The documentation is available at
📁 harvester-v1.1.0-initrd-amd64 📁 harvester-v1.1.0-vmlinuz-amd64 📁 harvester-v1.1.0-rootfs-amd64.squashfs ✅ harvester-v1.1.0-amd64.sha512 📝 harvester-v1.1.0-version.yaml
Harvester can be installed with the ISO image or via PXE boot.
- VM Snapshot support [#553] [Doc]
- VM Clone support without backupstore [#569] [Doc]
- Logging [#577] [Doc]
- Event and audit log [#578] [Doc]
- PCI-E passthrough (and GPU support) [#992] [Doc]
- Dedicated storage network [#1055] [Doc]
- Allowing users to download backing images [#1436]
- Storage Tiering [#2147] [Doc]
- Support multiple VLAN physical interfaces] [#2259] [Doc]
- VM Import/Migration [#2274] [Doc]
- Support upgrade from v1.0.3 to v1.1.0
- Due to the implementation changes, all user VMs must shut down during an upgrade. Please stop the VMs before an upgrade.
- [UI] F keys and Alt-F keys in web VNC interface [#1461]
- Rancher upgrade fail: Failed to find system chart "fleet" [#2011]
- post-upgrade hook of longhorn-storageclass-override.yaml has hidden issue [#2088]
- Promote fail, cluster stays in Provisioning phase [#2191]
- input nic ip and vip with same ip address in Harvester-Installer [#2229]
- rancher-monitoring-grafana is too small and it keeps growing [#2282]
- The project-owner user will see an additional alert [#2288]
- Cluster member and cluster owner see inconsistent statistics [#2310]
- VMIs created from VM Template don't have LiveMigrate evictionStrategy set [#2357]
- Could not bump Longhorn dependency to 1.3.0 [#2404]
- Image upload does not start when HTTP Proxy is configured [#2436]
- [Harvester Node Driver v2] Prevent normal users from creating VMs in harvester-public namespace [#2485]
- Missing update-ca-certificates [#2709]
- Cannot create namespace into a project [#2742]
- v1.1-008b5d50-head, GUI Sends JSON Payload "mtu" & "miimon" Properties as String When Needs To Be Sent As Integer From Front-End [#2805]
- VLAN cannot view detail page [#2815]
- Node Disk Tags Go Missing At Restart Of Node [#2832]
- Bump embedded Rancher to v2.6.9 [#2847]
- Multiple StorageClass can Be Set as "default" [#2863]
- Set Harvester containerd-registry to use default value also cleanup previous status setting [#2873]
- rancher-system-agent keeps showing error on a new node in an upgraded cluster [#2892]
- Upgrade stuck: kube-controller-manager fail to start [#2893]
- VM failed to get IP after node reboot [#2903]
- vm-import-controller status keeps changing [#2905]
- VM can’t boot due to filesystem corruption [#2906]
Install guest agent
is not checked in default templates [#2932]- Unable to use the generate addon script to create RKE config yaml for K3s csi and cloud provider [#2943]
- Node/Disk selector no-options text is wrong [#2965]
Forward-ported features from v1.0.3:
- Support topology aware scheduling of guest cluster workloads [#1418]
- Guest cluster nodes distributed across failure domains [#2316]
- Windows VMs crashing [#2522]
- Unable to provision RKE2 cluster from external Harvester cloud credential [#2590] (Deprecated)
- Can't completely install Harvester cloud provider on K3s v1.24.4 and v1.23.10 cluster [#2998]
- Upgrade
- Upgrade stop at upgrading node3 stage, stuck in Pre-drained status [#3021]
- longhorn-system can't be evicted [#2053]
- Upgrade is stuck in "Pre-drained" state (Volume has too many system snapshots) [#2640]
- Cant's display monitoring dashboard after upgrade, alertmanager, prometheus and grafana monitoring pods Terminating [#2984]
Component | Version |
Longhorn | v1.3.2 |
KubeVirt | v0.54.0 |
Rancher | v2.6.9 |
RKE2 | v1.24.7+rke2r1 |
Thanks to all the contributors that make the Harvester v1.1.0 release possible!
@bk201 @chrisho @DaiYuzeng @divya-mohan0209 @eliaskoromilas @FrankYang0529 @futuretea @guangbochen @ibrokethecloud @irishgordo @joshmeranda @khushboo-rancher @lanfon72 @mantis-toboggan-md @masteryyh @n313893254 @noahgildersleeve @rebeccazzzz @starbops @TachunLin @tjjh89017 @tlehman @ttpcodes @Vicente-Cheng @vickyhella @w13915984028 @WuJun2016 @yaocw2020 @yasker