f =
+    do
+      t' <- t
+      f' <- f
+      let e = NIf cond t' f'
+      _ <- unify (void e) cond =<< mkSymbolic [TConstant [TBool]]
+      unify (void e) t' f'
+  evalAssert cond body =
+    do
+      body' <- body
+      let e = NAssert cond body'
+      _ <- unify (void e) cond =<< mkSymbolic [TConstant [TBool]]
+      pure body'
   evalApp = (fmap snd .) . lintApp (NBinary NApp () ())
   evalAbs params _ = mkSymbolic [TClosure (void params)]
@@ -367,39 +381,47 @@ lintBinaryOp
   -> Symbolic m
   -> m (Symbolic m)
   -> m (Symbolic m)
-lintBinaryOp op lsym rarg = do
-  rsym <- rarg
-  y    <- defer everyPossible
-  case op of
-    NApp    -> symerr "lintBinaryOp:NApp: should never get here"
-    NEq     -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull], TStr, TList y]
-    NNEq    -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull], TStr, TList y]
-    NLt     -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull]]
-    NLte    -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull]]
-    NGt     -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull]]
-    NGte    -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull]]
-    NAnd    -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TBool]]
-    NOr     -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TBool]]
-    NImpl   -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TBool]]
-    -- jww (2018-04-01): NYI: Allow Path + Str
-    NPlus   -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt], TStr, TPath]
-    NMinus  -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt]]
-    NMult   -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt]]
-    NDiv    -> check lsym rsym [TConstant [TInt]]
-    NUpdate -> check lsym rsym [TSet mempty]
-    NConcat -> check lsym rsym [TList y]
+lintBinaryOp op lsym rarg =
+  do
+    rsym <- rarg
+    y    <- defer everyPossible
+    case op of
+      NApp    -> symerr "lintBinaryOp:NApp: should never get here"
+      _ -> check lsym rsym $
+        case op of
+          NEq     -> [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull], TStr, TList y]
+          NNEq    -> [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull], TStr, TList y]
+          NLt     -> [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull]]
+          NLte    -> [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull]]
+          NGt     -> [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull]]
+          NGte    -> [TConstant [TInt, TBool, TNull]]
+          NAnd    -> [TConstant [TBool]]
+          NOr     -> [TConstant [TBool]]
+          NImpl   -> [TConstant [TBool]]
+          -- jww (2018-04-01): NYI: Allow Path + Str
+          NPlus   -> [TConstant [TInt], TStr, TPath]
+          NMinus  -> [TConstant [TInt]]
+          NMult   -> [TConstant [TInt]]
+          NDiv    -> [TConstant [TInt]]
+          NUpdate -> [TSet mempty]
+          NConcat -> [TList y]
+          _ -> error "Should not be possible"  -- symerr or this fun signature should be changed to work in type scope
-  check lsym rsym xs = do
-    let e = NBinary op lsym rsym
-    m <- mkSymbolic xs
-    _ <- unify (void e) lsym m
-    _ <- unify (void e) rsym m
-    unify (void e) lsym rsym
+  check lsym rsym xs =
+    do
+      let e = NBinary op lsym rsym
+      m <- mkSymbolic xs
+      _ <- unify (void e) lsym m
+      _ <- unify (void e) rsym m
+      unify (void e) lsym rsym
 infixl 1 `lintApp`
@@ -451,21 +473,29 @@ instance MonadCatch (Lint s) where
 runLintM :: Options -> Lint s a -> ST s a
 runLintM opts action = do
   i <- newVar (1 :: Int)
-  runFreshIdT i $ flip runReaderT (newContext opts) $ runLint action
+  runFreshIdT i $ (`runReaderT` newContext opts) $ runLint action
-symbolicBaseEnv :: Monad m => m (Scopes m (Symbolic m))
+  :: Monad m
+  => m (Scopes m (Symbolic m))
 symbolicBaseEnv = pure emptyScopes
 lint :: Options -> NExprLoc -> ST s (Symbolic (Lint s))
 lint opts expr =
-  runLintM opts
-    $   symbolicBaseEnv
-    >>= (`pushScopes` adi (Eval.eval . annotated . getCompose)
-                          Eval.addSourcePositions
-                          expr
+  runLintM opts $
+    do
+      basis <- symbolicBaseEnv
+      pushScopes
+        basis
+        (adi
+          (Eval.eval . annotated . getCompose)
+          Eval.addSourcePositions
+          expr
-instance Scoped (Symbolic (Lint s)) (Lint s) where
+  Scoped (Symbolic (Lint s)) (Lint s) where
   currentScopes = currentScopesReader
   clearScopes   = clearScopesReader @(Lint s) @(Symbolic (Lint s))
   pushScopes    = pushScopesReader
diff --git a/src/Nix/Normal.hs b/src/Nix/Normal.hs
index e3123f9c9..a092fad54 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Normal.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Normal.hs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
diff --git a/src/Nix/Parser.hs b/src/Nix/Parser.hs
index 4447b9911..e6b00fa5e 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Parser.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
@@ -48,43 +49,64 @@ where
 import           Prelude                 hiding ( readFile )
-import           Control.Applicative     hiding ( many
-                                                , some
+import           Control.DeepSeq                ( NFData )
+import           Control.Monad                  ( guard
+                                                , void
+                                                , liftM2
+                                                , msum
+                                                , MonadPlus(mplus)
+                                                )
+import           Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr ( makeExprParser
+                                                , Operator( Postfix
+                                                          , InfixN
+                                                          , InfixR
+                                                          , Prefix
+                                                          , InfixL
+                                                          )
+                                                )
+import           Control.Monad.State.Strict     ( evalState
+                                                , MonadState(get, put)
+                                                , State
-import           Control.DeepSeq
-import           Control.Monad
-import           Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr
-import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
 import           Data.Char                      ( isAlpha
                                                 , isDigit
                                                 , isSpace
 import           Data.Data                      ( Data(..) )
 import           Data.Fix                       ( Fix(..) )
-import           Data.Functor
+import           Data.Functor                   ( ($>) )
 import           Data.HashSet                   ( HashSet )
 import qualified Data.HashSet                  as HashSet
 import           Data.List.NonEmpty             ( NonEmpty(..) )
 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty            as NE
 import qualified Data.Map                      as Map
-import           Data.Text               hiding ( foldr1
-                                                , concat
-                                                , concatMap
-                                                , zipWith
+import           Data.Text                      ( Text
+                                                , cons
+                                                , singleton
+                                                , pack
-import           Data.Text.Encoding
+import           Data.Text.Encoding             ( decodeUtf8 )
 import           Data.Typeable                  ( Typeable )
-import           Data.Void
-import           GHC.Generics            hiding ( Prefix )
+import           Data.Void                      ( Void )
+import           GHC.Generics                   ( Generic )
 import           Nix.Expr                hiding ( ($>) )
-import           Nix.Expr.Strings
-import           Nix.Render
+import           Nix.Expr.Strings               ( escapeCodes
+                                                , stripIndent
+                                                , mergePlain
+                                                , removePlainEmpty
+                                                )
+import           Nix.Render                     ( MonadFile(readFile) )
+import           Nix.Utils                      ( bool )
 import           Prettyprinter                  ( Doc
                                                 , pretty
 import           Text.Megaparsec         hiding ( State )
-import           Text.Megaparsec.Char
-import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer    as L
+import           Text.Megaparsec.Char           ( space1
+                                                , string
+                                                , letterChar
+                                                , char
+                                                )
+import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer    as Lexer
 infixl 3 <+>
 (<+>) :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m a -> m a
@@ -93,63 +115,68 @@ infixl 3 <+>
 nixExpr :: Parser NExprLoc
-nixExpr = makeExprParser nixTerm $ fmap (fmap snd) (nixOperators nixSelector)
+nixExpr =
+  makeExprParser
+    nixTerm $
+      (fmap . fmap)
+        snd
+        (nixOperators nixSelector)
 antiStart :: Parser Text
 antiStart = symbol "${" <?> show ("${" :: String)
 nixAntiquoted :: Parser a -> Parser (Antiquoted a NExprLoc)
 nixAntiquoted p =
-  Antiquoted
-    <$> (antiStart *> nixToplevelForm <* symbol "}")
-    <+> Plain
-    <$> p
-    <?> "anti-quotation"
+  Antiquoted <$>
+    (antiStart *> nixToplevelForm <* symbol "}")
+      <+> Plain <$>
+        p
+      <?> "anti-quotation"
 selDot :: Parser ()
 selDot = try (symbol "." *> notFollowedBy nixPath) <?> "."
 nixSelect :: Parser NExprLoc -> Parser NExprLoc
-nixSelect term = do
-  res <- build <$> term <*> optional
-    ((,) <$> (selDot *> nixSelector) <*> optional (reserved "or" *> nixTerm))
-  continues <- optional $ lookAhead selDot
-  case continues of
-    Nothing -> pure res
-    Just _  -> nixSelect (pure res)
+nixSelect term =
+  do
+    res <-
+      build
+      <$> term
+      <*> optional
+        ( (,)
+        <$> (selDot *> nixSelector)
+        <*> optional (reserved "or" *> nixTerm)
+        )
+    continues <- optional $ lookAhead selDot
+    maybe
+      (pure res)
+      (const $ nixSelect (pure res))
+      continues
     :: NExprLoc
-    -> Maybe (Ann SrcSpan (NAttrPath NExprLoc), Maybe NExprLoc)
+    -> Maybe ( Ann SrcSpan (NAttrPath NExprLoc)
+        , Maybe NExprLoc
+        )
     -> NExprLoc
-  build t Nothing       = t
-  build t (Just (s, o)) = nSelectLoc t s o
+  build t mexpr =
+    maybe
+      t
+      (uncurry (nSelectLoc t))
+      mexpr
 nixSelector :: Parser (Ann SrcSpan (NAttrPath NExprLoc))
-nixSelector = annotateLocation $ do
-  (x : xs) <- keyName `sepBy1` selDot
-  pure $ x :| xs
+nixSelector =
+  annotateLocation $
+    do
+      (x : xs) <- keyName `sepBy1` selDot
+      pure $ x :| xs
 nixTerm :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixTerm = do
   c <- try $ lookAhead $ satisfy $ \x ->
-    pathChar x
-      || x
-      == '('
-      || x
-      == '{'
-      || x
-      == '['
-      || x
-      == '<'
-      || x
-      == '/'
-      || x
-      == '"'
-      || x
-      == '\''
-      || x
-      == '^'
+    pathChar x || (`elem` ("({[</\"'^" :: String)) x
   case c of
     '('  -> nixSelect nixParens
     '{'  -> nixSelect nixSet
@@ -164,16 +191,17 @@ nixTerm = do
         $  [ nixSelect nixSet | c == 'r' ]
         <> [ nixPath | pathChar c ]
         <> if isDigit c
-             then [nixFloat, nixInt]
+             then [ nixFloat, nixInt ]
                [ nixUri | isAlpha c ]
                <> [ nixBool | c == 't' || c == 'f' ]
                <> [ nixNull | c == 'n' ]
-               <> [nixSelect nixSym]
+               <> [ nixSelect nixSym ]
 nixToplevelForm :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixToplevelForm = keywords <+> nixLambda <+> nixExpr
-  where keywords = nixLet <+> nixIf <+> nixAssert <+> nixWith
+ where
+  keywords = nixLet <+> nixIf <+> nixAssert <+> nixWith
 nixSym :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixSym = annotateLocation1 $ mkSymF <$> identifier
@@ -191,7 +219,8 @@ nixFloat =
 nixBool :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixBool =
   annotateLocation1 (bool "true" True <+> bool "false" False) <?> "bool"
-  where bool str b = mkBoolF b <$ reserved str
+ where
+  bool str b = mkBoolF b <$ reserved str
 nixNull :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixNull = annotateLocation1 (mkNullF <$ reserved "null" <?> "null")
@@ -207,35 +236,25 @@ nixList = annotateLocation1 (brackets (NList <$> many nixTerm) <?> "list")
 pathChar :: Char -> Bool
 pathChar x =
-  isAlpha x
-    || isDigit x
-    || x
-    == '.'
