diff --git a/mmv1/products/alloydb/Cluster.yaml b/mmv1/products/alloydb/Cluster.yaml
index 8e2327a9b9b4..cac4579cc2f9 100644
--- a/mmv1/products/alloydb/Cluster.yaml
+++ b/mmv1/products/alloydb/Cluster.yaml
@@ -135,6 +135,10 @@ properties:
     output: true
     description: |
       The system-generated UID of the resource.
+  - !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
+    name: 'forceMissingTestsCheck'
+    description: |
+      Test field
   - !ruby/object:Api::Type::KeyValueLabels
     name: 'labels'
     description: 'User-defined labels for the alloydb cluster.'
diff --git a/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services/alloydb/resource_alloydb_cluster_restore_test.go b/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services/alloydb/resource_alloydb_cluster_restore_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5288d8ea62f8..000000000000
--- a/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services/alloydb/resource_alloydb_cluster_restore_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-package alloydb_test
-import (
-	"regexp"
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/helper/resource"
-	"github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/google/acctest"
- * Restore tests are kept separate from other cluster tests because they require an instance and a backup to exist
- */
-// Restore tests depend on instances and backups being taken, which can take up to 10 minutes. Since the instance doesn't change in between tests,
-// we condense everything into individual test cases.
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_restore(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydb-instance-restore-1"),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.source",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "cluster_id", "location"},
-			},
-			{
-				// Invalid input check - cannot pass in both sources
-				Config:      testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_OnlyOneSourceAllowed(context),
-				ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("\"restore_continuous_backup_source\": conflicts with restore_backup_source"),
-			},
-			{
-				// Invalid input check - both source cluster and point in time are required
-				Config:      testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_SourceClusterAndPointInTimeRequired(context),
-				ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("The argument \"point_in_time\" is required, but no definition was found."),
-			},
-			{
-				// Validate backup restore succeeds
-				Config: testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackup(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.restored_from_backup",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "cluster_id", "location", "restore_backup_source"},
-			},
-			{
-				// Validate PITR succeeds
-				Config: testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackupAndRestoredFromPointInTime(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.restored_from_point_in_time",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "cluster_id", "location", "restore_continuous_backup_source"},
-			},
-			{
-				// Make sure updates work without recreating the clusters
-				Config: testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackupAndRestoredFromPointInTime_AllowedUpdate(context),
-			},
-			{
-				Config:      testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackupAndRestoredFromPointInTime_NotAllowedUpdate(context),
-				ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("the plan calls for this resource to be\ndestroyed"),
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackupAndRestoredFromPointInTime_AllowDestroy(context),
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "source" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "source" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-resource "google_alloydb_backup" "default" {
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  backup_id    = "tf-test-alloydb-backup%{random_suffix}"
-  cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.source]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// Cannot restore if multiple sources are present
-func testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_OnlyOneSourceAllowed(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "source" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "source" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-resource "google_alloydb_backup" "default" {
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  backup_id    = "tf-test-alloydb-backup%{random_suffix}"
-  cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.source]
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored" {
-  cluster_id             = "tf-test-alloydb-backup-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location               = "us-central1"
-  network                = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_backup_source {
-    backup_name = google_alloydb_backup.default.name
-  }
-  restore_continuous_backup_source {
-    cluster = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-    point_in_time = google_alloydb_backup.default.update_time
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    prevent_destroy = true
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// Cannot restore if multiple sources are present
-func testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_SourceClusterAndPointInTimeRequired(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "source" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "source" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-resource "google_alloydb_backup" "default" {
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  backup_id    = "tf-test-alloydb-backup%{random_suffix}"
-  cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.source]
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored" {
-  cluster_id             = "tf-test-alloydb-backup-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location               = "us-central1"
-  network                = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_continuous_backup_source {
-    cluster = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    prevent_destroy = true
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-func testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackup(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "source" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "source" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-resource "google_alloydb_backup" "default" {
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  backup_id    = "tf-test-alloydb-backup%{random_suffix}"
-  cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.source]
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored_from_backup" {
-  cluster_id            = "tf-test-alloydb-backup-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location              = "us-central1"
-  network               = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_backup_source {
-    backup_name = google_alloydb_backup.default.name
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    prevent_destroy = true
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// The source cluster, instance, and backup should all exist prior to this being invoked. Otherwise the PITR restore will not succeed
-// due to the time being too early.
