Releases: hashgraph/guardian
v2.24.1: hotfix for policy replay and side navigation bar issues
This is a hotfix release to fix the following issues:
- #3606 - Policies with a side navigation bar work incorrectly when the cache is turned on
- #3621 - Error when using the "Record/Run" function in Guardian
Please see the original 2.24.0 release notes for the full functionality scope of the main release.
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v2.24.0: Live data migrations, Fireblocks support
- Live project (data) migration across Policies, across Guardian instances #3176
- FireBlocks Raw Signing Integration #1314
- Development of ACM0001: Flaring or Use of Landfill Gas #2874
- Front-end and Back-end optimisations and performance improvements #3520
- DLT to Address Flawed Methodologies Blog #2906
- Changing Tools while importing policy #3446
- Convert Guardian from 'old' CommonJS (CJS) modules to 'new' ECMAScript (ESM) modules #3140
- docs: add instruction for launch cache container in readme file #3599
- Update documentation for IPFS provider filebase for use on gitbook #3545
- Setting up Methodology Library for Hackathon methodologies #3398
Bug Fixes
- The policy import process is taking a lot of time #3510
- Imported schemas not populating after refresh #3381
- Update for redirection links #3424
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v2.23.1: hotfix to remove T&C screen
This is a hotfix release to remove the T&C screen to simplify user instantiation of Guardian instance
Please see the original 2.23.0 release notes for the full functionality scope of the main release.
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v2.23.0: Hedera DID conformance, new policies and minting fixes
v2.22.0: support for external DIDs, new policies
- Support externally-controlled DIDs with verification method keys in Guardian #2678
- Mitigation Credits Research #54
- Development of AMS-I.D: Grid Connected Renewable Electricity Generation – v.18.0 #2919
- Development of AMS-III.AV.: Low Greenhouse Gas Emitting Safe Drinking Water Production Systems #2880
- Development of AMS-II.J.: Demand-Side Activities for Efficient Lighting Technologies #2885
- [🎯 Target v2.17.1+] Filebase Integration as Custom IPFS Provider and Future-proofing IPFS Expansion (no branch exists) #3147
- Development of AMS-III.H.: Methane Recovery in Wastewater Treatment #2881
Bug Fixes
- Standard Registry Creation Issue in V.2.21.1 #3269
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v2.17.1: hotfix adding Filebase support
This is a hotfix release adding support for Filebase IPFS service following the changes in the API.
Please see the original 2.17.0 release notes for the full functionality scope of the main release.
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v2.21.1: hotfix addressing the worker settings update propagation issue
This is a hotfix release addressing the issue with the propagation of the IPFS settings after the update from the UI. It is now possible to update both IPFS_STORAGE_KEY
Please see the original 2.21.0 release notes for the functionality scope of the main release.
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v2.21.0: schemas excel import/export, discontinuing policies, unfccc features, raster images mvp
Features and Enhancements
- Business user Policy development - schemas MVP #1885
- Implement discontinuing policy workflow #2030
- Geographic raster imagery support in Guardian #1930
- UI upgrade, AI search and project comparison #2850
- Gold Standard’s Carbon Sequestration through Accelerated Carbonation of Concrete Aggregate Webinar #2321
- Development of ACM0007: Conversion from Single Cycle to Combined Cycle Power Generation #2883
Bug Fixes
- Guardian cannot connect to Hedera Local Node on a different host (gRPC Timeout errors) #3148
- Resizing of policy configurator doesn't work in new UI #3118
- Docker compose not building successfully on macos #3158
- Move gas fee settings for retirement operations in the config #3045
- Unable to create retirement contract after v2.20.1 upgrade #3099
- Topic not created automatically when using Hedera Local Node #3149
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v2.20.1: hotfix introducing w3up API support
This is a hotfix release introducing support for the new w3up API from This release delivers the following updates:
- #2959 - Migrate Guardian to the new API
- Upgraded Node.js libraries to v20.10.0 as per w3up-client javascript library requirements (
Please see the original 2.20.0 release notes for the functionality scope of the main release.
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v2.20.0: policy equivalence by execution results
- Policy equivalence assessment based on their execution results for the same data #1886
- Verra VM0041 Webinar #2312
- Resizing of policy configurator #2991
Bug Fixes
- Hidden fields aren't hidden fully #2955
- "View Trust Chain" link from example does not work #2910
- Number of assets in the trust chain is incorrect #2840
- Guardian policy GET API returns empty data when the remaining pieces of data is more than 200 or when the waiting-approval data is more than 100 #2997
- Pagination of endpoints that handle list of objects needs to be improved #2672
- There is no uniqueness for module's name #2305
- Issue with options removal in some type of blocks #2932
- Issue in MongoDB node module #2909
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- Via github compare: v2.19.1...v2.20.0