-    || x
-    == '_'
-    || x
-    == '-'
-    || x
-    == '+'
-    || x
-    == '~'
+  isAlpha x || isDigit x || (`elem` ("._-+~" :: String)) x
 slash :: Parser Char
 slash =
-      (  char '/'
-      <* notFollowedBy (satisfy (\x -> x == '/' || x == '*' || isSpace x))
-      )
+    (  char '/'
+    <* notFollowedBy (satisfy (\x -> x == '/' || x == '*' || isSpace x))
+    )
     <?> "slash"
 -- | A path surrounded by angle brackets, indicating that it should be
 -- looked up in the NIX_PATH environment variable at evaluation.
 nixSearchPath :: Parser NExprLoc
-nixSearchPath = annotateLocation1
-  (   mkPathF True
-  <$> try (char '<' *> many (satisfy pathChar <+> slash) <* symbol ">")
-  <?> "spath"
-  )
+nixSearchPath =
+  annotateLocation1
+    (mkPathF True <$>
+      try (char '<' *> many (satisfy pathChar <+> slash) <* symbol ">")
+      <?> "spath"
+    )
 pathStr :: Parser FilePath
 pathStr = lexeme $ liftM2
@@ -250,7 +269,10 @@ nixLet :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixLet = annotateLocation1
   (reserved "let" *> (letBody <+> letBinders) <?> "let block")
-  letBinders = NLet <$> nixBinders <*> (reserved "in" *> nixToplevelForm)
+  letBinders =
+    NLet
+    <$> nixBinders
+    <*> (reserved "in" *> nixToplevelForm)
   -- Let expressions `let {..., body = ...}' are just desugared
   -- into `(rec {..., body = ...}).body'.
   letBody    = (\x -> NSelect x (StaticKey "body" :| mempty) Nothing) <$> aset
@@ -258,7 +280,7 @@ nixLet = annotateLocation1
 nixIf :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixIf = annotateLocation1
-  (   NIf
+  (NIf
   <$> (reserved "if" *> nixExpr)
   <*> (reserved "then" *> nixToplevelForm)
   <*> (reserved "else" *> nixToplevelForm)
@@ -267,7 +289,7 @@ nixIf = annotateLocation1
 nixAssert :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixAssert = annotateLocation1
-  (   NAssert
+  (NAssert
   <$> (reserved "assert" *> nixToplevelForm)
   <*> (semi *> nixToplevelForm)
   <?> "assert"
@@ -275,7 +297,7 @@ nixAssert = annotateLocation1
 nixWith :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixWith = annotateLocation1
-  (   NWith
+  (NWith
   <$> (reserved "with" *> nixToplevelForm)
   <*> (semi *> nixToplevelForm)
   <?> "with"
@@ -290,11 +312,20 @@ nixString = nStr <$> annotateLocation nixString'
 nixUri :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixUri = lexeme $ annotateLocation1 $ try $ do
   start    <- letterChar
-  protocol <- many $ satisfy $ \x ->
-    isAlpha x || isDigit x || x `elem` ("+-." :: String)
+  protocol <- many $
+    satisfy $
+      \ x ->
+        isAlpha x
+        || isDigit x
+        || (`elem` ("+-." :: String)) x
   _       <- string ":"
-  address <- some $ satisfy $ \x ->
-    isAlpha x || isDigit x || x `elem` ("%/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'" :: String)
+  address <-
+    some $
+      satisfy $
+        \ x ->
+          isAlpha x
+          || isDigit x
+          || (`elem` ("%/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'" :: String)) x
   pure $ NStr $ DoubleQuoted
     [Plain $ pack $ start : protocol ++ ':' : address]
@@ -304,12 +335,12 @@ nixString' = lexeme (doubleQuoted <+> indented <?> "string")
   doubleQuoted :: Parser (NString NExprLoc)
   doubleQuoted =
-      .   removePlainEmpty
-      .   mergePlain
-      <$> (  doubleQ
-          *> many (stringChar doubleQ (void $ char '\\') doubleEscape)
-          <* doubleQ
-          )
+    . removePlainEmpty
+    . mergePlain <$>
+      ( doubleQ
+      *> many (stringChar doubleQ (void $ char '\\') doubleEscape)
+      <* doubleQ
+      )
       <?> "double quoted string"
   doubleQ      = void (char '"')
@@ -317,40 +348,54 @@ nixString' = lexeme (doubleQuoted <+> indented <?> "string")
   indented :: Parser (NString NExprLoc)
   indented =
-    stripIndent
-      <$> (  indentedQ
-          *> many (stringChar indentedQ indentedQ indentedEscape)
-          <* indentedQ
-          )
+    stripIndent <$>
+      (indentedQ
+      *> many (stringChar indentedQ indentedQ indentedEscape)
+      <* indentedQ
+      )
       <?> "indented string"
   indentedQ      = void (string "''" <?> "\"''\"")
-  indentedEscape = try $ do
-    indentedQ
-    (Plain <$> ("''" <$ char '\'' <+> "$" <$ char '$')) <+> do
-      _ <- char '\\'
-      c <- escapeCode
-      pure $ if c == '\n' then EscapedNewline else Plain $ singleton c
+  indentedEscape =
+    try $
+      do
+        indentedQ
+        (Plain <$> ("''" <$ char '\'' <+> "$" <$ char '$')) <+>
+          do
+            _ <- char '\\'
+            c <- escapeCode
+            pure $
+              bool
+                EscapedNewline
+                (Plain $ singleton c)
+                (c /= '\n')
   stringChar end escStart esc =
-    Antiquoted
-      <$> (antiStart *> nixToplevelForm <* char '}')
-      <+> Plain
-      .   singleton
-      <$> char '$'
-      <+> esc
-      <+> Plain
-      .   pack
-      <$> some plainChar
+    Antiquoted <$>
+      (antiStart *> nixToplevelForm <* char '}')
+        <+> Plain . singleton <$>
+          char '$' <+> esc <+> Plain . pack <$>
+            some plainChar
     plainChar =
       notFollowedBy (end <+> void (char '$') <+> escStart) *> anySingle
-  escapeCode = msum [ c <$ char e | (c, e) <- escapeCodes ] <+> anySingle
+  escapeCode =
+    msum
+      [ c <$ char e | (c, e) <- escapeCodes ]
+    <+> anySingle
 -- | Gets all of the arguments for a function.
 argExpr :: Parser (Params NExprLoc)
-argExpr = msum [atLeft, onlyname, atRight] <* symbol ":" where
+argExpr =
+  msum
+    [ atLeft
+    , onlyname
+    , atRight
+    ]
+  <* symbol ":"
+ where
   -- An argument not in curly braces. There's some potential ambiguity
   -- in the case of, for example `x:y`. Is it a lambda function `x: y`, or
   -- a URI `x:y`? Nix syntax says it's the latter. So we need to fail if
@@ -362,65 +407,80 @@ argExpr = msum [atLeft, onlyname, atRight] <* symbol ":" where
   -- Parameters named by an identifier on the left (`args @ {x, y}`)
-  atLeft = try $ do
-    name               <- identifier <* symbol "@"
-    (variadic, params) <- params
-    pure $ ParamSet params variadic (pure name)
+  atLeft =
+    try $
+      do
+        name               <- identifier <* symbol "@"
+        (variadic, params) <- params
+        pure $ ParamSet params variadic (pure name)
   -- Parameters named by an identifier on the right, or none (`{x, y} @ args`)
-  atRight = do
-    (variadic, params) <- params
-    name               <- optional $ symbol "@" *> identifier
-    pure $ ParamSet params variadic name
+  atRight =
+    do
+      (variadic, params) <- params
+      name               <- optional $ symbol "@" *> identifier
+      pure $ ParamSet params variadic name
   -- Return the parameters set.
-  params = do
-    (args, dotdots) <- braces getParams
-    pure (dotdots, args)
+  params =
+    do
+      (args, dotdots) <- braces getParams
+      pure (dotdots, args)
   -- Collects the parameters within curly braces. Returns the parameters and
   -- a boolean indicating if the parameters are variadic.
   getParams :: Parser ([(Text, Maybe NExprLoc)], Bool)
-  getParams = go mempty   where
+  getParams = go mempty
+   where
     -- Attempt to parse `...`. If this succeeds, stop and return True.
     -- Otherwise, attempt to parse an argument, optionally with a
     -- default. If this fails, then return what has been accumulated
     -- so far.
     go acc = ((acc, True) <$ symbol "...") <+> getMore acc
     getMore acc =
       -- Could be nothing, in which just return what we have so far.
-                  option (acc, False) $ do
-        -- Get an argument name and an optional default.
-      pair <- liftM2 (,) identifier (optional $ question *> nixToplevelForm)
-      -- Either return this, or attempt to get a comma and restart.
-      option (acc <> [pair], False) $ comma *> go (acc <> [pair])
+      option (acc, False) $
+        do
+          -- Get an argument name and an optional default.
+          pair <- liftM2 (,) identifier (optional $ question *> nixToplevelForm)
+          -- Either return this, or attempt to get a comma and restart.
+          option (acc <> [pair], False) $ comma *> go (acc <> [pair])
 nixBinders :: Parser [Binding NExprLoc]
 nixBinders = (inherit <+> namedVar) `endBy` semi where
-  inherit = do
+  inherit =
+    do
       -- We can't use 'reserved' here because it would consume the whitespace
       -- after the keyword, which is not exactly the semantics of C++ Nix.