-func testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackupAndRestoredFromPointInTime(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "source" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "source" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-resource "google_alloydb_backup" "default" {
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  backup_id    = "tf-test-alloydb-backup%{random_suffix}"
-  cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.source]
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored_from_backup" {
-  cluster_id            = "tf-test-alloydb-backup-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location              = "us-central1"
-  network               = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_backup_source {
-    backup_name = google_alloydb_backup.default.name
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    prevent_destroy = true
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored_from_point_in_time" {
-  cluster_id             = "tf-test-alloydb-pitr-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location               = "us-central1"
-  network                = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_continuous_backup_source {
-    cluster = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-    point_in_time = google_alloydb_backup.default.update_time
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    prevent_destroy = true
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// This updates the PITR and backup restored clusters by adding a continuous backup configuration. This can be done in place
-// and does not require re-creating the cluster from scratch.
-func testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackupAndRestoredFromPointInTime_AllowedUpdate(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "source" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "source" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-resource "google_alloydb_backup" "default" {
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  backup_id    = "tf-test-alloydb-backup%{random_suffix}"
-  cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.source]
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored_from_backup" {
-  cluster_id            = "tf-test-alloydb-backup-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location              = "us-central1"
-  network               = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_backup_source {
-    backup_name = google_alloydb_backup.default.name
-  }
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled              = true
-    recovery_window_days = 20
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    prevent_destroy = true
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored_from_point_in_time" {
-  cluster_id             = "tf-test-alloydb-pitr-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location               = "us-central1"
-  network                = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_continuous_backup_source {
-    cluster = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-    point_in_time = google_alloydb_backup.default.update_time
-  }
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled              = true
-    recovery_window_days = 20
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    prevent_destroy = true
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// Updating the source cluster, point in time, or source backup are not allowed. This type of operation would
-// require deleting and recreating the cluster
-func testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackupAndRestoredFromPointInTime_NotAllowedUpdate(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "source" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "source" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-resource "google_alloydb_backup" "default" {
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  backup_id    = "tf-test-alloydb-backup%{random_suffix}"
-  cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.source]
-resource "google_alloydb_backup" "default2" {
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  backup_id    = "tf-test-alloydb-backup2-%{random_suffix}"
-  cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.source]
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored_from_backup" {
-  cluster_id            = "tf-test-alloydb-backup-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location              = "us-central1"
-  network               = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_backup_source {
-    backup_name = google_alloydb_backup.default2.name
-  }
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled              = true
-    recovery_window_days = 20
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    prevent_destroy = true
-  }
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_backup.default2]
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored_from_point_in_time" {
-  cluster_id             = "tf-test-alloydb-pitr-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location               = "us-central1"
-  network                = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_continuous_backup_source {
-    cluster = google_alloydb_cluster.restored_from_backup.name
-    point_in_time = google_alloydb_backup.default.update_time
-  }
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled              = true
-    recovery_window_days = 20
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    prevent_destroy = true
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// The source cluster, instance, and backup should all exist prior to this being invoked. Otherwise the PITR restore will not succeed
-// due to the time being too early.
