The utility node currently has two main responsibilities:
- Capture Agent Manager app - this is the app that controls our live stream redundancy switcher
- In a cluster with an attached Zadara VPSA the utility node provides an instance of squid proxy to facilitate more efficient and cheaper backup transfer from Zadar to S3
The capture-agent-manager app is meant to be deployed in the utility layer of a mh cluster.
The capture-agent-manager app is a flask-gunicorn web app to keep capture agent inventory, and provide an api/ui for configuring capture agents, as well as switching from primary to secondary live stream..
There are two ways to get a utility node:
- Say "Y" when prompted during the
task - For an existing cluster...
- Copy/paste the layer config from
into your cluster's layer list - Run
to have opsworks create the layer - Run
to start the utility node
- Copy/paste the layer config from
You'll need to insert the following recipes into the "setup" phase run list:
There is also quite a bit of configuration that needs to go in the custom_json
block of your config
"capture_agent_manager": {
"capture_agent_manager_app_name": "cadash",
"capture_agent_manager_usr_name": "capture_agent_manager",
"capture_agent_manager_gunicorn_log_level": "debug",
"ca_stats_user": "usr",
"ca_stats_passwd": "pwd",
"ca_stats_json_url": "",
"epipearl_user": "usr",
"epipearl_passwd": "pwd",
"ldap_host": "",
"ldap_base_search": "dc=dce,dc=harvard,dc=edu",
"ldap_bind_dn": "cn=usr,dc=ldap,dc=harvard,dc=edu",
"ldap_bind_passwd": "pwd",
"capture_agent_manager_secret_key": "super_secret_key",
"log_config": "/home/capture_agent_manager_name/sites/cadash/logging.yaml",
"capture_agent_manager_git_repo": "",
"capture_agent_manager_git_revision": "master",
"capture_agent_manager_database_usr": "dbusr",
"capture_agent_manager_database_pwd": "dbpwd"
These attributes have defaults:
capture_agent_manager_app_name: "cadash"
name of the flask-gunicorn app
capture_agent_manager_usr_name: "capture_agent_manager"
user that app runs as, and is created during setup
capture_agent_manager_secret_key: "super_secret_key"
you need to set this to a less obvious value. One way to generate a key is via python:
$> python Python 2.7.11 (default, Jan 22 2016, 08:29:18) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import os >>> os.urandom(24) 'r\xe3\x83\x1ad\xe1\xbeI\x02\x86\xb9:J\xdfaah\xda\xb7\x97\x82\x96;G' >>>
capture_agent_manager_gunicorn_log_level: "debug"
change this to "info", "warning", "error"... as needed
log_config: "/home/capture_agent_manager/sites/cadash/logging.yaml"
where the app logging settings live. You might want to change the settings in a different file or edit the defaults. To change default you have to commit new settings in the app git repo (see capture_agent_manager_git_repo below)
ca_stats_user: "usr" and ca_stats_passwd: "pwd"
user and passwd for the capture_agent_status_board page. Change with correct values. In the future, this board will be implemented as part of the capture_agent_manager app and will be deprecated.
ca_stats_json_url: ""
the url for the json provided by the capture_agent_status_board page. Change with correct value.
epipear_user: "usr" and epipearl_passwd: "pwd"
for now, the capture_agent_manager app assumes that all capture agents are epiphan-pearl and that all devices have the same user/password combination for api access. Change with correct values.
ldap_host: ""
ldap hostname, for user authorization in the capture_agent_manager app. Change with correct value -- ask sysops for the production and development hostnames.
ldap_base_search: "dc=some-domain,dc=com"
change with correct value. Folks in sysops can help you with that.
ldap_bind_dn: "cn=fake_usr,dc=some-domain,dc=com" and ldap_bind_passwd: "pwd"
ldap user to consult with ldap for authorization in teh capture_agent_manager app. Again, sysops knows.
capture_agent_manager_git_repo: ""
repo for the capture_agent_manager app. Change only if you are using a fork or, maybe, some other capture_agent_manager app.
capture_agent_manager_git_revision: "master"
git branch or tag for the capture_agent_manager app that you want to deploy.
capture_agent_manager_database_usr: "usr" and capture_agen_manager_pwd: "pwd"
these are placeholders, not used currently in production.
- execute
./bin/rake admin:cluster:init
and./bin/rake stack:instances:start
to initialize and start the new layer/instance.
- an instance in the utility layer running the capture-agent-manager
app:- flask-gunicorn web app with dce-ldap authorization
- redundancy live
to toggle from primary to secondary live streams (when there is a problem with the primary live)
The utility node collect time from each capture agent and calculate the difference (with its local system time, for now good enough) and post the difference as a cloudwatch metric.
To do this add the recipe in the setup phase of the utility node:
And add the capture agent private ssh key to the custom json var
"capture_agent_manager": {
"capture_agent_manager_app_name": "cadash",
"capture_agent_manager_usr_name": "capture_agent_manager",
"capture_agent_manager_gunicorn_log_level": "debug",
"ca_stats_user": "usr",
"ca_stats_passwd": "pwd",
"ca_stats_json_url": "",
"epipearl_user": "usr",
"epipearl_passwd": "pwd",
"ldap_host": "",
"ldap_base_search": "dc=dce,dc=harvard,dc=edu",
"ldap_bind_dn": "cn=usr,dc=ldap,dc=harvard,dc=edu",
"ldap_bind_passwd": "pwd",
"capture_agent_manager_secret_key": "super_secret_key",
"log_config": "/home/capture_agent_manager_name/sites/cadash/logging.yaml",
"capture_agent_manager_git_repo": "",
"capture_agent_manager_git_revision": "master",
"capture_agent_manager_database_usr": "dbusr",
"capture_agent_manager_database_pwd": "dbpwd",
"ca_private_ssh_key": "----- BEGIN PRIVATE KEY -----\nPatatiPatata..."