-    try $ string "inherit" *> lookAhead (void (satisfy reservedEnd))
-    p <- getSourcePos
-    x <- whiteSpace *> optional scope
-    Inherit x <$> many keyName <*> pure p <?> "inherited binding"
-  namedVar = do
-    p <- getSourcePos
-    NamedVar
-      <$> (annotated <$> nixSelector)
-      <*> (equals *> nixToplevelForm)
-      <*> pure p
-      <?> "variable binding"
+      try $ string "inherit" *> lookAhead (void (satisfy reservedEnd))
+      p <- getSourcePos
+      x <- whiteSpace *> optional scope
+      Inherit x
+        <$> many keyName
+        <*> pure p
+        <?> "inherited binding"
+  namedVar =
+    do
+      p <- getSourcePos
+      NamedVar
+        <$> (annotated <$> nixSelector)
+        <*> (equals *> nixToplevelForm)
+        <*> pure p
+        <?> "variable binding"
   scope = nixParens <?> "inherit scope"
 keyName :: Parser (NKeyName NExprLoc)
-keyName = dynamicKey <+> staticKey where
+keyName = dynamicKey <+> staticKey
+ where
   staticKey  = StaticKey <$> identifier
   dynamicKey = DynamicKey <$> nixAntiquoted nixString'
 nixSet :: Parser NExprLoc
 nixSet = annotateLocation1 ((isRec <*> braces nixBinders) <?> "set")
-  where isRec = (reserved "rec" $> NSet NRecursive <?> "recursive set") <+> pure (NSet NNonRecursive)
+ where
+  isRec = (reserved "rec" $> NSet NRecursive <?> "recursive set") <+> pure (NSet NNonRecursive)
 parseNixFile :: MonadFile m => FilePath -> m (Result NExpr)
 parseNixFile =
@@ -439,16 +499,16 @@ parseNixTextLoc = parseFromText (whiteSpace *> nixToplevelForm <* eof)
 {- Parser.Library -}
 skipLineComment' :: Tokens Text -> Parser ()
-skipLineComment' prefix = string prefix
-  *> void (takeWhileP (pure "character") (\x -> x /= '\n' && x /= '\r'))
+skipLineComment' prefix =
+  string prefix *> void (takeWhileP (pure "character") (\x -> x /= '\n' && x /= '\r'))
 whiteSpace :: Parser ()
 whiteSpace = do
   put =<< getSourcePos
-  L.space space1 lineCmnt blockCmnt
+  Lexer.space space1 lineCmnt blockCmnt
   lineCmnt  = skipLineComment' "#"
-  blockCmnt = L.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/"
+  blockCmnt = Lexer.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/"
 lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
 lexeme p = p <* whiteSpace
@@ -458,31 +518,8 @@ symbol = lexeme . string
 reservedEnd :: Char -> Bool
 reservedEnd x =
-  isSpace x
-    || x
-    == '{'
-    || x
-    == '('
-    || x
-    == '['
-    || x
-    == '}'
-    || x
-    == ')'
-    || x
-    == ']'
-    || x
-    == ';'
-    || x
-    == ':'
-    || x
-    == '.'
-    || x
-    == '"'
-    || x
-    == '\''
-    || x
-    == ','
+  isSpace x || (`elem` ("{([})];:.\"'," :: String)) x
+{-# inline reservedEnd #-}
 reserved :: Text -> Parser ()
 reserved n =
@@ -505,45 +542,51 @@ identifier = lexeme $ try $ do
 -- Braces and angles in hnix don't enclose a single expression so this type
 -- restriction would not be useful.
 parens, brackets :: Parser (NExprF f) -> Parser (NExprF f)
-parens = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")")
-braces = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")
+parens   = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")")
+braces   = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")
 -- angles    = between (symbol "<") (symbol ">")
 brackets = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]")
-semi = symbol ";"
-comma = symbol ","
+semi     = symbol ";"
+comma    = symbol ","
 -- colon     = symbol ":"
 -- dot       = symbol "."
-equals = symbol "="
+equals   = symbol "="
 question = symbol "?"
 integer :: Parser Integer
-integer = lexeme L.decimal
+integer = lexeme Lexer.decimal
 float :: Parser Double
-float = lexeme L.float
+float = lexeme Lexer.float
 reservedNames :: HashSet Text
-reservedNames = HashSet.fromList
-  ["let", "in", "if", "then", "else", "assert", "with", "rec", "inherit"]
+reservedNames =
+  HashSet.fromList
+    ["let", "in", "if", "then", "else", "assert", "with", "rec", "inherit"]
 type Parser = ParsecT Void Text (State SourcePos)
+-- This is just a @Either (Doc Void) a@
 data Result a = Success a | Failure (Doc Void) deriving (Show, Functor)
 parseFromFileEx :: MonadFile m => Parser a -> FilePath -> m (Result a)
-parseFromFileEx p path = do
-  txt <- decodeUtf8 <$> readFile path
-  pure
-    $ either (Failure . pretty . errorBundlePretty) Success
-    . flip evalState (initialPos path)
-    $ runParserT p path txt
+parseFromFileEx p path =
+  do
+    txt <- decodeUtf8 <$> readFile path
+    pure $
+      either
+        (Failure . pretty . errorBundlePretty)
+        Success
+        $ (`evalState` initialPos path) $ runParserT p path txt
 parseFromText :: Parser a -> Text -> Result a
 parseFromText p txt =
-  let file = "<string>"
-  in  either (Failure . pretty . errorBundlePretty) Success
-        . flip evalState (initialPos file)
-        $ runParserT p file txt
+  let file = "<string>" in
+  either
+    (Failure . pretty . errorBundlePretty)
+    Success
+    $ (`evalState` initialPos file) $ (`runParserT` file) p txt
 {- Parser.Operators -}
@@ -560,28 +603,38 @@ data NOperatorDef
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show, NFData)
 annotateLocation :: Parser a -> Parser (Ann SrcSpan a)
-annotateLocation p = do
-  begin <- getSourcePos
-  res   <- p
-  end   <- get -- The state set before the last whitespace
-  pure $ Ann (SrcSpan begin end) res
+annotateLocation p =
+  do
+    begin <- getSourcePos
+    end   <- get -- The state set before the last whitespace
+    Ann (SrcSpan begin end) <$> p
 annotateLocation1 :: Parser (NExprF NExprLoc) -> Parser NExprLoc
 annotateLocation1 = fmap annToAnnF . annotateLocation
 manyUnaryOp f = foldr1 (.) <$> some f
-operator "-" = lexeme . try $ string "-" <* notFollowedBy (char '>')
-operator "/" = lexeme . try $ string "/" <* notFollowedBy (char '/')
-operator "<" = lexeme . try $ string "<" <* notFollowedBy (char '=')
-operator ">" = lexeme . try $ string ">" <* notFollowedBy (char '=')
-operator n   = symbol n
+operator op =
+  case op of
+    "-" -> tuneLexer "-" '>'
+    "/" -> tuneLexer "/" '/'
+    "<" -> tuneLexer "<" '='
+    ">" -> tuneLexer ">" '='
+    n   -> symbol n
+ where
+  tuneLexer opchar nonextchar =
+    lexeme . try $ string opchar <* notFollowedBy (char nonextchar)
 opWithLoc :: Text -> o -> (Ann SrcSpan o -> a) -> Parser a
-opWithLoc name op f = do
-  Ann ann _ <- annotateLocation $ {- dbg (unpack name) $ -}
-                                  operator name
-  pure $ f (Ann ann op)
+opWithLoc name op f =
+  do
+    Ann ann _ <-
+      annotateLocation $
+        {- dbg (unpack name) $ -}
+        operator name
+    pure $ f (Ann ann op)
 binaryN name op =
   (NBinaryDef name op NAssocNone, InfixN (opWithLoc name op nBinary))
@@ -613,37 +666,47 @@ nixOperators selector =
     {-  2 -}
     [ ( NBinaryDef " " NApp NAssocLeft
-                -- Thanks to Brent Yorgey for showing me this trick!
+        -- Thanks to Brent Yorgey for showing me this trick!
         InfixL $ nApp <$ symbol ""
   , {-  3 -}
-    [prefix "-" NNeg]
+    [ prefix  "-"  NNeg ]
   , {-  4 -}
     [ ( NSpecialDef "?" NHasAttrOp NAssocLeft
       , Postfix $ symbol "?" *> (flip nHasAttr <$> selector)
   , {-  5 -}
-    [binaryR "++" NConcat]
+    [ binaryR "++" NConcat ]
   , {-  6 -}
-    [binaryL "*" NMult, binaryL "/" NDiv]
+    [ binaryL "*"  NMult
+    , binaryL "/"  NDiv
+    ]
   , {-  7 -}
-    [binaryL "+" NPlus, binaryL "-" NMinus]
+    [ binaryL "+"  NPlus
+    , binaryL "-"  NMinus
+    ]
   , {-  8 -}
-    [prefix "!" NNot]
+    [ prefix  "!"  NNot ]
   , {-  9 -}
-    [binaryR "//" NUpdate]
+    [ binaryR "//" NUpdate ]
   , {- 10 -}
-    [binaryL "<" NLt, binaryL ">" NGt, binaryL "<=" NLte, binaryL ">=" NGte]
+    [ binaryL "<"  NLt
+    , binaryL ">"  NGt
+    , binaryL "<=" NLte
+    , binaryL ">=" NGte
+    ]
   , {- 11 -}
-    [binaryN "==" NEq, binaryN "!=" NNEq]
+    [ binaryN "==" NEq
+    , binaryN "!=" NNEq
+    ]
   , {- 12 -}
-    [binaryL "&&" NAnd]
+    [ binaryL "&&" NAnd ]
   , {- 13 -}
-    [binaryL "||" NOr]
+    [ binaryL "||" NOr ]
   , {- 14 -}
-    [binaryR "->" NImpl]
+    [ binaryR "->" NImpl ]
 data OperatorInfo = OperatorInfo
@@ -653,29 +716,53 @@ data OperatorInfo = OperatorInfo
   } deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
 getUnaryOperator :: NUnaryOp -> OperatorInfo
-getUnaryOperator = (m Map.!) where
-  m = Map.fromList $ concat $ zipWith buildEntry
-                                      [1 ..]
-                                      (nixOperators (error "unused"))
-  buildEntry i = concatMap $ \case
-    (NUnaryDef name op, _) -> [(op, OperatorInfo i NAssocNone name)]
-    _                      -> mempty
+getUnaryOperator = (m Map.!)
+ where
+  m =
+    Map.fromList $
+      concat $
+        zipWith
+          buildEntry
+          [1 ..]
+          (nixOperators (error "unused"))
+  buildEntry i =
+    concatMap $
+      \case
+        (NUnaryDef name op, _) -> [(op, OperatorInfo i NAssocNone name)]
+        _                      -> mempty
 getBinaryOperator :: NBinaryOp -> OperatorInfo
-getBinaryOperator = (m Map.!) where
-  m = Map.fromList $ concat $ zipWith buildEntry
-                                      [1 ..]
-                                      (nixOperators (error "unused"))
-  buildEntry i = concatMap $ \case
-    (NBinaryDef name op assoc, _) -> [(op, OperatorInfo i assoc name)]
-    _                             -> mempty
+getBinaryOperator = (m Map.!)
+ where
+  m =
+    Map.fromList $
+      concat $
+        zipWith
+          buildEntry
+          [1 ..]
+          (nixOperators (error "unused"))
+  buildEntry i =
+    concatMap $
+      \case
+        (NBinaryDef name op assoc, _) -> [(op, OperatorInfo i assoc name)]
+        _                             -> mempty
 getSpecialOperator :: NSpecialOp -> OperatorInfo
 getSpecialOperator NSelectOp = OperatorInfo 1 NAssocLeft "."