-func testAccAlloydbClusterAndInstanceAndBackup_RestoredFromBackupAndRestoredFromPointInTime_AllowDestroy(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "source" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "source" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-resource "google_alloydb_backup" "default" {
-  location     = "us-central1"
-  backup_id    = "tf-test-alloydb-backup%{random_suffix}"
-  cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.source]
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored_from_backup" {
-  cluster_id            = "tf-test-alloydb-backup-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location              = "us-central1"
-  network               = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_backup_source {
-    backup_name = google_alloydb_backup.default.name
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "restored_from_point_in_time" {
-  cluster_id             = "tf-test-alloydb-pitr-restored-cluster-%{random_suffix}"
-  location               = "us-central1"
-  network                = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  restore_continuous_backup_source {
-    cluster = google_alloydb_cluster.source.name
-    point_in_time = google_alloydb_backup.default.update_time
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
diff --git a/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services/alloydb/resource_alloydb_cluster_sweeper.go.erb b/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services/alloydb/resource_alloydb_cluster_sweeper.go.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index f801542b1d17..000000000000
--- a/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services/alloydb/resource_alloydb_cluster_sweeper.go.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-<% autogen_exception -%>
-package alloydb
-import (
-	"context"
-	"log"
-	"strings"
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/google/envvar"
-	"github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/google/sweeper"
-	"github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/google/tpgresource"
-	transport_tpg "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/google/transport"
-func init() {
-	sweeper.AddTestSweepers("AlloydbCluster", testSweepAlloydbCluster)
-// At the time of writing, the CI only passes us-central1 as the region
-func testSweepAlloydbCluster(region string) error {
-	resourceName := "AlloydbCluster"
-	log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] Starting sweeper for %s", resourceName)
-	config, err := sweeper.SharedConfigForRegion(region)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] error getting shared config for region: %s", err)
-		return err
-	}
-	err = config.LoadAndValidate(context.Background())
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] error loading: %s", err)
-		return err
-	}
-	t := &testing.T{}
-	billingId := envvar.GetTestBillingAccountFromEnv(t)
-	// Setup variables to replace in list template
-	d := &tpgresource.ResourceDataMock{
-		FieldsInSchema: map[string]interface{}{
-			"project":         config.Project,
-			"region":          region,
-			"location":        region,
-			"zone":            "-",
-			"billing_account": billingId,
-		},
-	}
-<% unless version == 'ga' -%>
-	listTemplate := strings.Split("https://alloydb.googleapis.com/v1beta/projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/clusters", "?")[0]
-<% else -%>
-	listTemplate := strings.Split("https://alloydb.googleapis.com/v1/projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/clusters", "?")[0]
-<% end -%>
-	listUrl, err := tpgresource.ReplaceVars(d, config, listTemplate)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] error preparing sweeper list url: %s", err)
-		return nil
-	}
-	res, err := transport_tpg.SendRequest(transport_tpg.SendRequestOptions{
-		Config:    config,
-		Method:    "GET",
-		Project:   config.Project,
-		RawURL:    listUrl,
-		UserAgent: config.UserAgent,
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] Error in response from request %s: %s", listUrl, err)
-		return nil
-	}
-	resourceList, ok := res["clusters"]
-	if !ok {
-		log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] Nothing found in response.")
-		return nil
-	}
-	rl := resourceList.([]interface{})
-	log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] Found %d items in %s list response.", len(rl), resourceName)
-	// Keep count of items that aren't sweepable for logging.
-	nonPrefixCount := 0
-	for _, ri := range rl {
-		obj := ri.(map[string]interface{})
-		var name string
-		// Id detected in the delete URL, attempt to use id.
-		if obj["id"] != nil {
-			name = tpgresource.GetResourceNameFromSelfLink(obj["id"].(string))
-		} else if obj["name"] != nil {
-			name = tpgresource.GetResourceNameFromSelfLink(obj["name"].(string))
-		} else {
-			log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] %s resource name and id were nil", resourceName)
-			return nil
-		}
-		// Skip resources that shouldn't be sweeped
-		if !sweeper.IsSweepableTestResource(name) {
-			nonPrefixCount++
-			continue
-		}
-		<% unless version == 'ga' -%>
-			deleteTemplate := "https://alloydb.googleapis.com/v1beta/projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/clusters/{{cluster_id}}"
-		<% else -%>
-			deleteTemplate := "https://alloydb.googleapis.com/v1/projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/clusters/{{cluster_id}}"
-		<% end -%>
-		deleteUrl, err := tpgresource.ReplaceVars(d, config, deleteTemplate)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] error preparing delete url: %s", err)
-			return nil
-		}
-		deleteUrl = deleteUrl + name + "?force=true"
-		// Don't wait on operations as we may have a lot to delete
-		_, err = transport_tpg.SendRequest(transport_tpg.SendRequestOptions{
-			Config:    config,
-			Method:    "DELETE",
-			Project:   config.Project,
-			RawURL:    deleteUrl,
-			UserAgent: config.UserAgent,
-		})
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] Error deleting for url %s : %s", deleteUrl, err)
-		} else {
-			log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] Sent delete request for %s resource: %s", resourceName, name)
-		}
-	}
-	if nonPrefixCount > 0 {
-		log.Printf("[INFO][SWEEPER_LOG] %d items were non-sweepable and skipped.", nonPrefixCount)
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services/alloydb/resource_alloydb_secondary_cluster_test.go b/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services/alloydb/resource_alloydb_secondary_cluster_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea15246ddbd..000000000000
--- a/mmv1/third_party/terraform/services/alloydb/resource_alloydb_secondary_cluster_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1744 +0,0 @@
-package alloydb_test
-import (
-	"regexp"
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/helper/resource"
-	"github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/google/acctest"
-// The cluster creation should succeed with minimal number of arguments
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterMandatoryFields(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	// https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/issues/16231
-	acctest.SkipIfVcr(t)
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterMandatoryFields(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterMandatoryFields(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network    = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-east1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "SECONDARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// Validation test to ensure proper error is raised if create secondary cluster is called without any secondary_config field
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterMissingSecondaryConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config:      testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterMissingSecondaryConfig(context),
-				ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("Error creating cluster. Can not create secondary cluster without secondary_config field."),
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterMissingSecondaryConfig(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network    = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-east1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "SECONDARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// Validation test to ensure proper error is raised if secondary_config field is provided but no cluster_type is specified.
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterDefinedSecondaryConfigButMissingClusterTypeSecondary(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	// Unskip in https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/issues/16231
-	acctest.SkipIfVcr(t)
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config:      testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterDefinedSecondaryConfigButMissingClusterTypeSecondary(context),
-				ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("Error creating cluster. Add {cluster_type: \"SECONDARY\"} if attempting to create a secondary cluster, otherwise remove the secondary_config."),
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterDefinedSecondaryConfigButMissingClusterTypeSecondary(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network    = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-east1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// Validation test to ensure proper error is raised if secondary_config field is provided but cluster_type is primary
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterDefinedSecondaryConfigButClusterTypeIsPrimary(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config:      testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterDefinedSecondaryConfigButClusterTypeIsPrimary(context),
-				ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("Error creating cluster. Add {cluster_type: \"SECONDARY\"} if attempting to create a secondary cluster, otherwise remove the secondary_config."),
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterDefinedSecondaryConfigButClusterTypeIsPrimary(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network    = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-east1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// This test passes if secondary cluster can be updated
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterUpdate(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterMandatoryFields(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterUpdate(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterUpdate(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network    = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-east1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "SECONDARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  labels = {
-    foo = "bar"
-  }
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// Test if adding automatedBackupPolicy throws an error as it can not be enabled on secondary cluster
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterAddAutomatedBackupPolicy(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"hour":          23,
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterMandatoryFields(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				// Invalid input check - can not add automated backup policy to a secondary cluster
-				Config:      testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterAddAutomatedBackupPolicy(context),
-				ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("cannot enable automated backups on secondary cluster until it is promoted"),
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterAddAutomatedBackupPolicy(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network    = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-east1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "SECONDARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  automated_backup_policy {
-    location      = "us-central1"
-    backup_window = "1800s"
-    enabled       = true
-    weekly_schedule {
-      days_of_week = ["MONDAY"]
-      start_times {
-        hours   = %{hour}
-        minutes = 0
-        seconds = 0
-        nanos   = 0
-      }
-    }
-    quantity_based_retention {
-      count = 1
-    }
-    labels = {
-      test = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-    }
-  }
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterUsingCMEK(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"key_name":      "tf-test-key-" + acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterUsingCMEK(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterUsingCMEK(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-east1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "SECONDARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  encryption_config {
-    kms_key_name = google_kms_crypto_key.key.id
-  }
-  depends_on = [
-    google_alloydb_instance.primary,
-    google_kms_crypto_key_iam_member.crypto_key
-  ]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-resource "google_kms_key_ring" "keyring" {
-  name     = "%{key_name}"
-  location = "us-east1"
-resource "google_kms_crypto_key" "key" {
-  name     = "%{key_name}"
-  key_ring = google_kms_key_ring.keyring.id
-resource "google_kms_crypto_key_iam_member" "crypto_key" {
-  crypto_key_id = google_kms_crypto_key.key.id
-  role          = "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"
-  member = "serviceAccount:service-${data.google_project.project.number}@gcp-sa-alloydb.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-`, context)
-// Ensures secondary cluster creation works with networkConfig.