-getSpecialOperator o         = m Map.! o where
-  m = Map.fromList $ concat $ zipWith buildEntry
-                                      [1 ..]
-                                      (nixOperators (error "unused"))
-  buildEntry i = concatMap $ \case
-    (NSpecialDef name op assoc, _) -> [(op, OperatorInfo i assoc name)]
-    _                              -> mempty
+getSpecialOperator o         = m Map.! o
+ where
+  m =
+    Map.fromList $
+      concat $
+        zipWith
+          buildEntry
+          [1 ..]
+          (nixOperators (error "unused"))
+  buildEntry i =
+    concatMap $
+      \case
+        (NSpecialDef name op assoc, _) -> [(op, OperatorInfo i assoc name)]
+        _                              -> mempty
diff --git a/src/Nix/Pretty.hs b/src/Nix/Pretty.hs
index f8e1c2358..06fe08793 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Pretty.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Pretty.hs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
@@ -16,7 +15,8 @@ module Nix.Pretty where
 import           Control.Applicative            ( (<|>) )
 import           Control.Monad.Free
-import           Data.Fix                       ( Fix(..), foldFix )
+import           Data.Fix                       ( Fix(..)
+                                                , foldFix )
 import           Data.HashMap.Lazy              ( toList )
 import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy             as M
 import qualified Data.HashSet                  as HashSet
@@ -25,9 +25,7 @@ import           Data.List                      ( isPrefixOf
 import           Data.List.NonEmpty             ( NonEmpty(..) )
 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty            as NE
-import           Data.Maybe                     ( isJust
-                                                , fromMaybe
-                                                )
+import           Data.Maybe                     ( fromMaybe )
 import           Data.Text                      ( pack
                                                 , unpack
                                                 , replace
@@ -43,7 +41,7 @@ import           Nix.Parser
 import           Nix.String
 import           Nix.Thunk
 import           Nix.Value
-import           Prettyprinter
+import           Prettyprinter           hiding ( list )
 import           Text.Read                      ( readMaybe )
 import           Nix.Utils
@@ -62,14 +60,14 @@ data NixDoc ann = NixDoc
                     -- we can add brackets appropriately
-mkNixDoc :: Doc ann -> OperatorInfo -> NixDoc ann
-mkNixDoc d o = NixDoc { withoutParens = d, rootOp = o, wasPath = False }
+mkNixDoc :: OperatorInfo -> Doc ann -> NixDoc ann
+mkNixDoc o d = NixDoc { withoutParens = d, rootOp = o, wasPath = False }
 -- | A simple expression is never wrapped in parentheses. The expression
 --   behaves as if its root operator had a precedence higher than all
 --   other operators (including function application).
 simpleExpr :: Doc ann -> NixDoc ann
-simpleExpr d = mkNixDoc d (OperatorInfo minBound NAssocNone "simple expr")
+simpleExpr = mkNixDoc (OperatorInfo minBound NAssocNone "simple expr")
 pathExpr :: Doc ann -> NixDoc ann
 pathExpr d = (simpleExpr d) { wasPath = True }
@@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ pathExpr d = (simpleExpr d) { wasPath = True }
 --   binding).
 leastPrecedence :: Doc ann -> NixDoc ann
 leastPrecedence =
-  flip mkNixDoc $ OperatorInfo maxBound NAssocNone "least precedence"
+  mkNixDoc (OperatorInfo maxBound NAssocNone "least precedence")
 appOp :: OperatorInfo
 appOp = getBinaryOperator NApp
@@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ hasAttrOp = getSpecialOperator NHasAttrOp
 wrapParens :: OperatorInfo -> NixDoc ann -> Doc ann
 wrapParens op sub =
-    parens
+    (\ a -> "(" <> a <> ")")
     (precedence (rootOp sub)       < precedence op
     || (precedence (rootOp sub)   == precedence op
@@ -113,15 +111,17 @@ wrapPath :: OperatorInfo -> NixDoc ann -> Doc ann
 wrapPath op sub =
     (wrapParens op sub)
-    (dquotes $ "$" <> braces (withoutParens sub))
+    ("\"${" <> withoutParens sub <> "}\"")
     (wasPath sub)
 prettyString :: NString (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
-prettyString (DoubleQuoted parts) = dquotes . hcat . fmap prettyPart $ parts
+prettyString (DoubleQuoted parts) = "\"" <> (mconcat . fmap prettyPart $ parts) <> "\""
+  -- It serializes (@unpack@) Text -> String, because the helper code is done for String,
+  -- please, can someone break that code.
   prettyPart (Plain t)      = pretty . concatMap escape . unpack $ t
   prettyPart EscapedNewline = "''\\n"
-  prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = "$" <> braces (withoutParens r)
+  prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = "${" <> withoutParens r <> "}"
   escape '"' = "\\\""
   escape x   =
@@ -129,64 +129,63 @@ prettyString (DoubleQuoted parts) = dquotes . hcat . fmap prettyPart $ parts
       (('\\' :) . (: mempty))
       (toEscapeCode x)
 prettyString (Indented _ parts) = group $ nest 2 $ vcat
-  [dsquote, content, dsquote]
+  ["''", content, "''"]
-  dsquote = squote <> squote
   content = vsep . fmap prettyLine . stripLastIfEmpty . splitLines $ parts
   stripLastIfEmpty = reverse . f . reverse   where
     f ([Plain t] : xs) | Text.null (strip t) = xs
     f xs = xs
   prettyLine = hcat . fmap prettyPart
   prettyPart (Plain t) =
-    pretty . unpack . replace "${" "''${" . replace "''" "'''" $ t
+    pretty . replace "${" "''${" . replace "''" "'''" $ t
   prettyPart EscapedNewline = "\\n"
-  prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = "$" <> braces (withoutParens r)
+  prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = "${" <> withoutParens r <> "}"
 prettyParams :: Params (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
-prettyParams (Param n           ) = pretty $ unpack n
+prettyParams (Param n           ) = pretty n
 prettyParams (ParamSet s v mname) = prettyParamSet s v <>
-    (\ name -> ("@" <> pretty (unpack name)) `ifTrue` not (Text.null name)) `ifJust` mname
+    (\ name -> ("@" <> pretty name) `ifTrue` not (Text.null name)) `ifJust` mname
 prettyParamSet :: ParamSet (NixDoc ann) -> Bool -> Doc ann
 prettyParamSet args var =
-    (lbrace <> space)
-    (align (space <> rbrace))
+    "{ "
+    (align " }")
     (fmap prettySetArg args <> prettyVariadic)
   prettySetArg (n, maybeDef) =
-      (pretty (unpack n))
-      (\x -> pretty (unpack n) <> " ? " <> withoutParens x)
+      (pretty n)
+      (\x -> pretty n <> " ? " <> withoutParens x)
   prettyVariadic = [ "..." | var ]
-  sep            = align (comma <> space)
+  sep            = align ", "
 prettyBind :: Binding (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
 prettyBind (NamedVar n v _p) =
-  prettySelector n <> space <> equals <> space <> withoutParens v <> semi
+  prettySelector n <> " = " <> withoutParens v <> ";"
 prettyBind (Inherit s ns _p) =
-  "inherit " <>scope <> align (fillSep (fmap prettyKeyName ns)) <> semi
+  "inherit " <> scope <> align (fillSep (fmap prettyKeyName ns)) <> ";"
-    scope = ((<> space) . parens . withoutParens) `ifJust` s
+    scope = ((<> " ") . parens . withoutParens) `ifJust` s
 prettyKeyName :: NKeyName (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
-prettyKeyName (StaticKey "") = dquotes ""
-prettyKeyName (StaticKey key) | HashSet.member key reservedNames =
-  dquotes $ pretty $ unpack key
-prettyKeyName (StaticKey  key) = pretty . unpack $ key
-prettyKeyName (DynamicKey key) = runAntiquoted
-  (DoubleQuoted [Plain "\n"])
-  prettyString
-  (("$" <>) . braces . withoutParens)
-  key
+prettyKeyName (StaticKey "") = "\"\""
+prettyKeyName (StaticKey key) | HashSet.member key reservedNames = "\"" <> pretty key <> "\""
+prettyKeyName (StaticKey  key) = pretty key
+prettyKeyName (DynamicKey key) =
+  runAntiquoted
+      (DoubleQuoted [Plain "\n"])
+      prettyString
+      (\ x -> "${" <> withoutParens x <> "}")
+      key
 prettySelector :: NAttrPath (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
-prettySelector = hcat . punctuate dot . fmap prettyKeyName . NE.toList
+prettySelector = hcat . punctuate "." . fmap prettyKeyName . NE.toList
 prettyAtom :: NAtom -> NixDoc ann
-prettyAtom atom = simpleExpr $ pretty $ unpack $ atomText atom
+prettyAtom atom = simpleExpr $ pretty $ atomText atom
 prettyNix :: NExpr -> Doc ann
 prettyNix = withoutParens . foldFix exprFNixDoc
@@ -213,61 +212,49 @@ exprFNixDoc :: NExprF (NixDoc ann) -> NixDoc ann
 exprFNixDoc = \case
   NConstant atom -> prettyAtom atom
   NStr      str  -> simpleExpr $ prettyString str
-  NList     []   -> simpleExpr $ lbracket <> rbracket
   NList xs ->
-    simpleExpr
-      $ group
-      $ nest 2
-      $ vsep
-      $ concat
-      $ [[lbracket], fmap (wrapParens appOpNonAssoc) xs, [rbracket]]
-  NSet NNonRecursive [] -> simpleExpr $ lbrace <> rbrace
+    prettyContainer "[" (wrapParens appOpNonAssoc) "]" xs
   NSet NNonRecursive xs ->
-    simpleExpr
-      $ group
-      $ nest 2
-      $ vsep
-      $ concat
-      $ [[lbrace], fmap prettyBind xs, [rbrace]]
-  NSet NRecursive [] -> simpleExpr $ recPrefix <> lbrace <> rbrace
+    prettyContainer "{" prettyBind "}" xs
   NSet NRecursive xs ->
-    simpleExpr
-      $ group
-      $ nest 2
-      $ vsep
-      $ concat
-      $ [[recPrefix <> lbrace], fmap prettyBind xs, [rbrace]]
+    prettyContainer "rec {" prettyBind "}" xs
   NAbs args body ->
-    leastPrecedence
-      $ nest 2
-      $ vsep
-      $ [prettyParams args <> colon, withoutParens body]
+    leastPrecedence $
+      nest 2 $
+        vsep
+          [ prettyParams args <> ":"
+          , withoutParens body
+          ]
   NBinary NApp fun arg ->
-    mkNixDoc (wrapParens appOp fun <> space <> wrapParens appOpNonAssoc arg) appOp
-  NBinary op r1 r2 -> flip mkNixDoc opInfo $ hsep
-    [ wrapParens (f NAssocLeft) r1
-    , pretty $ unpack $ operatorName opInfo
-    , wrapParens (f NAssocRight) r2
-    ]
+    mkNixDoc appOp (wrapParens appOp fun <> " " <> wrapParens appOpNonAssoc arg)
+  NBinary op r1 r2 ->
+    mkNixDoc
+      opInfo $
+      hsep
+        [ wrapParens (f NAssocLeft) r1
+        , pretty $ operatorName opInfo
+        , wrapParens (f NAssocRight) r2
+        ]
     opInfo = getBinaryOperator op
     f x | associativity opInfo /= x = opInfo { associativity = NAssocNone }
         | otherwise                 = opInfo
-  NUnary op r1 -> mkNixDoc
-    (pretty (unpack (operatorName opInfo)) <> wrapParens opInfo r1)
-    opInfo
+  NUnary op r1 ->
+    mkNixDoc
+      opInfo
+      (pretty (operatorName opInfo) <> wrapParens opInfo r1)
     where opInfo = getUnaryOperator op
   NSelect r' attr o ->
-    (if isJust o then leastPrecedence else flip mkNixDoc selectOp)
-      $  wrapPath selectOp r
-      <> dot
-      <> prettySelector attr
-      <> ordoc
+    maybe
+      (mkNixDoc selectOp)
+      (const leastPrecedence)
+      o
+      $ wrapPath selectOp r <> "." <> prettySelector attr <> ordoc
-    r     = flip mkNixDoc selectOp $ wrapParens appOpNonAssoc r'
-    ordoc = maybe mempty (((space <> "or ") <>) . wrapParens appOpNonAssoc) o
+    r     = mkNixDoc selectOp (wrapParens appOpNonAssoc r')
+    ordoc = ((" or " <>) . wrapParens appOpNonAssoc) `ifJust` o
   NHasAttr r attr ->
-    mkNixDoc (wrapParens hasAttrOp r <> " ? " <> prettySelector attr) hasAttrOp
+    mkNixDoc hasAttrOp (wrapParens hasAttrOp r <> " ? " <> prettySelector attr)
   NEnvPath     p -> simpleExpr $ pretty ("<" <> p <> ">")
   NLiteralPath p ->
     pathExpr $
@@ -281,39 +268,46 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
               ("./" <> _txt)
               (any (`isPrefixOf` _txt) ["/", "~/", "./", "../"])
-  NSym name -> simpleExpr $ pretty (unpack name)
+  NSym name -> simpleExpr $ pretty name
   NLet binds body ->
-    leastPrecedence
-      $ group
-      $ vsep
-      $ [ "let"
-        , indent 2 (vsep (fmap prettyBind binds))
-        , "in " <> withoutParens body
-        ]
+    leastPrecedence $
+      group $
+        vsep
+          [ "let"
+          , indent 2 (vsep (fmap prettyBind binds))
+          , "in " <> withoutParens body
+          ]
   NIf cond trueBody falseBody ->
-    leastPrecedence
-      $ group
-      $ nest 2
-      $ vsep
-      $ [ "if " <> withoutParens cond
-        , align ("then " <> withoutParens trueBody)
-        , align ("else " <> withoutParens falseBody)
-        ]
+    leastPrecedence $
+      group $
+        nest 2 $
+          sep
+            [ "if " <> withoutParens cond
+            , align ("then " <> withoutParens trueBody)
+            , align ("else " <> withoutParens falseBody)
+            ]
   NWith scope body ->
-    leastPrecedence
-      $ vsep
-      $ ["with " <> withoutParens scope <> semi, align $ withoutParens body]
+    prettyAddScope "with " scope body
   NAssert cond body ->
-    leastPrecedence
-      $ vsep
-      $ ["assert " <> withoutParens cond <> semi, align $ withoutParens body]
-  NSynHole name -> simpleExpr $ pretty ("^" <> unpack name)
-  where recPrefix = "rec" <> space
+    prettyAddScope "assert " cond body
+  NSynHole name -> simpleExpr $ pretty ("^" <> name)
+ where
+  prettyContainer h f t c =
+    list
+      (simpleExpr (h <> t))
+      (const $ simpleExpr $ group $ nest 2 $ vsep $ [h] <> (f <$> c) <> [t])
+      c
+  prettyAddScope h c b =
+    leastPrecedence $
+      vsep
+        [h <> withoutParens c <> ";", align $ withoutParens b]
 valueToExpr :: forall t f m . MonadDataContext f m => NValue t f m -> NExpr
 valueToExpr = iterNValue (\_ _ -> thk) phi
-  thk = Fix . NSym . pack $ "<expr>"
+  thk = Fix . NSym $ "<expr>"
   phi :: NValue' t f m NExpr -> NExpr
   phi (NVConstant' a ) = Fix $ NConstant a
@@ -323,9 +317,9 @@ valueToExpr = iterNValue (\_ _ -> thk) phi
     [ NamedVar (StaticKey k :| mempty) v (fromMaybe nullPos (M.lookup k p))
     | (k, v) <- toList s
-  phi (NVClosure' _ _   ) = Fix . NSym . pack $ "<closure>"
+  phi (NVClosure' _ _   ) = Fix . NSym $ "<closure>"
   phi (NVPath' p        ) = Fix $ NLiteralPath p
-  phi (NVBuiltin' name _) = Fix . NSym . pack $ "builtins." <> name
+  phi (NVBuiltin' name _) = Fix . NSym $ "builtins." <> pack name
   phi _                   = error "Pattern synonyms foil completeness check"
   mkStr ns = Fix $ NStr $ DoubleQuoted [Plain (stringIgnoreContext ns)]
@@ -343,20 +337,17 @@ prettyNValueProv
   => NValue t f m
   -> Doc ann
-prettyNValueProv v = do
-  let ps = citations @m @(NValue t f m) v
-  case ps of
-    [] -> prettyNValue v
+prettyNValueProv v =
+  case citations @m @(NValue t f m) v of
+    [] -> prettyNVal
     ps ->
-      let v' = prettyNValue v in
-        [ v'
-        , indent 2
-        $ parens
-        $ mconcat
-        $ "from: "
-        : fmap (prettyOriginExpr . _originExpr) ps
+        [ prettyNVal
+        , indent 2 $
+          "(" <> mconcat ("from: ":(prettyOriginExpr . _originExpr <$> ps)) <> ")"
+ where
+  prettyNVal = prettyNValue v
   :: forall t f m ann
@@ -367,16 +358,16 @@ prettyNThunk
   => t
   -> m (Doc ann)
-prettyNThunk t = do
-  let ps = citations @m @(NValue t f m) @t t
-  v' <- prettyNValue <$> dethunk t
-  pure
-    $ fillSep
-        [ v'
-        , indent 2 $
-            parens $
-              mconcat $ "thunk from: " : fmap (prettyOriginExpr . _originExpr) ps
-        ]
+prettyNThunk t =
+  do
+    let ps = citations @m @(NValue t f m) @t t
+    v' <- prettyNValue <$> dethunk t
+    pure
+      $ fillSep
+          [ v'
+          , indent 2 $
+              "(" <> mconcat ( "thunk from: " : fmap (prettyOriginExpr . _originExpr) ps) <> ")"
+          ]
 -- | This function is used only by the testing code.
 printNix :: forall t f m . MonadDataContext f m => NValue t f m -> String
@@ -389,18 +380,18 @@ printNix = iterNValue (\_ _ -> thk) phi
   phi (NVStr'      ns) = show $ stringIgnoreContext ns
   phi (NVList'     l ) = "[ " <> unwords l <> " ]"
   phi (NVSet' s _) =
-    "{ "
-      <> concat
-           [ check (unpack k) <> " = " <> v <> "; "
-           | (k, v) <- sort $ toList s
-           ]
-      <> "}"
+    "{ " <>
+      concat
+        [ check (unpack k) <> " = " <> v <> "; "
+        | (k, v) <- sort $ toList s
+        ] <> "}"
-    check v = fromMaybe
-      v
-      (   fmap (surround . show) (readMaybe v :: Maybe Int)
-      <|> fmap (surround . show) (readMaybe v :: Maybe Float)
-      )
+    check v =
+      fromMaybe
+        v
+        (fmap (surround . show) (readMaybe v :: Maybe Int)
+        <|> fmap (surround . show) (readMaybe v :: Maybe Float)
+        )
       where surround s = "\"" <> s <> "\""
   phi NVClosure'{}        = "<<lambda>>"
   phi (NVPath' fp       ) = fp
diff --git a/src/Nix/Reduce.hs b/src/Nix/Reduce.hs
index fa9d9b1e4..6574c49fa 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Reduce.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Reduce.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
@@ -26,7 +25,10 @@
 --   original. It should be seen as an opportunistic simplifier, but which
 --   gives up easily if faced with any potential for ambiguity in the result.
-module Nix.Reduce (reduceExpr, reducingEvalExpr) where
+module Nix.Reduce
+  ( reduceExpr
+  , reducingEvalExpr
+  ) where
 import           Control.Applicative
 import           Control.Arrow                  ( second )
@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ import           Control.Monad.Fix
 import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
 import           Control.Monad.Reader
 import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import           Data.Bifunctor                 ( first )
 import           Data.Fix                       ( Fix(..), foldFix, foldFixM )
 import           Data.HashMap.Lazy              ( HashMap )
 import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy             as M
@@ -109,10 +112,10 @@ staticImport pann path = do
                           (Fix (NLiteralPath_ pann path))
           x' = Fix (NLet_ span [cur] x)
-        modify (\(a, b) -> (M.insert path x' a, b))
+        modify (first (M.insert path x'))
         local (const (pure path, emptyScopes @m @NExprLoc)) $ do
           x'' <- foldFix reduce x'
-          modify (\(a, b) -> (M.insert path x'' a, b))
+          modify (first (M.insert path x''))
           pure x''
 -- gatherNames :: NExprLoc -> HashSet VarName
@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ staticImport pann path = do
   :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Maybe FilePath -> NExprLoc -> m NExprLoc
 reduceExpr mpath expr =
-  (`evalStateT` (M.empty, MS.empty))
+  (`evalStateT` (mempty, MS.empty))
     . (`runReaderT` (mpath, emptyScopes))
     . runReducer
     $ foldFix reduce expr
@@ -215,13 +218,20 @@ reduce base@(NSelect_ _ _ attrs _)
 -- | Reduce a set by inlining its binds outside of the set
 --   if none of the binds inherit the super set.
-reduce e@(NSet_ ann NNonRecursive binds) = do
-  let usesInherit = flip any binds $ \case
-        Inherit{} -> True
-        _         -> False
-  if usesInherit
-    then clearScopes @NExprLoc $ Fix . NSet_ ann NNonRecursive <$> traverse sequence binds
-    else Fix <$> sequence e
+reduce e@(NSet_ ann NNonRecursive binds) =
+  do
+    let
+      usesInherit =
+        any
+          (\case
+            Inherit{} -> True
+            _         -> False
+          )
+          binds
+    if usesInherit
+      then clearScopes @NExprLoc $ Fix . NSet_ ann NNonRecursive <$> traverse sequence binds
+      else Fix <$> sequence e
 -- Encountering a 'rec set' construction eliminates any hope of inlining
 -- definitions.
@@ -235,29 +245,43 @@ reduce (NWith_ ann scope body) =
 -- | Reduce a let binds section by pushing lambdas,
 --   constants and strings to the body scope.