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterWithNetworkConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterWithNetworkConfig(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterWithNetworkConfig(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network_config {
-	network    = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${data.google_compute_network.default.name}"
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-east1"
-  network_config {
-	network    = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${data.google_compute_network.default.name}"
-  }
-  cluster_type = "SECONDARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// Ensures secondary cluster creation works with networkConfig and a specified allocated IP range.
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterWithNetworkConfigAndAllocatedIPRange(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"address_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedTestGlobalAddress(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterWithNetworkConfigAndAllocatedIPRange(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterWithNetworkConfigAndAllocatedIPRange(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network_config {
-	network    = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${data.google_compute_network.default.name}"
-	allocated_ip_range = data.google_compute_global_address.private_ip_alloc.name
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-east1"
-  network_config {
-	network    = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${data.google_compute_network.default.name}"
-	allocated_ip_range = data.google_compute_global_address.private_ip_alloc.name
-  }
-  cluster_type = "SECONDARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-data "google_compute_global_address" "private_ip_alloc" {
-  name          =  "%{address_name}"
-`, context)
-// This test passes if secondary cluster can be promoted
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromote(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"random_suffix":              acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"secondary_cluster_location": "us-east1",
-		"network_name":               acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstance(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromote(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstance(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "SECONDARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  deletion_policy = "FORCE"
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromote(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// This test passes if secondary cluster can be promoted and updated simultaneously
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndSimultaneousUpdate(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"random_suffix":              acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"secondary_cluster_location": "us-east1",
-		"network_name":               acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstance(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndSimultaneousUpdate(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndSimultaneousUpdate(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = true
-  }
-  labels = {
-    foo = "bar" 
-  }  
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// This test passes if secondary cluster can be promoted and the original primary can be deleted after promotion
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndDeleteOriginalPrimary(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"random_suffix":              acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"secondary_cluster_location": "us-east1",
-		"network_name":               acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstance(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromote(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndDeleteOriginalPrimary(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndDeleteOriginalPrimary(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// This test passes if the promoted secondary cluster can be updated
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndUpdate(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"random_suffix":              acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"secondary_cluster_location": "us-east1",
-		"network_name":               acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstance(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromote(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndUpdate(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndUpdate(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  labels = {
-    foo = "bar"
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// This test passes if secondary cluster can be promoted with networkConfig and a specified allocated IP range
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteWithNetworkConfigAndAllocatedIPRange(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"random_suffix": acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"network_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"address_name":  acctest.BootstrapSharedTestGlobalAddress(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstanceAndNetworkConfigAndAllocatedIPRange(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteWithNetworkConfigAndAllocatedIPRange(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstanceAndNetworkConfigAndAllocatedIPRange(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network_config {
-    network    = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${data.google_compute_network.default.name}"
-    allocated_ip_range = data.google_compute_global_address.private_ip_alloc.name
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-south1"
-  network_config {
-    network    = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${data.google_compute_network.default.name}"
-    allocated_ip_range = data.google_compute_global_address.private_ip_alloc.name
-  }
-  cluster_type = "SECONDARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  secondary_config {
-    primary_cluster_name = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  }
-  deletion_policy = "FORCE"
-  depends_on = [google_alloydb_instance.primary]
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-data "google_compute_global_address" "private_ip_alloc" {
-  name          =  "%{address_name}"
-`, context)
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteWithNetworkConfigAndAllocatedIPRange(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network_config {
-    network    = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${data.google_compute_network.default.name}"
-    allocated_ip_range = data.google_compute_global_address.private_ip_alloc.name
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "us-south1"
-  network_config {
-    network    = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${data.google_compute_network.default.name}"