-reduce (NLet_ ann binds body) = do
-  s <- fmap (M.fromList . catMaybes) $ forM binds $ \case
-    NamedVar (StaticKey name :| []) def _pos -> def >>= \case
-      d@(Fix NAbs_{}     ) -> pure $ pure (name, d)
-      d@(Fix NConstant_{}) -> pure $ pure (name, d)
-      d@(Fix NStr_{}     ) -> pure $ pure (name, d)
-      _                    -> pure Nothing
-    _ -> pure Nothing
-  body'  <- pushScope s body
-  binds' <- traverse sequence binds
-  -- let names = gatherNames body'
-  -- binds' <- traverse sequence binds <&> \b -> flip filter b $ \case
-  --     NamedVar (StaticKey name _ :| mempty) _ ->
-  --         name `S.member` names
-  --     _ -> True
-  pure $ Fix $ NLet_ ann binds' body'
-  -- where
-  --   go m [] = pure m
-  --   go m (x:xs) = case x of
-  --       NamedVar (StaticKey name _ :| mempty) def -> do
-  --           v <- pushScope m def
-  --           go (M.insert name v m) xs
-  --       _ -> go m xs
+reduce (NLet_ ann binds body) =
+  do
+    binds' <- traverse sequence binds
+    body'  <-
+      (`pushScope` body) . M.fromList . catMaybes =<<
+        traverse
+          (\case
+            NamedVar (StaticKey name :| []) def _pos ->
+              let
+                defcase =
+                  \case
+                    d@(Fix NAbs_{}     ) -> pure (name, d)
+                    d@(Fix NConstant_{}) -> pure (name, d)
+                    d@(Fix NStr_{}     ) -> pure (name, d)
+                    _                    -> Nothing
+              in
+              defcase <$> def
+            _ -> pure Nothing
+          )
+          binds
+    -- let names = gatherNames body'
+    -- binds' <- traverse sequence binds <&> \b -> flip filter b $ \case
+    --     NamedVar (StaticKey name _ :| mempty) _ ->
+    --         name `S.member` names
+    --     _ -> True
+    pure $ Fix $ NLet_ ann binds' body'
+    -- where
+    --   go m [] = pure m
+    --   go m (x:xs) = case x of
+    --       NamedVar (StaticKey name _ :| mempty) def -> do
+    --           v <- pushScope m def
+    --           go (M.insert name v m) xs
+    --       _ -> go m xs
 -- | Reduce an if to the relevant path if
 --   the condition is a boolean constant.
diff --git a/src/Nix/Scope.hs b/src/Nix/Scope.hs
index d3c848a44..0a6134496 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Scope.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Scope.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import           Lens.Family2
 import           Nix.Utils
 newtype Scope a = Scope { getScope :: AttrSet a }
-    deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
+  deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
 instance Show (Scope a) where
   show (Scope m) = show (M.keys m)
@@ -29,10 +29,14 @@ newScope = Scope
 scopeLookup :: Text -> [Scope a] -> Maybe a
 scopeLookup key = foldr go Nothing
-  go :: Scope a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
+  go
+    :: Scope a
+    -> Maybe a
+    -> Maybe a
   go (Scope m) rest = M.lookup key m <|> rest
-data Scopes m a = Scopes
+data Scopes m a =
+  Scopes
     { lexicalScopes :: [Scope a]
     , dynamicScopes :: [m (Scope a)]
@@ -53,45 +57,86 @@ emptyScopes = Scopes mempty mempty
 class Scoped a m | m -> a where
   currentScopes :: m (Scopes m a)
-  clearScopes :: m r -> m r
-  pushScopes :: Scopes m a -> m r -> m r
-  lookupVar :: Text -> m (Maybe a)
+  clearScopes   :: m r -> m r
+  pushScopes    :: Scopes m a -> m r -> m r
+  lookupVar     :: Text -> m (Maybe a)
-  :: forall m a e . (MonadReader e m, Has e (Scopes m a)) => m (Scopes m a)
+  :: forall m a e
+  . ( MonadReader e m
+    , Has e (Scopes m a)
+    )
+  => m (Scopes m a)
 currentScopesReader = asks (view hasLens)
-  :: forall m a e r . (MonadReader e m, Has e (Scopes m a)) => m r -> m r
+  :: forall m a e r
+  . ( MonadReader e m
+    , Has e (Scopes m a)
+    )
+  => m r
+  -> m r
 clearScopesReader = local (set hasLens (emptyScopes @m @a))
-pushScope :: Scoped a m => AttrSet a -> m r -> m r
+  :: Scoped a m
+  => AttrSet a
+  -> m r
+  -> m r
 pushScope s = pushScopes (Scopes [Scope s] mempty)
-pushWeakScope :: (Functor m, Scoped a m) => m (AttrSet a) -> m r -> m r
+  :: ( Functor m
+     , Scoped a m
+     )
+  => m (AttrSet a)
+  -> m r
+  -> m r
 pushWeakScope s = pushScopes (Scopes mempty [Scope <$> s])
-  :: (MonadReader e m, Has e (Scopes m a)) => Scopes m a -> m r -> m r
+  :: ( MonadReader e m
+     , Has e (Scopes m a)
+     )
+  => Scopes m a
+  -> m r
+  -> m r
 pushScopesReader s = local (over hasLens (s <>))
-  :: forall m a e . (MonadReader e m, Has e (Scopes m a)) => Text -> m (Maybe a)
-lookupVarReader k = do
-  mres <- asks (scopeLookup k . lexicalScopes @m . view hasLens)
-  case mres of
-    Just sym -> pure $ pure sym
-    Nothing  -> do
-      ws <- asks (dynamicScopes . view hasLens)
-      foldr
-        (\x rest -> do
-          mres' <- M.lookup k . getScope <$> x
-          case mres' of
-            Just sym -> pure $ pure sym
-            Nothing  -> rest
-        )
-        (pure Nothing)
-        ws
-withScopes :: Scoped a m => Scopes m a -> m r -> m r
+  :: forall m a e
+  . ( MonadReader e m
+    , Has e (Scopes m a)
+    )
+  => Text
+  -> m (Maybe a)
+lookupVarReader k =
+  do
+    mres <- asks (scopeLookup k . lexicalScopes @m . view hasLens)
+    maybe
+      (do
+        ws <- asks (dynamicScopes . view hasLens)
+        foldr
+          (\ x rest ->
+            do
+              mres' <- M.lookup k . getScope <$> x
+              maybe
+                rest
+                (pure . pure)
+                mres'
+          )
+          (pure Nothing)
+          ws
+      )
+      (pure . pure)
+      mres
+  :: Scoped a m
+  => Scopes m a
+  -> m r
+  -> m r
 withScopes scope = clearScopes . pushScopes scope
diff --git a/src/Nix/TH.hs b/src/Nix/TH.hs
index 5661ecec2..b1a7c93d3 100644
--- a/src/Nix/TH.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/TH.hs
@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ quoteExprPat s = do
 freeVars :: NExpr -> Set VarName
 freeVars e = case unFix e of
-  (NConstant    _       ) -> Set.empty
+  (NConstant    _       ) -> mempty
   (NStr         string  ) -> foldMap freeVars string
   (NSym         var     ) -> Set.singleton var
   (NList        list    ) -> foldMap freeVars list
   (NSet NNonRecursive bindings) -> foldMap bindFree bindings
   (NSet NRecursive bindings) -> foldMap bindFree bindings \\ foldMap bindDefs bindings
-  (NLiteralPath _       ) -> Set.empty
-  (NEnvPath     _       ) -> Set.empty
+  (NLiteralPath _       ) -> mempty
+  (NEnvPath     _       ) -> mempty
   (NUnary _ expr        ) -> freeVars expr
   (NBinary _ left right ) -> freeVars left `Set.union` freeVars right
   (NSelect expr path orExpr) ->
     freeVars expr
       `Set.union` pathFree path
-      `Set.union` maybe Set.empty freeVars orExpr
+      `Set.union` maybe mempty freeVars orExpr
   (NHasAttr expr            path) -> freeVars expr `Set.union` pathFree path
   (NAbs     (Param varname) expr) -> Set.delete varname (freeVars expr)
   (NAbs (ParamSet set _ varname) expr) ->
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ freeVars e = case unFix e of
     freeVars expr
       `Set.union` Set.unions (mapMaybe (fmap freeVars . snd) set)
     -- But remove the argument name if existing, and all arguments in the parameter set
-      \\          maybe Set.empty Set.singleton varname
+      \\          maybe mempty Set.singleton varname
       \\          Set.fromList (fmap fst set)
   (NLet bindings expr) ->
     freeVars expr
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ freeVars e = case unFix e of
   -- This also makes sense because its value can be overridden by `x: with y; x`
   (NWith   set       expr) -> freeVars set `Set.union` freeVars expr
   (NAssert assertion expr) -> freeVars assertion `Set.union` freeVars expr
-  (NSynHole _            ) -> Set.empty
+  (NSynHole _            ) -> mempty
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ freeVars e = case unFix e of
   staticKey (DynamicKey _      ) = mempty
   bindDefs :: Binding r -> Set VarName
-  bindDefs (Inherit  Nothing                   _    _) = Set.empty
+  bindDefs (Inherit  Nothing                   _    _) = mempty
   bindDefs (Inherit (Just _) keys _) = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe staticKey keys
   bindDefs (NamedVar (StaticKey  varname :| _) _    _) = Set.singleton varname
-  bindDefs (NamedVar (DynamicKey _       :| _) _    _) = Set.empty
+  bindDefs (NamedVar (DynamicKey _       :| _) _    _) = mempty
   bindFree :: Binding NExpr -> Set VarName
   bindFree (Inherit Nothing keys _) = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe staticKey keys
diff --git a/src/Nix/Type/Env.hs b/src/Nix/Type/Env.hs
index 1c3d451d2..c7b6719ee 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Type/Env.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Type/Env.hs
@@ -21,15 +21,14 @@ import           Nix.Type.Type
 import           Data.Foldable                  ( foldl' )
 import qualified Data.Map                      as Map
 -- * Typing Environment
 newtype Env = TypeEnv { types :: Map.Map Name [Scheme] }
   deriving (Eq, Show)
 empty :: Env
-empty = TypeEnv Map.empty
+empty = TypeEnv mempty
 extend :: Env -> (Name, [Scheme]) -> Env
 extend env (x, s) = env { types = Map.insert x s (types env) }
diff --git a/src/Nix/Type/Infer.hs b/src/Nix/Type/Infer.hs
index c1355ab61..e10adb0a3 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Type/Infer.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Type/Infer.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
@@ -73,28 +72,28 @@ import           Nix.Utils
 import           Nix.Value.Monad
 import           Nix.Var
 -- * Classes
 -- | Inference monad
-newtype InferT s m a = InferT
+newtype InferT s m a =
+  InferT
     { getInfer ::
         ReaderT (Set.Set TVar, Scopes (InferT s m) (Judgment s))
             (StateT InferState (ExceptT InferError m)) a
-        ( Functor
-        , Applicative
-        , Alternative
-        , Monad
-        , MonadPlus
-        , MonadFix
-        , MonadReader (Set.Set TVar, Scopes (InferT s m) (Judgment s))
-        , MonadFail
-        , MonadState InferState
-        , MonadError InferError
-        )
+      ( Functor
+      , Applicative
+      , Alternative
+      , Monad
+      , MonadPlus
+      , MonadFix
+      , MonadReader (Set.Set TVar, Scopes (InferT s m) (Judgment s))
+      , MonadFail
+      , MonadState InferState
+      , MonadError InferError
+      )
 instance MonadTrans (InferT s) where
   lift = InferT . lift . lift . lift
@@ -110,10 +109,10 @@ initInfer :: InferState
 initInfer = InferState { count = 0 }
 data Constraint
-    = EqConst Type Type
-    | ExpInstConst Type Scheme
-    | ImpInstConst Type (Set.Set TVar) Type
-    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+  = EqConst Type Type
+  | ExpInstConst Type Scheme
+  | ImpInstConst Type (Set.Set TVar) Type
+  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
 newtype Subst = Subst (Map TVar Type)
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ class FreeTypeVars a where
   ftv :: a -> Set.Set TVar
 instance FreeTypeVars Type where
-  ftv TCon{}      = Set.empty
+  ftv TCon{}      = mempty
   ftv (TVar a   ) = Set.singleton a
   ftv (TSet _ a ) = Set.unions (fmap ftv (M.elems a))
   ftv (TList a  ) = Set.unions (fmap ftv a)
@@ -170,23 +169,22 @@ instance FreeTypeVars Scheme where
   ftv (Forall as t) = ftv t `Set.difference` Set.fromList as
 instance FreeTypeVars a => FreeTypeVars [a] where
-  ftv = foldr (Set.union . ftv) Set.empty
+  ftv = foldr (Set.union . ftv) mempty
 instance (Ord a, FreeTypeVars a) => FreeTypeVars (Set.Set a) where
-  ftv = foldr (Set.union . ftv) Set.empty
+  ftv = foldr (Set.union . ftv) mempty
 class ActiveTypeVars a where
   atv :: a -> Set.Set TVar
 instance ActiveTypeVars Constraint where
-  atv (EqConst t1 t2) = ftv t1 `Set.union` ftv t2
-  atv (ImpInstConst t1 ms t2) =
-    ftv t1 `Set.union` (ftv ms `Set.intersection` ftv t2)
-  atv (ExpInstConst t s) = ftv t `Set.union` ftv s
+  atv (EqConst      t1 t2   ) = ftv t1 `Set.union` ftv t2
+  atv (ImpInstConst t1 ms t2) = ftv t1 `Set.union` (ftv ms `Set.intersection` ftv t2)
+  atv (ExpInstConst t  s     ) = ftv t  `Set.union` ftv s
 instance ActiveTypeVars a => ActiveTypeVars [a] where
-  atv = foldr (Set.union . atv) Set.empty
+  atv = foldr (Set.union . atv) mempty
 data TypeError
   = UnificationFail Type Type
@@ -214,16 +212,15 @@ instance Monoid InferError where
   mempty  = TypeInferenceAborted
   mappend = (<>)
 -- * Inference
 -- | Run the inference monad
 runInfer' :: MonadInfer m => InferT s m a -> m (Either InferError a)
 runInfer' =
     . (`evalStateT` initInfer)
-    . (`runReaderT` (Set.empty, emptyScopes))
+    . (`runReaderT` (mempty, emptyScopes))
     . getInfer
 runInfer :: (forall s . InferT s (FreshIdT Int (ST s)) a) -> Either InferError a
@@ -261,7 +258,7 @@ inferExpr env ex = case runInfer (inferType env ex) of
 -- | Canonicalize and return the polymorphic toplevel type.
 closeOver :: Type -> Scheme
-closeOver = normalizeScheme . generalize Set.empty
+closeOver = normalizeScheme . generalize mempty
 extendMSet :: Monad m => TVar -> InferT s m a -> InferT s m a
 extendMSet x = InferT . local (first (Set.insert x)) . getInfer
@@ -536,49 +533,67 @@ instance MonadInfer m => MonadEval (Judgment s) (InferT s m) where
                       (tv :~> t)
   evalAbs (ParamSet ps variadic _mname) k = do
-    js <- fmap concat $ forM ps $ \(name, _) -> do
-      tv <- fresh
-      pure [(name, tv)]
-    let (env, tys) =
-          (\f -> foldl' f (As.empty, M.empty) js) $ \(as1, t1) (k, t) ->
-            (as1 `As.merge` As.singleton k t, M.insert k t t1)
-        arg   = pure $ Judgment env mempty (TSet True tys)
-        call  = k arg $ \args b -> (args, ) <$> b
-        names = fmap fst js
+    js <-
+      concat <$>
+        traverse
+          (\(name, _) ->
+            do
+              tv <- fresh
+              pure [(name, tv)]
+          )
+          ps
+    let
+      (env, tys) =
+        (\f -> foldl' f (As.empty, mempty) js) $ \(as1, t1) (k, t) ->
+          (as1 `As.merge` As.singleton k t, M.insert k t t1)
+      arg   = pure $ Judgment env mempty (TSet True tys)
+      call  = k arg $ \args b -> (args, ) <$> b
+      names = fmap fst js
     (args, Judgment as cs t) <- foldr (\(_, TVar a) -> extendMSet a) call js
     ty <- TSet variadic <$> traverse (inferredType <$>) args
-    pure $ Judgment
-      (foldl' As.remove as names)
-      (cs <> [ EqConst t' (tys M.! x) | x <- names, t' <- As.lookup x as ])
-      (ty :~> t)
+    pure $
+      Judgment
+        (foldl' As.remove as names)
+        (cs <> [ EqConst t' (tys M.! x) | x <- names, t' <- As.lookup x as ])
+        (ty :~> t)
   evalError = throwError . EvaluationError
-data Judgment s = Judgment
+data Judgment s =
+  Judgment
     { assumptions     :: As.Assumption
     , typeConstraints :: [Constraint]
     , inferredType    :: Type
     deriving Show
-instance Monad m => FromValue NixString (InferT s m) (Judgment s) where
+  Monad m
+  => FromValue NixString (InferT s m) (Judgment s)
+ where
   fromValueMay _ = pure mempty
   fromValue _ = error "Unused"
-instance MonadInfer m
-  => FromValue (AttrSet (Judgment s), AttrSet SourcePos)
-              (InferT s m) (Judgment s) where
-  fromValueMay (Judgment _ _ (TSet _ xs)) = do
-    let sing _ = Judgment As.empty mempty
-    pure $ pure (M.mapWithKey sing xs, M.empty)
+  MonadInfer m
+  => FromValue ( AttrSet (Judgment s)
+              , AttrSet SourcePos
+              ) (InferT s m) (Judgment s)
+ where
+  fromValueMay (Judgment _ _ (TSet _ xs)) =
+    do
+      let sing _ = Judgment As.empty mempty
+      pure $ pure (M.mapWithKey sing xs, mempty)
   fromValueMay _ = pure mempty
-  fromValue = fromValueMay >=>
-    pure . fromMaybe
-      (M.empty, M.empty)
+  fromValue =
+    pure .
+      fromMaybe
+      (mempty, mempty)
+      <=< fromValueMay
 instance MonadInfer m
   => ToValue (AttrSet (Judgment s), AttrSet SourcePos)
@@ -586,7 +601,7 @@ instance MonadInfer m
   toValue (xs, _) =
       <$> foldrM go As.empty xs
-      <*> (concat <$> traverse ((pure . typeConstraints) <=< demand ) xs)
+      <*> (concat <$> traverse ((pure . typeConstraints) <=< demand) xs)
       <*> (TSet True <$> traverse ((pure . inferredType) <=< demand) xs)
     go x rest =
@@ -637,13 +652,14 @@ normalizeScheme (Forall _ body) = Forall (fmap snd ord) (normtype body)
   normtype (TSet b a) = TSet b (M.map normtype a)
   normtype (TList a ) = TList (fmap normtype a)
   normtype (TMany ts) = TMany (fmap normtype ts)
-  normtype (TVar  a ) = case Prelude.lookup a ord of
-    Just x  -> TVar x
-    Nothing -> error "type variable not in signature"
+  normtype (TVar  a ) =
+    maybe
+      (error "type variable not in signature")
+      TVar
+      (Prelude.lookup a ord)
 -- * Constraint Solver
 newtype Solver m a = Solver (LogicT (StateT [TypeError] m) a)
     deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus,
@@ -744,7 +760,9 @@ solve cs = solve' (nextSolvable cs)
     s' <- lift $ instantiate s
     solve (EqConst t s' : cs)
-instance Monad m => Scoped (Judgment s) (InferT s m) where
+  Monad m
+  => Scoped (Judgment s) (InferT s m) where
   currentScopes = currentScopesReader
   clearScopes   = clearScopesReader @(InferT s m) @(Judgment s)
   pushScopes    = pushScopesReader
diff --git a/src/Nix/Type/Type.hs b/src/Nix/Type/Type.hs
index 0b2ef1a0f..0a6b4f848 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Type/Type.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Type/Type.hs
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 module Nix.Type.Type where
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy             as M
 import           Data.Text                      ( Text )
 import           Nix.Utils                      ( AttrSet )
+type Name = Text
 -- | Hindrey-Milner type interface
 newtype TVar = TV String
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ data Scheme = Forall [TVar] Type -- forall a b. a -> b
 -- This models a set that unifies with any other set.