-    allocated_ip_range = data.google_compute_global_address.private_ip_alloc.name
-  }
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-data "google_compute_global_address" "private_ip_alloc" {
-  name          =  "%{address_name}"
-`, context)
-// This test passes if automated backup policy and inital user can be added and deleted from the promoted secondary cluster
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndAddAndDeleteAutomatedBackupPolicyAndInitialUser(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"random_suffix":              acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"secondary_cluster_location": "us-south1",
-		"network_name":               acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-		"hour":                       23,
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstance(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromote(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndAddAutomatedBackupPolicyAndInitialUser(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromote(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndAddAutomatedBackupPolicyAndInitialUser(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  initial_user {
-    user     = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-    password = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  }
-  automated_backup_policy {
-    location      = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-    backup_window = "1800s"
-    enabled       = true
-    weekly_schedule {
-      days_of_week = ["MONDAY"]
-      start_times {
-        hours   = %{hour}
-        minutes = 0
-        seconds = 0
-        nanos   = 0
-      }
-    }
-    quantity_based_retention {
-      count = 1
-    }
-    labels = {
-      test = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-    }
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// This test passes if time based retention policy can be added and deleted from the promoted secondary cluster
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndDeleteTimeBasedRetentionPolicy(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"random_suffix":              acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"secondary_cluster_location": "us-south1",
-		"network_name":               acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstance(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromote(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteWithTimeBasedRetentionPolicy(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteWithoutTimeBasedRetentionPolicy(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteWithTimeBasedRetentionPolicy(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  initial_user {
-    user     = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-    password = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  }
-  automated_backup_policy {
-    location      = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-    backup_window = "1800s"
-    enabled       = true
-    weekly_schedule {
-      days_of_week = ["MONDAY"]
-      start_times {
-        hours   = 23
-        minutes = 0
-        seconds = 0
-        nanos   = 0
-      }
-    }
-    time_based_retention {
-      retention_period = "4.5s"
-    }
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [
-      automated_backup_policy[0].time_based_retention
-    ]
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteWithoutTimeBasedRetentionPolicy(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled = false
-  }
-  initial_user {
-    user     = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-    password = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  }
-  automated_backup_policy {
-    location      = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-    backup_window = "1800s"
-    enabled       = true
-    weekly_schedule {
-      days_of_week = ["MONDAY"]
-      start_times {
-        hours   = 23
-        minutes = 0
-        seconds = 0
-        nanos   = 0
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [
-      automated_backup_policy[0].time_based_retention
-    ]
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)
-// This test passes if continuous backup config can be enabled in the promoted secondary cluster
-func TestAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndAddContinuousBackupConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	context := map[string]interface{}{
-		"random_suffix":              acctest.RandString(t, 10),
-		"secondary_cluster_location": "us-south1",
-		"network_name":               acctest.BootstrapSharedServiceNetworkingConnection(t, "alloydbinstance-network-config-1"),
-	}
-	acctest.VcrTest(t, resource.TestCase{
-		PreCheck:                 func() { acctest.AccTestPreCheck(t) },
-		ProtoV5ProviderFactories: acctest.ProtoV5ProviderFactories(t),
-		CheckDestroy:             testAccCheckAlloydbClusterDestroyProducer(t),
-		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbInstance_secondaryClusterWithInstance(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromote(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-			{
-				Config: testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndAddContinuousBackupConfig(context),
-			},
-			{
-				ResourceName:            "google_alloydb_cluster.secondary",
-				ImportState:             true,
-				ImportStateVerify:       true,
-				ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"initial_user", "restore_backup_source", "restore_continuous_backup_source", "cluster_id", "location", "deletion_policy", "labels", "annotations", "terraform_labels", "reconciling"},
-			},
-		},
-	})
-func testAccAlloydbCluster_secondaryClusterPromoteAndAddContinuousBackupConfig(context map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return acctest.Nprintf(`
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "primary" {
-  cluster_id = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location   = "us-central1"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "primary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.primary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-primary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = "PRIMARY"
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "secondary" {
-  cluster_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-cluster%{random_suffix}"
-  location     = "%{secondary_cluster_location}"
-  network      = data.google_compute_network.default.id
-  cluster_type = "PRIMARY"
-  continuous_backup_config {
-    enabled              = true
-    recovery_window_days = 14
-  }
-resource "google_alloydb_instance" "secondary" {
-  cluster       = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.name
-  instance_id   = "tf-test-alloydb-secondary-instance%{random_suffix}"
-  instance_type = google_alloydb_cluster.secondary.cluster_type
-  machine_config {
-    cpu_count = 2
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [instance_type]
-  }
-data "google_project" "project" {}
-data "google_compute_network" "default" {
-  name = "%{network_name}"
-`, context)