 typeSet :: Type
-typeSet = TSet True M.empty
+typeSet = TSet True mempty
 typeList :: Type
 typeList = TList mempty
@@ -34,11 +35,9 @@ typeFun :: [Type] -> Type
 typeFun = foldr1 (:~>)
 typeInt, typeFloat, typeBool, typeString, typePath, typeNull :: Type
-typeInt = TCon "integer"
-typeFloat = TCon "float"
-typeBool = TCon "boolean"
+typeInt    = TCon "integer"
+typeFloat  = TCon "float"
+typeBool   = TCon "boolean"
 typeString = TCon "string"
-typePath = TCon "path"
-typeNull = TCon "null"
-type Name = Text
+typePath   = TCon "path"
+typeNull   = TCon "null"
diff --git a/src/Nix/Utils.hs b/src/Nix/Utils.hs
index c5029f720..3f6cdb983 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Utils.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Utils.hs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
@@ -89,9 +88,6 @@ cataP f x = f x . fmap (cataP f) . unFix $ x
 cataPM :: (Traversable f, Monad m) => (Fix f -> f a -> m a) -> Fix f -> m a
 cataPM f x = f x <=< traverse (cataPM f) . unFix $ x
-transport :: Functor g => (forall x . f x -> g x) -> Fix f -> Fix g
-transport f (Fix x) = Fix $ fmap (transport f) (f x)
   :: (MonadTransControl u, Monad (u m), Monad m)
   => ((a -> m (StT u b)) -> m (StT u b))
@@ -129,7 +125,7 @@ adiM
 adiM f g = g ((f <=< traverse (adiM f g)) . unFix)
 class Has a b where
-    hasLens :: Lens' a b
+  hasLens :: Lens' a b
 instance Has a a where
   hasLens f = f
diff --git a/src/Nix/Value.hs b/src/Nix/Value.hs
index 8c5711c85..02cc61901 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Value.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Value.hs
@@ -381,10 +381,10 @@ nvList' = NValue . pure . NVListF
 -- | Haskell key-value to the Nix key-value,
 nvSet' :: Applicative f
-  => HashMap Text r
-  -> HashMap Text SourcePos
+  => HashMap Text SourcePos
+  -> HashMap Text r
   -> NValue' t f m r
-nvSet' s x = NValue $ pure $ NVSetF s x
+nvSet' x s = NValue $ pure $ NVSetF s x
 -- | Haskell closure to the Nix closure,
@@ -549,10 +549,10 @@ nvList = Free . nvList'
 nvSet :: Applicative f
-  => HashMap Text (NValue t f m)
-  -> HashMap Text SourcePos
+  => HashMap Text SourcePos
+  -> HashMap Text (NValue t f m)
   -> NValue t f m
-nvSet s x = Free $ nvSet' s x
+nvSet x s = Free $ nvSet' x s
 nvClosure :: (Applicative f, Functor m)
diff --git a/src/Nix/Value/Equal.hs b/src/Nix/Value/Equal.hs
index 8a72b1190..f9804ac52 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Value/Equal.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Value/Equal.hs
@@ -30,18 +30,21 @@ import           Nix.Utils
 import           Nix.Value
-  :: (Framed e m, MonadDataErrorContext t f m)
+  :: ( Framed e m
+     , MonadDataErrorContext t f m
+     )
   => NValue t f m
   -> NValue t f m
   -> m ()
-checkComparable x y = case (x, y) of
-  (NVConstant (NFloat _), NVConstant (NInt _)) -> pure ()
-  (NVConstant (NInt _), NVConstant (NFloat _)) -> pure ()
-  (NVConstant (NInt _), NVConstant (NInt _)) -> pure ()
-  (NVConstant (NFloat _), NVConstant (NFloat _)) -> pure ()
-  (NVStr _, NVStr _) -> pure ()
-  (NVPath _, NVPath _) -> pure ()
-  _ -> throwError $ Comparison x y
+checkComparable x y =
+  case (x, y) of
+    (NVConstant (NFloat _), NVConstant (NInt   _)) -> pure ()
+    (NVConstant (NInt   _), NVConstant (NFloat _)) -> pure ()
+    (NVConstant (NInt   _), NVConstant (NInt   _)) -> pure ()
+    (NVConstant (NFloat _), NVConstant (NFloat _)) -> pure ()
+    (NVStr       _        , NVStr       _        ) -> pure ()
+    (NVPath      _        , NVPath      _        ) -> pure ()
+    _                                              -> throwError $ Comparison x y
 -- | Checks whether two containers are equal, using the given item equality
 --   predicate. If there are any item slots that don't match between the two
@@ -52,45 +55,82 @@ alignEqM
   -> f a
   -> f b
   -> m Bool
-alignEqM eq fa fb = fmap (either (const False) (const True)) $ runExceptT $ do
-  pairs <- forM (Data.Align.align fa fb) $ \case
-    These a b -> pure (a, b)
-    _         -> throwE ()
-  for_ pairs $ \(a, b) -> guard =<< lift (eq a b)
+alignEqM eq fa fb =
+  fmap
+    (either
+      (const False)
+      (const True)
+    )
+    $ runExceptT $
+      do
+        pairs <-
+          traverse
+            (\case
+              These a b -> pure (a, b)
+              _         -> throwE ()
+            )
+            (Data.Align.align fa fb)
+        traverse_ (\ (a, b) -> guard =<< lift (eq a b)) pairs
 alignEq :: (Align f, Traversable f) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
 alignEq eq fa fb = runIdentity $ alignEqM (\x y -> Identity (eq x y)) fa fb
-isDerivationM :: Monad m => (t -> m (Maybe NixString)) -> AttrSet t -> m Bool
-isDerivationM f m = case HashMap.Lazy.lookup "type" m of
-  Nothing -> pure False
-  Just t  -> do
-    mres <- f t
-    case mres of
-        -- We should probably really make sure the context is empty here
-        -- but the C++ implementation ignores it.
-      Just s  -> pure $ stringIgnoreContext s == "derivation"
-      Nothing -> pure False
-isDerivation :: Monad m => (t -> Maybe NixString) -> AttrSet t -> Bool
+  :: Monad m
+  => ( t
+     -> m (Maybe NixString)
+     )
+  -> AttrSet t
+  -> m Bool
+isDerivationM f m =
+  maybe
+    (pure False)
+    (\ t ->
+      do
+        mres <- f t
+        maybe
+          -- We should probably really make sure the context is empty here
+          -- but the C++ implementation ignores it.
+          (pure False)
+          (pure . (==) "derivation" . stringIgnoreContext)
+          mres
+    )
+    (HashMap.Lazy.lookup "type" m)
+  :: Monad m
+  => ( t
+     -> Maybe NixString
+     )
+  -> AttrSet t
+  -> Bool
 isDerivation f = runIdentity . isDerivationM (Identity . f)
   :: Monad n
-  => (AttrSet a -> AttrSet a -> n Bool)
-  -> (a -> a -> n Bool)
+  => (  AttrSet a
+     -> AttrSet a
+     -> n Bool
+     )
+  -> (  a
+     -> a
+     -> n Bool
+     )
   -> NValueF p m a
   -> NValueF p m a
   -> n Bool
-valueFEqM attrsEq eq = curry $ \case
-  (NVConstantF (NFloat x), NVConstantF (NInt y)  ) -> pure $ x == fromInteger y
-  (NVConstantF (NInt   x), NVConstantF (NFloat y)) -> pure $ fromInteger x == y
-  (NVConstantF lc        , NVConstantF rc        ) -> pure $ lc == rc
-  (NVStrF ls, NVStrF rs)     -> pure $ (\i -> i ls == i rs) stringIgnoreContext
-  (NVListF ls , NVListF rs ) -> alignEqM eq ls rs
-  (NVSetF lm _, NVSetF rm _) -> attrsEq lm rm
-  (NVPathF lp , NVPathF rp ) -> pure $ lp == rp
-  _                          -> pure False
+valueFEqM attrsEq eq =
+  curry $
+    \case
+      (NVConstantF (NFloat x), NVConstantF (NInt   y)) -> pure $             x == fromInteger y
+      (NVConstantF (NInt   x), NVConstantF (NFloat y)) -> pure $ fromInteger x == y
+      (NVConstantF lc        , NVConstantF rc        ) -> pure $            lc == rc
+      (NVStrF      ls        , NVStrF      rs        ) -> pure $  (\ i -> i ls == i rs) stringIgnoreContext
+      (NVListF     ls        , NVListF     rs        ) ->          alignEqM eq ls rs
+      (NVSetF      lm _      , NVSetF      rm _      ) ->          attrsEq lm rm
+      (NVPathF     lp        , NVPathF     rp        ) ->             pure $ lp == rp
+      _                                                -> pure False
   :: (AttrSet a -> AttrSet a -> Bool)
@@ -98,11 +138,13 @@ valueFEq
   -> NValueF p m a
   -> NValueF p m a
   -> Bool
-valueFEq attrsEq eq x y = runIdentity $ valueFEqM
-  (\x' y' -> Identity $ attrsEq x' y')
-  (\x' y' -> Identity $ eq x' y')
-  x
-  y
+valueFEq attrsEq eq x y =
+  runIdentity $
+    valueFEqM
+      (\x' y' -> Identity $ attrsEq x' y')
+      (\x' y' -> Identity $ eq x' y')
+      x
+      y
   :: Monad m
@@ -111,16 +153,24 @@ compareAttrSetsM
   -> AttrSet t
   -> AttrSet t
   -> m Bool
-compareAttrSetsM f eq lm rm = do
-  isDerivationM f lm >>= \case
-    True -> isDerivationM f rm >>= \case
-      True
-        | Just lp <- HashMap.Lazy.lookup "outPath" lm, Just rp <- HashMap.Lazy.lookup "outPath" rm -> eq
-          lp
-          rp
-      _ -> compareAttrs
-    _ -> compareAttrs
-  where compareAttrs = alignEqM eq lm rm
+compareAttrSetsM f eq lm rm =
+  do
+    l <- isDerivationM f lm
+    bool
+      compareAttrs
+      (do
+        r <- isDerivationM f rm
+        case r of
+          True
+            | Just lp <- HashMap.Lazy.lookup "outPath" lm, Just rp <- HashMap.Lazy.lookup "outPath" rm ->
+                eq
+                  lp
+                  rp
+          _ -> compareAttrs
+      )
+      l
+ where
+  compareAttrs = alignEqM eq lm rm
   :: (t -> Maybe NixString)
@@ -138,29 +188,42 @@ valueEqM
   -> m Bool
 valueEqM (  Pure x) (  Pure y) = thunkEqM x y
 valueEqM (  Pure x) y@(Free _) = thunkEqM x =<< thunk (pure y)
-valueEqM x@(Free _) (  Pure y) = thunkEqM ?? y =<< thunk (pure x)
+valueEqM x@(Free _) (  Pure y) = (`thunkEqM` y) =<< thunk (pure x)
 valueEqM (Free (NValue (extract -> x))) (Free (NValue (extract -> y))) =
-  valueFEqM (compareAttrSetsM f valueEqM) valueEqM x y
+  valueFEqM
+    (compareAttrSetsM f valueEqM)
+    valueEqM
+    x
+    y
   f =
-      (pure . (\case
+      (pure .
+        (\case
           NVStr s -> pure s
           _       -> mempty
         ) <=< force
-      (pure . \case
-        NVStr' s -> pure s
-        _        -> mempty
+      (pure .
+        \case
+          NVStr' s -> pure s
+          _        -> mempty
 thunkEqM :: (MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m), Comonad f) => t -> t -> m Bool
-thunkEqM lt rt = (=<< force lt) $ \lv -> (=<< force rt) $ \rv ->
-  let unsafePtrEq = case (lt, rt) of
-        (thunkId -> lid, thunkId -> rid) | lid == rid -> pure True
-        _ -> valueEqM lv rv
-  in  case (lv, rv) of
-        (NVClosure _ _, NVClosure _ _) -> unsafePtrEq
-        (NVList _     , NVList _     ) -> unsafePtrEq
-        (NVSet _ _    , NVSet _ _    ) -> unsafePtrEq
-        _                              -> valueEqM lv rv
+thunkEqM lt rt =
+  do
+    lv <- force lt
+    rv <- force rt
+    let
+      unsafePtrEq =
+        case (lt, rt) of
+          (thunkId -> lid, thunkId -> rid) | lid == rid -> pure True
+          _                                             -> valueEqM lv rv
+    case (lv, rv) of
+      (NVClosure _ _, NVClosure _ _) -> unsafePtrEq
+      (NVList _     , NVList _     ) -> unsafePtrEq
+      (NVSet _ _    , NVSet _ _    ) -> unsafePtrEq
+      _                              -> valueEqM lv rv